SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':' when run migration - node.js

I have an enviments.ts file.
class Environment {
get databaseName(): string {
return (
process.env.MODE === 'dev' ?
process.env.dataBaseDev :
export const Environments = new Environment();
and also migrate-mongo-config.js file in my root.
const Environments = require("./src/environment/environment.ts")
const config = {
mongodb: {
url: 'mongodbUrl',
databaseName: Environments.databaseName,
options: {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
migrationsDir: "migrations",
migrationFileExtension: ".js"
module.exports = config;
when I run my migration I have this error ERROR. also added when I write the database name as static it works but when I want to manage it dynamically I have this error
Unexpected token ':' /Users/x/Desktop/v/x-backend/src/environment/environment.ts:2
get databaseName(): string {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':'
how can I solve this problem?

I believe the answer from Vahid Najafi is likely your problem candidate. Unfortunately his answer is very terse. For those starting to learn TypeScript, please allow me to elaborate on his answer.
When configuring your environment to use TypeScript you can enable a separation between TypeScript source code files and compiled output javascript code. The TypeScript compiler will read the source .ts files and output to .js files. It is generally recommended to keep these two collections of files in separate directories to allow building a deployment. To specify these different directories, you can modify your tsconfig.json file to specify the value for outDir and rootDir.
When you compile your .ts files using the command tsc the typescript files with type specific language will be converted to non-type-specific .js files. When considering your specific problem we see the file migrate-mongo-config.js refers to file ./src/environment/environment.ts. The file ./src/environment/environment.ts is a sourcecode file, not the compiled version. During runtime the program is expecting to refer to a javascript file, not a .ts file. So the corrective action is to modify the file migrate-mongo-config.js. Assuming you have configured your outDir to be ./dist the first line in the migrate-mongo-config.js should be altered.
Updated Version of migrate-mongo-config.js`
const Environments = require("./dist/environment/environment.js")
const config = {
mongodb: {
url: 'mongodbUrl',
databaseName: Environments.databaseName,
options: {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
migrationsDir: "migrations",
migrationFileExtension: ".js"
module.exports = config;
Notice how the first line value ./src/... was changed to ./dist/...? Notice how the file extension was changed from .ts to .js? Vahid's example removes the extension altogether. I have not tried this so I am uncertain as to it's behavior.
If you find this fixes your issue, please award the points to Vahid Najafi as this is his original idea. I am merely filling in some of the beginner topics to round out the conversation.

You should require from dist (js):
const Environments = require("./dist/environment/environment")


__env :-Element implicitly has an 'any' type because index expression is not of type 'number'

I was trying to deploy angular node app on aws beanstalk by this blog
So initially I created the folder environments under the assets folder. Added env.js file to the environments folder and added the following code in there:
(function (window) {
window.__env = window.__env || {};
window.__env.SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost:3000';
Then I added
<script src=”/assets/environments/env.js”></script>
script to the index.html file.
I then added the following to environment.ts file and files:
server_URL: window['__env']['SERVER_URL']
I then got the following error with __env:
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because index expression is not of type 'number'.
TypeScript can use an implicit type for the window object. The default angular configuration will respect that type when building.
You can extend the window type by adding the following on top of the class to use your __env variable (I recommend you do this option):
declare global {
interface YourWindow = Window & { '__env': any; }
server_URL: (window as YourWindow)['__env']['SERVER_URL']
You could also modify your tsconfig.json file to be more permissive:
"suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true
Using suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors is quite a drastic approach. It is recommended to use a #ts-ignore comment instead:
export const environment = {
production: false,
// #ts-ignore
server_URL: window["env"]["SERVER_URL"]

