MarkupBuilder in Eclipse: unable to resolve class groovy.xml.markupBuilder - groovy

I feel a bit silly for making this question, but I'm out of options.
Basically, I have this on a "let's learn groovy" project:
package com.mypackage.markupexercise
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
println "Hello MarkupBuilder"
def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
builder.records() {
And I'm getting the following compilation error:
<path>\markupbuilderexercise\Main.groovy: 3: unable to resolve class groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
# line 3, column 1.
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
1 error
Now, I've seen [this question][1], and I have imported the groovy-xml-3.09.jar file (Through right click on project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add Jars...)
There is nothing on the "Problems" tab, and if I try to run through the groovy console, I get the following error:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder.records() is applicable for argument types: (com.neuro.groovyhelloworld.markupbuilderexercise.Main$_run_closure1) values: [com.neuro.groovyhelloworld.markupbuilderexercise.Main$_run_closure1#2e757861]
at com.neuro.groovyhelloworld.markupbuilderexercise.Main.main(Main.groovy)
My take here is that I'm not adding the dependency in the right way, but I'm a Java developer and dependencies were either what I've done or just relying on Maven/Gradle, so I'm kind of out of ideas here.
What am I missing?

I see the same issue when choosing Run As > Groovy Console and then running the script. It does work fine for Run As > Groovy Script on the following source -- I used grab so I didn't need to add groovy-xml to my project's classpath:
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def writer = new StringWriter()
new MarkupBuilder(writer).tap {
records {
print writer
I get the following output:
<example id='1' />
You can also build the project and run the script using Run As > Java Application.


Ready-Api 3.5.0 | Is there a way to stop a TestSuite from running entirely in a Groovy Script

my question is simple. I was just wondering if it was possible to stop a TestSuite from running entirely in ReadApi 3.5.0 using a Groovy script test case.
I am able to jump to a specific TestCase and copy an error file and then cancel the testCase. However, the rest of the test suite still runs afterwars. Is there some way to stop the testSuite altogheter instead of cancelling the test step in my groovy script.
I use this code to skip to the correct testCase
if ( testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getPropertyValue( "EtapeX_succesfully" ) =='Oui' ) {
//do some logging later
} else {
// Connecting to the test step in project.
project = testRunner.getTestCase().getTestSuite().getProject().getWorkspace().getProjectByName("End_To_End_X")
testSuite = project.getTestSuiteByName("Test_Steps");
testCase = testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Error_Occured");
runner =, false);
After that, in the testcase I want to end the testSuite running , I have this code
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.Files
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*;
import java.nio.*
import java.nio.file.*
String source = "\\\\networkPAth1\\someFolderX";
String destination = "\\\\networkPAth1\\someFolderY";
Path sourceLOG= Paths.get(source)
Path targetLOG = Paths.get(destination)
Files.copy(sourceLOG, targetLOG ,opt)
Thank you for your time.

