Is there a way in Instagram's API to get the URL to a new post from a specific user? I'd like to integrate it with a Reddit bot - instagram

The Owl City subreddit (/r/OWLCITY) is running into a unique problem: Whenever Adam Young posts something new to Instagram (#owlcityofficial), there's an influx of new Reddit posts saying that Adam posted something new. I suggested (and if I can get it off the ground, hope to do so with the approval of the subreddit's moderators) to create a bot that automatically creates a new post whenever Adam posts something to Instagram, as a sort of "master thread." All discussion about the post could be had there, with all others being subject to deletion.
This appears to be easier said than done. Looking briefly at Reddit's API's this appears to be possible. But on Instagram's end, that's another story. It appears Instagram deprecated and shut down their first API last year, and I can't find any information on whether the two APIs still available support something like this. I would prefer to use the Display API, as I doubt I qualify to use the Graph API. Furthermore, I can't find any useful information on the Instagram API. Also, almost any search for what I'm trying to do shows a plethora of results of how to do it with the OLD API, and limiting the results to the last year doesn't bring up anything useful.
Is there a way to do what I want to do? Keep in mind I'm relatively new to programming, so any help with this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Maybe use Python with Selenium to get the Channel Page and get the first entry. Compare it with and if it is newer, scrape it. No API needed, if you not want to dig to deep into API references.
Try search for Instagram Basic Display API.
Please specify what kind of programming Language you have experience.


Discord.js - Making a Wikipedia fandom search command

i want to make a Wikipedia fandom command for my bot which searches articles from a specific Wikipedia fandom page but don't know how can I get any information about how I can do that? searching on YouTube or Google didn't help and didn't get any results
I've seen a couple places on their forums saying they have an outdated API of which I could not find any docs on, so with some more digging into that you might be able to use that with axios or any other HTTP request module. Or you have the option of looking at how they structure their data on webpages and write a small webscraper script depending on exactly what information you want to extract.
An alternative would be to supply the user with a link to the page using an Embed, either way hope this helps.
Someone in the comments says there is an API so check that out first

Is it no longer possible to pull another user's photos/posts from Instagram using the Basic Display API?

I've been given a coding challenge as part of a job interview. I need to make an iOS app that shows the last ten Instagram posts from a user of my choosing. I've learned that Instagram's API changed last month, and from what I've researched so far it looks like it's now only possible to get posts of which that user has permission to, meaning you can't just pull anyone's Instagram's posts anymore. Can anyone confirm if this is true or not, and help find a possible solution?

How to access Google Classroom without API?

I'd like to automatize some processes that are not yet available through API(Google Classroom), like posting comments on announcements, seeing private comments on my work and so on. I have trouble accessing my account. I'd like the app to be able to run on a server. I'm currently working with node.js, but if there is an easier approach I'll gladly accept it (free if it's possible). Can you give me an example of how it's done because currently, I am struggling to find every button that needs to be clicked on?
Unfortunately, there are no methods right now to accomplish that. You can leave a feature request on Google Issue Tracker describing what methods you would like to use. Google engineers will study your case and, if applicable, they will develop the requested methods.
You could use something like Selenium with your language of choice (Javascript in this case) to automate the browser clicks.
This is however, not the best of ideas... To make Selenium log into your account you will need to hardcode your password somewhere.
Google services use Oauth for authentication, take a look at the Classroom API Getting-started for instructions on how to work with Google Classroom API.

Creating a github dashboard on portfolio site

Thank you for giving me a piece of your time. This question really isn't a "how to", but more of a "is this possible or am I just insane?". I've recently looked at some portfolio pages and found a really great idea from, but in the "portfolio" section instead of having just the characteristics of the project, is it possible to somehow use the Github API or some other equivalent to extract and present data like number of commits (or the table that github shows on your project page) and what project type it is (i.e. Java, Javascript, etc.) and maybe even some more related information. For background I am using React with Node.js. Again, this is probably useless to everyone out there, but I think it could be something cool if A) it actually exists, and B) it's not too much of a pain to implement. I've tried reading up on the documentation from Github, looking online, and looking at different source code, but no luck there. If anyone has any information or feedback I'm always open to help!
Thank you and have a good day
from what I understand, you want to display statistical information about the projects on your portfolio website.
Github provides an API that can get almost all the information you see on their website
so, to get all the languages being used in repository you can do a GET request on,
To get the number of commits you can do a GET request on
and so on
By default, these will get you the data of the public repositories, if you want to display info from your Private repositories, you need to provide an authentication token with each request.
You can read more about the API calls available here
let me know if you need any more help

How to count all comments to a Instagram profile?

Trying to working with some API's. Didnt find out how to count all comments were was posted to a custom Instagram profile. How to do it?
And also, there is no some extended analytics/statistics? Like YouTube API have, gross/loss followers, likes periods etc.
There are a few easy ways to do this -- if you're more comfortable working in Excel, you can easily export your Instagram analytics to Excel and isolate for comments there.
I think this tool comes with a free trial:
