I have a stock management table in excel sheet. Demo here:
Demo photo of this table
I want to create a code in VBA that comes In stock column and will test the whole cells. If any cell.Value < 2 and >0 then go to 4 cells backward take the value of this cell and show a message box
"backward cell.value and stock not available".
I tired to make this please help me.
There are a few ways to select table cells, here is one'
Option Explicit
Sub CheckStock()
Dim r As Long, n As Long, i As Integer, p As Integer
Dim s As String
With Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1")
i = .ListColumns("In stock").Index
p = .ListColumns("Product Name").Index
For r = 1 To .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
n = .DataBodyRange(r, i)
If n > 0 And n < 2 Then
s = s & vbCrLf & .DataBodyRange(r, p)
End If
End With
If Len(s) > 0 then
MsgBox "Products not available :" & s, vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
I have the following code in VBA to find the last cell inside a range that is greater than 0:
Set myRange = .Range(.Cells(1, 14), .Cells(1, 23))
count = 0 'Counter
For Each cll In myRange
If cll.Value > 0 Then
count = count + 1
NoZeroDir = cll.Address
End If
It gets the address of the last cell greater than 0 in that range.
But, how could I get the address from the cell greater than 0 before this last one?
I was thinking of using an offset but that way I'd get the cell before the last > 0 but this cell could not be > 0.
To illustrate it a bit, as an example I have:
2 3 5 0 1 7 0 8 1 0 1
The address from the last cell > 0 would be (1,11) but I want the cell before that one > 0, that is (1,9), not (1,10) as this is 0.
To find the second last number that is >0
Option Explicit
Public Sub FindSecondLastValueGreaterZero()
Dim MyRange As Range
Set MyRange = Range("A1:K1")
Const MAXSKIPS As Long = 1 ' skip 1 number that is >0
Dim Skips As Long
Dim iCol As Long
For iCol = MyRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
If MyRange(1, iCol).Value > 0 And Skips < MAXSKIPS Then
Skips = Skips + 1
ElseIf MyRange(1, iCol).Value > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Found at: " & MyRange(1, iCol).Address
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
End Sub
This will start in K loop backwards until it finds a 0 then keeps doing it until skipped >0 is 1 and print the address I1 as result.
Since this loops backwards from right to left it should find the result (in most cases) faster than your code.
Alternative using Worksheetfunction Filter() (vs. MS 365)
Based upon the newer WorksheetFunction Filter() (available since version MS/Excel 365) and using OP's range indication
you are able to get an array of column numbers from cells greater than zero (0) via an evaluation of the generalized formula pattern.
If you get at least two remaining columns (i.e. an upper boundary UBound() > 1) you get the wanted 2nd last column number by i = cols(UBound(cols) - 1) and can translate it into an address via Cells(1, i).Address.
Public Sub SecondLastValGreaterZero()
'a) construct formula to evaluate
Const FormulaPattern As String = "=FILTER(COLUMN($),$>0)"
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A1:K1") ' << change to your needs
Dim myFormula As String
myFormula = Replace(FormulaPattern, "$", rng.Address(False, False, external:=True))
'b) get tabular column numbers via Evaluate
Dim cols As Variant
cols = Evaluate(myFormula)
'c) get the 2nd last column number of cell values > 0
Dim i As Long
If Not IsError(cols) Then
If UBound(cols) > 1 Then i = cols(UBound(cols) - 1)
End If
'd) display result
If i > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Found at column #" & i & ": " & Cells(1, i).Address
Debug.Print "Invalid column number " & CStr(i)
End If
End Sub
Example result in VB Editor's immediate window
Found at column #9: $I$1
I have a list of data like this:
I want to add tests from Column N to X bu using a userform.
in the userform i have a combobox populated like this:
For example if add test D for the 1st time it should be Added on column 3, if I add a 2nd test D it should be Added on column 4... If I add test A for the 1time it should be Added on column 1, the seconde test A should be Added on column 2.... (like in the 1st pic)
Each time the name of persons and service is added automatically.
