Primefaces NotificationBar close icon not visible - jsf

In the documentation of primefaces, it is said that "Note that notificationBar has a default built-in close icon to hide the content.". But so far I could not get it displayed ? Is there a special property or facet required to show the close icon ?
pf version I am using is 6.2

If you see the notification.js resource inside the Primefaces library, you can see that they took into account to give to the close icon the "hide functionality":
primefaces-6_2\src\main\resources\META-INF\resources\primefaces\notificationbar\notificationbar.js =>
* PrimeFaces NotificationBar Widget
PrimeFaces.widget.NotificationBar = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
init: function(cfg) {
var _self = this;
this.jq.css(this.cfg.position, '0').appendTo($('body'));
//display initially
if(this.cfg.autoDisplay) {
//bind events
this.jq.children('.ui-notificationbar-close').click(function() {
So, considering the previous code, if a children component has the ui-notificationbar-close class and you click on it, the NotificationBar component will be hided calling to hide function automatically (without having to use the PF(widgetVar).hide().
I have tested with the following code and in effect, the notificationbar disappears after clicking on the close icon:
<p:notificationBar id="notificationBar" position="top" effect="slide" styleClass="top" widgetVar="myNotificationBarWV" autoDisplay="false">
<i class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick ui-notificationbar-close"></i>
<h:outputText value="You Rock!" style="font-size:1.5 rem;"/>


Primefaces: Input Text / Overlay panel / Retain focus

We have a p:inputText element that should display an overlay panel for various options. (Its a global search, so you can tick categories to search in)
Users usually click in the textbox, start typing and THEN look at the screen again
The Problem is: As soon as the overlay panel is shown, the textbox looses its focus.
<p:inputText id="searchItem"></p:inputText>
<p:overlayPanel id="gsOverlay" for="searchItem" my="left top"
at="left bottom" dynamic="true"
So i tried to fix this, by immediately focusing back on the "search" inputtext using
<p:overlayPanel id="gsOverlay" for="searchItem" my="left top"
at="left bottom" dynamic="true"
onShow="PrimeFaces.focus('globalSearchForm:searchItem'); resizeGSOverlay();">
However, there is a split second, where the inputfield lost focus, leading to searches missing the first charater.
Can i display the overlay panel, without having the inputtext loosing its focus? (Each component inside the overlay panel will focus back after clicking, that's fast enough - just the initial focus-back is to slow)
Just found the "holy grail":
Default for the overlayPanel is:
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.applyFocus = function(){
so, I just put the following javascript AFTER including the primefaces resources, which will then override the default implementation:
<script type="text/javascript">
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.applyFocus = function() {
if ( == "globalSearchForm:gsOverlay")
So - No focus for any element within the overlay panel in question once it becomes visible. Works like a charm.
using the Proxy Pattern ( seems a more reliable solution, as it avoids the need to duplicate the content of the original implementation, which might be different in one of the next Primefaces releases:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var proxied = PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.applyFocus;
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.applyFocus = function(){
if ( == "globalSearchForm:gsOverlay")
return proxied.apply(this, arguments);

Why would adding a programmatically rendered panel break ajax beahvior for a declared Panel?

I have the following frontend code using primefaces
<p:panel binding="#{widgetBean.panel}"/>
<p:panel header="Widget 2" id="declaredPanel" style="height:300px; width:300px">
<p:droppable tolerance="touch" scope="widgetDrop" activeStyleClass="ui-state-highlight" >
<p:ajax listener="#{widgetBean.widgetDropped}" ></p:ajax>
with this for the backend bean:
public Panel getPanel(){
Panel p = new Panel();
p.setStyle("height:300px; width:300px");
Droppable d = new Droppable();
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExpressionFactory ef = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
MethodExpression onDropExpr = ef.createMethodExpression(
fc.getELContext(), "#{widgetBean.widgetDropped}", null, new Class[] { DragDropEvent.class });
AjaxBehavior ajaxBehavior = new AjaxBehavior();
ajaxBehavior.addAjaxBehaviorListener(new AjaxBehaviorListenerImpl(onDropExpr));
d.addClientBehavior("drop", ajaxBehavior);
return p;
public void widgetDropped(DragDropEvent ddEvent) {
System.out.println("DROP EXECUTED ON SERVER");
The weirdest thing happens. If I use both ways of rendering the Panel in the UI my ajax listener never gets called. If I remove the Panel that uses a binding my drop listener gets executed. On top of that I can return an just a plain jane panel with no droppable children and the declarative panel still will not fire a listener. However the opposite is not true. If I remove the declarative panel the programmticaly bound one still never fires the listener. Really I have two problems:
1.) rendering a programmatic panel breaks the drop listener event on the declarative Panel
2.) In any scenario the drop listener never gets called for the programmatic Panel.
I'm using Primefaces 3.2 and running on Glassfish 3.1.1 I would LOVE any help at this point. I've researched this problem and found others complain about issues binding ajaxbehaviors programmtically, notably: Linky link This seemed to have solved the issue for some...not the case for me. Thanks!

