Activate the approval workflow after integrating the supplier invoice - acumatica

It's possible to disactivate the approval workflow in the persist action and activate after integrating the supplier invoice (AP301000)
Version: Acumatica 2020R2
Thanks for your feedback

This will not be simple because it won't be just a code snippet, nor have I tested the suggestion provided. I believe it to be theoretically sound, but it would take me a fair amount of time to attempt. Proceed with caution...
The standard approval process leverages EPApprovalAutomation.
public EPApprovalAutomation<MyDAC,
MyDAC.approved, MyDAC.rejected, MyDAC.hold, MySetupApproval> Approval;
You specify the fields to monitor/set for hold, approved, and rejected. I believe you can add a new field that will be set true by default and then control what event "unchecks" that field. You will need to add the boolean field and the business logic to set it to false at the appropriate time.
If you re-define the Approval view in your graph extension, then I believe it will override the base view so that you can use your field to trigger the approval process rather than the standard "hold" field.
public EPApprovalAutomation<MyDAC,
MyDAC.approved, MyDAC.rejected, MyDACExt.myCustomHold, MySetupApproval> Approval;
This may also require updating Automation Steps or the new UI workflow to transition to different statuses based on your customer hold field. This is the time consuming part as everything is geared around changes resulting from checking or unchecking the hold field in those places.


User event Before Submit doesn't work in case of automatic PO creation (NETSUITE)

Is it possible to restrict the purchase order created automatically like when any dropship or special offer item selected in sales order?
I can confirm as of very recent discussions and testing with Netsuite that before submit does not trigger on automatically generated purchase orders.
We have an approvals system in place and were hoping purchase orders could be auto generated and stay pending supervisor approval but this is not possible as the before submit does not trigger.
An enhancement request has been raised by Netsuite for this functionality.
The behaviour of dropship and special order items is dependent on a checkbox. If you clear the checkbox when the order is approved then the automatic POs will not be created.
Checkbox clearing may be done by the user or may be done via a Before Submit user event script on the Sales Order.
If the need to restrict PO creation has something to do with PO vendor characteristics where you may also need to restrict general PO creation then you should extract the vendor check to a library file. that way it could be used in the SO beforeSubmit to clear the createpo flag and the PO beforeSubmit to throw an error.
You could also use the PO After Submit "specialorder" or "dropship" events to check the PO vendor after submit and delete the created PO.
However given your explanation in the comments the SO shouldn't be able to be approved. i.e. why take a drop ship order where the components are not orderable?

How can I trigger a NetSuite workflow on a Form Event (Client side event)

I want to trigger a NetSuite workflow when the user sets the value of a field, but I don't want to have them submit first. The Workflow state builder looks like it has useful options but I can't get it to work.
There's some useful looking blog posts around but a lot of them seem out of date.
Update - more info
My primary issue is this one: Restrict what customers an employee can see (NetSuite)
The hack I'm currently looking at is populating a custom Transaction Column Field that I've added to a custom Time Recording form. The idea is to load this field on the UI with only valid projects (not customers as well), and this I have been able to do.
The problem is I still (as far as I can tell) still need to populate the "Customer" field, which is mandatory; I'm also assuming that if I don't do that then any time that is recorded won't go against the project. I had thought that if the user selects the project they want then I can populate the customer field with that value. I hate this as an approach but I can't see how else to do it. I do have coding experience (including JavaScript) but haven't made the leap into SuiteScript yet.
You won't be able to do this in a Workflow, as they are currently limited to only work with body level fields and cannot modify Transaction Column Fields (aka sublists).
You should be able to achieve this with a Client Side Script though.
Source (Netsuite login required).
Sublist changes will be available for transactions in the 2018.1 release sometime in Feb/Mar.

CRM 2011 Workflow not triggered before mandatory fields are checked

I am looking to create a workflow that will populate any mandatory fields that do not contain data when a company is deactivated. The mandatory fields are either not populated because of legacy data or because the mandatory fields have changed since the record was created.
The issue I get is that the mandatory field check takes place before the workflow is triggered.
My workflow looks like follows:
If Status = Inactive
If Company Name does not contain data
Then update to ‘Test’
I have come up with a possible solution:
• Create a new button in the ribbon that runs the workflow on-demand and apply permissions to this button.
If possible though I would like to do this through a workflow that is triggered on clicking of the ‘Deactivate’ button. Any ideas are welcome.
In your situation the record will not be saved until the mandatory fields are filled, and a workflow cannot be triggered if a record is not saved first.
An approach to solve this situation is to write a JavaScript attached to the OnSave event, but you need a rule to be able to identify the legacy records, so this JavaScript (that will fill the mandatory fields for you) will not run for normal records.
This approach is not tested, but with some tweaks should work.

Xpages ACL validation from the XSP document level

Is it possible to validate the Xpage's ACL depending on the Source document's field value.
We need to make the Authors & Readers ability at XPage level (as per requirement I am not supposed to use the ROLES, since, it is dependent on each individual Authors which is stored in backend document FIELD).
Kindly suggest the approach, as I am not even looking HideWhen for the Buttons(edit,save etc)
Example code in the ACLEntry[0] in Xpage:
if getComponent("inputText1").getValue() == sessionScope.user {
} else {
return false;
I do not quite understand your code on that property...
To query the readers/authors level at XPage level I suggest to use the database.queryAccess method (
You try to compare the username only. This may fail if your access level is computed by a membership in a group where your username is not relevant.
XPages' ACL depends on the database ACL, so you have to setup the levels there - the XPages' ACL is in addition to the "real" ACL as far as I experienced.
I also experienced that readers fields affect the ability to use an XPage to open a document by default.
I hope my answer is not too confusing ;-)
I think the question is valid (to my current knowledge):
If I want to design a workflow application but the current approver should not edit the full document I want to give him only access to parts (ie. a comment field and the approval button).
The question above relateds somehow to access controlled sections in old LN development. I so far also didn't find a good solution
What you describe is a very common workflow scenario. There are several ways how you can implement that efficiently. Here is what I would do:
Have one (or more) custom controls that render the "payload" (the fields the requester fills in)
assemble them into one bigger control that is used to render the form
compute the mode to read/edit depending on who is opening the form and the mode (new, pending approval, approved, rejected etc.)
Optional: when submitted remove submitter from the author field
Have one "Approval Control" that show only when the current user is the (current) approver and status is "pending approval" That control has fields that are NOT bound to the document, but a scope variable
The approval button triggers SSJS that takes the scope variable values and updates the document (and triggers notifications, access change etc)
The approval component can be used for any approval form. You then can contemplate not to give the approver write access since you could handle that in code.

Sharepoint Designer - Creating a simple Workflow, check status of another Workflow

I'm trying to create a simple workflow using the Sharepoint Designer. We already have one user-defined workflow, called Internal Approval. This creates a column with the same name.
Basically, my workflow should perform:
if Internal Approval equals Approved
and Status equals Draft //custom field I want to set, this works
The problem, after a quick debug, is that the Internal Approval does not equal to Approved nor contains it, Internal Approval equals 16.
The question: what is this number, and can I rely on it always being 16 for an approved workflow?
Or better, how can I check a if another workflow was approved?
May be this could help you Workflow Status
Reference Article from MSDN, just type case the above Enum to Integer you will get the values.
Also to filter based on the Workflow Status in the View. Refer
