I need all users details from ADFS using c# in single outgoing claim - c#-4.0

hi I created the custom claim for that so please check the below claim which is created by me:
c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"] =] issue(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname"), query = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person));mail,givenName;{0}", param = c.Value);
But in this case, I got all emails in an outgoing claim (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress ), Also get all the givenname in another outgoing claim (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname).
Please check the below Screenshot of how I got the values of email and name right now from the adfs using code of C#.
But I need in a single outgoing claim like email= abc#gmail.com, Givenname=abc (with any comma separate or any separator), I need both email and given name in one single outgoing claim.
I already generate this same in the Microsoft Ignite forum: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/566015/how-to-get-all-users-of-adfs-with-all-attributes-e.html
Can you please help me to get all user's details from adfs using windows account login and get all user's details?

You can't out of the box.
That's not how claims work.
You could use a custom attribute store.
You could also combine the claims into a single type.
See this under "Combining Claim Values".


Include the EmployeeID as claims in tokens in Azure AD

I need to add the employeeid as claim notification in token, I used the tutorial of this link:
I did all steps, but my token is not returning the employeeid:
I did this configuration with graph api, where I create the policy and bind it with the service principal:
If I check this configuration, it seems to be correct:
I have followed all the steps correctly, and I can't include the employeeid in the token, what is happening? thanks.
Assuming this is an access token you are requesting, you could check two things:1.The claims mapping policy should be attached to the resource (api) service principal/application id for which you are requesting the access token 2. You need to update the application manifest as mentioned towards the end of the document you shared.
I tried to reproduce in my environment getting the employeeid successfully
Make sure you have choose your Application object ID
For your Reference :

ServiceNow Azure SSO integration

I have been trying to create an SSO from Azure to ServiceNow. However, I am stuck at this error.
User: 6pGO5pzp9boSuAj82Cj6bK8aBeet9HKUdhNfUzalsKI= not found Ensure
that the user you are trying the test connection with is present in
the system. Ensure that 'User Field' property value corresponds to the
value set in the IDP returned through 'Subject NameID' in the
I have tried different ID Policies. All of them give the same error though. This is the one I am using
Can anyone helpout a little?
I was getting this same error until I changed the NameID Policy to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
User Field (under advanced): user_name
Type cache.do in filter navigator. Press enter.
Clear your browser cache.
Test connection.
See if that works and let me know.

Generate Display Name with Azure function and API connector Azure B2C

I'm using the azure b2c sign-up policy(built-in policy) in my application. I am getting the first name and last name from the user during sign-up. Since I am not taking display name, so display name is getting saved as unknown.
I am thinking of creating an azure function that will update the display name as firstname_lastname and link it to user flow as an API connector. Can you please let me know if you have tried the same. It will be great if I can get a sample azure function code for the same.
You can definitely do this in a custom policy.
However, for the API connector, the docs say that the claim returned "overrides any value that has already been provided by a user in the attribute collection page". You haven't provided "displayName" so this may not be possible.
There are some function quick starts here.
In your case, the claims names in the API are:
"displayName" = "givenName" + " " + "surname"

How to get user group in nodejs using passport-azure-ad

i am using nodejs passport-azure-ad for AD authentication with OIDCStrategy. Every thing is working fine but i am not able to fetch correct groups. Although i update responseType: 'code id_token', and getting groups id as well but groups are different from the azure portal showing.
I am not sure about your scenario . If you wan to get group claims by setting groupMembershipClaims property in manifest . Your choices for setting the groupMembershipClaims property are null (the default), All or SecurityGroup. If you choose SecurityGroup you will get group claims in the JWT token for just security groups the user is a member of. If you choose All you will get group claims in the JWT token for security groups and distribution lists the user is a member of. If you want to just get security groups the user is a member of , you should set value to SecurityGroup , then you will find group object IDs now provided in the claims . You could check that value with object id value in group property from azure portal .
If your question is getting group name with group object id in token claims , please provide more details about that, for example , which api you are using .
If i misunderstand your scenario , please feel free to let me know .

Is there an API to get the tenant ID for a give name?

If i have a tenant name such as "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" can i get the tenantID using an API call?
I have already checked the API for Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceGroup
You can simply call https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantDomain/.well-known/openid-configuration and get the tenant id from there. Just parse the JSON it returns and get the tenant id from it - for example from issuer.
Full info can be found here.
The call doesn't have to be authenticated so it is very simple to call.
You can get the name of the tenant you are logged into by calling
see here for details
This will give you a list of all tenants that you authorized for.
This is actually listed under 'Tenants' rather than resource groups.
Te easiest way to get tenantID is to find it in Azure portal. Please click -> APPLICATION -> VIEW ENDPOINT. like the following screenshot:
If you want to use C# to get the tenant ID from the name. Please try to get the JWT token first (use the user under the "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" to sign in). The JWT token will contain tid. "tid" means tenant id. Refer to this article for more details.
Then we can use the following code to get the tenant id:
var token = new JwtSecurityToken(jwtToken);
var oid = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(m=>m.Type == "tid").Value;
