Using variables with YAML in Node.js - node.js

Is there any way to parse data to a .yaml file in node.js? I've been searching about this for hours and found nothing useful.
Let's say I have a string in a .yaml file:
message: Hello, ${user.fullName}, have a nice day.
As I've been reading, there's something called "placeholders" but it seems only available in spring framework.
This is what I found.
And in other places, they use a different syntax like {{user.fullName}}
So, is there any way to replace ${user.fullName} with an actual value in node.js? I don't know if I should manually handle this thing that they call "placeholder" myself with string.replace(). I checked the main YAML docs and there's nothing called "placeholder" or even "variable" in their entire docs!
But, similarly, I can achieve a similar result with pug.js using #{user.fullName} (with # instead) and then call something like: pug.renderFile('template.pug', {fullName: 'Timothy'}). Check pug.js docs for more details.
Thanks for your help!


How to write Postman tests to compare a response body with an external JSON/CSV file using Newman?

It is well documented how to use an external data file with the Collection Runner in Postman to run multiple iterations. However, what I'd like to do is write tests to compare the response body from a GET request to a JSON/CSV file.
From the research I've done it seems this isn't possible using just Postman. I wonder though if it'd be possible with Newman?
I have no experience with Newman but am curious if this might work. Could you create a Postman collection with an env variable called TestJsonFile and write tests comparing values from that to the response body. Then export said collection and using Newman set the TestJsonFile value to that of a JSON/CSV file (--env-var "TestJsonFile=<path_to_file>") and run the collection with that variable?
This seems plausible to me; maybe I could create a Node project to do it all in one place. I'd just like to ask if anyone has done something similar as it seems like it should be doable.
Any critiques or suggestions would be much appreciated, thank you for reading!

Puppet read file content after a class

I am trying to read a file content after executing a class GetContentsAPI, basically this class GetContentsAPI will write into the file /etc/api/token.
class Main{
require GetContentsAPI
When I did the above steps, its says Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Could not find any files from /etc/api. Not sure how to make sure the file is already created before trying to read.
Thanks James
The file() function reads the contents of a file during catalog building. You don't present any details of class GetContentsApi, but all of the standard puppet facilities that write to files (especially, but not limited to, File resources) write during catalog application. Unless you've cooked up something highly customized, the file() function will always read before GetContentsApi writes.
Moreover, in a master / agent setup (which is the only kind supported in current Puppet), catalog building happens on the master, whereas catalog application happens on the target node, which is usually a different machine, so you're unlikely even to be able to read what was written during a previous catalog-building run.
Also, file() just returns the file contents as a string, so it's not very useful to call it without using the return value somehow.
It's not at all clear what you're trying to achieve, but from what I can see, you are not going in a fruitful direction. Perhaps you should take a step back and ask a different question about that.

How to set current date time in Configuration Block

i follow the instruction(below link) to set trigger to the current date time in Configuration Block
but the trigger={date}{time}; does not work, it return error
" the configuration block was not well-formed."
who know the right expression for the current date? thanks a lot
this looks like either a typo on the article, or a bug in the Automation Services Job Builder. you can get around this message by surrounding the values with quotes, so
while the quotes are not required (according to Configuration Block documentation), I would argue that it's a best practice because you never know if the value you're passing is going to jank up the configuration block parser.
also a tip: you can and probably should test any configuration blocks in the Web Player before deploying a job in Automation Services. when doing this, don't forget to URLEncode, like, everything. here's an example from the documentation I linked above:
and a link of that example in action.

Read Jenkins build console output and set email content

I have certain errors which I set in my code, which should add corresponding error messages to the email content of the final build email.
I was thinking of printing something such as ("EMAIL CONTENT ERROR: _______") to the console, reading through it (in a pre-send groovy script?), and adding corresponding error messages for each error found.
I was thinking of using a pre-send groovy script, setting the mimeMessage object(was reading jenkins email-ext documentation). Would this be viable?
Also, I have never used groovy before, so pointers to how to approach this would be extremely helpful(or a link to where i can find an implementation of something with a similar idea of reading console). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Can you check attaching "Build Log" This would highlight all the process of build process.
This is a very similar concept to the question here. The technique there was to use the log parser plugin to scan the console output for you, and then use groovy to add all the errors into an email.
This is generally a pretty good idea because it also means that you can view the same set of highlighted errors from jenkins itself, rather than just the email.
There are a couple of ways this is different from your setup, the main points are:
Yes, write errors directly to the console in a known format
Set the log parser up with regular expressions that find your error format
Instead of a pre-send script, in this case you would use a groovy template for your email generation
The template reads the error list from the console parser and adds them to your email. Each one is a link that links back to the jenkins console output.

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.
