Remove first element that fulfills predicate (Haskell) - haskell

I want to make a function that removes the first element that fulfills the predicate given in the second argument. Something like this:
removeFirst "abab" (< 'b') = "bab"
removeFirst "abab" (== 'b') = "aab"
removeFirst "abab" (> 'b') = "abab"
removeFirst [1,2,3,4] even = [1,3,4]
I wanted to do it by recursively, and came up with this:
removeFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
removeFirst [] _ = []
rremoveFirst (x:xs) p = if p x then x : removeFirst xs p else removeFirst xs p
(Inspired by this question)
But I get a type-error, like this:
Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘Bool’
Expected: [Bool]
Actual: [a]
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
removeFirst :: forall a. [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
or this:
ghci> removeFirst [1,2,3,4] even
<interactive>:25:1: error:
* Variable not in scope: removeFirst :: [a0] -> (a1 -> Bool) -> t
* Perhaps you meant `rem' (imported from Prelude)
I know this is a relatively simple thing to program, I am just not familiar enough with Haskell yet. How can I do this "Haskell-style" (in one line)?

Before doing it "in style", why not first simply do it, so it works. This is how we learn.
"Variable not in scope: removeFirst ..." simply means you haven't defined the function named removeFirst.
So it seems you first tried to define it (and the error you show does not go with the code you show), then you got errors so it didn't get defined, and then you tried calling it and got the error saying it's not defined yet, naturally.
So, save your program in a source file, then load that file in GHCi. Then if you get any errors please copy-paste the full code from your file into your question (do not re-type it by hand). Also please specify what is it you do when you get the error messages, precisely. And be sure to include the error messages in full by copy-pasting them as well.
Then the logic of your code can be addressed.
Since others have posted working code, here's how I'd code this as a one-liner of sorts:
remFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
remFirst xs p = foldr g z xs xs
g x r ~(_:tl) -- "r" for recursive result
| p x -- we've found it, then
= tl -- just return the tail
| otherwise
= x : r tl -- keep x and continue
z _ = [] -- none were found
Shortened, it becomes
remFirst xs p =
foldr (\x r ~(_:tl) -> if p x then tl else x : r tl)
(const []) xs xs

Not one line, but it works.
removeFirst :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
removeFirst (x:xs) pred
| pred x = xs
| otherwise = x : removeFirst xs pred
For a one-liner, I imagine you'd want to use foldl to walk across the list from the left.
This solution uses guards, it first checks to see if the first element of the list passed in satisfies the predicate, and if not, it prepends it to the list and recursively checks the tail of the passed in list.

Using manual recursion does not lead to a one-liner solution, so let's try using some pre-built recursion scheme from the library.
Function scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] looks handy. It produces a succession of states, one state per input item.
Testing under the ghci interpreter:
$ ghci
λ> p = (=='b')
λ> xs = "ababcdab"
λ> ss = tail $ scanl (\(s,n) x -> if (p x) then (x,n+1) else (x,n)) (undefined,0) xs
λ> ss
At that point, it is easy to spot and get rid of the one unwanted element, thru some simple data massaging:
λ> filter (\(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)) ss
λ> map fst $ filter (\(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)) ss
Let's now write our removeFirst function. I take the liberty to have the predicate as leftmost argument; this is what all library functions do.
removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
removeFirst p =
stepFn = \(s,n) x -> if (p x) then (x,n+1) else (x,n)
p2 = \(x,n) -> (n /= 1) || (not $ p x)
map fst . filter p2 . tail . scanl stepFn (undefined,0)
If required, this version can be changed into a one-liner solution, just by expanding the values of stepFn and p2 into the last line. Left as an exercise for the reader. It makes for a long line, so it is debatable whether that improves readability.
Another approach consists in trying to find a library function, similar to splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) but taking a predicate instead of the list position.
So we submit the (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) type signature into the Hoogle specialized search engine.
This readily finds the break library function. It is exactly what we require.
λ> break (=='b') "zqababcdefab"
So we can write our removeFirst function like this:
removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
removeFirst p xs = let (ys,zs) = break p xs in ys ++ (tail zs)
The source code for break simply uses manual recursion.


