How to create ONVIF middleware to consume API via C# - onvif

I have trying to consume ONVIF API via C# using the and I want to deploy getting data my 3'rd part system Could you help me pls


Azure IoT Hub Telemetry Data to Mobile Application

I'm trying to get data from arduino yun to azure iot hub and read data from mobile app. So I created IoT Hub on Azure and able to read telemetry data with nodejs on my computer. It's working good. But trying to create react app for reading data. What should I do for best way to handle this. I must use react native for mobile application part.
Project info:
Load cell reading data, if change then it will provide info to iot hub as telemetry. Then it should inform mobile application created with react native for users.
For testing using button press right now. Main code for load cell will deploy in the future. Sending data from arduino yun to local computer and pushing with nodejs application to Azure.
I manage to solve issue with some escape resolutions:
Used a localhost to get messages from yun and transfer them to iot hub with nodejs backend and libraries.
Used a webapp for visualize. Also now I am able to make a get request from anywhere on my mobile app load. Integrated that in webapp code with endpoint.
Also used websocket to get information from webapp to mobile device.
Created custom png file to show different stats and pressed values to text.
I wish that I can send telemetry from device directly to azure. But couldn't manage to solve that.

how to integrate into cordova / phonegap?

i am using cordova to build native mobile app. I already have an account in stream.
Currently i need to build a feed like facebook into my app and would like to check UI/UX design layout is included in ?
Second, how to integrate into my cordova app ? is it just copy the getstream.js into my cordova app ?
We don't have any built in user interface, that's entirely up to your application.
We also don't recommend connecting directly to Stream from a mobile application for several reasons. For starters, your API credentials can be easily extracted from the application, which could cost you money if someone abuses your account. Secondly, the socket connections to constantly connect to Stream and read feed updates would use up a lot of battery and data for your users. Better to have your mobile app connect to a back end server, and have that server connect to Stream.

Create API using Azure API management

I built a web application using react and node , and also i want to build a mobile app , so i'm trying to build REST API to manage the database . I heard about the Azure API management and trying to using it but couldn't find any tutorial that relevant with javascript
Does Anyone know good tutorial to refer??
Azure API Management is not intended to create API, it is intended to act as a proxy, to harden your API against attacks from outside. You should be using WebApp or ApiApp to create your API.
I assume that you want to build Mobile App back-end on Azure with node.js SDK.
About how to use the Azure Mobile Apps Node.js SDK, you could refer to the official documentation here:
Also, you could take the following complete series tutorial on the Node.js SDK as reference:
Any further concern or my misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.

Data Flow for Azure Backend on Native Android Apps

We are looking at using Azure for the backend for our native Android application. The application will have user accounts along with product information and order history information. The idea is to manage the user, product, and order information in the Azure backend.
Could you help confirm if my understanding is correct on the following:
There are three components involved: native Android app on client side, Node.js app on the server side, and Azure Storage.
The Node.js app on the server side is where for example get/set user/product/order API calls are implemented
Backend implementation is offered via Node.js or .NET via SDK, but for other implementations can also be done via REST calls to Azure
The data flow involved is: Android app communicates to Node.js app via REST API, while Node.js app communicates to Azure Storage via SDK
(or REST API).
If you could help confirm these, it would be greatly appreciated
Mobile Apps is the mobile-backend-as-a-service which have the API consisted of standard HTTP verbs (GET, POST, etc). Every HTTP verb has the script associated with that that can be written using C#/Node.js on the backend side. That code is being executed every time that HTTP verb is "executed" by the client. Client can have whatever he wants in terms of language/platform.
There are three components involved: native Android app on client side, Node.js >app on the server side, and Azure Storage.
It depends on what you are using. If Mobile Apps, then there is SQL Azure. If not - then you can use Storage, SQL or whatever you need.
The Node.js app on the server side is where for example get/set >user/product/order API calls are implemented
Node.js in Mobile Apps are implemented as the scripts that are executed when there is some HTTP method invoked by the client. For example, you are able to implement the PUSH notification if client invokes POST HTTP method and insert some entity into the storage backend using Mobile Apps.
Backend implementation is offered via Node.js or .NET via SDK, but for other >implementations can also be done via REST calls to Azure storage
Yes. But again, if you mean Mobile Apps (i think you do), then it is SQL Azure, and here you can use SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio or something else to manage the SQL Azure DB. Or use REST API.
The data flow involved is: Android app communicates to Node.js app via REST API, >while Node.js app communicates to Azure Storage via SDK (or REST API).
Node.js backend communicates with the storage backend using modules that you can add (for example, SendGrid to send SMS or store the blobs in the Storage) and some underlying technologies and adapters.

How to use my own API instead of using mobile API in Azure

is there any way to publish my API in azure mobile service API instead of using its own. I want just to know it, because assume I have a backup server in amazon and as you know I don't have access to azure sdk in there and it means technically I cant use the API anywhere outside the azure.
Azure mobile services is actually based on the .Net web api in their C# flavor and on node.js on the Javascript side. You could surely write an API using those technology and have the same behavior. You will gain the fact of being more portable, however you will lose some of the preconfigured stuff from Mobile services.
If you are using .NET, please check this to see how to build a Web api!
If you are using Javascript, here is where you should start :
Both tech are quite easy to learn and super powerfull, have fun! When your API is built, you could just publish them as an azure Web APP ( or an Azure API ( instead of the mobile App
Hope it helps, if you have more questions, please ask!
You can create and publish your own custom APIs in azure mobile service. You could even access in via azure mobile service sdk in client by using "InvokeApiAsync<>()" method.
If you want to access the api via fidder/httpclient than AZM SDK, pass the mobile service key in HTTP header as Name:'x-zumo-application' value:'application key from portal'
