Question Regarding week relationships on views - schemacrawler

Can we create week relationships on views (or) there is any solution to create informative constraints against view instead of table for ER diagram creation


Designing a DW Model Diagram

I am tasked with modeling out a rough design of a DW. Main purpose is for searching property information and files, orders that are opened on said properties.
I am struggling with the structure when it comes to A File(Parent level transaction) and order. Files are first opened and then orders are opened under those files. This can be a many to many relationship. I was informed that the main Fact table would be the order and the file would be a degenerate dimension.
But there are other tables like Parties on Orders and Files (i.e. property owner, real estate agent etc) OrderParty and FileParty that need to be considered too.
Any thoughts on how to start this model design?
Dimensional models should be designed based on the queries that they need to answer, not on the structure of any source tables.
Define what you want to measure and this will give you your facts; then define how you want to filter and aggregate these facts and that will give you your dimensions

How to represent a many to many relationship in a uml class diagram

I have a question about a UML class diagram. Do many to many relationships have a junction table like in ERD diagrams or not? it would make sense for me having a junction table to put the quantity of items in there. Here is what I have but without a junction table
Sure there is. And it's called associaton class. The notation is like this:
This is a shortcut for
The OrderItem relates Item and PurchaseOrder by adding what ever needed (quantity, rebate, etc.) to it.

Add database and interface CRUD functions to class diagram

I am creating a class diagram.
1)Read Employee data from Active Directory
2) Add Employee detail to SQL Employee table
3) Read Details from XML file and update SQL table
4) update the employee detail in active directory
I have created a class for employee , XML file and a class for Linq to SQL crud functions and another class for the Linq to LDAP.
I am not sure if i need to add all the crud operations and logging functions into the class diagram
It is impossible to answer your question unless you provide more information. Do you have any specific design rules which tell what needs to be specified in the class diagram and what doesn't need to be specified in it? If there are no such rules, I would first consider adding the database layer functions to the class diagram and if the class diagram becomes too complicated then perhaps consider removing these.
This might be a good moment to have a discussion with the other team members what rules are used to make the class diagrams. What do you want to be in the diagrams and what can be omitted? If different persons have different opinions, then this conflict needs to be resolved somehow quickly because it's not a productive use of people's time to keep endlessly arguing what should be specified in a UML class diagram.

How to generate UML diagram from tables in SQL Server Object Explorer of Visual Studios?

In SQL Server Object Explorer, I see a list of tables under "Tables" under my database within the "Databases" directory. How do I automatically create a UML diagram of these tables. How do I do this?
UML has no diagram for database content.
Classes from class diagram can be implemented as DB tables. They CAN model simple tables. But if you have a table with inner references, it could be modelled as one or several classes. And nobody except you can say exactly how many classes will be got from a table.
MS Visio has non-UML Database diagram. THEY have Table element and surely, can be generated from most of the DBs. Look here

UML for a business rules

I want to create a class diagram UML for a part or bundle of my wbesite. This part contains three sub-parts :
Job : I want to show a list of jobs by date (title, date of job, location, deadline)
When I click on a job in list, I hope to have details of the job (title, description...)
Administration of list of jobs (delete, create, edit...)
I can imagine the template of view to create it but I hope to create a class diagram UML for Business Rules (class abstract,method,object...) to use after I create my code.
I'm not very professional in UML. Can someone give me an exepmle of graph or schema to create it, a prediction for method and object to use it in template.
Here is an example from some of my old college coursework. It may be of some use. Sorry if I can't help you further as I too am starting out professionally.