Creating a safe version of Haskell 'init' function

I'm working my way through "Real World Haskell," and the assignment is to make safe versions of head, tail, last, and init. I've succeeded on the first three, but the Maybe typeclass is killing me on init.
Here is my code:
-- safeInit
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit (x:xs) = if null xs
then Just [x]
else x : (safeInit xs)
And here are the resultant errors on loading into GHCI (the function starts on line 23 of the original file:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ch04.exercises.hs, interpreted )
> ch04.exercises.hs:27:26: error:
> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe [a]’ with actual type ‘[a]’
> • In the expression: x : (safeInit xs)
> In the expression: if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> In an equation for ‘safeInit’:
> safeInit (x : xs) = if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> • Relevant bindings include
> xs :: [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:13)
> x :: a (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:11)
> safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:24:1) | 27 | else x : (safeInit xs) |
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ch04.exercises.hs:27:31: error:
> • Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’ with actual type ‘Maybe [a]’
> • In the second argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘(safeInit xs)’
> In the expression: x : (safeInit xs)
> In the expression: if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> • Relevant bindings include
> xs :: [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:13)
> x :: a (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:11)
> safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:24:1) | 27 | else x : (safeInit xs) |
> ^^^^^^^^^^^ Failed, no modules loaded.
Any way I mark or don't mark either the x or xs on the last two lines with Just, I get different, but very much related, typing errors. What subtlety on using the Maybe type with lists am I missing?
The main reason why this does not work is because your expression x : safeInit xs will not typecheck. Indeed, safeInit xs is a Maybe [a], but (:) has type (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a], so the types do not match.
There is also a semantical error. If null xs is True, then you should return Just [] instead of Just [x], since then x is the last element in the list.
You can make use of fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b (so for f ~ Maybe, fmap is fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b), to alter a value that is wrapped in a Just:
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit [_] = Just []
safeInit (x:xs) = fmap (x:) (safeInit xs)
but this will result in a lot of wrapping and unwrapping of values in a Just. It also means that for an infinite list, it will get stuck in an infinite loop. We can simply check if the list contains at least on element, and then perform the init logic as the result of a function we wrap in a Just:
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit (x:xs) = Just (go xs x)
where go [] _ = []
go (x2:xs) x = x : go xs x2
One interesting problem is how to write safeInit in terms of foldr. Aside from the fun of the puzzle, this allows it to participate in the list fusion optimization in GHC as a "good consumer", which can improve performance in some cases. We start with the first (naive) version in Willem Van Onsem's answer:
safeInit0 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit0 [] = Nothing
safeInit0 [_] = Just []
safeInit0 (x:xs) = fmap (x:) (safeInit0 xs)
The first problem with this is that it's not shaped quite like a fold: it has separate cases for [p] and for p:q:rs. A classic trick for patching this up is to pass a Maybe carrying the previous value in the list.
safeInit1 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit1 xs0 = go xs0 Nothing
-- This first case only happens when
-- the whole list is empty.
go [] Nothing = Nothing
go [] (Just x) = Just [x]
go (x:xs) Nothing = go xs (Just x)
go (x:xs) (Just prev) = (prev:) <$> go xs (Just x)
The next problem is semantic: it doesn't work right with infinite or partially defined arguments. We want
safeInit [1..] = Just [1..]
but safeInit1 will diverge in this case, because fmap is necessarily strict in its Maybe argument. But it turns out there's a bit of information we can use: fmap will only be applied to a Just value in this case. Exercise: prove that.
We'll take advantage of that by representing Maybe [a] in a weird way as (Bool, [a]), where Nothing is represented as (False, []) and Just xs is represented as (True, xs). Now we can be lazier:
safeInit2 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit2 xs = case helper2 xs of
(False, _) -> Nothing
(True, xs) -> Just xs
helper2 :: [a] -> (Bool, [a])
helper2 xs0 = go xs0 Nothing
go [] Nothing = (False, [])
go [] _ = (True, [])
go (x:xs) mb = case mb of
Nothing -> (True, rest)
Just p -> (True, p:rest)
rest = snd (go xs (Just x))
Now this has precisely the shape of a fold:
safeInit3 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit3 xs = case helper3 xs of
(False, _) -> Nothing
(True, xs) -> Just xs
helper3 :: [a] -> (Bool, [a])
helper3 xs0 = foldr go stop x0 Nothing
stop Nothing = (False, [])
stop _ = (True, [])
go x r mb = case mb of
Nothing -> (True, rest)
Just p -> (True, p:rest)
rest = snd (r (Just x))
You might worry that all these intermediate Maybes and pairs will cause performance problems, but in fact GHC is able to optimize them all away, producing something very much like Willem Van Onsem's optimized implementation.

