Lambda stream encoded string - node.js

I stored the audio file in an array buffer and encoded it with base64. I need to send the data from the lambda to react client. For the larger audio files, I'm facing a lambda payload limit error.
Is there any way to stream the data in chunks from the Lambda to client ?
function readFile(filepath, callback) {
fs.readFile(filepath, (err, data) => {
// Data is a Buffer object
if (err) console.log(err);
readFile(`${outputFile}`, function (data) {
try {
let base64enc = base64.encode(data);
responseBody.message = base64enc;
status = statusCodes.OK;
return sendResponse(status, responseBody);//Sending response
} catch (err) {
console.log("error " + err);

No, there isn't. Each Lambda function call can return one payload and Lambda function calls are independent. I suggest two possible solutions.
Request a specific chunk. You can call the Lambda function multiple times with each call requesting a specific chunk of the data and merging them together as one data (file in your case) on the frontend.
Use S3. You usually handle media files using S3. Assuming you already have the audio file on S3, you generate and return the pre-signed get URL object in Lambda, and use the url to get the object on the frontend. (You can refer to code on Presigned URL generation code times-out as Lambda, works locally or other sources). You can also upload audio files by getting the pre-signed put URL in Lambda and using the url on the frontend to upload.
I would suggest the second solution because it is a more standard way of dealing with media files.


How to send a stream of data from a JS application to Lamda running on NodeJS and return concurrently

I have a Angular JS application, from this application I send data to my AWS API endpoint
* Bulk sync with master
async syncDataWithMaster(): Promise<AxiosResponse<any> | void> {
{ = token;
const url = this.endpoint;
return, compressed, {
onUploadProgress: progressEvent => {
onDownloadProgress: progressEvent => {
}).then((response) => {
if ( == 'success') {
return response;
} else {
throw new Error('Could not authenticate user');
} catch (e) {
the api gateway triggers my Lambda function (NodeJS) with the data it received:
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const localData = JSON.parse(event.body);
Here get data from master and compare with local data and send back any new data
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(newData),
return response;
the lambda function will call the database and get the master data for a user (not shown in the example) and then this data is compare using various logic with the local data and it determines if we need to send any new rows back to the local device to be store/ updated. (Before anyone asks, the nature of the application needs full data)
This principle works great for 90% of my users. However some users have fairly large amounts of data the current maximum being around 17mb of data.
So my question is is it possible to stream the data to and from the lambda function? So stream the data to the function, process and stream back? So that it is not affected by payload limits from AWS?
Or is it possible to somehow, begin sending data to the function as a stream and then as data becomes available it starts streaming data back at the same time?
(Data is JSON format)
I am wondering what alternatives to this solution (as it need to be fairly quick as well max 30sec)
(One other idea I had was for certain data above a certain size, frist client saves to s3 using signed url. The calls the api gateway for lambda. Lambda gets the saved file and compare to master. New data to be returned saved to s3 if over certain size. Then signed url returned to client. Client downloads the new data and processes) - However I am not sure if this of cost effective and it sounds live execution time may be long
Thanks for any help, been trying to figure this out for a while now

createBlockBlobFromStream() is overriding existing content instead of appending

We work with very large files so we devide them into chunk of 20mb then call the upload function to upload them to blob storage.I am calling upload() in node js where I found that I am missing something while upload. Only 20mb is getting uploaded each time , I doubt nodejs is overriding the content rather than appending the stream.
can somebody help to fix it?
const chunkSize = Number(request.headers["x-content-length"]);
const userrole = request.headers["x-userrole"];
const pathname = request.headers["x-pathname"];
var form = new multiparty.Form();
form.parse(request, function (err, fields, files) {
if (files && files["payload"] && files["payload"].length > 0) {
var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(files["payload"][0].path);
// log.error('fields',fields['Content-Type'])
fs.unlink(files["payload"][0].path, function (err) {
if (err) {
log.error("Error in unlink payload:" + err);
var size = fileContent.length;
if (size !== chunkSize) {
sendBadRequest(response, "Chunk uploading was not completed");
//converting chunk[buffers] to readable stream
const stream = Readable.from(fileContent);
var options = {
contentSettings: {
contentType: fields['Content-Type']
blobService.createBlockBlobFromStream(containerName, pathname, stream, size, options, error => {
X-id: 6023f6f53601233c080b1369
X-Chunk-Id: 38
X-Content-Id: 43bfdbf4ddd1d7b5cd787dc212be8691d8dd147017a2344cb0851978b2d983c075c26c6082fd27a5147742b030856b0d71549e4d208d1c3c9d94f957e7ed1c92
X-pathname: 6023f6ae3601233c080b1365/spe10_lgr311_2021-02-10_09-08-37/output/
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryqodrlQNFytNS9wAc
The issue is that you're using createBlockBlobFromStream which will overwrite the contents of a blob. This method is used to create a blob in a single request (i.e. complete blob data is passed as input). From the documentation here:
Uploads a block blob from a stream. If the blob already exists on the
service, it will be overwritten. To avoid overwriting and instead
throw an error if the blob exists, please pass in an accessConditions
parameter in the options object.
In your case, you're uploading chunks of the data. What you would need to do is use createBlockFromStream method for each chunk that you're uploading.
Once all chunks are uploaded, you would need to call commitBlocks method to create the blob.
How can we generate the blockId?
A block id is simply a string. Key thing to remember is that when you're calling createBlockFromStream, the length of block id of each block you're sending must be the same. You can't use 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11... for example. You will have to use something like 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11... so that they're of same length. You can use GUID for that purpose. Also, the maximum length of the block id is 50 characters.
should it be unique for all?
Yes. For a blob, the block ids must be unique otherwise it will overwrite the content of a previous block uploaded with the same id.
can u show the example code so that i can try similar way to
Please take a look here.
Basically the idea is very simple: On your client side, you're chunking the file and sending each chunk separately. What you will do is apart from sending that data, you will also send a block id string. You will also need to keep that block id on your client side. You will repeat the same process for all the chunks of your file.
Once all chunks are uploaded successfully, you will make one more request to your server and send the list of all the block ids. Your server at that time will call commitBlocks to create the blob.
Please note that the order of block ids in your last request is important. Azure Storage Service will use this information to stitch the blob together.

