Managed Identity read access to Azure Storage Blob & Table with PowerShell - azure

I've been trying to get access to a storage blob (and table in future) with a managed identity in Azure Automation, but unfortunately I can't get it to work.
The Managed Identity has the following permissions on the Blob:
Managed Application Operator Role
Storage Blob Data Contributor
Storage Table Data Contributor
I've tried several resources to get my accesstoken:
I do get the AccessToken for both resources, yet I still get the famous 403 forbidden errors.
This is the Uri I use to access the blob:
'https://{0}{1}{2}' -f $($Storage), $Container, $FileName
My invoke uses the Get method:
$InvokeSplatting = #{
Uri = $Uri
Method = 'Get'
headers = $Headers
The header contains the AccessToken: "Bearer ~"
Am I doing something wrong?
PS: the script did work with a SASToken, so something must be up with the AccessToken.
function New-ManagedIdentityAccessToken {
Short description
Parameter description
An example
General notes
param (
[parameter(mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Metadata", "True")
$body = #{resource = $Resource }
process {
$accessToken = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $body
$Headers = #{
Authorization = "Bearer $($accessToken.access_token)"
end {
return $Headers


Azure AutomationAccount DSC scripts debug

I am running a DSC script from an Azure automation account to configure Windows VMs. It downloads files from a storage account in Azure to hosts for more configurations. If I hardcode the storage SAS token, it works fine. But I would like to get the SAS token in the DSC script. I use managed identity of the Automation account and assigned proper IAM access in storage account. I am able to get the SAS token in a test runbook script, but not in DSC script.
I got the main part of the code from
The error I am getting indicates that the SAS token is not generated correctly, but I can't find a way to see what the error msgs are from this part of the code in DSC when it executed.
any help/suggestion is appreciated!
Configuration DSCtest {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
$resource= "?resource="
$url = $env:IDENTITY_ENDPOINT + $resource
$Headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$Headers.Add("Metadata", "True")
$accessToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method 'GET' -Headers $Headers
$Atoken = $accessToken.access_token
Write-Output $Atoken
$toDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(4).toString("yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00Z")
$params = #{canonicalizedResource="/file/storageacnt/exec";signedResource="c";signedPermission="rcw";signedProtocol="https";signedExpiry=$toDate}
$jsonParams = $params | ConvertTo-Json
$sasResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body $jsonParams -Headers #{Authorization="Bearer $Atoken"} -UseBasicParsing
$sasContent = $sasResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$sasCred = $sasContent.serviceSasToken
write-host $sasCred
$sasToken = "?$sasCred"
Node LocalHost {

Export all API names Azure APIM

I am trying to export all the url endpoints of my APIs which are stored in Azure APIM.
I need them listed in the format [POST]:, or something similar, so I am trying to enumerate all the endpoints first and the VERB that can be used much like what SwaggerUI or one of the OpenAPI docs might show.
I have this code so far but cannot get the output I would like, am I on the right track or is there any easier way to do this even via UI? I have also tried exporting the template and parsing the script, but it seemed overly complicated for this task.
#az login
$token = az account get-access-token | ConvertFrom-Json
$token = $token.accessToken -replace "`n","" -replace "`r",""
$headers = #{Authorization="Bearer $token.accessToken"}
$subscriptionId = 'subscriptionid'
$resourceGroupName = 'resourcegroupname'
$resourceName = 'resourcename'
$apiName = 'apiname'
$url_getapiexport = "$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/$resourceName/apis/$apiName`?format=swagger-link&export=true&api-version=2021-08-01" #GET
#Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url_getapiexport -Method GET -Headers #{Authorization="Bearer $token"} -ContentType "application/json"
$url_getapibytags = "$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/$resourceName/apisByTags?&includeNotTaggedApis=true&api-version=2021-08-01" #GET
$api_tags = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url_getapibytags -Method GET -Headers #{Authorization="Bearer $token"} -ContentType "application/json"
foreach ($api in $api_tags) {
write-host API: $
So if you want to export all APIM APIs and their service URLs you can do like this (replace xxx with correct values). Example in PHP
echo "[INFO] API Names and Service Urls \n\n";
$apiList = shell_exec('az apim api list --resource-group "xxx" --service-name "xxx" ');
$apis = json_decode($apiList, true);
$cli = "az rest --method get --url";
foreach ($apis as $api)
$name = $api["name"];
$apiRequest = "$cli " . "\"$name?api-version=2021-08-01\"";
$json = shell_exec($apiRequest);
$apiInfo = json_decode($json, true);
$displayName = $apiInfo["properties"]["displayName"];
$serviceUrl = $apiInfo["properties"]["serviceUrl"];
printf("%s: %s \n", $displayName, $serviceUrl);

How do I get AAD profile picture URL?