First element in a list haskell

So i need to do a find2 method that take the first Element out.
For example find2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
and find2 (>4) [1 .. 10]
Should have a the output 5
I am not good with haskell, but i want to learn it.
My first try was
find2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
find2 p [] = []
find2 p (x:xs)
|p x = x+1
|otherwise = finde p xs
but i am getting an error
* Couldn't match expected type `a' with actual type `[a0]'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
find2 :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
at C:\\Users\XY\Desctop\XY.hs:30:1-32
* In the expression: []
In an equation for `find2': find2 p [] = []
* Relevant bindings include
p :: a -> Bool
(bound at C:\\Users\XY\Desctop\XY.hs:31:7)
find2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a
(bound at C:\\Users\XY\Desctop\XY.hs:31:1)
There is a problem here. There might not be a value in your list for which p holds true. You can see that problem in the base case of your function, when you return an empty list. However, you declared your function to return a single a value, and not a list.
Because of that, you need a way to differentiate a found value from an empty value. For this you can declare your function to return Maybe a instead of a. That way, when you reach the empty list case, you can return Nothing, and if you find the element you were looking for you can return Just x. It would look like this:
find2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
find2 p [] = Nothing
find2 p (x:xs)
|p x = Just x
|otherwise = find2 p xs
If you're not familiar with the Maybe type, you can read more about it here
If you're ok with erroring when the list contains no satisfactory elements, you can do this:
find p xs = head (filter p xs)
or the equivalent point-free, which I like more
find p = head . filter p
(not this though, it's over the top)
find = (head .) . filter -- obscure, not a good choice
If you want to return it in a Maybe, you can import Data.Maybe and do this:
find p = listToMaybe . filter p
If you want it in a list, this never errors:
find p = take 1 . filter p
You can use dropWhile (not . p) instead of filter p if you like, too.
Manually defining the recursion is fine too, but I think it's work that isn't necessary.

Is there a straight-forward solution to receiving the element *prior* to hitting the dropWhile predicate?

