I Have the below data in one excel Sheet
Error Code type object
-Ignored:31 Modified src data *file MINOSFIC/UTMNUP10
-Ignored:33 Modified src & tgt data *file MINOSFIC/UVEGAP10
*Error: 08 Different data *file MINOSFIC/VM010P50
I need to count the records based on Error Code and put the data in same Sheet
ErrorCode Count
Ignored 2
Error 1
I was trying Pivot table, but seems can't use it in existing excel sheet.
I am able to get the count using below code, but need help to put it in excel sheet in some table or some other way
$Excel = Import-Excel -Path "C:\Verify.xlsx" -WorksheetName "EDH_VFN"
$err = 0
$ign = 0
foreach($line in $Excel )
$line_1 = $line.'Error Code'
if($line_1 -match "Ignored")
if($line_1 -match "Error")
write-host "Error:"$err
write-host "Ignored:"$ign
Please need help in doing this
If you don't want to do this with Excel function COUNTIFS, I would suggest simply exporting that Excel file to a CSV file which makes things a lot easier in PowerShell.
Example CSV file
Error Code,type,object
-Ignored:31 Modified src data,*file,MINOSFIC/UTMNUP10
-Ignored:33 Modified src & tgt data,*file,MINOSFIC/UVEGAP10
*Error: 08 Different data,*file,MINOSFIC/VM010P50
Once you have this, getting the count values could be done like this:
Import-Csv -Path 'X:\TheExcelToCsvExportedFile.csv' |
Group-Object #{Expression = {($_.'Error Code' -split ':')[0].Substring(1)}} |
Select-Object #{Name = 'ErrorCode' ; Expression = {$_.Name}},Count
This will output:
ErrorCode Count
---------- -----
Ignored 2
Error 1
you can simply copy/paste in that your Excel file anywhere you like.
Beware though that this does not comply with the columns you already have there..
I have only one excel file, the file has multiple spreadsheets, I loop through all the spreadsheets and find the rows whose column1 and column2 satisfy my criteria, and if it does, copy the rows to a new excel workbook, I need to copy the first row that specifies what the column names are as well, but right now I'm ignoring this to simplify the problem.
I looked up online, and found a post similar to my question, I modified the code according to my situation, here's the code:
$WindowsFolder = "C:\Users\wanlingjiang\Downloads\xlsx\"
# Create a new datatable to copy data into.
$dtExcel = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
# Counter used to only create data columns on the first index in the loop.
$count = 1
# Get all spreadsheet objects from the current folder.
$SpreadSheets = Get-ChildItem $WindowsFolder -File -Verbose
# Loop through each of the spreadsheet objects returned.
foreach ($SpreadSheet in $SpreadSheets) {
# Index the counter.
# Import the data from the source spreadsheet into datatables.
$dts = Get-TablesFromXLSXWorkbook -InputFileName $SpreadSheet.FullName -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
# We only need to work with the first datatable imported from each spreadsheet.
$Rows = $dts[0].Rows
# Create the data columns within the target datatable
# using the column headers from the current spreadsheet.
if($count -eq 1) {
foreach ($item in $dts.Columns) {
$dtExcel.Columns.Add($item.ColumnName) | Out-Null
# Loop through each row of data returned from the current spreadsheet.
foreach ($row in $Rows) {
# Determine if the 'Column1' column in the current row equals 'Criteria1' and if the 'Column2' column in the current row starts with 'Criteria2'.
# If yes, copy the data row to the target datatable.
if($row.'Column1' -eq 'Criteria1' -and $row.'Column2' -like 'Criteria2*') {
$dr = $dtExcel.NewRow()
$dr.ItemArray = $row.ItemArray.Clone()
} catch {
Write-Warning -Message "Something happened. Write a good error message."
# Export the target datatable to a new Excel spreadsheet.
New-XLSXWorkbook -InputTables $dtExcel -OutputFileName 'C:\Users\wanlingjiang\Downloads\xlsx\Output.xlsx' -Open
It is not working, the error message says:
New-XLSXWorkbook : The term 'New-XLSXWorkbook' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
I removed the last line, and tried to debug, it stopped at this line:
$dts = Get-TablesFromXLSXWorkbook -InputFileName $SpreadSheet.FullName -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
Do I need to install something? Please help. Thank you!
I am trying to write a script in powershell that can loop through Excel sheets from a prepared Excel file and extract a range of values in each sheet, which I then pipe into the import-csv cmdlet. This is the first step in a larger script that acts on the csv files; I am trying to consolidate all the steps into 1 convenient script.
My problem is that I need:
the script to work without Excel installed (rules out COM object Excel.Application)
cannot install powershell modules (rules out the popular ImportExcel).
is usable on xlsx files (rules out jet 4.0 with excel object 8.0)
Doesn't require downloads/admin permissions to directories or has simple workarounds for this.
In short:
Is importing an excel sheet to CSV via a PowerShell script possible with only pre-installed Windows functionalities?
The next best thing would be minimal adjustments, such as bundling a small library with the script that can be easily referenced in the script (would Open XML SDK or EPPlus fall into this category?).