In the Azure Portal, under Azure Active Directory / Users, you can find image of the user.
It's like this<xxx>=.jpg?t=123456
This <xxx> is kind of base64 encoded string with padding, so maybe you can convert it somehow from the object-id? I tried with no luck.
Is there a way to extract this URL through the Microsoft.Graph?
I tried to use, but it's an object. And when you use$value, it's memory stream.
However, I'd like to use already created URL.
I don't think that's possible with MS Graph today. Downloading photos through Graph requires an access token so giving out a base64 encoded URL with a temporary auth token isn't something we currently do. I agree this would make embedding profile pictures in apps much easier if you can just cache the image like a static resource.
If you want to submit a feature request you can use the Microsoft Graph uservoice at
$upn = ''
$userid = (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $upn).ObjectId
$context = Get-AzureRmContext
$tenantId = $context.Tenant.Id
$refreshToken = $context.TokenCache.ReadItems().RefreshToken
$body = "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$($refreshToken)&resource=74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6"
$apiToken = Invoke-RestMethod "$tenantId/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$header = #{
'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $apiToken.access_token
'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
'X-Requested-With'= 'XMLHttpRequest'
'x-ms-client-request-id'= [guid]::NewGuid()
'x-ms-correlation-id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
$url = "" + $userid
$imageurl = (Invoke-RestMethod –Uri $url –Headers $header –Method GET -Body $content -ErrorAction Stop).imageUrl

Exception in renaming file name in ADLS Gen2 through PowerShell

I’m able to create files and folders in ADLS using PowerShell and ADLS Gen 2 REST API. However I’m having trouble renaming the file. I am using “x-ms-rename-source” in the header but its throwing exception.
$n = '`n'
$stringToSign +=
#SECTION: CanonicalizedHeaders + “\n” #
“x-ms-date:$date” + $n +
“x-ms-version:2018-11-09” + $n +
“x-ms-rename-source:/adlsg2filesystemname/folderpath/filename” + $n
$stringToSign +=
# SECTION: CanonicalizedResource + “\n” #
“/$StorageAccountName/$FilesystemName” + $PathToCreate + $n
$sharedKey = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($AccessKey)
$hasher = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$hasher.Key = $sharedKey
$signedSignature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($hasher.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToSign)))
$authHeader = “SharedKey ${StorageAccountName}:$signedSignature”
$headers = #{“x-ms-date”=$date}
$headers.Add(“If-None-Match”,”*”) # To fail if the destination already exists, use a conditional request with If-None-Match: “*”
$URI = “https://$” + $FilesystemName + $PathToCreate
I am getting below exception:
Invoke-RestMethod : {"error":{"code":"AuthenticationFailed","message":"Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly
including the signature.\nRequestId:ddfd851b-501f-0057-3f88-7e0a7d000000\nTime:2019-10-09T09:59:53.7708781Z"}}
Any help will be truly appreciated. Thanks.
According to my test, we can use Azure AD authentication to call Azure data lake storage Gen2 REST API. For more details, please refer to
Create Azure AD service principal and assign a RABC role to it. For further information, please refer to
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.PSADPasswordCredential -Property #{ StartDate=Get-Date; EndDate=Get-Date -Year 2024; Password=$password}
$sp = New-AzAdServicePrincipal -DisplayName jimtest1 -PasswordCredential $credentials
New-AzRoleAssignment -ApplicationId $sp.ApplicationId -RoleDefinitionName "Storage Blob Data Owner" -Scope "your scope such as your storage account scope"
get access token
$TokenResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Uri "$($TeantID)/oauth2/token" -Body #{
client_id = $sp.ApplicationId # the application id of service principal
resource = ''
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
client_secret = $password # you use it in step 1
Call the rest api
$StorageAccountName =''
$FilesystemName =''
$URI = “https://$” + $FilesystemName +"/"+$PathToCreate
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $URI -Headers #{
'Authorization' = "Bearer "+ $TokenResult.access_token
'x-ms-rename-source' = ' '

List Cloud Service Classic use PowerShell and Azure Rest API

I Have a problem. Could you please help me view list Cloud Service Classic use PowerShell and Azure Rest API. When I used script for Web APP I show list Web APP, but when I used scrip for Cloud Service Classic I show error.
# Variables
$TenantId = "" # Enter Tenant Id.
$ClientId = "" # Enter Client Id.
$ClientSecret = "" # Enter Client Secret.
$Resource = ""
$SubscriptionId = "" # Enter Subscription Id.
$RequestAccessTokenUri = "$TenantId/oauth2/token"
$body = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$ClientId&client_secret=$ClientSecret&resource=$Resource"
$Token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $RequestAccessTokenUri -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Write-Host "Print Token" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output $Token
# Get Azure Resource Groups
$ResourceGroupApiUri = "$SubscriptionId/services/hostedservices"
$Headers = #{}
$Headers.Add("Authorization","$($Token.token_type) "+ " " + "$($Token.access_token)")
$ResourceGroups = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $ResourceGroupApiUri -Headers $Headers
Write-Host "Print Resource groups" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output $ResourceGroups
Invoke-RestMethod : ForbiddenErrorThe server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and
is associated with this subscription.
Actually, there is a built-in ASM PowerShell to list the cloud services associated with the current subscription.
Reference -
Besides, if you insist on calling the ASM rest api with powershell, you could refer to this article, the sample calls the Get Deployment api, just change it to List Cloud Services.
#Request Headers required to invoke the GET DEPLOYMENT REST API
= ‘2009-10-01’
= #{“x-ms-version”=“$headerDate“}
#Retrieving the subscription ID
= (Get-AzureSubscription
#Retrieving the certificate from Local Store
= (Get-ChildItem
?{$_.Thumbprint -eq
#converting the raw cert data to BASE64
“<Binary>—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–`n$([convert]::ToBase64String($cert))`n—–END CERTIFICATE—–</Binary>”
#Retrieving the certificate ThumbPrint
= (Get-AzureSubscription
#Passing all the above parameters to Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet
” B4D460D985F1D07A6B9F8BFD67E36BC53A4490FC”
