UUID in JDL produces "error: cannot find symbol" in gateway - jhipster

I am trying to generate gateway+microservice apps in jhipster. Codegen completes fine but then the resulting app fails compilation with
R:\my-ms\gateway\src\main\java\com\my\domain\Practice.java:336: error: cannot find symbol
public void setStaffId(UUID staff) {
symbol: class UUID
location: class Practice
18 errors
I am using this config:
application {
config {
baseName gateway
applicationType gateway
packageName com.my
authenticationType jwt
reactive false
clientFramework react
buildTool gradle
serverPort 8080
entities *
entity Practice {
practiceName String
address1 String
address2 String
city String
state String
zip String
entity Staff {
jobtitle String
relationship OneToMany {
Staff to Practice{staff}
Where did I go wrong?


Why does ServiceStack burden the DTOs with routing concerns?

I'm learning ServiceStack, and from reading this page, a couple of things aren't clear to me.
So, considering this DTO pair:
public class Hello : IReturn<HelloResponse>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
And this service:
public class MyService : Service
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
Why is it the responsibility of Hello to specify the return-type using the marker interface IReturn<HelloResponse>?
It seems like this could be inferred from the return-type of MyService - except that it's conventional to use a return-type of object, which also requires type-casts in tests and client-code. Why?
And why are the Route attributes applied to the model Hello, rather than to the service MyService, where the request is actually handled?
It seems like both of these facts are more relevant to the service than to the model.
For one, a person reading the service declaration would more readily find the information pertaining to the service, instead of having to find it in the model.
For another, accepted HTTP methods are implicitly declared by the service via method-naming conventions - so it seems like the facts about service routing/dispatch are sort of scattered between two layers.
From that point of view, I was probably expecting something more along the lines of this:
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
public class MyService : Service
public HelloResponse Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
What is the reason or the design thinking behind the conventions?
(Please don't take this as merely an attempt at critique - there's a lot of things I enjoy about this framework, and I am genuinely trying to understand the thinking behind these conventions.)
Why does ServiceStack burden the DTOs with routing concerns?
Note no routing concern burden is required at all in ServiceStack and all user-defined Routes are optional where all clients are able to call Services utilizing their automatic pre-defined routes.
Why is it the responsibility of Hello to specify the return-type using the marker interface IReturn?
It provides better typed access for client libraries like the generic C#/.NET Service Clients who are able to re-use the existing SericeModel DTOs to enable its optimal typed API without any code-gen, e.g:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);
var response = client.Get(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Or if you're not sharing DTOs it's also useful for Add ServiceStack Reference generated clients as well.
The return type on your Service implementation is meaningless in ServiceStack, i.e. has no behavioral difference, and would prevent the same Service implementation from returning the same Response DTO, or decorated with a custom HTTP Response, e.g:
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
return new HttpResult(new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" }) {
//... custom
both return types adhere to the API's IReturn<HelloResponse> contract
It's only useful for calling inter-process Services using the older ResolveService method, but for inter-prcess requests it's recommended to use the Service Gateway instead which also utilizes the type IReturn<T> interface markers for its Typed APIs.
The routes are not an implementation detail, they're apart of your public Service Contract and should be annotated on your DTOs which are used to define your Service Contract.
public class Hello : IReturn<HelloResponse>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
Where they're used by the .NET ServiceStack Clients to send Service Client Requests.
var response = client.Get(new Hello { Name = "World" });
For another, accepted HTTP methods are implicitly declared by the service via method-naming conventions - so it seems like the facts about service routing/dispatch are sort of scattered between two layers.
Please see docs on Routing, the Route definition defines which methods the specific route is active on whilst the most appropriate Service implementation is invoked depending on the Request, e.g:
public object GetJson(Customers request) => ... // ONLY GET JSON Requests
public object Get(Customers request) => ... // All other GET Requests
public object Post(Customers request) => ... // ONLY POST Requests
public object Any(Customers request) => ... // ALL other Requests
What is the reason or the design thinking behind the conventions?
A lot of these issues is trying to blur the explicit typed Service Contract of your APIs and its concrete implementation, in ServiceStack these are distinct explicit concepts where all the information about your public Service Contract should be maintained in your implementation-free ServiceModel project.
Please read the Background Concepts docs to familiarize yourself with ServiceStack's purpose and goals.