Getting the co-ordinates of a component

How to get the co-ordinates of a JSF component after onclick event ? I need to place an overlay just below an icon that was clicked.
Is there any such in-built facility provided by JSF rather than manually writing a javascript function for that ?
No, there isn't. The position is browser (client) dependent. In the client side there is also totally no means of JSF, it's all just plain HTML/CSS/JS. The location can only be extracted from the HTML DOM element. You'd have to pass it from JS to JSF or do the business job fully in JS instead of JSF.
As PrimeFaces ships with jQuery, your best way to retrieve the element position relative to the document is using jQuery.offset().
var $element = jQuery('#someid');
var offset = $element.offset();
var x = offset.left;
var y =;
// ...
In addition to BalusC's answer, here is an example, where a click on a component with id=placeholder (maybe a link or button) will open another component (id=menu) directly below the triggering component. If the mouse is moved away from the triggering component, the menu will disappear:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#placeholder").click(function(event) {
//get the position of the placeholder element
var pos = jQuery(this).offset();
var height = jQuery(this).height();
//show the menu directly below the placeholder
jQuery("#menu").css( { "left": pos.left + "px", "top": ( + height) + "px" } );
// hide the menu on mouseout
jQuery("#placeholder").mouseout(function(event) {
The component with id=menu can be a div or a jsf h:panelGroup or any other component. The style attribute with display: none will initially hide the component:
<h:panelGroup style="position: absolute; display: none;" id="menu">
<!-- content here -->
Make sure that the jQuery id selector gets the correct id of the component. E.g. if your elements are inside a form with id=form1, the jQuery call has to look something like this:
Notice the double backslash.
I'd recommend using a JSF component library like RichFaces or IceFaces. Many of them have AJAX capabilities and JavaScript library integration, and therefore have components for doing that kind of thing.

richfaces text and text area on rerender unable to use keyboard up and down arrow keys to move the cursor

I am using RichFaces 3.3.2 and JSF 1.2.
In my application when the user enters some text in a text field or a text area we have to enable the apply button. For this we are using rerender 'onkeyup' event.
Validation error mesage should be shown when user enters invalid date
JSF Page code:
<h:inputText id="input" required="true" requiredMessage="Value cann't be null"
value="#{client.Value}" validatorMessage="Value should be between 0 and 999999999999.99" valueChangeListener="#{myHandler.onChange}" maxlength="30">
<f:validateDoubleRange minimum="0" maximum="999999999999.99"/>
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" eventsQueue="A4JQueue" reRender="outputPanel_btn_save"></a4j:support>
Apply button code:
<a4j:outputPanel id="outputPanel_btn_save">
<a4j:commandButton value="#{msg.btn_Apply}" id="applyButton" reRender="outputPanel_btn_save" eventsQueue="A4JQueue" disabled="#{myHandler.isApplyButtonDisabled}" styleClass="button" action="#{myHandler.update}">
Backing bean code for myHandler.onChange()
MyHandler {
public void onChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
Iterator<FacesMessage> facesMessages = getFacesContext().getMessages();
boolean isMessagePresent=false;
FacesMessage message =;
if (event != null
&& event.getNewValue() != event.getOldValue()&& !isMessagePresent) {
this.isApplyButtonDisabled = Boolean.FALSE;
this.isApplyButtonDisabled = Boolean.TRUE;
When the user enters some text onkeyup event we are rerendering the apply button. Due to rerender keyboard arrow keys are not working as the field is loosing it's focus onKeyup event.
I tried using JS to enable the apply button, when user enters some text. But then JSF validations are not being executed and no validation message are being displayed.
Can you suggest a way to enable the apply button with out loosing focus on the text field / text area and also JSF validations should be executed / displayed?
Try using focuc attribute on a4j:support. It allows to set focus on a component after Ajax request.

Disable commandButton in JSF

This seems like it should be pretty straightforward but I'm not feeling it.
I have a JSF CommandButton that executes a long running serverside task (10-15 seconds). I've seen forms where the button context changes after it's been clicked (The label on the button changes and the button becomes disabled until the processing is complete).
I'm using ICEFaces and have the disabled property set to a boolean on the underlying page code.
The action listener bound to the button changes that boolean to disable it but alas, no changes on the JSP.
What you can do is to change the status of the button using Javascript:
<h:commandButton ... onclick="this.disabled=true"/>
Edit regarding the comment:
If the previous code does not submit the form, then you have to disable the button a little time after the click, not "during" the click itself. You can do that using the following code:
<h:commandButton ... onclick="setTimeout('this.disabled=true', 100);"/>
I'm not sure if the fact to use the this keyword directly in the setTimeout method will work correctly. If not, you can use another way to do that:
<h:commandButton ... onclick="disableButton(;"/>
with the following Javascript function:
function disableButton(buttonId) {
setTimeout("subDisableButton(" + buttonId + ")", 100);
function subDisableButton(buttonId) {
var obj = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if (obj) {
obj.disabled = true;
(I'm sure this code can be enhanced, thus)
You should use an ice:commandButton instead of h:commandButton, since it has the partialSubmit property, which will perform the action as an AJAX call. This should refresh your button's state, so if the property on the server has been set to false, your button should be disabled.
do a javascript submit(); first and then disable the button
Similar to the solution from romaintaz
For a Firefox specific solution, the following works (it does not work in IE):
<h:commandButton ... onclick="disableButton(;" />
Using Javascript function:
function disableButton(buttonId) {
var obj = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if (obj) {
setTimeout(function(thisObj) { thisObj.disabled=true; }, 50, obj);
do it after icefaces has updated the DOM. you can use ice.onAfterUpdate(callback):
Here with jQuery
function updateButtons(){
jQuery(".myButton").attr('disabled', true);