Thank you.
It's possible to work with the raw Excel data, but you will have to "reverse engineer" the format. I was able to get some useful data from a very simple sheet.
To test and play around with this create an empty folder and save an Excel document as Book1xlsx with some values like this:
| Name | Value |
| adf | 5 |
| fgfdg | 4 |
| dfgdsfg | 3 |
Then place this script there, and see the result. If your data is any more advanced with this, you probably have to spend quite a bit of time figuring out how different types and sheets are named, and how to look them up.
unzip Book1.xlsx
[xml]$sheet = Get-Content "xl\worksheets\sheet1.xml"
[xml]$strings = Get-Content "xl\sharedStrings.xml"
$stringsTable = $strings.sst.si.t
$data = $sheet.worksheet.sheetData.row | % {
# Each column for each row is in the "c" variable
# (The ,#() is a hack to avoid powershell from turning everything into a single array)
return ,#($_.c | % {
# There is a "t" property that represents the type.
if ($_.t -like "s") {
# "s" means a string. To get the actual content we need to look up in the strings xml
return $stringsTable[$_.v]
} elseif ($_.t -like "") {
# Empty type means integer, we can return the value as is
return $_.v
# Data will be a 2 dimensional array
# $data[0][0] will refer to A1
# $data[1][0] will refer to A2
# $data[0][1] will refer to B1
Hopefully this will be enough to get you started.
Here is also some code to convert the 2 dimensional array into a PSObject you can use with Export-Csv.
$headers = $data[0]
$dataObject = $data | Select-Object -Skip 1 | % {
$row = $_
$index = 0
$object = #{}
foreach ($column in $row) {
$object[$headers[$index]] += $column
return [PSCustomObject]$object
$dataObject | Export-Csv ...
I'm trying to write data to specific column in an Excel spreadsheet with PowerShell. I would like to start below last row with data and continiue downwards. On machine I don't have Excel installed so COM won't work for me. I'm currently using Import-Excel to read whole sheet and used Open-ExcelPackage to read specific cell values.
I could do this in CSV file as opposed to .xlsx if it's easier.
Any help would be great!
Download PSExcel module from https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSExcel Import it using Import-Module.
Then use the following code:
$File = "Path to xlxs file"
$WSName = "SheetName"
$Excel = New-Excel -Path $File
$Worksheet = $Excel | Get-WorkSheet -Name $WSName
$SampleRows = #()
$SampleRows += [PSCustomObject]#{"A" = 1; "B" = 2; "C" = 3; "F" = 4 }
$row_to_insert = $SampleRows.count
$WorkSheet.Cells["$($Worksheet.Dimension.Start.Address -replace ""\d"")$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row):$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Address)"].Copy($WorkSheet.Cells["$($Worksheet.Dimension.Start.Address -replace ""\d"")$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row - $row_to_insert):$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Address -replace ""\d"")$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row - $row_to_insert)"]);
$WorkSheet.Cells["$($Worksheet.Dimension.Start.Address -replace ""\d"")$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Row):$($Worksheet.Dimension.End.Address)"] | % {$_.Value = ""}
ForEach ($Row in $SampleRows) {
ForEach ($data in $Row.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
$WorkSheet.Cells["$data$($Worksheet.Dimension.Rows)"].Value = $SampleRow.$data
$Excel | Close-Excel -Save
This code adds 1 row after the last row in the selected worksheet and adds values to this row from $SampleRows.... I think you got the idea. if you need add more rows to $SampleRows array.
I'm working on a PS script to take a row of data from an Excel spreadsheet and populate that data in certain places in a Word document. To elaborate, we have a contract tracking MASTER worksheet that among other things contains data such as name of firm, address, services, contact name. Additionally, we have another TASK worksheet in the same workbook that tracks information such as project owner, project name, contract number, task agree number.
I'm writing a script that does the following:
Ask the user through a message box what kind of contract is being written ("Master", or "Task")
Opens the workbook with the appropriate worksheet opened ("Master" tab or "Task" tab)
Asks the user through a VB InputBox from which Excel row of data they want to use to populate the Word contract
Extracts that row of data from Excel
Outputs certain portions of that row of data to certain location in a Word document
Saves the Word document
Opens the Word document so the user can continue editing it
My question is this - using something like PSExcel, how do I extract that row of data out to variables that can be placed in a Word document. For reference, in case you're going to reply with a snippet of code, here are what the variables are defined as for the Excel portion my script:
$Filepath = "C:\temp\ContractScript\Subconsultant Information Spreadsheet.xlsx"
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($Filepath)
$Worksheet = $Workbook.sheets.item($AgreementType)
$Excel.Visible = $true
#Choosing which row of data
[int]$RowNumber = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the row of data from $AgreementType worksheet you wish to use", "Row")
Additionally, the first row of data in the excel worksheets are the column headings, in case it matters.