Groovy: how to use inner Enum of class as parameter type outside of class

Given is a class EnumTest that declares an inner enum MyEnum.
Using MyEnum as parameter type from within the class works as expected.
Using MyEnum as a parameter type outside of EnumTest fails to compile with unable to resolve class test.EnumTest.MyEnum.
I've browsed related questions, of which the best one was this, but they didn't address the specific issue of using the enum as a type.
Am I missing something very obvious here (as I'm very new to Groovy)? Or is this just another of the language's quirks "enhancements" regarding enums?
Edit: This is just a test demonstrating the issue. The actual issue happens in Jenkins JobDSL, and classpaths and imports seem to be fine there otherwise.
Groovy Version: 2.4.8
JVM: 1.8.0_201
Vendor: Oracle Corporation
OS: Linux
$ tree test
├── EnumTest.groovy
├── File2.groovy
└── File3.groovy
package test
public class EnumTest {
public static enum MyEnum {
def doStuff(MyEnum v) {
println v
package test
import test.EnumTest
// prints BAR
new EnumTest().doStuff(EnumTest.MyEnum.BAR)
// prints FOO
println EnumTest.MyEnum.FOO
package test
import test.EnumTest
// fails: unable to resolve class test.EnumTest.MyEnum
def thisShouldWorkIMHO(EnumTest.MyEnum v) {
println v
When I'm running the test files using groovy -cp %, the output is as follows:
# groovy -cp . File2.groovy
# groovy -cp . File3.groovy
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/home/lwille/-/test/GroovyTest2.groovy: 6: unable to resolve class EnumTest.MyEnum
# line 6, column 24.
def thisShouldWorkIMHO(EnumTest.MyEnum v) {
1 error
A few things worth mentioning. You don't need to import classes from the same package. Secondly, when you use a package test then you need to execute Groovy from the root folder, e.g. groovy test/File3.groovy to properly set up the classpath. (There is no need to use -cp . in such case).
Here's what it should look like.
$ tree test
├── EnumTest.groovy
├── File2.groovy
└── File3.groovy
0 directories, 3 files
package test
public class EnumTest {
public static enum MyEnum {
def doStuff(MyEnum v) {
println v
package test
// prints BAR
new EnumTest().doStuff(EnumTest.MyEnum.BAR)
// prints FOO
println EnumTest.MyEnum.FOO
package test
// fails: unable to resolve class test.EnumTest.MyEnum
def thisShouldWorkIMHO(EnumTest.MyEnum v) {
println v
The console output:
$ groovy test/File2.groovy
$ groovy test/File3.groovy
However, if you want to execute script from inside the test folder then you need to specify the classpath to point to the parent folder, e.g.:
$ groovy -cp ../. File3.groovy
$ groovy -cp . File3.groovy
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/home/wololock/workspace/groovy-sandbox/src/test/File3.groovy: 4: unable to resolve class EnumTest.MyEnum
# line 4, column 24.
def thisShouldWorkIMHO(EnumTest.MyEnum v) {
1 error
UPDATE: the difference between Groovy 2.4 and 2.5 versions
One thing worth mentioning - the above solution works for Groovy 2.5.x and above. It is important to understand that things like methods parameters type check happen at the compiler's Phase.SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS phase. In Groovy 2.4 version, semantic analysis class resolving happens without loading classes. In case of using an inner class, it is critical to load its outer class so it can get resolved. Groovy 2.5 fixed that problem (intentionally or not) and semantic analysis resolves inner classes without an issue mentioned in this question.
For more detailed analysis, please check the following Stack Overflow question GroovyScriptEngine throws MultipleCompilationErrorsException while loading class that uses other class' static inner class where I have investigated a similar issue found in a Groovy 2.4 script. I explained there step by step how to dig down to the roots of this problem.

Why does my soapui testcase fail after installing new soapui version (5.3.0 -> 5.4.0)

Hey there, i have SOAPUI testcases written in groovy. The tests were fine with 5.3.0 (on a Linux machine), before i installed the latest version of SOAPUI (5.4.0, on a Windows 10 machine). With the new version i get an assertion fail. It seems an array is created and put into an array at index 0. So that names.contains("username") fails.
I dont understand why the test fails after installing the new version of SOAPUI.
Does anybody have clue whats goin on here?
And does anybody have a download for version 5.3.0, so i can test again with that version?
best regards
I confirm that the following code fails in soapui 5.4.0:
import org.json.JSONObject;
def jsonData = '''
{ "aaa":1, "bbb":2 }
def json = new JSONObject(jsonData)
def names = json.names().iterator().toList()
assert names.contains("aaa") "SUCCESS!!!"
with error:
Assertion failed: assert names.contains("aaa") | | | false [["aaa","bbb"]] error at line: 9
The problem:
the soapui 5.4.0 contains very old library for org.json package: json-20090211.jar
other versions:
replace json-20090211.jar in the lib folder of soapui with newer version. but not sure how this will affect soapui itself.
rewrite your code with groovy-based json parser:
def jsonData = '''
{ "aaa":1, "bbb":2 }
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonData)
def names = json.keySet()
assert names.contains("aaa") "SUCCESS!!!"

