While programming I'm often dumping call stack frames to my logfiles so I can see how we got to this point, etc. To avoid clutter, I want to "fold" them out of the way most of the time.
Stack frames have this pattern:
Normal logfile information that is not part of the frame
0# first line of the frame <fold>
1# next line of the frame <fold>
... ...
99# main <fold>
More information that is not part of the frame
I have been using "foldmethod=manual" and going to the lines that begin with 0# and typing zf} (which says to fold until the next blank line). If I build a macro to do this on all the 0# lines, then it does exactly what I expect. My logfile will correctly look like this:
Normal logfile information that is not part of the frame
+ 0# first line of the frame <fold>
More information that is not part of the frame
Instead, I want to do this fold automatically using foldmethod=expr. My approach is...
I have a vim syntax file for my logfiles, and define these three lines:
set foldexpr=(getline(v:1num)[0]==\"^\\s*\\d+#\")?1:0
set foldmethod=expr
set foldenable
I've also tried set foldexpr=getline(v:1num)=~'^\\s*\\d+#' and set foldexpr=getline(v:1num)=~'^\\s*\\d+\\#'
The pattern I use (to define a foldlevel of '1') is:
start of line
0 or more whitespace
1 or more digits
the hash/pound/octothorpe character
All other lines should have a foldlevel of '0'.
Once loaded in vim, using :set I can see these options as I expect:
No joy. No folds. How can I debug this? What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
edit: I have vim 7.4 "huge", that was compiled with "+folding".
In vim I want to visually make transparent the space I have to write a text in markdown. I use hard wrapping with textwidth=79. I know by some calculation that I'll have 20 lines for a chapter for example. So, what I do is inserting 20 empty lines to get a visual feeling for what I can write. After writing some lines, I manually delete the number of lines already written from the empty lines, so that the visual impression still is correct.
What I want to do, is to automate this deletion process. That means I want vim to automatically remove one line below the last written line if this line is empty and after vim automatically started a new line because I reached 79 characters in the line before. How can I do this?
I know that there are autocommands in vim but I haven't found an <event> that fits to the action: after vim automatically hard wraps a line / reached new line in insert (or however you would like to describe it)
I don't think there's an event for that particular action but there's a buffer-local option called formatexpr that gq & co will use, if set. So you can write a function that inspects any placeholder whitespace, if existing. That function can call the text format command gqq to maintain original feel (+ the cursor movement to the new, empty line).
I have text files which are simply lists with no paragraphs.
When I want to focus on an item, I am able to fold everything except for matches to my search, thanks to Vim Wikia (Tip 282 :"Simple Folding") :
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)!~#/
:nnoremap <F8> :set foldmethod=expr<CR><Bar>zM
This proves to be useful : thus I can see very clearly the items I am looking for : they appear in white on a black background, whereas the folds are darkgrey (ctermfg) on grey (ctermbg).
But there is a - minor - glitch. It may happen (and, in fact, it often happens) that a single line not containing the pattern remains between two lines containing the pattern, eg :
1 pattern
2 not pattern
3 not pattern
4 pattern
5 not pattern
6 pattern
Simple foldind will fold away lines 2 and 3, not line 5.
How should I proceed to hide away this single line ?
Is there a way to fold zero line (this reminds me of the koan about one hand clapping…) ? I suppose that this is not possible.
So, is there a way to simply hide the line (e.g. with the same highlighting as the folds) with a function ?
try to set another option:
set fml=0
for details about this option:
:h 'fml'
relevant to your question:
With the default value of
one a fold can only be closed if it takes up two or more screen lines.
Set to zero to be able to close folds of just one screen line.
I want to copy paste some lines in vi.
I have a text like
python class1 def:
code code code
code code code
last line class1
python class2 def:
code code code
code code code
I want to copy the whole class1. I was trying to do it with yNy, so I needed to get N, that is, to count the number of lines the class has.
Then I thought it would be good to get the line number of python class1 def: (let's say X) and the last line class1 (Y), calculate N=Y-X, go to the first line of the class and do the yNy. However, I could not figure out how I can get the line numbers.
So, is there any way to know which line I am in? And in general, is there any other way to copy paste a whole block like the one I indicated?
This is my vi version:
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Oct 26 2012 16:44:45)
Included patches: 1-547
The current line number can be obtained by :.=. Ctrl-g gives more details including filename, column information, ...
In order to copy a block, go to the start of the line to be copied 0. Hitting v would start the visual mode. Navigate to the last line to be copied. Yank y. (Visual selection is now in buffer.)
Using only normal mode commands:
You can do y} to yank everything from the current line to and including the next empty line, delimiting what Vim considers to be a "paragraph". This may or may not work depending on your coding style.
Still using the notion of "paragraph", you can do yip or yap from anywhere in a "paragraph".
You can set the number option which allows you to see absolute line numbers and therefore be able to do y10G, "yank everything from here to line 10".
You can set the relativenumber option which allows you to see relative line numbers and therefore be able to do y5j, "yank everything from here to 5 lines below".
You can do V/foo<CR>y to yank everything from here to foo linewise.
More generally, you can simply use visual mode to select what you want and yank it.
You can also set a mark on the first line of the class with ma, move the cursor to its last line and do y'a (which sounds like the name of a Lovecraftian deity).
Using Ex commands:
Because the aforementioned number option shows absolute line numbers, you can see that the class ends at line 10 and do :.,10y.