Streaming a zip download from cloud functions

I have a firebase cloud function that uses express to streams a zip file of images to the client. When I test the cloud function locally it works fine. When I upload to firebase I get this error:
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
What could be causing this error? Memory limit?
export const zipFiles = async(name, params, response) => {
const zip = archiver('zip', {zlib: { level: 9 }});
const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles({prefix:`${params.agent}/${}/deliverables`});
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/zip');
response.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
response.on('close', function() {
return output.send('OK').end(); // <--this is the line that fails
files.forEach((file, i) => {
const reader = storage.bucket(bucketName).file(;
zip.append(reader, {name: `${name}-${i+1}.jpg`});
output.status(404).send('Not Found');
What Frank said in comments is true. You need to decide all your headers, including the HTTP status response, before you start sending any of the content body.
If you intend to express that you're sending a successful response, simply say output.status(200) in the same way that you did for your 404 error. Do that up front. When you're piping a response, you don't need to do anything to close the response in the end. When the pipe is done, the response will automatically be flushed and finalized. You're only supposed to call end() when you want to bail out early without sending a response at all.
Bear in mind that Cloud Functions only supports a maximum payload of 10MB (read more about limits), so if you're trying to zip up more than that total, it won't work. In fact, there is no "streaming" or chunked responses at all. The entire payload is being built in memory and transferred out as a unit.

How to get the thumbnail of base64 encoded video file in Nodejs?

I am developing a web application using Nodejs. I am using Amazon S3 bucket to store files. What I am doing now is that when I upload a video file (mp4) to the S3 bucket, I will get the thumbnail photo of the video file from the lambda function. For fetching the thumbnail photo of the video file, I am using this package - I tested the package locally on my laptop and it is working.
Here is my code tested on my laptop
var ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg');
module.exports.createVideoThumbnail = function(req, res)
try {
var process = new ffmpeg('public/lalaland.mp4');
process.then(function (video) {
video.fnExtractFrameToJPG('public', {
frame_rate : 1,
number : 5,
file_name : 'my_frame_%t_%s'
}, function (error, files) {
if (!error)
console.log('Frames: ' + files);
}, function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} catch (e) {
res.json({ status : true , message: "Video thumbnail created." });
The above code works well. It gave me the thumbnail photos of the video file (mp4). Now, I am trying to use that code in the AWS lambda function. The issue is the above code is using video file path as the parameter to fetch the thumbnails. In the lambda function, I can only fetch the base 64 encoded format of the file. I can get id (s3 path) of the file, but I cannot use it as the parameter (file path) to fetch the thumbnails as my s3 bucket does not allow public access.
So, what I tried to do was that I tried to save the base 64 encoded video file locally in the lambda function project itself and then passed the file path as the parameter for fetching the thumbnails. But the issue was that AWS lamda function file system is read-only. So I cannot write any file to the file system. So what I am trying to do right now is to retrieve the thumbnails directly from the base 64 encoded video file. How can I do it?
Looks like you are using a wrong file location,
/tmp/* is your writable location for temporary files and limited to 512MB
Checkout the tutorial that does the same as you like to do.
Lambda Docs:
Ephemeral disk capacity ("/tmp" space) 512 MB
Hope it helps.

download image on aws lambda nodejs

I need to download an image to my aws lambda function and use it for later use.
I have tried to use http.get() method but it requires local file system to place the image, which i guess is not available in case of lambda function.
I have also tried to use request.get method which is also not returning correct response to me.
Currently my function looks like:
function download_image(image_url){
return new Promise(resolve =>{
request.get(image_url, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
// let data = "data:" + response.headers["content-type"] + ";base64," + new Buffer(body).toString('base64');
resolve("Failed Downloaded")
I am openly looking for a way to store image on s3 or if I can store it in dynamo db using any format.
Any help will be appreciated.
im fairly sure you can use http.get in a lambda.
in concept you'd be doing the request, saving it to a byte array or buffer then writing that to s3. s3 makes sense for files and the retrieving is way easier than dynamodb, and also dynamodb you pay for writes and reads.
Saving an image stored on s3 using node.js?