Understanding Asp.Net Identity key points

I am an Asp.net developer but very much new to the Asp.net Identity framework. I have been studying the sample application and followed some tutorials too on Identity but still I am not able to grasp the concept completely. I have very firm grip over Asp.net membership but Identity seems nothing like membership. I will explain what I have done so far.
I am creating a simple application in which I am following code first approach. I have created entity model for User which inherits from IdentityUser and has some extra fields. Below is entity model for User.
public class User : IdentityUser
public int? CompanyID { get; set; }
public bool? CanWork { get; set; }
public bool? CanSearch { get; set; }
public Company Company { get; set; }
Now in the examples people use the name ApplicationUser but for my own purpose I have used name User. Also there is a method in User or ApplicationUser model which is,
public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<User> manager)
var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
// Add custom user claims here
return userIdentity;
I am unable to understand the purpose of this method. Also from an example I have used the following model for Role,
public class Role : IdentityRole
public Role()
public Role(string roleName, string description)
: base(roleName)
this.Description = description;
public string Description { get; set; }
I understand that an extra field is added but I am unable to understand the purpose of overloaded constructor.
The above mentioned confusions are secondary. My primary confusion is that I am familiar that when I create entity models I use DbSet and DbContext and when I call any entity framework method to access the database, the database is created/drop created whichever scheme I am following.
In Identity which method is responsible for creating the Identity tables in the database? I have a IdentityConfig file in which I declare ApplicationUserManager and ApplicationSignInManager. I have also a Startup file. Previously I had only one Startup file in the App_Start folder and when I run the application and tried to accessed any Identity methods it gave me error and was not creating database. I then made the class as partial and created another partial class with same name at the root and then the exception was gone and tables were created. So Startup class is responsible for creating Identity tables? There are extra columns created automatically in the AspNetUsers like PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberConfirmed, TwoFactorEnabled. I don't need these extra columns. Can I remove these? Can I change the names of the Identity tables that are created?
I know these are very basic questions and not one question at all but if I was unable to find some basic tutorial or example for beginners then it would be very beneficial. What I have found are describing those things which I don't need or making me confuse. I want to understand and have control how Identity should work in my application but till now it seems to me that neither I am grasping it completely and nor being able to make is adjustable to my needs. Its like tutorials and example are teaching me how to make sentences but I am unable to understand the alphabets. :(
First of all you have to define the model - as you're doing - implementing the right interfaces.
Let's say you want to create a user for your application:
public class MyUser : IdentityUser<string, MyUserLogin, MyUserRole, MyUserClaim>
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
As you can see I've implemented the IdentityUser interface (namespace Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework).
I've specified what type of identifier I want to use for my primary key (string) and included my custom objects to manges login, roles and claims.
Now we can defined the role object:
public class MyRole : IdentityRole<string, MyUserRole>
Again there's a type and the class I've defined for the management of users belonging to to a role.
public class MyUserRole : IdentityUserRole<string>
MyUserLogin is going to implement IdentityUserLogin<string>.
MyUserClaim is going to implement IdentityUserClaim<string>.
As you can see each interface need a type for the primary key.
The second step is to create the user store:
public class MyUserStore: UserStore<MyUser, MyRole, string, MyUserLogin, MyUserRole, MyUserClaim>
public MyUserStore(MyContext context)
: base(context)
Again we have defined what user, role, login etc etc we want to use.
We need UserStore cause our UserManager is going to need one.
If you're planning to manage roles and associate roles with each user you have to create your RoleStore definition.
public class MyRoleStore : RoleStore<MyRole, string, MyUserRole>
public DaufRoleStore(ApplicationDatabaseContext context) : base(context)
Now you can create your UserManager. The UserManager is the real responsible of saving changes to the UserStore.
public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<MyUser, string>
public ApplicationUserManager(IUserStore<MyUser, string> store)
: base(store)
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new MyUserStore(context.Get<MyContext>()));
manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<MyUser, string>(manager)
AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
RequireUniqueEmail = true
manager.PasswordValidator = new PasswordValidator()
RequiredLength = 5,
RequireNonLetterOrDigit = false, // true
// RequireDigit = true,
RequireLowercase = false,
RequireUppercase = false,
return (manager);
This class has a static method which will create a new UserManager for you.
Interesting to note that you can include some validation rules you might need to validate password etc etc.
Last thing is to create or database context.
public class MyContext : IdentityDbContext<MyUser, MyRole, string, MyUserLogin, MyUserRole, MyUserClaim>
public MyContext(): base("<your connection string here>")
public static MyContext Create()
return new MyContext();
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
As you can see I've used the model builder to change the names all the tables.
You can define keys or fields type or tables relations here.
This is the place where you're going to attach your custom classes you want to manage in your context:
public DbSet<MyCustomer> Customers{ get; set; }
Again MyContext has a Create method which returns a new context:
public static MyContext Create()
return new MyContext();
Now you should have a startup class where you're going to bootstrap your stuff:
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(ASPNETIdentity2.Startup))]
namespace ASPNETIdentity2
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
Here you're going to create your database context and your user manager you can use in your application.
Notice the first line:
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(ASPNETIdentity2.Startup))]
This is needed cause you're telling your environment that is the startup class which needs to be called at ... startup.
Now in your controllers you can simply refer to your UserManager doing something like this:
How can you create your tables?
In Visual Studio go to TOOLS -> NuGet Packager Manager -> Package Manager Console.
In the window there's a combobox "Default Project". Choose your ASP.NET MVC project.
Run this command:
It will create a file Configuration.cs in a new folder called Migrations.
If you want to create your database you need to open that file and change the AutomaticMigrationsEnabled to true:
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
Again, from Package Manager Console, you can run:
and all your tables will appear in your database. Don't forget your connection string.
You can download this github project to see how everything works.
You can check these two answers with some other info.
The first of the two has got some links to a blog where you can learn all these things.
You have to do all this if you want to customized every single bit of your environment.