Given a condition, I want to search through a list of elements and return the first element that reaches the condition, and the previous one.
In C/C++ this is easy :
int i = 0;
for(;;i++) if (arr[i] == 0) break;
After we get the index where the condition is met, getting the previous element is easy, through "arr[i-1]"
In Haskell:
dropWhile (/=0) list gives us the last element I want
takeWhile (/=0) list gives us the first element I want
But I don't see a way of getting both in a simple manner. I could enumerate the list and use indexing, but that seems messy. Is there a proper way of doing this, or a way of working around this?
I would zip the list with its tail so that you have pairs of elements
available. Then you can just use find on the list of pairs:
f :: [Int] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
f xs = find ((>3) . snd) (zip xs (tail xs))
> f [1..10]
Just (3,4)
If the first element matches the predicate this will return
Nothing (or the second match if there is one) so you might need to special-case that if you want something
As Robin Zigmond says break can also work:
g :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
g xs = case break (>3) xs of (_, []) -> error "not found"
([], _) -> error "first element"
(ys, z:_) -> (last ys, z)
(Or have this return a Maybe as well, depending on what you need.)
But this will, I think, keep the whole prefix ys in memory until it
finds the match, whereas f can start garbage-collecting the elements
it has moved past. For small lists it doesn't matter.
I would use a zipper-like search:
type ZipperList a = ([a], [a])
toZipperList :: [a] -> ZipperList a
toZipperList = (,) []
moveUntil' :: (a -> Bool) -> ZipperList a -> ZipperList a
moveUntil' _ (xs, []) = (xs, [])
moveUntil' f (xs, (y:ys))
| f y = (xs, (y:ys))
| otherwise = moveUntil' f (y:xs, ys)
moveUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ZipperList a
moveUntil f = moveUntil' f . toZipperList
example :: [Int]
example = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19]
result :: ZipperList Int
result = moveUntil (>10) example -- ([7,5,3,2], [11,13,17,19])
The good thing about zippers is that they are efficient, you can access as many elements near the index you want, and you can move the focus of the zipper forwards and backwards. Learn more about zippers here:
Note that my moveUntil function is like break from the Prelude but the initial part of the list is reversed. Hence you can simply get the head of both lists.
A non-awkward way of implementing this as a fold is making it a paramorphism. For general explanatory notes, see this answer by dfeuer (I took foldrWithTails from it):
-- The extra [a] argument f takes with respect to foldr
-- is the tail of the list at each step of the fold.
foldrWithTails :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrWithTails f n = go
go (a : as) = f a as (go as)
go [] = n
boundary :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, a)
boundary p = foldrWithTails findBoundary Nothing
findBoundary x (y : _) bnd
| p y = Just (x, y)
| otherwise = bnd
findBoundary _ [] _ = Nothing
If p y is true we don't have to look at bnd to get the result. That makes the solution adequately lazy. You can check that by trying out boundary (> 1000000) [0..] in GHCi.
This solution gives no special treatment to the edge case of the first element of the list matching the condition. For instance:
GHCi> boundary (<1) [0..9]
GHCi> boundary even [0..9]
Just (1,2)
There's several alternatives; either way, you'll have to implement this yourself. You could use explicit recursion:
getLastAndFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, a)
getLastAndFirst p (x : xs#(y:ys))
| p y = Just (x, y)
| otherwise = getLastAndFirst p xs
getLastAndFirst _ [] = Nothing
Alternately, you could use a fold, but that would look fairly similar to the above, except less readable.
A third option is to use break, as suggested in the comments:
getLastAndFirst' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (a,a)
getLastAndFirst' p l =
case break p l of
(xs#(_:_), (y:_)) -> Just (last xs, y)
_ -> Nothing
(\(xs, ys) -> [last xs, head ys]) $ break (==0) list
Using break as Robin Zigmond suggested ended up short and simple, not using Maybe to catch edge-cases, but I could replace the lambda with a simple function that used Maybe.
I toyed a bit more with the solution and came up with
breakAround :: Int -> Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
breakAround m n cond list = (\(xs, ys) -> (reverse (reverse take m (reverse xs))) ++ take n ys) $ break (cond) list
which takes two integers, a predicate, and a list of a, and returns a single list of m elements before the predicate and n elements after.
Example: breakAround 3 2 (==0) [3,2,1,0,10,20,30] would return [3,2,1,0,10]

