How do I change the deployment path for Linux? - linux

Using Delphi 11 Alexandria on a Windows 10 PC. I am deploying to a Cloud "Linux" server. This works, but the path it uses on Linux is too convoluted and not what I want.
The DocWiki tells me to change the Remote Machine Information in the "Connection Profile". But I am unable to see any such field.
So, how do I change the path on the Linux machine?

One place to set the target directory for each deployment file is from the Delphi main menu: Project -> Deployment where you can select a given Platform and Release type. Can edit the field directly in the list shown.
Note that by default PAServer runs in restricted mode and will not place files outside of the scratch directory. Look at the docs for PAServer for the command line parameter to run unrestricted.


How to use a folder and file with the same name but different case from github in windows 10?

I want to clone a github repo that uses two different files/folders:
\packages\ - Folder
\Packages - File
However, due to windows not using Case Sensitive File/Directory Names, this isnt working, it gives me the error that the folder cant be renamed because a file already has the same name.
The program that uses this project REQUIRES that there be a no-extension binary text file Packages (Its like a giant file full of control files (If you recognize linux debian youll understand)
But it also requires a folder named \packages\ to hold the json files containing the config data for each control file within Packages
This question is an updated form of this previous question, which is outdated, and doesnt have an answer that solves the problem: Working in git with directories with the same name but different case in Windows
From Windows 10's update in April of 2018, they added a feature to "enable" case-sensitivity on specific directories.
I simply used the command on my github storage directory and now my project works fine.
To use the feature: Open a command prompt window (I dont believe this requires Administrator, it didnt for me)
Copy the full directory path to the folder you want to enable the flag on, type in the console:
fsutil.exe file SetCaseSensitiveInfo #:\Path\To\Directory\Here enable
Paste your C:/D:/E: or whatever Drive path into the location above. Then hit enter.
You DO NOT need to restart your computer, the flag seems to take effect immediately
Info sourced from:

Setting up Windows Pycharm to use Git on my linux server

So I'm trying to do something probably pretty simple but can't figure it out of course. I have a VM on my network running CentOS and I installed Git using the guide. Now I'm on my Windows PC using Pycharm trying to setup Git but the setup asks for where the git.exe file is and can't seem to navigate to my CentOS VM within pycharm to point it anywhere. I tried \IP Address but that didn't work. Is there somewhere on the Linux vm I need to do to allow the windows Pycharm to reach it? I'm new to this on both sides lol.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to access a Git-Repository in your local Linux network. In that case you need to be able to access these files with your Windows machine in order to push/fetch your changes from/to it. A simple way to do it, could be set up file sharing as explained here link and then clone and handle it as any local Git-Repository (see e.g. link - with local Repos the file path is used instead of the URL).
An even simpler way could be to create a hosted online Git-Repository (e.g. on Github) even if you are a sole contributor, maybe make it a private one, if you don't want to make the contents public.

Required production files for custom modules

I created some custom modules and Visual Studio drops the build files directly into the Kofax Bin directory. It is important to note that I'm using the modules as Winforms applications and Windows services (at the same time). The generated files are
I think that I only need the .exe file here. Of course I also add the .aex file to the directory to install the module. I also created two batch files to register the module on the local machine
RegAscEx.exe MyModule.aex
and to install the module as a Windows service
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe" "%~dp0MyModule.exe"
after running them as administrator I can delete them from the directory of course. I would like to know if it should be always fine to provide the .exe file, .aex file and the two batch files (which will be deleted later) only?
Basically correct. Some thoughts:
Build your application using the Release configuration (vs Debug). See discussion here.
PDB files usually are not needed in production. Still, you may want to generate and keep them if you plan on debugging in production.
The app.config file should be kept. Maybe you want to use application settings later on, and the supportedRuntime element is useful if someone wants to run your CM on a machine without that version of .NET framework being present (Windows will show a nice error message)
Keep the AEX file. This is required if someone wants to register your CM on another machine (e.g. deploying from DEV > TEST > PROD).
Include a single batch file that allows registering your CM on a new machine as well as adding it to Kofax Capture. Here's an example:
rem "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" SmartCAP.CM.Sample.dll /codebase /tlb:SmartCAP.CM.Sample.tlb
rem RegAscSc.exe /f Register.inf
Another thing I usually include is the ability to install my CM in a similar fashion to native KC modules, for example: SmartCAP.CM.Sample.exe -install and SmartCAP.CM.Sample.exe -uninstall. Take a look at the AssemblyInstaller class for details.

