(Vscode) Automatically attach debugger to android process to run Android Studio app - android-studio

Recently I have found that running android studio apps in vscode android environment is much faster than in Android Studio IDE. Basically all I have to do is open Android Studio and Vscode at the same time and run apps on Vscode (with android extension installed and android environment activated).
However, every time I run the app, I have to click on the 'attach debugger to android process' button beforehand for the app to be launched.
Is there anyway I can automate the 'attach debugger' process so that all I have to do is click the Run button on Vscode only?
I have searched for similar questions yet no solution was found. Most were related to Visual Studio or just manually clicking the 'attach debugger' button (which I find a bit annoying).
Could you show me the way to do attach debugger to android process automatically?


How to load app from android studio to my phone?

When I launch the app again after loading it from android studio and closing it once, a white screen is shown. The app is not launched when I start it for the second time.
Why is it so?
it is not clear what you are trying to say but you can use the run option in Android Studio to select your target device also what you can do is you can export it as an APK from the android studio and run it directly on your device(not preferred for testing your application though)

How to avoid running another android studio when creating a new project?

Whenever I'm creating a new project on the file my android studio opens another android studio, ending up 2 android studio running at the same time. I've already configure the system setting under the appearance and behavior to current window but nothing happens

Android Studio Debug

i am testing my code but i have a problem, when i try to run the "Debug" process my cell phone get stock on Waiting For Debugger screen and i have to use Attach Debugger to Android Process on Android Studio, it used to attach automatically but i have been changing my android studio configuration, if there any way to make it automatic again i tried i lot but i can't find it?
Try toggling Tools-> Android -> Enable ADB Integration off and on, I had this issue when switching to the beta 2 of Android Studio 3. This helped me solving the issue.

Getting an app on an emulator on android studio

I am using android studio and I have the app I am working on open. When I run the emulator, the app does not show up and I don't know where to find it to get it on the screen.
If the the emulator is running and its android UI is already shown on your screen, just click "run app" in the Android Studio menu, and choose "Emulator" on the following dialog to run your app. Your app will be installed and run on the emulator automatically.

Debug disabled with DDMS on Android

I am using Android Studio 1.3 with DDMS on Linux 64-bit. For some reason, when I try to debug with DDMS by selecting my app in the process list and clicking the "bug" in the tool menu, it shows debugging as disabled (grayed out). However, if I close DDMS and just use Android Studio for debugging, then everything works fine. Note that I've installed the debug version of my app so I should be able to connect to it.
Is there a way to use DDMS and be able to debug my app at the same time? I've tried attaching with Android Studio and loading up DDMS but it seems I can only have one ADB session at a time. Therefore, I must close DDMs before I can debug my app.