Haskell - Filter Last Element

I want to filter the last element of a list that does not satisfy a property. An example would be
smallerOne :: a->Bool
smallerOne x = x < 1
The function filterLast should give
filterLast smallerOne [1, -2, -3, -4, 5]
[1, -2, -3, -4] //Filters the last element that is not smaller than 1
Here is my code (I am a beginner so sorry for the bad attempt)
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p [] = []
filterLast p xs
| p (last xs) = filterLast p (init xs) : last xs
| otherwise = init xs
Thank you for your help
The minimal change that will cause filterLast to compile is to use (++) instead of (:), as in:
filterLast p xs
| p (last xs) = filterLast p (init xs) ++ [last xs]
(Other lines remain the same.) The (:) function is specifically for putting a single extra element at the beginning of a list, which is not what you wanted to do here. For smallerOne, you may simply change the type signature in the way suggested by the error message, thus:
smallerOne :: (Num a, Ord a) => a->Bool
Here is one possible implementation of filterLast:
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p = go []
where go chunk xs = case span p xs of
(left, []) -> left
(left, (r:right)) -> chunk ++ left ++ go [r] right
The idea is to repeatedly use span to split the sequence into two parts: a left half that all satisfy the predicate, and then a right half starting with the first element that doesn't satisfy it. If there is no right half, then we can just return the left half untouched. Otherwise, we have to:
Save off the first element of the right half as a "candidate" item that will only be included if we can find a later element that doesn't satisfy the predicate
Include the previous candidate element, if any, in the result.
This is substantially more efficient for large lists (and especially infinite lists!) than the approach used in your question, with repeated calls to last and init. But if this is not an important concern for you, then simply applying the fixes suggested in Daniel Wagner's answer will get you a function that you will find easier to understand.
Edit: As suggested in the comments, you can fix one corner case (an infinite list of items that all satisfy the predicate) by renaming this function to filterLast' and then defining a new filterLast that delegates to it:
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p xs = left ++ filterLast' p right
where (left, right) = span p xs
Note that there are still some sequences where this diverges without ever producing output, such as filterLast (< 1) $ 10 : repeat -1. But I think it's impossible for any implementation to address that, because you never find out whether or not to include the 10 in the output list, since you never find another element greater than 1.
What you want to do is reverse the list and take elements while they dont satisfy the property. The moment an element satisfies a property, you drop it and take the rest of the list. This translates pretty naturally into haskell code.
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p = reverse . uncurry (++) . dropHeadSnd . span p . reverse
dropHeadSnd (x, y) = (x, tail' y)
tail' [] = []
tail' (x:xs) = xs
The (++) reduces the efficiency of your code and while its not the asymptotic efficiency, eliminating the (++) will improve your performance.
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p = reverse . helper . reverse
helper [] = []
helper (x:xs) | p x = xs
| otherwise = x:helper xs
Both of the above functions use two iterations over the list. However remember with recursion you can get information from both behind and ahead. We use the recursive call to figure out if there are any subsequent elements for which 'p' is satisfied.
f :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
f p = snd . helper
helper [] = (False, [])
helper (a:as) | p a && flag = (flag, a:as')
| p a = (True, as')
| otherwise = (flag, a:as')
(flag, as') = helper as
smallerOne :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> Bool
smallerOne x = x < 1
filterLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterLast p (x:[]) = if (p x) then x:[] else []
filterLast p (x:xs) = x : filterLast p xs
This is the solution to your problem. Now, also some explanation:
smallerOne :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> Bool
you must include the class constraint Ord and Num, because your are trying to ordonate numbers through this < comparison operator. You can read more here:
filterLast is implemented through pattern matching, Haskell is pretty smart and will enter the branch that will match the given list, so he will enter this branch:
filterLast p (x:[]) = if (p x) then x:[] else []
only when there is one element left, i.e your last element.
You said you are a beginner, I really recommend you this tutorial,, it is pretty cool.