I've gotten this far so far:
import-module psexcel
$Consultant = new-object System.Collections.Arraylist
foreach ($data in (Import-XLSX -path $Filepath -Sheet $AgreementType -RowStart $RowNumber))
But I'm currently stuck because I can't figure out how to reference the data being added to $consultant.$data. Somehow I need to read in the column headings first so the $data variable can be defined in some way, so when I add the variable $consultant.Address in Word it finds it. Right now I think the variable name is going to end up "$Consultant.1402 S Broadway" which obviously won't work.
Thanks for any help. I'm fairly new to powershell scripting, so anything is much appreciated.
I have the same issue and searching online for solutions in a royal PITA.
I'd love to find a simple way to loop through all of the rows like you're doing.
$myData = Import-XLSX -Path "path to the file"
foreach ($row in $myData.Rows)
But sadly something logical like that doesn't seem to work. I see examples online that use ForEach-Object and Where-Object which is cumbersome. So any good answers to the OP's question would be helpful for me too.
Matthew, thanks for coming back and updating the OP with the solution you found. I appreciate it! That will help in the future.
For my current project, I went about this a different way since I ran into lack of good examples for Import-XLSX. It's just quick code to do a local task when needed, so it's not in a production environment. I changed var names, etc. to show an example:
$myDataField1 = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
$myDataField2 = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
# ...
$myDataField10 = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
# PSExcel, the third party library, might want to install it first
Import-Module PSExcel
# Get spreadsheet, workbook, then sheet
$mySpreadsheet = New-Excel -Path "path to my spreadsheet file"
$myWorkbook = $mySpreadsheet | Get-Workbook
$myWorksheet = $myWorkbook | Get-Worksheet -Name Sheet1
catch { #whatever error handling code you want }
# calculate total number of records
$recordCount = $myWorksheet.Dimension.Rows
$itemCount = $recordCount - 1
# specify column positions
$r, $my1stColumn = 1, 1
$r, $my2ndColumn = 1, 2
# ...
$r, $my10thColumn = 1, 10
if ($recordCount -gt 1)
# loop through all rows and get data for each cell's value according to column
for ($i = 1; $i -le $recordCount - 1; $i++)
$myDataField1.Add($myWorksheet.Cells.Item($r + $i, $my1stColumn).text)
$myDataField2.Add($myWorksheet.Cells.Item($r + $i, $my2ndColumn).text)
# ...
$myDataField10.Add($myWorksheet.Cells.Item($r + $i, $my10thColumn).text)
#loop through all imported cell values
for ([int]$i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++)
# use the data
# ...
I just recently joined an IAM team, and this month had to send out hundreds of emails to people notifying them of an account expiration (they are asked to either request for an extension or termination of the account). Thankfully, there's already a script made to do that part, but for dealing with the responses there is not. There's an excel spreadsheet where I record what is to happen to each account. I was hoping to make a script that can go through each of the responses and mark in the desired field in the spreadsheet accordingly. I've been having trouble with the part of the script where I modify the value under the desired field for the user.
I'm fairly new to PowerShell, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I already spent a few hours looking online and found quite a few possible solutions, but none of them have worked for me. A common problem is apparently using an older excel file, but it's fresh and it's Excel 2016. Another one is not having the correct file type, but I checked and that's not it either. The line of code in question is $extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "$data".
Any ideas what the problem could be?
# Path to .msg files
$msgDir = "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Test"
# Array to store results
$msgArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]
# Loop throuch each .msg file
Get-ChildItem "$msgDir" -Filter *.msg |
ForEach-Object {
# Open .msg file
$outlook = New-Object -comobject outlook.application
$msg = $outlook.Session.OpenSharedItem($_.FullName)
# Add .msg file Subject and Body to array
$msg.Close(0) # Close doesn't always work, see KB2633737 -- restart ISE/PowerShell
# Loop though / parse each message
ForEach ($message in $msgArray) {
$subject = $message.subject
$body = $message.body
$regex = [regex] '\s*(\w*)\s*\|$'
If ($body -match $regex) {
$username = $body
$parse = $body | Select-String -Pattern "Please extend"
If ($parse -eq "Please extend") {
$data = "Y"
# Open Excel
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $True
$OpenFile = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\me\Desktop\test.xlsx")
$Workbook = $OpenFile.Worksheets
$Worksheet = $Workbook.Item(1)
# Get the values for each column
$samacctname = $Worksheet.Cells | where {$_.value2 -eq "SAM Account Name"} | select -First 1
$extend = $Worksheet.Cells | where {$_.value2 -eq "Extend"} | select -First 1
# Get the values for each row in SAM Account Name
$userValues = #()
for($i=2; $samacctname.Cells.Item($i).Value2 -ne $null; $i++ ){
$userValues += $samacctname.Cells.Item($i)
# Get the values where the cell value of SAM Account matches the username
$modifyCell = $userValues | where {$_.Value2 -eq $username}
# Modify the Extend cell using the username's row position
$extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "$data"
# Save the file
Edit 1: I went back into my code and first tried to hard-code the data value I was trying to add to the cell, but I still got the same error. I then tried hard-coding it right when I call the line $extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "Y" and it works as it should. So how I'm trying to use regex to pull the username is likely not right. Probably how I'm pulling the data as well.