Conditionally import conditionally existing file in Vue

I need to import a file into my project when an environment variable is set, say dist/built.esm.js. It's implied that when the environment variable is set, the file will exist, otherwise it may or may not exist. It seems straightforward to just wrap a call to import in an if statement that checks for the environment variable, but Vue throws the below warning even if the if statement never passes:
And the code:
if (process.env.VUE_APP_USE_COMPILED == 'true') {
const compiledPackage = require('./dist/built.esm.js')
Setting the if statement to always be false in a nondeterminate way (setting a string var and then comparing it to a different value, instead of just if (false)) results in the same problem, which rules out any possibility of the environment variable being 'true' when it isn't supposed to be.
A temporary workaround I found is to wrap the import in a try/catch, which instead displays a warning instead of an error:
How can I get rid of the errors and warnings completely? I do want it to still error if the file doesn't exist but the environment variable has been set to true, but it shouldn't fail or warn on compilation if the statement hasn't even executed yet.
Does this work?
if (process.env.VUE_APP_USE_COMPILED == 'true') {
.then(obj => Vue.use(obj))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
I managed to figure this out on my own. I used the resolve.alias property in the Webpack configuration to allow a 'soft fail' when the file doesn't exist. I changed my import to use an alias (my-compiled-package-alias), which would conditionally resolve to either the built file or an empty dummy file (dev/import-dummy.js). I had to use resolve.alias rather than resolve.fallback, since Vue2 uses Webpack v4 which doesn't include the latter property.
My updated code:
if (process.env.VUE_APP_USE_COMPILED == 'true') {
const compiledPackage = require('my-compiled-package-alias')
In my vue.config.js:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
alias: {
process.env.VUE_APP_USE_COMPILED ? "./dist/built.esm.js": "./import-dummy.js"
but it shouldn't fail or warn on compilation if the statement hasn't even executed yet
Compilation happens before execution. If you get a compile error, that means something went wrong before your code was executed, including any conditionals.
What I believe happens here is that you're using webpack, and it's trying to include dist/built.esm.js in your bundle. Behind the scenes, webpack actually replaces require with some magic. To get around this, use __non_webpack_require__ instead
You could try setting up a compile-time constant using DefinePlugin in your webpack config, maybe something like
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
// this is resolved compile-time
USE_COMPILED: process.env.VUE_APP_USE_COMPILED == 'true'
Then, in your code
if (USE_COMPILED) require('./dist/built.esm.js')
Here the value of USE_COMPILED should be replaced by webpack compile-time with true if your environment var is set to 'true', and false otherwise.

Rollup - incorrect path resolution

I want to use the library ebnf from NPM and create a bundle using rollup. Since the ebnf is installed to node_modules I also use the rollup plugin rollup-plugin-node-resolve.
The problem is that ebnf contains the code require('..') which - in my case - is resolved to dist in my case. Thus it seems .. is interpreted relative to the output file instead of being relative to the source file.
This is my rollup.config.js (taken from my test repo jneuendorf/rollup-broken-resolve):
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
file: 'dist/bundle.js',
format: 'cjs'
// name: 'MyModule',
plugins: [
Is this a problem in rollup-plugin-node-resolve or am I doing something wrong?
Since some of the external libraries needed will still be available only as Common.js modules, you could also convert them to ES-Modules:
"Since most packages in your node_modules folder are probably legacy CommonJS rather than JavaScript modules, you may need to use rollup-plugin-commonjs"
"Convert CommonJS modules to ES6, so they can be included in a Rollup bundle"
Just in case someone searching this issue on how to make #rollup/plugin-node-resolve (previously was rollup-plugin-node-resolve) to work with relative path. I just found the solution:
function resolve(file, origin) {
// Your way to resolve local include path
function pathResolve(options) {
return {
resolveId: function(file, origin) {
// Your local include path must either starts with `./` or `../`
if (file.startsWith('./') || file.startsWith('../')) {
// Return an absolute include path
return resolve(file, origin);
return null; // Continue to the next plugins!
Here is how to combine it with #rollup/plugin-node-resolve:
import {nodeResolve} from '#rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
function pathResolve(options) { /* ... */ }
export default {
// ...
plugins: [pathResolve(), nodeResolve()]