Because the aforementioned relativenumber option shows relative line numbers, you can see that the class ends 5 line below and do :,+5y (dropping the implied .).
Using your statusline (or not):
You can :set ruler to have the current line number displayed on the right side of your statusbar if you have one or on the right side of your command line if you don't have a statusline.
Using Vimscript:
You can use line('.') to retrieve the number of the current line.
Using custom text-objects:
There are a number of custom text-objects available on vim.org for indented blocks, function arguments and many other things. Maybe there is one for Python classes.
More generally, I'd advise you to set either ruler, number or relativenumber permanently in your ~/.vimrc and get used to it.
ruler is the least invasive of the bunch but it's also the most limited: you know where you are but it doesn't help at all when you want to define a target.
number is the most classical and can be used to easily target a specific line.
relativenumber is a bit weird at first and, like number, can be used easily to target a specific line.
Choosing number or relativenumber is, as far as I'm concerned, a matter of taste. I find relativenumber very intuitive, YMMV.
Try the following in command mode
:.= returns line number of current line at bottom of screen
yNy or Nyy copies the next N lines, including the current line
p pastes the copied text after the current line
:set nu! in command mode will turn on/off the line number at the beginning of each line.
let the vim registers do this task. why bother calculating lines
for example if you want to copy line X to line y
1) move your cursor to 1st character of line X.
2) type "ma" . this will save current cursor position in register "a".
3) move cursor to last char of line Y.
4) type "y`a". copy is done
5) p pastes the copied text
This method can work not only lines but block ,words even on characters.
I am looking at files that may have several consecutive identical lines.
Is there a easy way of jumping to the next non-identical line?
Alternatively I would like to be able to fold all the lines that are equal to the initial one showing just the number of linees that are folded.
You could define your own fold-expr:
first set fdm:
:set fdm=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)==#getline(v:lnum-1)?1:0
now you can test by typing zM, to close all fold, if you are lucky ^_^ all duplicated lines are folded.
you could type zR to open all folds.
if it works and you open those kind of file very often, you could put the above lines in your .vimrc.(au with ft) if only one time job, you can write mode line into that file.
Try this:
:nmap <F2> "1y$<CR>/^\(<C-R>1$\)\#!<CR>
It maps F2 to:
copy the current line into register 1
search for (and move to) the first line that does not match the contents of register 1
This seems to work well, unless the text of your copied line has escaped characters that will confuse the search regexp. This is because register 1 is just dropped into the search expression without escaping. This would be tricky to fix reliably, but for normal log files, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Also: if you're not married to vim and just need to read the non-consecutively-duplicated lines of a file, the canonical UNIX way is:
uniq filename
If you want to be in vim but won't need to make changes to the file, try:
(If you try the latter, be sure to exit without saving)
I know there are ways to automatically set the width of text in vim using set textwidth (like Vim 80 column layout concerns). What I am looking for is something similar to = (the indent line command) but to wrap to 80. The use case is sometimes you edit text with textwidth and after joining lines or deleting/adding text it comes out poorly wrapped.
Ideally, this command would completely reorganize the lines I select and chop off long lines while adding to short ones. An example:
long line is long!
After running the command (assuming the wrap was 13 cols):
long line is
long! short
If this isn't possible with a true vim command, perhaps there is a command-line program which does this that I can pipe the input to?
After searching I found this reference which has some more options: http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/help/vim/reformatting.html
Set textwidth to 80 (:set textwidth=80), move to the start of the file (can be done with Ctrl-Home or gg), and type gqG.
gqG formats the text starting from the current position and to the end of the file. It will automatically join consecutive lines when possible. You can place a blank line between two lines if you don't want those two to be joined together.
Michael's solution is the key, but I most often find I want to reformat the rest of the
current paragraph; for this behavior, use gq}.
You can use gq with any movement operators. For example, if you only want to reformat to the end of the current line (i.e. to wrap the line that your cursor is on) you can use gq$
You can also reformat by selecting text in visual mode (using `v and moving) and then typing gq.
There are other options for forcing lines to wrap too.
If you want vim to wrap your lines while you're inserting text in them instead of having to wait till the end to restructure the text, you will find these options useful:
:set textwidth=80
:set wrapmargin=2
(Don't get side-tracked by wrap and linebreak, which only reformat the text displayed on screen, and don't change the text in the buffer)
Thanks to a comment from DonaldSmith I found this, as the textwidth option didn't reformat my long line of text (I was converting playing with hex-to-byte conversions):
:%!fold -w 60
That reformated the whole file (which was one line for me) into lines of length 60.
If you're looking for a non-Vim way, there's always the UNIX commands fmt and par.
I can't comment on Unicode, it may or may not behave differently.
#nelstrom has already mentioned using par in his webcast.
Here's how we would use both for your example.
$ echo -e 'long line is long!\nshort' > 3033423.txt
$ cat 3033423.txt
long line is long!
$ fmt -w 13 3033423.txt
long line is
long! short
$ par 13gr 3033423.txt
long line is
long! short
To use from inside Vim:
:%! fmt -w 13
:%! par 13gr
You can also set :formatprg to par or fmt and override gq. For more info, call :help formatprg inside Vim.
Almost always I use gq in visual mode. I tell my students it stands for "Gentlemens' Quarterly," a magazine for fastidious people.