How do I specify a File manager in Idea running in Openbox in Linux?

I've been developing in Idea on Linux for a little while now and am getting used to it after the initial pain of transitioning from Eclipse.
One of my problems has been how to configure the file manager. I'm running Openbox on Arch Linux and I can't see an obvious way (despite some extensive Googling) to specify a default file manager and I'm not sure if Idea would use it if I did.
Does anyone know how to specify the file manager in Idea for Openbox on Linux?
Click IDE Settings -> External Tools, and then click the Add button.
Specify the tool - like in this screenshot:
Basically you can specify any external program you want.
The program path should point to the binary file you want to use as a file manager (for example thunar is a great one: /usr/bin/thunar (you can find the correct path by executing "$which thunar" in a terminal)).
The parameter & working dir should be "$FilePath$" & "$FileDir$ (or you can choose other variables if you prefer different functionality)

Based on my requirements, should I use NSIS or jprofiler/install4j

We have a web application that we need to make easier to deploy for our clients.
The current workflow for a fresh install:
Ensure there is a JRE on machine (32 or 64bit)
Install Tomcat (32 or 64bit)
Create a database in Oracle or SQL Server (we provide SQL scripts for this)
Write some values into our settings table, like hostname. (Can get user to verify these, but dont want user to have to tap them in.
Create a connections properties file (we provide a mini JAR app to help with this) that will sit under Tomcat.
We have two WAR files for our actual web application. These can be split across two machines, but for now, lets assume they both get dumped under Tomcat.
Start Tomcat so that it deploys the WARs
This is a tedious process for our users
I want to encapsulate it into an installer and have been looking at doing this in NSIS which seems to have a large community, but then also stumbled across install4j, which although seems to be lesser known, is more specific to java based applications.
Just wanted to get some feedback from more experiennced users out there on the best choice for platform.
I do not want to get half way in, and then realise I have chosen the wrong installer platform.
Disclaimer: My company develops install4j.
First of all, install4j is a commercial tool, so that's a considerable difference to NSIS. Other major differences are:
install4j is a multi-platform installer builder for Windows, Mac OS X and all POSIX compatible Linux and Unix platforms.
install4j's main focus is for installing Java-based applications, for example it handles the creation of launchers and services and provides several strategies for bundling JREs. Many things that you need for a Java application will work out of the box.
install4j provides its own IDE which focuses on ease of use
Scripting is done in Java. The IDE provides a built-in editor with code-completion and error analysis. Actions, screens and form components have a wide range of "script properties" that allow you to customize the behavior of the installer.
For install4j, I can address your single requirements:
Ensure there is a JRE on machine (32 or 64bit)
In the media wizard, select a JRE bundle. If you select the "dynamic bundle" option, it will only be downloaded if no suitable JRE is found.
Install Tomcat (32 or 64bit)
I would recommend to simply add the root directory of an existing tomcat installation to your distribution tree.
As for the service, you can either use the Tomcat service launcher from the Tomcat distribution or create a service launcher in install4j. In both case you can use the "Install a service" action on order to install the service.
Generated services have the advantage that an update installer knows that they are running and automatically shuts them down before installing any new files.
Create a database in Oracle or SQL Server (we provide SQL scripts for this)
Use the "Run executable or batch file" action in order to run these scripts.
Write some values into our settings table, like hostname. (Can get user to verify these,
but dont want user to have to tap them in.
Any kind of user interaction is done with configurable forms. With a couple of text field form components you can query your settings.
This also works transparently in the console installer and the automatically generated response file will allow you to automate installations in unattended mode based on a single execution of the GUI installer.
Create a connections properties file (we provide a mini JAR app to help with this) that
will sit under Tomcat.
If you already have a JAR file which does that, just add it under Installer->Custom Code & Resources and add a "Run script" action to your installer to use the classes in your JAR file.
Any user input from form components that has been saved to installer variables can be accessed with calls like
in the script property of the "Run script" action (or any other script in install4j).
We have two WAR files for our actual web application. These can be split across two
machines, but for now, lets assume they both get dumped under Tomcat.
If you just add the Tomcat directory structure to your distribution tree, you can have these WAR file pre-deployed. Otherwise you can use "Copy file" actions to place the WAR files anywhere.
Start Tomcat so that it deploys the WARs
That's done with the "Start a service" action.
