Webdrivermanager is unable to download driver due proxy not apply when working on company vpn - webdrivermanager-java

I am using latest version bonigarcia/webdrivermanager. In my company they are not allowing to access the driver api website for downloading driver exe or api while using company VPN, even proxy does not work.
How I can resolve this issue? What option provided by webdrivermanager to overcome this situation?
Note- Framework is required to run while VPN is on.

In your scenario you need the company proxy. Once you get it you need to follow these steps when using MAVEN:
Under .m2 folder, create an xml file called settings and enter the proxy below
Enter the following in the main project so that webdrivermanager can work:
WebDriverManager.chromedriver().proxy("YOUR COMPANY PROXY:80").setup();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
That will make it work.


Unable to host Blazor application

I am unable to get a Blazor app working while hosting the application as an IIS application on my local Windows 10 machine. The app is very simple, with just one page with minimal components - even simpler than the default Blazor app provided.
These are my steps:
Click on publish app
Select Folder, note it's going to ...\bin\Release\net5.0\browser-wasm\publish\
Open IIS, navigate to Default Web Site
Right-click Default Web Site and select Add Application
Select physical path as the path above, and host at www.NAME.com
Click Browse.. to view the app at www.NAME.com on *:80
Page displayed is the welcome page of IIS
Attempted Solution 1: Install URL Rewrite
Attempted Solution 2: Go to Hosts (in System32) and tried adding or followed by www.NAME.com
Attempted Solution 3: In index.html, edit the base element to include the link <base href="/NAME/" />
Attempted Solution 4: Instead of adding an application under Default Website in IIS, add it as a website instead
Attempted Solution 5: Gave IIS_IUSRS full permissions to web.config (Image)
None of the attempted solutions worked. I just started using Blazor yesterday and I am very new to this. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
Please refer to this tutorial, I think is one of the best tutorial to achieve your goals:
Remember that the configuration of the hostname in your hosts file is related to your machine only
So, in order to allow the students to access your IIS published site you need:
Register a hostname in a DNS server that all the computer of the students will use to resolve your machine name. I.e. if your machine should be accessible with www.name.com you need your DNS server resolves this name with your local IP address
To use the https protocol you need a certificate on your local machine, loaded in your IIS configuration, but the same certificate has to be available to every computer of your students.
I think the better and simpler solution is to use your local machine name, probably using your full DNS name, and allows the students to access the site using this name on their browser.
In this case you can use your local development certificate to allow https connection
This certificate is already installed on your machine for development purpose.
Every concept I've described is well documented on the web and here on the SO.

Unable to connect Fortify Scan Central Controller with SSC (Softare Security Center)

For my Organizantion i have upgrade Fortify Scan tool version from 18.20 to 20.1.0. Post upgrading the binaries in local server for Scan Central Controller, I am able to access controller from local at address "http://servername:8080/scancentral-ctrl/" but the same is not accessible from my workstation. Also while trying to Integrate Fortify SSC with ScanCentral Controller I am unable to view the controller status. I have added the url details under Configuration Tab on Fortify SSC portal.
The Config.properties file has been updated in ScanCentral install with the required details.
Please suggest any fix/insight on the issue.
Did you check your client.properties file in your Fortify installation folder at Core\config? It should have the client_auth_token paramater value set with the same token in the config.properties file found in your controller installation folder at tomcat\webapps\scancentral-ctrl\WEB-INF\classes.

Can't access redmine from other PC

I followed this link http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/310678/Installing-Redmine-on-Windows-in-production to install redmine webapp (redmine.org) so I can use it for IIS.
I tried to access to the link from another PC but it gave me 404 error.
I am assuming that the problem is related to a configuration problem.
I don't know if I'm missing any step.
Any help!?
I just reintall everything plus installing ruby project (Manual installation).
I followed these instruction http://www.helicontech.com/articles/installing-redmine-on-windows-in-production/
and it worked I don't know how!
Now I can access redmine from any other device inside the same network that the remine was installed in or by using VPN from outside the network.

Identity Server v3 can't find endpoints

I’m trying to get Identity Server v3 up and running. Below is what I've done.
Created an empty ASP.NET web project
Copied the StartUp and
config files from the SelfHost (Minimal) (http://goo.gl/ojOjSJ)
sample project
Installed the following Nuget packages: OWIN,
Microsoft.Owin, Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb, and
Add the [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(Startup))] attribute
When I run locally and try to hit one of the endpoints (/core/.well-known/jwks), I get “The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.” I know startup is running because I can set a breakpoint and it hits it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
At this point you are better off with using the github issue tracker because idsrv is still under development.
I found a solution for this by installing the following hotfix for handlers with extensionless URLs: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/980368/a-update-is-available-that-enables-certain-iis-7.0-or-iis-7.5-handlers-to-handle-requests-whose-urls-do-not-end-with-a-period

Make my Windows Azure Web and Services project available to my local area network?

I have a Project that runs on Windows Azure Development instance on a local development machine.
I have a Web Project that runs on :
and a Services Project that runs on
I want to make both of these project available locally on my LAN for development.
I've switched of the firewall and unblocked the ports 8080 and 81 from my firewall settings. but this still doesn't work.
Can you please help me out with this?
Thank you.
Like Brent explains the best solution would be to test this in the cloud (in a staging environment for example). There are plenty of examples that can help you integrate this in your build process. On the other hand, you'll be paying for this test environment, and this might not always be an option.
Allowing external access to your emulator is pretty easy, simply use netsh (which is included in Windows):
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=10081 connectport=81 connectaddress=
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=18080 connectport=8080 connectaddress=
Executing these commands will make your web project available on http://10.1.1.x:18080 and your services project on http://10.1.1.x:10081 (replace 10.1.1.x with your actual ip). Note that you might need to open the firewall on your machine to allow external connection to these ports.
The local development emulator was not created to allow for external access to other services for in development applications. While there are some unsupport hacks that make this possible, the official recommendation is to run such services in the cloud and access them from there. I realize this can make debugging more difficult, but this can usually be addressed by either remoting into the guest VM that hosts your applications and/or enabling intellitrace (providing you have VS Ultimate). Alternatively, properly instrumenting your application can also provide the proper evidence to help in trouble-shooting any issues.
Since you asked for the "hack" the current one on Windows 8, AFAIK, is to go to (assuming default directory structure here):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Emulator\devfabric
and edit both:
and modify /configuration/appSettings to include an item obviously replace "YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE" with your actual IP address such as Here is an example:
<!-- these settings are for the devfabric scenario -->
<add key="SetupCloudDriveDevPath" value="true"/>
<add key="SetupMachineKeys" value="false"/>
<add key="FixedSiteBindingIpAddress" value=""/>
The debugger will still open to the origin* location but just replace with your local IP address. Also, you will likely have to restart Windows 7 to get these changes to take effect and you want to edit the config files as administrator as they are protected.