using process.env in TypeScript

How do I read node environment variables in TypeScript?
If i use process.env.NODE_ENV I have this error :
Property 'NODE_ENV' does not exist on type 'ProcessEnv'
I have installed #types/node but it didn't help.
Once you have installed #types/node in your project, you can tell TypeScript exactly what variables are present in your process.env:
declare global {
namespace NodeJS {
interface ProcessEnv {
NODE_ENV: 'development' | 'production';
PORT?: string;
PWD: string;
// If this file has no import/export statements (i.e. is a script)
// convert it into a module by adding an empty export statement.
export {}
process.env.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN; // $ExpectType string
This method will give you IntelliSense, and it also takes advantage of string literal types.
Note: the snippet above is module augmentation. Files containing module augmentation must be modules (as opposed to scripts). The difference between modules and scripts is that modules have at least one import/export statement.
In order to make TypeScript treat your file as a module, just add one import statement to it. It can be anything. Even export {} will do.
There's no guarantee of what (if any) environment variables are going to be available in a Node process - the NODE_ENV variable is just a convention that was popularised by Express, rather than something built in to Node itself. As such, it wouldn't really make sense for it to be included in the type definitions. Instead, they define process.env like this:
export interface ProcessEnv {
[key: string]: string | undefined
Which means that process.env can be indexed with a string in order to get a string back (or undefined, if the variable isn't set). To fix your error, you'll have to use the index syntax:
let env = process.env["NODE_ENV"];
Alternatively, as jcalz pointed out in the comments, if you're using TypeScript 2.2 or newer, you can access indexable types like the one defined above using the dot syntax - in which case, your code should just work as is.
just add before use process.env.NODE_ENV follow lines:
declare var process : {
env: {
NODE_ENV: string
You can use a Type Assertion for this
Sometimes you’ll end up in a situation where you’ll know more about a
value than TypeScript does. Usually this will happen when you know the
type of some entity could be more specific than its current type.
Type assertions are a way to tell the compiler “trust me, I know what
I’m doing.” A type assertion is like a type cast in other languages,
but performs no special checking or restructuring of data. It has no
runtime impact, and is used purely by the compiler. TypeScript assumes
that you, the programmer, have performed any special checks that you
const nodeEnv: string = (process.env.NODE_ENV as string);
Alternatively you might find a library such as env-var more suitable for this specific purpose --
"solution for loading and sanitizing environment variables in node.js with correct typings"
1. Create a .env file
# Contents of .env file
2. Load your .env file into process.env with dotenv
We can leverage dotenv to set environment-specific process.env variables. Create a file called config.ts in your src/ directory and populate as follows:
// Contents of src/config.ts
import {config as configDotenv} from 'dotenv'
import {resolve} from 'path'
switch(process.env.NODE_ENV) {
case "development":
console.log("Environment is 'development'")
path: resolve(__dirname, "../.env.development")
case "test":
path: resolve(__dirname, "../.env.test")
// Add 'staging' and 'production' cases here as well!
throw new Error(`'NODE_ENV' ${process.env.NODE_ENV} is not handled!`)
Note: This file needs to get imported in your top-most file, likely your src/index.ts via import './config' (placed before all other imports)
3. Check ENV variables and define IProcessEnv
After combining a few methods above, we can add some runtime checks for sanity to guarantee that our declared IProcessEnv interface reflects what ENV variables are set in our .env.* files. The contents below can also live in src/config.ts
// More content in config.ts
const throwIfNot = function<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: Partial<T>, prop: K, msg?: string): T[K] {
if(obj[prop] === undefined || obj[prop] === null){
throw new Error(msg || `Environment is missing variable ${prop}`)
} else {
return obj[prop] as T[K]
// Validate that we have our expected ENV variables defined!
throwIfNot(process.env, v)
export interface IProcessEnv {
declare global {
namespace NodeJS {
interface ProcessEnv extends IProcessEnv { }
This will give us proper IntelliSense/tslint type checking, as well as some sanity when deploying to various environments.
Note that this also works for a ReactJS app (as opposed to a NodeJS server app). You can omit Step (2) because this is handled by create-react-app.
After executing with typescript latest version:
npm install --save #types/node
you can use process.env directly.
you will see the expected result if you have set NODE_ENV.
what worked for me is that everywhere I want to use process.env I first import dotenv and call config() on it. Also, remember to append ! at the end and ensure the attribute is defined in your .env file
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
