If "keyword" in message not working for logstash - logstash

I am receiving logs from 5 different sources on one single port. In fact it is a collection of files being sent through syslog from a server in realtime. The server stores logs from 4 VPN servers and one DNS server. Now the server admin started sending all 5 types of files on a single port although I asked something different. Anyways, I thought to make this also work now.
Below are the different types of samples-
<13>Sep 30 22:03:28 xx2.20.43.100 370 <134>1 2021-09-30T22:03:28+05:30 canopus.domain1.com1 PulseSecure: - - - id=firewall time="2021-09-30 22:03:28" pri=6 fw=xx2.20.43.100 vpn=ive user=System realm="google_auth" roles="" proto= src=1xx.99.110.19 dst= dstname= type=vpn op= arg="" result= sent= rcvd= agent="" duration= msg="AUT23278: User Limit realm restrictions successfully passed for /google_auth "
<134>Sep 30 22:41:43 xx2.20.43.101 1 2021-09-30T22:41:43+05:30 canopus.domain1.com2 PulseSecure: - - - id=firewall time="2021-09-30 22:41:43" pri=6 fw=xx2.20.43.101 vpn=ive user=user22 realm="google_auth" roles="Domain_check_role" proto= src=1xx.200.27.62 dst= dstname= type=vpn op= arg="" result= sent= rcvd= agent="" duration= msg="NWC24328: Transport mode switched over to SSL for user with NCIP xx2.20.210.252 "
<134>Sep 30 22:36:59 vpn-dns-1 named[130237]: 30-Sep-2021 22:36:59.172 queries: info: client #0x7f8e0f5cab50 xx2.30.16.147#63335 (ind.event.freefiremobile.com): query: ind.event.freefiremobile.com IN A + (xx2.31.0.171)
<13>Sep 30 22:40:31 xx2.20.43.101 394 <134>1 2021-09-30T22:40:31+05:30 canopus.domain1.com2 PulseSecure: - - - id=firewall time="2021-09-30 22:40:31" pri=6 fw=xx2.20.43.101 vpn=ive user=user3 realm="google_auth" roles="Domain_check_role" proto= src=1xx.168.77.166 dst= dstname= type=vpn op= arg="" result= sent= rcvd= agent="" duration= msg="NWC23508: Key Exchange number 1 occurred for user with NCIP xx2.20.214.109 "
Below is my config file-
syslog {
port => 1301
ecs_compatibility => disabled
tags => ["vpn"]
I tried to apply a condition first to get VPN logs (1st sample logline) and pass it to dissect-
filter {
if "vpn" in [tags] {
#if ([message] =~ /vpn=ive/) {
if "vpn=ive" in [message] {
dissect {
mapping => { "message" => "%{reserved} id=firewall %{message1}" }
# using id=firewall to get KV pairs in message1
else { drop {} }
# \/ end of filter brace
But when I run with this config file, I am getting mixture of all 5 types of logs in kibana. I don't see any dissect failures as well. I remember this worked in some other server for other type of log, but not working here.
Another question is, if I have to process all 5 types of logs in one config file, will below be a good approach?
if "VPN-logline" in [message] { use KV plugin and add tag of "vpn" }
else if "DNS-logline" in [message] { use JSON plugin and tag of "dns"}
else if "something-irrelevant" in [message] { drop {} }
Or can it be done in input section of config?

So, the problem was to assign every logline with the tag pf vpn. I was doing so because I had to merge this config to a larger config file that carries many more tags.Anyways, now thought to keep this config file separate only.
input {
syslog {
port => 1301
ecs_compatibility => disabled
filter {
if "vpn=ive" in [message] {
dissect {
mapping => { "message" => "%{reserved} id=firewall %{message1}" }
else { drop {} }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost"
index => "vpn1oct"
user => "elastic"
password => "xxxxxxxxxx"
stdout { }


Filebeat: How to remove log if some key or value exist?

filebeat version 7.17.3
i have 3 different logs for example
{"level":"debug","message":"Start proxy checking","module":"proxy","timestamp":"2022-05-18 23:22:15 +0200"}
{"level":"info","message":"Attempt to get proxy","module":"proxy","timestamp":"2022-05-18 23:22:17 +0200"}
{"campaign":"18","level":"warn","message":"Missed or empty list","module":"loader","session":"pYpifim","timestamp":"2022-05-18 23:27:46 +0200"}
how is it possible to not provide/filter out the log to logstash or elasticsearch if level is equal "info"
how is it possible to not provide/filter out the log to logstash or elasticsearch if key campaign does not exist?
in FileBeat i have following
- add_host_metadata:
when.not.contains.tags: forwarded
- add_cloud_metadata: ~
- add_docker_metadata: ~
- add_kubernetes_metadata: ~
- decode_json_fields:
fields: ["message"]
process_array: false
max_depth: 1
target: ""
overwrite_keys: true
add_error_key: true
- drop_fields:
fields: ["agent", "host", "log", "ecs", "input", "location"]
but with drop_fields i can remove some field and i need to not save completely log if key or value are exist!
in Logstash to delete those events is no problem - see below, but how to do this in filebeats?
input {
beats {
port => 5044
include_codec_tag => false
filter {
if "Start proxy checking" in [message] {
drop { }
if "Attempt to get proxy" in [message] {
drop { }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9200"]
# index => "myindex"
index => "%{[#metadata][beat]}-%{[#metadata][version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
Thank you in Advance
in filebeat there is drop events processor,
- drop_event:

Two configs for logstash not working together

I am having a ELK setup for processing haproxy and nginx logs, for this i have used separate config files for logstash, the main data which i want from logs are the "content url" and the "response time", in haproxy the responsetime is in milliseconds like 1345 and in nginx the response time is in seconds like 1.23. In order to bring the response time in same format i changed the haproxy response time to seconds using ruby plugin in logstash. And i m getting the desired results from both when ran individually, in kibana also i changed the response time field to duration on which input is in seconds and output also in seconds. But when i run both configs together the response time for ngnix logs returns 0.000 value and i can see tag of "_grokparsefailure" in json response, but when i run the ngnix config individually to debug it everything works fine, in kibana dashboard i can see proper response time values.
Below is the config for my Nginx logstash Config:
input {
beats {
port => 5045
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{IPORHOST:clientip} - - \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:content} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}\" %{NUMBER:response} %{NUMBER:response_bytes:int} \"-\" \"%{GREEDYDATA:junk}\" %{NUMBER:response_time}"}
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
Below is the config of my Haproxy logstash config:
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:date} %{TIME:time} %{WORD:[source]} %{WORD:[app]}\[%{DATA:[class]}\]: %{IPORHOST:[UE_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[UE_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Source_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[NATTED_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[NATTED_Destination_Port]} %{IPORHOST:[WAN_IP]}:%{NUMBER:[WAN_Port]} \[%{HAPROXYDATE:[timestamp]}\] %{NOTSPACE:[frontend_name]}~ %{NOTSPACE:[backend_name]} %{NOTSPACE:[ty_name]}/%{NUMBER:[response_time]} %{NUMBER:[http_status_code]} %{NUMBER:[response_bytes]:int} - - ---- %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{NOTSPACE:[df]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{DATA:[cache_status]} %{DATA:[domain_name]} %{URIPATHPARAM:[content]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[http_version]}" }
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
ruby {
code => "event.set('response_time', event.get('response_time').to_f / 1000)"
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
I m suspecting the response_time pattern ie %{NUMBER:[response_time]} in haproxy and nginx is creating problem. Don't know what is causing this issue tried every possible thing.

logstash hangs with error sized_queue_timeout

We have a logstash pipeline in which numerous logstash-forwarders forward logs to a single logstash instance. Many times we have observed that the logstash hangs with the below error:-
[2016-07-22 03:01:12.619] WARN -- Concurrent::Condition: [DEPRECATED] Will be replaced with Synchronization::Object in v1.0.
called on: /opt/logstash-1.5.3/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-lumberjack-1.0.2/lib/logstash/sized_queue_timeout.rb:16:in `initialize'
Exception in thread ">output" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at java.lang.Thread.stop(Thread.java:869)
at org.jruby.RubyThread.exceptionRaised(RubyThread.java:1221)
at org.jruby.internal.runtime.RubyRunnable.run(RubyRunnable.java:112)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Our logstash config looks like below:-
input {
lumberjack {
port => 6782
codec => json {}
ssl_certificate => "/opt/logstash-1.5.3/cert/logstash-forwarder.crt"
ssl_key => "/opt/logstash-1.5.3/cert/logstash-forwarder.key"
type => "lumberjack"
filter {
if [env] != "prod" and [env] != "common" {
drop {}
if [message] =~ /^\s*$/ {
drop { }
output {
if "_jsonparsefailure" in [tags] {
file {
path => "/var/log/shop/parse_error/%{env}/%{app}/%{app}_%{host}_%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.log"
} else {
kafka {
broker_list => ["kafka:9092"]
topic_id => "logstash_logs2"
On restarting the logstash it starts working again. Can some one let me know why this problem comes and how can we get around this without restarting logstash everytime?

What is the pattern to match complete input in Logstash?

I am using ELK stack with filebeat.
- /home/ubuntu/logs_*
input_type: log
hosts: [${LOGSTASH_PORT_5044_TCP_ADDR}]
index: filebeat
pretty: true
This is passing logs from a file logs_test
A sample log
I want to make a HTTP call to an external URL when the field statusCode is 1
The entire log object is being passed to logstash.
My logstash config
input {
beats {
port => 5044
codec => "json"
output {
if ([statusCode] and [statusCode] == 1) {
http {
message=>'{"text": "%{some_pattern_matcher}"}'
[Question] What should the "some_pattern_matcher" be to send all fields to HTTP request.
PS: %{mesage} does not work.
input {
beats {
port => 5044
codec => "json"
match => { "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:data}" }
output {
if ([statusCode] and [statusCode] == 1) {
http {
message=> %{data}
I haven't tried it out. So try this one and let me know if this solution works. If not please post the error(s) you got.

Logstash drop filter for event

In my log file I have entries like the following:
2014-06-25 12:36:18,176 [10] ((null)) INFO [s=(null)] [u=(null)] Hello from Serilog, running as "David"! [Program]
2014-06-25 12:36:18,207 [10] ((null)) WARN [s=(null)] [u=(null)] =======MyOwnLogger====== Hello from log4net, running as David! [MyOwnLogger]
2014-06-25 12:36:18,209 [10] ((null)) ERROR [s=(null)] [u=(null)] =======MyOwnLogger====== Hello from log4net, running as David! [MyOwnLogger]
which are of loglevel INFO, WARN and ERROR respectively.
What I would like to do is to only output to Elasticsearch those entries which are of ERROR level. Here is my Logstash configuration file:
input {
file {
path => "Somepath/*.log"
# This filter doesn't work
filter {
if [loglevel] != "error" {
drop { }
output {
elasticsearch { host => localhost }
stdout {}
Effectively, currently nothing gets sent to Elasticsearch. I know it is related to the filter because if it's not there, all the entries get sent to Elastisearch.
Try this grok filter. It is works at me with your logs
filter {
grok {
match => ["message","%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} \[%{NUMBER}\] \(\(%{WORD}\)\) %{WORD:loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:other}"]
if [loglevel]!= "ERROR" {
drop {}
First, you need to grok the loglevel, then just you can use the field to do if else condition and decide drop or not.
