Rewrite engine not working using htaccess - .htaccess

I am trying to rewrite url using htaccess but it's saying 404.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^p/([a-z0-9])$ product1.php?pid=$1
It's not opening product1.php file.

You need to make sure your htaccess file and your product1.php file are in same folder. If not that it will give 404 errors.
If they are not present in same folder then you need to complete relative path from the path where your htaccess file is present like: eg: Let's say we have folder structure like:
So have your rules in following manner then:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^p/([a-z0-9])$ singh/test/product1.php?pid=$1 [NC,L]
Also apart from these put NC and L flags too in your rules to do case sensitive matching and making this condition's last rule here.


Writing htaccess that points to a file in the sub-directory

I have a order page in the following path
And I want to display it as
What should be the htaccess code (please let me know of every step if possible so I can learn also). Where should I place the htaccess file? Inside the backend folder or the root folder.
To change to you can use the following rule in htaccess in your root folder :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^order /back-end/web/order [L]
The rule above makes it possible to access your old URL as .

How to use htaccess file for subdirectory url

My problem is to redirect from subdirectory link to one file.
my current url
Please save my life
You can do something like the following using mod_rewrite in the root .htaccess file in order to rewrite the request to /stream.php?param1=<id>&param2=<file>:
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^stream/(\d+)/([\w-]+\.\w{2,4})$ stream.php?param1=$1&param2=$2 [L]
This assumes that the <id> (2nd path segment) is entirely numeric and the 3rd path segment consists of <filename>.<ext>. You should restrict this to m3u8 if that is all you are expecting.

Rewrite rule to redirect to file and not folder with same name

I am working on a new website and I want the following url /newsite/products to redirect to /newsite/products/product.php.
My .htaccess file is as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php
My problem is that there is already a folder called products within newsite and when requesting newsite/products it tries to open that folder rather than go to the php file.
I get:
You don't have permission to access /newsite/products/ on this server.
Is there any way to make this work?
EDIT: Requested url is: and location of .htaccess is in root.
You need to turn off the directory slash to rewrite your file :
Try :
DirectorySlash off
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php [NC,L]
Don't add a trailing slash in rule pattern
will rewrite to
will open your "products" directory
Note- this is not a safe solution, if you remove the rule and DirectorySlash is off, Your index file will be ignored ,all directories will start listing files and folders.

.htaccess rewrite rules not working

I am using scssphp for my css preprocessing and right now my styles look like src="style.php/style.scss". What I was wanting is to use a htaccess to just write in the style and then anything ending in .scss would get run through style.php. So I tried putting this in my home directory.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.scss$ style.php/$1.scss
I even tried
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteRule ^(.*)\.scss$ style.php/style.scss
Neither work, something is happening, because my style.scss is loading with a 500 internal server error, but I'm not sure where the error is.
Your rules are looping, try adding an additional check to not rewrite when the URI has style.php in it:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !style\.php
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.scss$ style.php/$1.scss
The rewrite engine will continue to loop through your rules until the URI stops chanmging. What's happening with your rule is that a request like /path/style.scss is getting procfessed and rewritten to /style.php/path/style.scss, and the the rewrite engine loops. The second time around, the rule gets applied again and it rewrites to: /style.php/style.php/path/style.scss, etc.
a better regex to get requested file name would be [a-z_A-Z]+.scss
try your htaccess using this syntax

How do I do a htaccess rewrite to another folder for a single file?

We moved a part of our site from one sub folder to another. I want to put permanent redirects (301) into htaccess for the files in this folder (some have changed their filename as well, so I can't just setup one rule for the whole folder). Here's what I'm trying
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ db/tutorial.php [R=301]
This doesn't work though, I get a 404 response when now entering the old URL. I find this curious as I had a rule in place for ages that does work, which looks like this:
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ search/tutorial-search.php
I really don't see the big difference. I also tried the following (among others) but it doesn't work either
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ db/tutorial.php
What exactly is causing this to fail? Just to make sure I put all of these at the exact same line of the htaccess file. Is it because I'm rewriting to another folder? Thanks :)
Try adding a leading slash to your rewrite targets, because when redirecting, apache could be mistaking a URL-path with a file-path.
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ /db/tutorial.php [R=301]