export const YOUR_ATTRIBUTE = process.env.YOUR_ATTRIBUTE!;
Here is a short function which is guaranteed to pull the process.env value as a string -- or to throw an error otherwise.
For something more powerful (but also bigger), others here have suggested env-var.
* Returns value stored in environment variable with the given `name`.
* Throws Error if no such variable or if variable undefined; thus ensuring type-safety.
* #param name - name of variable to fetch from this process's environment.
export function env(name: string): string {
const value = process.env[name];
if (!value) {
throw new Error(`Missing: process.env['${name}'].`);
return value;
You should then be able to write code like:
let currentEnvironment: string;
currentEnvironment = env('NODE_ENV');
I know this will help someone who searches for this and can't find the simple answer to why your proccess.env variables are making your compiler whine:
Install #types/node:
npm i #types/node
Then where ever you're including your env as a string, do this:
process.env.YOUR_ENV ?? ''
The double question marks allow you to check for null/undefined.
Install #types/node by running npm i #types/node
Add "types": [ "node" ] to your tsconfig.json file in the compilerSection section.
here's my solution with envalid (validating and accessing environment variables in Node.js)
import { str, cleanEnv } from 'envalid'
const env = cleanEnv(process.env, {
clientId: str(),
clientSecret: str(),
// and now the env is validated and no longer undefined
const clientId = env.clientId
Just typecast the process.env.YOUR_VAR
.connect(String(process.env.MONGO_URL), {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useFindAndModify: false
.then(() => console.log('DB connected'))
.catch((err: any) => console.error(err));
Complementing previous responses and after some time with this problem, even installing #types/node, I found this answer. In short, just run a reload window:
"...Although, you probably have to restart typescript language server if it still uses previous version of the tsconfig. In order to do this in VS Code, you do Ctrl+Shift+P and Reload Window or TypeScript: Restart TS server if available..."
The best and easiest way to use node process.env in your typescript project is to first compile with tsc then run the compiled javascript file with node supplying your ENV var. Example (first make sure tsconfig.ts is what you want for the output directory also the name of compiled file, I am using dist as output directory and index.js as example):
cd my-typescriptproject
NODE_ENV=test node ./dist/index.js
Important note: if you have a web app and you are using webpack.DefinePlugin to define process.env on your window, then these are they typings you are looking for:
declare namespace process {
let env: {
// this is optional, if you want to allow also
// other values than the ones listed below, they will have type
// string | undefined, which is the default
[key: string]: string
commit_hash: string
build_time: string
stage: string
version: string
// ... etc.
For anyone coming here looking for an answer for Create React App projects specifically, your variable names should start with REACT_APP_
Read more here:
create a file like global.d.ts
declare global {
namespace NodeJS {
interface ProcessEnv {
SECRET: string;
export {};
tutorial by Christian Höller
You could also use a type guard function. Something like this that has a return type of
parameterName is string
function isEnvVarSpecified(envVar: string | undefined): envVar is string {
if(envVar === undefined || envVar === null) {
return false;
if(typeof envVar !== 'string'){
return false;
return true;
You can then call this as a type guard:
function myFunc() {
throw new Error('process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR not found')
// From this point on the ts compiler won't complain about
// process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR being potentially undefined
I wrote a module to simplify this. It has no dependencies so it's reasonably lightweight. It also works with dotenv, and you can pass a custom process.env to the env.from function if you need to.
It's mentioned in a few answers already, but here's an example:
Install it using yarn/npm:
npm install env-var --save
Then read variables:
import * as env from 'env-var'
// Read NODE_ENV and verify that:
// 1) it is set using the required() function
// 2) it is either 'dev' or 'prod'
// 3) throw a runtime exception if conditions #1 or #2 fail
const environment = env.get('NODE_ENV').required().asEnum(['dev', 'prod'])
// Intellisense will suggest 'dev' or 'prod'
if (environment === 'dev') {
console.log('yep, this is dev')
} else {
console.log('looks like this is prod')
Or another:
import { get } from 'env-var'
// Read the GitHub token. It could be undefined
const githubToken = get('GITHUB_TOKEN').asString()
// Read MAX_CONCURRENCY, or default to 5. Throw an error if it's
// not set to a positive integer value
const concurrencyLimit = get('MAX_CONCURRENCY').default(5).asIntPositive()
function callGitApi (token: string, concurrency: number) { /* implementation */ }
// TS Error: Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to
// parameter of type 'string'.
callGitApi(githubToken, concurrencyLimit)