Improve my Haskell implementation of Filter

I have recently been teaching myself Haskell, and one of my exercises was to re-implement the filter function. However, of all the exercises I have performed, my answer for this one seems to me the most ugly and long. How could I improve it? Are there any Haskell tricks I don't yet know?
myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter f (x:xs) = if f x
then x : myfilter f xs
else myfilter f xs
myfilter _ [] = []
Thank You
The simplest way to neaten your implementation is to use guards. Instead of pattern = value, you can write write pattern | boolean = value; this will only match when boolean is true. Thus, we can get
filter1 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter1 p (x:xs) | p x = x : filter1 p xs
| otherwise = filter1 p xs
filter1 _ [] = []
(Note that otherwise is just a synonym for True.) Now, we have filter p xs in two places, so we can move it out into a where clause; these are shared by everything which shares a common pattern, even if it has a different guard:
filter2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter2 p (x:xs) | p x = x : xs'
| otherwise = xs'
where xs' = filter2 p xs
filter2 _ [] = []
(This implementation is the one used by GHCs Prelude.)
Now, neither of these are tail-recursive. This can be disadvantageous, but it does make the function lazy. If we want a tail-recursive version, we could write
filter3 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter3 p xs = let filter3' p (x:xs) ys | p x = next $! x:ys
| otherwise = next $! ys
where next = filter3' p xs
filter3' _ [] ys = reverse ys
in filter3' p xs []
Note, however, that this would fail on infinite lists (though all the other implementations will work), thanks to the reverse, so we make it strict with $!. (I think I did this right—I could have forced the wrong variable. I think I got this one right, though.)
Those implementations all look like yours. There are, of course, others. One is based on foldr:
filter4 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter4 p = let check x | p x = (x :)
| otherwise = id
in foldr check []
We take advantage of point-free style here; since xs would be the last argument to both filter4 and foldr check [], we can elide it, and similarly with the last argument of check.
You could also take advantage of the list monad:
import Control.Monad
filter5 :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
filter5 p xs = do x <- xs
guard $ p x
return x
The list monad represents nondeterminism. You pick an element x from xs, make sure that it satisfies p, and then return it if it does. All of these results are then collected together. But note that this is now more general; this works for any MonadPlus (a monad which is also a monoid; that is, which has an associative binary operation mplus—++ for lists—and an identity element mzero—[] for lists), such as [] or Maybe. For instance, filter5 even $ Just 1 == Nothing, and filter5 even $ Just 2 == Just 2.
We can also adapt the foldr-based version to get a different generic type signature:
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
filter6 :: (F.Foldable f, MonadPlus m, M.Monoid (m a))
=> (a -> Bool) -> f a -> m a
filter6 p = let check x | p x = return x
| otherwise = mzero
in F.foldMap check
The Data.Foldable module provides the Foldable type class, which represents any structure which can be folded like a list (placing the result in a generic Monoid instead.) Our filter requires a MonadPlus constraint on the result as well so that we can write return x. The foldMap function requires a function which converts everything to elements of a Monoid, and then concatenates all of them together. The mismatch between the f a on the left and the m a on the right means you could, for instance, filter6 a Maybe and get back a list.
I'm sure that there are (many!) other implementations of filter, but these are the 6 that I could think of relatively quickly. Now, which of these do I actually like best? It's a tossup between the straightforward filter2 and the foldr-based filter4. And filter5 is nice for its generic type signature. (I don't think I've ever needed a type signature like filter6's.) The fact that filter2 is used by GHC is a plus, but GHC also uses some funky rewrite rules, so it's not obvious to me that it's superior without those. Personally, I would probably go with filter4 (or filter5 if I needed the genericity), but filter2 is definitely fine.
How about a list comprehension?
myfilter f xs = [x | x <- xs, f x]
You could at least DRY it up a bit by pulling out that common myfilter f xs code:
myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter f (x:xs) = if f x
then x : rest
else rest
where rest = myfilter f xs
myfilter _ [] = []
For comparison, here's Wikipedia's implementation:
myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter _ [] = []
myfilter f (x:xs) | f x = x : myfilter f xs
| otherwise = myfilter f xs
In Haskell, most of the time you can (and should) use guards instead of if-then-else:
myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter f (x:xs)
| f x = x : myfilter f xs
| otherwise = myfilter f xs
myfilter _ [] = []
This ends up being basically the same definition as used in the standard library.