How to access query string param in self hosted app

I have an IIS hosted app which takes an id from query string and instantiates user object like so. In AppHost.Configure I register UserService in IoC like so
container.Register(x => new UserService(x.Resolve<IDataContext>()).GetUser()).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);
My UserService (this is not a ServiceStack service, just an internal helper) looks like
public class UserService
public UserService(IDataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
public User GetUser()
var uid = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["$id$"];
I want to change this to a self hosted app and therefore I don't have access to HttpContext any more. I have looked at HttpListenerContext but nothing seems to be populated when my class is being injected.
Can anyone shed any light on how to pass param from query string to this class?
You can't access any dependencies in your constructor and every ServiceStack action requires a Request DTO see the New API wiki for more details.
In your Service actions you can simply access the base.Request and base.Response when you need them e.g:
public class MyService : Service
public UserService UserService { get; set; }
public User Get(MyRequest request)
var user = UserService.GetUser(base.Request);
Note: there is no singleton for HttpListenerContext for Self-Hosting, so you can't get access to the runtime HTTP Request from inside an IOC lambda.

ServiceStack and dynamic properties in request DTOs

I would like to post a JSON object to my service stack service and use a dynamic property in the request DTO. All approaches I have tried so far leave the object being a NULL value.
The javascript code I use:
Name: "Murphy",
Laws: {
SomeProp: "A list of my laws",
SomeArr: [
{ Title: "First law" },
{ Title: "Second law" },
{ Title: "Third law" }
function(data) {
The DTO to receive the request:
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
public dynamic Laws { get; set; }
I also tried to use an object and JsonObject instead of dynamic in the DTO.
To be complete, here's the service too:
public class HelloService : Service
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Murphy comes through in the Name property without any problems, but the Laws property remains NULL.
In the end, I want to somehow iterate (using reflection?) over the Laws property and get all the contained properties and values.
I cannot use a typed DTO here, because I don't know the JSON of the Laws property at development time (and it can change quite frequently).
Thanks for any help!
The .NET 3.5 library builds of ServiceStack on NuGet doesn't have native support for the .NET 4.0+ dynamic type. You can pass JSON into a string property and dynamically parse it on the server:
public object Any(Hello request)
var laws = JsonObject.Parse(request.Laws);
laws["SomeProp"] //
laws.ArrayObjects("SomeArr") //
Otherwise You can use Dictionary<string,string> or if you specify in your AppHost:
JsConfig.ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true;
You can use object which will treat objects like a string dictionary.
Otherwise dynamic shouldn't be on the DTO as it's meaningless as to what the service expects. You could just add it to the QueryString. You can use the JSV Format to specify complex object graphs in the QueryString, e.g:
/hello?laws={SomeProp:A list of my laws,SomeArr:[{Title:First Law}]}
Note: the spaces above gets encoded with %20 on the wire.
Which you can access in your services with:
public object Any(Hello request)
var laws = base.QueryString["laws"].FromJsv<SomeTypeMatchingJsvSent>();

ServiceStack - Empty Request Classes?

I have a question regarding ServiceStack. Why are there empty Request Classes, why do we have to have a Request Class? For example:
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test
public class TestResponse
public string Date { get; set; }
public class TestService : Service
public object Get(Test test)
return new TestResponse { Date = DateTime.Now.ToString() };
If I don't pass an object with my request, my service fails?
Then I'm my Global.asax file, I have:
public class AxDataAppHost : AppHostBase
public AxDataAppHost() :
base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly)
What if I have more than 1 service, in the example above I'm using TestService but what if I have one for Customers, Orders and Products? How do I handle multiple services?
why do we have to have a Request Class?
ServiceStack is a message-based framework that embraces Martin Fowler's Remote Service Best Practices (i.e. Remote Facade, DTOs and Gateway) which utilizes a ServiceGateway to send coarse-grained Request DTOs which commonly returns a typed Response DTO (though services can return anything). Using a message-based design has many advantages and is what enables ServiceStack's typed end-to-end API.
E.g. you can re-use these types you defined your services with:
public class Test : IReturn<TestResponse> {}
public class TestResponse
public string Date { get; set; }
On the client, which is what gives you a typed API without code-gen, e.g:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
TestResponse response = client.Get(new Test());
Note: you don't even need custom routes as by default ServiceStack's C# clients will fallback to use the pre-defined routes (enabled by default).
What if I have more than 1 service, in the example above I'm using TestService but what if I have one for Customers, Orders and Products? How do I handle multiple services?
In your AppHost base constructor you're passing in an assembly (i.e. NOT a single service):
public AxDataAppHost() : base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly) {}
This tells ServiceStack where to look for and wire-up all your services. You only need to do this once for each dll/assembly that your services are in.
ServiceStack's AppHosts also allows specifying multiple assemblies which you can use to wire-up services located in multiple assemblies, e.g:
public AxDataAppHost()
: base("AxData", typeof(TestService).Assembly, typeof(ServiceInNewDll).Assembly) {}
