How to create Pipeline in azure synapse analytics project Using Rest API? - azure

We are using Dot Net environment and we are trying to create Pipeline using Rest API.
We have Dot Net SDK but we don't want to go with this.

You can use the Pipeline - Create Pipeline Run REST API to create a run of a pipeline.
For step by step by using the Synapse REST APIs - refer to How to start Synapse Pipeline from Rest API.


How to integrate Rest Assured test to Azure devops pipeline

I am using a gradle based project and want to integrate the REST assured testing with my Azure devops pipeline. What is the way to do so ?
Do I need to install dependencies for REST assured on my self-hosted agent ?
Do Azure Devops provide any task related to gradle and Rest assured to test the APIs.

AzureML: publish pipelines

I have published an ML pipeline using AzureML SDK, and then triggering thepipeline from an external service using the REST endpoint.
Is there a way, by which I can re-publish the pipeline, keeping the REST endpoint unchanged?

How to create test case in azure devops using rest api in python

Can anyone please share the details how to create a test case in azure devops using rest api, preferably in python code. I couldn't find a direct API in azure devops but they shared an API for work item. But I don't have an idea how the body should be while creating a test case. Please suggest.
How to create test case in azure devops using rest api in python
The test case is also a work item. That is the reason why they shared an API for work item for you.
When you create a workitem with TestCase type:
Then we could find it display on the test case tab:
So, we could use the REST API Create a work item to create a workitem with Testcase type to create the test case:
PATCH https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/${workItemTypeName}?api-version={version}
On the other hand, we could check the REST API about the Test cases, there are Get a test case, Delete a test case but no create the test case API directly.
To create a workitem in python, you could refer this official Azure DevOps Python API doc.
It contains Python APIs for interacting with and managing Azure
DevOps. These APIs power the Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI. To
learn more about the Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI, visit the
Microsoft/azure-devops-cli-extension repo.
Here is some example code for creating work item in python.
You could check this thread for some more details.

Azure DevOps invoked from an API to lauch a Terraform file

Based on the following design I want to launch a Terraform file and an application code on Azure DevOps when an Azure Functions trigger the Pipeline.
Do you know any example to do a normal API REST Call to A. Dev Ops?
(using Python or JS)
Do you think it is a good strategy to generate an orchestration pipeline to make the workflow of the infrastructure and later on the application code?
In order to deploy the application
code, how can I modify it using the arguments coming from the API?
architecture design

DevOPS with Azure Data Factory

I have created Azure Data Factory with Copy Activity using C# and Azure SDK.
How can deploy it using CI/CD ?
Any URL or link will help
Data Factory continuous integration and delivery is now possible with directly through the web user interface using ARM Templates or even Git (Github or Azure DevOps).
Just click on "Set up Code Repository" and follow the steps.
Check the following link for more information, including a video demostration:
One idea that I got from Microsoft was that using the same Azure SDK you could deserialize the objects and save down the JSON files following the official directory structure into your local GitHub/Git working directory
In other words you would have to mimic what the UI Save All/Save button does from the portal.
Then using Git bash, you can just commit and push to your working branch (i.e. develop) and from the UI you can just publish (this will create an adf_publish release branch with the ARM objects)
Official reference for CI using VSTS and the UI Publish feature:
Unfortunately, CI/CD for ADF is not very intuitive at first glance.
Check out this blog post where I'm describing what/how/why step by step:
Deployment of Azure Data Factory with Azure DevOps
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and finally - if that works for you.
Good luck!
My resources on how to enable CI/CD using Azure DevOps and Data Factory comes from the Microsoft site below:
Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in Azure Data Factory
I am still new to DevOps and CI/CD, but I do know that other departments had this set up and it looks to be working for them.