I am trying to set a condition to be able to get what I want I've writen this code:
' code for the button on my worksheet
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'-------------Populate the comobox of persons and tests
Dim ws_Liste_Pers As Worksheet
Set ws_Liste_Pers = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("service ")
Fin_Liste_Pers = ws_Liste_Pers.Range("A65530").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To Fin_Liste_Pers
UserForm_SDE.ComboBox_Demandeur.AddItem ws_Liste_Pers.Range("A" & i)
Next i
Dim ws_tech_essais As Worksheet
Set ws_tech_essais = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(" tech essais")
Fin_Liste_tech_essais = ws_tech_essais.Range("A65530").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To Fin_Liste_tech_essais
UserForm_SDE.ComboBox_Tech_Essai.AddItem ws_tech_essais.Range("A" & i)
End Sub
'Code for the userfom to add the data
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TPers = Feuil2.[A2].Resize(Feuil2.[A1000000].End(xlUp).Row - 1, 2).Value
ReDim TPlaces(0 To ComboBox_Tech_Essai.ListCount - 1)
Dim LP As Long, LS As Long, CS As Long
LP = ComboBox_Demandeur.ListIndex + 1
' If LP = 0 Then Exit Sub
' If Not ComboBox_Tech_Essai.MatchFound Then Exit Sub
CS = TPlaces(ComboBox_Tech_Essai.ListIndex) + 1: If CS < 14 Then CS = 14
TPlaces(ComboBox_Tech_Essai.ListIndex) = CS
On Error Resume Next
LS = WorksheetFunction.Match(TPers(LP, 3), Feuil2.[A:A], 0)
If Err Then LS = 0
On Error GoTo 0
If LS > 0 Then If Not IsEmpty(Feuil2.Cells(LS, CS).Value) Then LS = 0
If LS = 0 Then
LS = Feuil1.[A1000000].End(xlUp).Row + 1
Feuil1.Cells(LS, 1) = TPers(LP, 1)
' Feuil1.Cells(LS, 2) = TPers(LP, 2)
End If
Feuil1.Cells(LS, CS) = ComboBox_Tech_Essai.Value
Unload Me
End Sub
The problem is that this code is adding the tests only on column N.
Can anyone help me to find teh pb. Thank you
Use the next code, please. In order to properly work, it needs the strings matching the test numbers (from the sheet) to be exactly formatted like in the combo box I mean, like "001", "002" .... I did not observe how you loaded the combo, but it would be necessary to do the same for the range in H:H column. The best text format is obtained by selecting the column in discussion and then: Data tab -> Text to Columns... -> Next -> Next, then check 'Text' in 'Column data format' and press 'Finish':
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet, rngTNo As Range, rngCol As Range, iRow As Long, i As Long
Dim ComboBox_No As MSForms.ComboBox, ComboBox_Test As MSForms.ComboBox
'use in the next row your real combo boxes. I named mine ComboBox_No, respectively, ComboBox_Test
'You will use something like: Me.ComboBox_Tech_Essai, Me.ComboBox_Demandeur...
Set ComboBox_No = frmTest.ComboBox_No: Set ComboBox_Test = frmTest.ComboBox_Test
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'Feuil2
Set rngTNo = sh.Range("H7:H" & sh.Range("H" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row) 'Test numbers range
If rngTNo.cells.count < 1 Then MsgBox _
"There necessary Test numbers range is missing...": Exit Sub
If rngTNo.NumberFormat <> "#" Then MsgBox _
"The Test numbers range must be formatted as text!": Exit Sub
iRow = rngTNo.Find(ComboBox_No.Value).Row 'row to be used for dropping the test
For i = 14 To 25
Set rngCol = sh.Range(sh.cells(7, i), sh.cells(sh.cells(Rows.count, i).End(xlUp).Row, i))
If rngCol.Find(ComboBox_Test.Value) Is Nothing Then
If sh.cells(iRow, i).Value = "" Then
sh.cells(iRow, i).Value = ComboBox_Test.Value: Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
You have this line of code:
CS = TPlaces(ComboBox_Tech_Essai.ListIndex) + 1: If CS < 14 Then CS = 14
Which is setting the column index you use near the end of your sub:
Feuil1.Cells(LS, CS) = ComboBox_Tech_Essai.Value
14 = N so with the statement If CS < 14 Then CS = 14 the code will never populate a column before N.
To do simple look at this picture:
I want to choose the test number from a combobox, and then add the test by chosing it from a combox like this :
when adding a new test the code should look for the test N° on column H and the the name of the chosen test from the combobox, if the test exsits in column N it should be adde in M, if we select the same test the code must add it on the column O ...
in the same column I must not have the same test Name, look at the 1st picture for test A in green. ( I have selcted 001 from the combobox so tets A was Added on column N, a second test A N°001 its Added in column M)
For test B in yellow you see that the first value is in column P, because I have selected tets N° OO1, for the 2nd test B I have choosen test Number 002 from the combobox so it was added on column N
I need to find the average of a number found in column F if a particular value is found in any of the other columns in the sheet.
For instance: I have the following in a range...
Red Bill Jack Ruby Bill 250
Blue Ruby Ivan Raul Ted 350
Green Ted James Rick Ted 125
Red Ted Phil Ruby Bill 300
And in this worksheet, I want to find any instance of the name Bill and get the average of the number found in column F. In this case, the answer of 275 because Bill's name shows up in two rows. In the same respect, If I choose to look at Ted's numbers, the answer should be 258 because Ted's name shows up in three rows.