Passing script results to main program in Scala 2.11 ScriptEngine

Using Scala Scripting Engine in 2.11 Milestone 7, how do I get a typed value back from the script engine? I'm getting error messages like "mypackage.Holler cannot be cast to mypackage.Holler".
Here is the use case (reduced to essentials). I want to use scripts to prepare and configure objects of a standard type that I will process in my main program. I have a trait:
package mypackage
trait Holler {
def shout: Unit
I have a user script in Scala, saved in the file /home/me/Foo.scala
object Foo extends mypackage.Holler {
def shout: Unit = println("Hello World!")
When I run this script using IMain.eval(Reader), I expect that the object Foo will be returned since it is the result of the last statement. Here is a program, including a couple useful printouts to run the script:
package mypackage
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
object Runner {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Create the script engine
val javaxEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala")
val scalaEngine = javaEngine.asInstanceOf[IMain]
// Configure script engine to use the Java classpath
val useJavaClassPath = scalaEngine.settings.usejavacp.tryToSet(List("true"))
println("Use Java CP? " + useJavaClassPath)
val script = new"/home/me/Foo.scala")
val result = scalaEngine.eval(script)
println("Script Result Type: " + result.getClass.getName)
println("Defined Symbols: " + scalaEngine.definedSymbolList)
val myHoller = result.asInstanceOf[mypackage.Holler]
The script runs just fine under the script engine. But the result cannot be cast to Holler. The output of this program is as follows:
Use Java CP? Some(List(true))
Script Result Type: $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$Foo$
Defined Symbols: List(value engine, object iw$Foo)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$Foo$ cannot be cast to mypackage.Holler
This tells me that the classpath is successfully recognized by the script engine, and that the Foo object is being constructed. But the trait mypackage.Holler (from the common classpath) inside the script is different from the trait mypackage.Holler in the main program.
If I add the following lines to the script:
val result: Holler = Foo
I see:
The shout method being exercised ("Hello World!" prints out),
"result" is added to the list of defined symbols
result is clearly compatible with type Holler.
I can bind a "catcher" object to the script engine. Its code looks like this:
package mypackage
class Catcher {
var item: Holler = null
And I bind with
val mycatcher = new Catcher
scalaEngine.bind("catcher", mycatcher)
scalaEngine.eval("catcher = Foo")
Now "catcher" shows up in the list of defined symbols to the script engine and I can use the catcher to go into the script engine with a command like
scalaScriptEngine.eval("catcher.item = result")
But then I get strange "compile time" ClassCastExceptions saying:
mypackage.Holler cannot be cast to mypackage.Holler
If I make the "item" in the Catcher an Any, then I don't get the exception until I do
in the main program. But I still get pretty much the same exception. It is as if two incompatible class loaders are being used with the same classpath. So how, from the main program, do I access the Foo object as an instance of Holler (which it clearly implements in the script engine)?

Soapui Groovy - No Signature of Method error on ProWsdlTestSuitePanelBuilder.buildDesktopPanel

I'm working on a script to automate the running of several TestSuites across multiple projects concurrently in SoapUI 4.5.1:
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.panels.testsuite.*;
def properties = new;
def currentProject = testRunner.getTestCase().testSuite.getProject();
def workspace = currentProject.getWorkspace();
def otherProject = workspace.getProjectByName('Project 1');
def otherTestSuite = CGReportsProject.getTestSuiteByName('TestSuite 1');, true);
However, I'm also attempting to open the TestSuite Panel for each of the TestSuites that are run by the script to allow visual tracking of the Suites' progress. That's where I run into trouble:
This particular line throws the error:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
static com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.panels.testsuite.
ProWsdlTestSuitePanelBuilder.buildDesktopPanel() is
applicable for argument types:
(com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlTestSuitePro) values:
Possible solutions:
error at line: 12
Which I take to mean that the instance of the WsdlTestSuitePro I'm throwing at ProWsdlTestSuitePanelBuilder.buildDesktopPanel() isn't being accepted for some reason - but I've no idea why.
At this point, I'm also not sure if the ProWsdlTestSuitePanelBuilder.buildDesktopPanel() is really what I want anyway, but it's the only UI builder that'll take a WsdlTestSuitePro, as that apparently what all my Testsuites are.
Okay, so this falls under the newbie catagory. I wasn't paying attention to the fact that buildDesktopPanel was static.
However, I managed to work around that and create the final product:
// Create a UISupport container for all the panels we'll be showing
def UIDesktop = new;
// Basic environment information
def properties = new;
def currentProject = testRunner.getTestCase().testSuite.getProject();
def workspace = currentProject.getWorkspace();
// Get the various Projects we'll be using
def OtherProject = workspace.getProjectByName('Other Project');
// Get the various TestSuites we'll be running
def OtherTestSuite = OtherProject.getTestSuiteByName('Other Test Suite');
// Generate the Panels for the Testsuites
def TestSuitePanel = new com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.panels.testsuite.ProWsdlTestSuiteDesktopPanel(OtherTestSuite);
// Show TestSuite Panels
// Run the Testsuites, true);