requirejs callback undefined

Project Structure
wwwroot <-- files under this location are static files public to the site
modules ┌───────────────┐
global.js <--│ Built modules │
dropdown.js └───────────────┘
global.js ┌────────────────┐
dropdown <--│ Source modules │
dropdown.js └────────────────┘
global.cs Contents (pre-built version at ~/modules/global.js)
baseUrl: "scripts/modules",
paths: {
jquery: "../../lib/jquery/js/jquery",
bootstrap: "../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap",
knockout: "../../lib/knockout/knockout"
shims: {
bootstrap: {
deps: ['jquery']
define(function (require) {
var $ = require('jquery');
var ko = require('knockout');
var bootstrap = require('bootstrap');
dropdown.js Contents (pre-built version at ~/modules/dropdown.js)
define(function () {
console.log('dropdown initialized');
return 'foo';
Contains this script tag in the <head> of the page for loading requires config:
<script src="~/lib/requirejs/require.js" data-main="scripts/modules/global"></script>
In the body of the HTML page, I have the following:
require(['global'], function () {
require(['dropdown'], function (dropdown) {
The dropdown callback is undefined instead of the expected "foo" string that I'm returning from the defined module.
In fact, the console does not contain a log item for "dropdown initialized" either. This makes me believe the module is not being invoked somehow? However, it's strange the dropdown.js is present in F12 debugger as a script loaded into the page. Therefore, requires did make a call to load it, but did not run the contents of the define?
Noteworthy mentions
I'm using r.js to optimize and build. Both global.js and dropdown.js are processed over.
The name assigned to the dropdown module by r.js processing is "modules/dropdown/dropdown.js". I'm unsure if I should be using this somehow, or if I'm referring to the module correctly as just dropdown and relying on my baseUrl config having the correct path.
Edit #1
I have added the r.js build configuration used with grunt per commenter request. In conjunction, I updated the file structure to include the overall project structure, instead of just the runtime public wwwroot structure.
The r.js process will compile built forms of global.js + other modules in ~/wwwroot/scripts/modules from the source location ~/modules in summary.
function getRequireJsConfiguration() {
var baseUrl = './';
var paths = {
jquery: "wwwroot/lib/jquery/js/jquery",
bootstrap: "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap",
knockout: "wwwroot/lib/knockout/knockout"
var shims = {
bootstrap: {
deps: ['jquery']
var optimize = 'none';
var configuration = {};
var jsFilePaths = grunt.file.expand('modules/**/*.js');
jsFilePaths.forEach(function (jsFilePath) {
var fileName = jsFilePath.split('/').pop();
if (configuration[fileName]) {
throw 'Duplicate module name conflict: ' + fileName;
configuration[fileName] = {
options: {
baseUrl: './',
name: jsFilePath,
out: 'wwwroot/scripts/modules/' + fileName,
paths: paths,
shims: shims,
optimize: optimize,
exclude: ['jquery', 'knockout', 'bootstrap']
configuration['global'] = {
options: {
baseUrl: './',
name: 'modules/global.js',
out: 'wwwroot/scripts/modules/global.js',
paths: paths,
shims: shims,
optimize: optimize,
return configuration;
Edit #2
Thought it'd be a good idea to include the versions of requirejs packages I'm using:
requirejs: 2.1.15
grunt-contrib-requirejs: 0.4.4
The name assigned to the dropdown module by r.js processing is "modules/dropdown/dropdown.js". I'm unsure if I should be using this somehow, or if I'm referring to the module correctly as just dropdown and relying on my baseUrl config having the correct path.
In a sense, yes, you should be using that full path. That's what Require refers to as the module id - "modules/dropdown/dropdown" (if the .js in the above output was real, I suggest stripping that extension in the "name" config. .js is assumed by RequireJS, you don't want that string in your module ids). The basePath is used, when given IDs, to transform some unknown ID to a file path (e.g. 'bootstrap' id -> (applying path config) -> '../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap' -> (applying base URL) -> 'scripts/modules/../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap').
Really, though, just allowing r.js to concatenate everything into one file
is the preferred way to go. You could use the include option to include modules un-referenced by global.js in with the optimized bundle, too ( )
As to your specific problem: your lazy require(['dropdown']) call is misleading you. By combining the requested module id with the basePath, RequireJS comes up with the URL you want - scripts/modules/dropdown - which defines a module with the module id scripts/module/dropdown - but since you requested the module id dropdown, you get nothing. (I would've guessed you'd get a RuntimeError instead of undefined, but I suppose that's how things go). One way or another you need to address the id/path mismatches.
Although I have resolved my issue with the hints wyantb's answer provided, I've since changed my approach to a single file concat due to the simplicity it brings. I still wanted to post the specifics of how I solved this question's issue for anyone else to happens along it.
In the grunt build configuration options, I added the onBuildWrite field to transform the content, so my assigned module IDs lined up with how I was lazily loading them.
onBuildWrite: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
return contents.replace(/modules\/global.js/, 'global');
This code is specifically for the global.js file. I implemented a similar onBuildWrite for the other module files (in the foreach loop). The transformation will essentially strip the path and extension from the module name that r.js assigns.
Here are some examples of before and after:
Before After
/modules/global.js global
/modules/dropdown/dropdown.js dropdown
/modules/loginButton/loginButton.js loginButton
Therefore, when I load the modules using the HTML script from my original question, requirejs resolves and finds a match.
Either require by path or define global and dropdown in global.cs
require(['./global'], function () {
require(['./dropdown'], function (dropdown) {