I would also appreciate if the formula would ignore any blank cells in the process of calculating the answer.
Thanks in advance!
I would use the function below, assuming that the data is placed in Sheet1.
Function my_average(strName As String) As Variant
Dim varArrayNames As Variant
Dim varValues As Variant
Dim dblInSum(1 To 4) As Double '~~> change to "1 To 40"
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim strRow As String
Dim dblSum As Double
varArrayNames = Sheet1.Range("B1:E4").Value '~~> change to "B1:G40"
varValues = Sheet1.Range("F1:F4").Value '~~> change to "H1:H40"
For lngCnt = LBound(varArrayNames, 1) To UBound(varArrayNames, 1)
strRow = Join(WorksheetFunction.Index(varArrayNames, lngCnt, 0))
If InStr(strRow, strName) > 0 Then
dblInSum(lngCnt) = 1
End If
Next lngCnt
dblSum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(dblInSum)
If dblSum > 0 Then
my_average = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(dblInSum, Application.Transpose(varValues)) / dblSum
my_average = 0
End If
End Function
Place =my_average("Bill") in any workbook (or a cell reference instead of "Bill").
Assuming the lookup value (Bill etc) is in cell C7, add the following formula in G1 then copy down for other rows.
Then do
So if Bill is in any col a-e that number is taking into the ave... If so depending on your data size why not do this simply...:
Sub simplesearch()
cnt = 0
tot = 0
srchval = InputBox("What are we looking for?")
lr = Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lr
For j = 1 To 5
If Cells(i, j).Value = srchval Then
tot = tot + Cells(i, 6).Value
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
If Not (cnt = 0) Then
MsgBox (tot / cnt)
MsgBox ("0")
End If
End Sub
Below is my current Excel table:
I want to automatically generate the third column in yellow as a hierarchical view of all activities. I tried to solve this challenge with formulas but I am not sure that would be the best way to do it.
Has someone already faced and solved this requirement in Excel? Any advice/suggestions to guide me?
Many thanks and best regards!
You can paste this macro in the Worksheet's code Module and run it from there:
Sub CalculateHierarchy()
Dim rLevels As Range, rLevel As Range
Dim level As Integer, maxLevels As Integer, cur As Integer, i As Integer
Dim h As String, counts() As Integer
Set rLevels = Range("A2:A" & Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row)
maxLevels = WorksheetFunction.Max(rLevels)
ReDim counts(1 To maxLevels)
cur = 1
For Each rLevel In rLevels
level = rLevel.Value
If level > cur + 1 Then
MsgBox "error at row " & rLevel.Row & " level increase by more than 1"
Exit Sub
End If
h = ""
counts(level) = counts(level) + 1
For i = 1 To level
h = h & "." & counts(i)
h = Mid(h, 2)
For i = level + 1 To UBound(counts)
counts(i) = 0
rLevel.Offset(, 2).Value = h
cur = level
rLevel.Offset(0, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End Sub
I have data in (Sheet4) columns A to I:
I'm trying to compare data for all rows (Only on column A and B) to see if any of the rows is duplicated, if it is: excel should highlight both rows.
A B C......I
s 1 x
s 3 w
e 5 q
s 1 o
Row 1 and 4 should be highlighted as values are the same for column A and B.
I shouldn't modify the sheet (no modification to the columns or rows should be done to the sheet), and the number of rows is not always known (not the same for all files).
Is there an easy way (using macros) to do this???
This is an attempt I have tried, but it is increasing my file to 7MB!!!!! I'm sure there should be an easier way to compare rows for an unknown number of rows and just highlight the dupllicates if they exist:
Public Sub duplicate()
Dim errorsCount As Integer
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim lastrow10 As Integer
errorsCount = 0
lastrow = Sheet4.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'is the row number of the last non-blank cell in the specified column
lastrow10 = lastrow
Sheet10.Range("B1:B" & lastrow10).Value = Sheet4.Range("A1:A" & lastrow).Value
Set compareRange = Sheet10.Range(column + "2:" & Sheet10.Range(column + "2").End(xlDown).Address)
For Each a In Sheet10.Range(column + "2:" & Sheet10.Range(column + "2").End(xlDown).Address)
c = a.Value
If c <> Null Or c <> "" Then
If name = "testing" Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(compareRange, c) > 1 Then
a.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
errorsCount = errorsCount + 1
End If
End If
End If
Next a
If errorsCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "Found " + CStr(errorsCount) + " errors"
MsgBox " No errors found."
End If
End Sub
Silly answer to you.
J1 or just duplicate sheet.
J1 =CONCATENATE(A1,"#",B1) > drag down > J:J > conditional format > highlight cells rules > duplicate values.
(* replace the # to any string which you think not possible in the original A:A and B:B.)
I do this all the time.
To collect all duplicates just SORT with color.