Why is there no `_heappush_max()` in python? - python-3.x

I am looking through the official python repo and I am noticing there is no max variant for heappush,but they have the other max implementations for pop and _siftup.
Is there a reason for this?

These functions are intended for internal use only (see also PEP 8 on leading underscore): they serve here for the implementation of the public heapq.merge and heapq.nsmallest functions, which may need a max-heap to produce the result, but never need to push an element on that max-heap.
As these functions do not belong to the public interface, you should not rely on them. In future versions, they may be removed, be renamed, or behave differently.
We can wonder why Python does not include an interface for supporting maxheaps. Some considerations:
This is just a decision of the designers, and this might change in the future
The equivalent of a max heap with numbers, is a min heap with these numbers negated.
There are packages that support maxheaps just like heapq supports minheaps, like for instance this heapq_max.


CLPFD for real numbers

CLP(FD) allows user to set the domain for every wannabe-integer variable, so it's able to solve equations.
So far so good.
However you can't do the same in CLP(R) or similar languages (where you can do only simple inferences). And it's not hard to understand why: the fractional part of a number may have an almost infinite region, putted down by an implementation limit. This mean the search space will be too large to make any practical use for a solver which deals with floats like with integers. So it's the user task to write generator in CLP(R) and set constraint guards where needed to get variables instantiated with numbers (if simple inference is not possible).
So my question here: is there any CLP(FD)-like language over reals? I think it could be implemented by use of number rounding, searching and following incremental approximation.
There are at least some major CLP(FD) solvers that support real (decision) variables:
ECLiPSe CLP (ic library)
Choco (using Ibex)
(The first three also support var float in MiniZinc.)
The answser to your question is yes. There is Constraint-based Solvers dedicated for floating numbers. I do not have a list of solvers but I know that that ibex http://www.ibex-lib.org is a library allowing the use of floats. You should also have a look at SMT-Solvers implementing the Real-Theory (http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/solvers.shtml).

Comparison of atom libraries for Haskell, e.g. simple-atom and stringtable-atom

I find myself needing a string table in a Haskell program I'm developing. In particular, I want a system which allows be to box any String into (say) an 'Atom'; given an Atom, you should be able to recover the original string it came from, and (critically) comparing two Atoms for equality should be as fast (or almost as fast) as a pointer compare.
(One can easily devise a referentially-transparent interface for this functionality; the implementation will use unsafePerformIO internally but the user of the library need not know about such details.)
Two libraries available on Hackage seem to be in the right ballpark: stringtable-atom and simple-atom. Does anyone have any experience using these libraries? In particular, are there any suggestions as to what the benefits of one over the other might be?
Another nice choice would be ekmett's new intern package, which handles bytestrings as well as more complex recursive types: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/intern
He has assured me it is threadsafe.
I wrote monad-atom for my own use. It's not what you want if you need globally unique atoms, but if all you need is a string table it is simple and safe.

VB6 - Is there any performance benefit gained by using fixed-width strings in VB6?

In pre-.NET Visual Basic, a programmer could declare a string to be a certain width. For example, I know that a social-security number (in the US) is always eleven characters. So, I can declare a string that would store social-security numbers as an eleven-character string like this:
Dim SSN As String * 11
My question is: does this create any type of performance benefit that would either make the code run faster or perhaps use less memory? Also, would a fixed-length string be allocated in memory differently (i.e.: on the stack as opposed to in the heap)?
No, there is no performance benefit.
BUT even if there were, unless you were calling many (say millions) times in a loop, any performance benefit would be negligible.
Also, fixed-length strings occupy more memory than variable-length ones if you are not using the entire length (unless very short fixed length strings).
As always, you should carefully benchmark before making the code harder to maintain.
Fixed length strings were usually seen when interacting with some COM API's, or when modelling to domain constraints (such as the example you gave of a SSN)
The only time in VB6 or earlier that I had to use fixed length strings was with working with API calls. Not passing a fixed length string would cause unexplained errors at times when the length was longer than expected, and even sometimes when shorter than expected.
If you are going through and planning to change that in the application make sure there is no passing of the strings to an API or external DLL, and that the program does not require fixed length fields to be output, such as with many AS/400 import programs.
I personally never got to see a performance difference as I was running loops of 300k+ records, but had no choice but to provide and work with fixed lengths when I did. However VB likes to use undefined lengths by default so I would imagine the performance would be lower for fixed length.
Try writing a test app to perform a basic concatenation of two strings, and have it loop over the function like 50k times. Time the difference between the two of having one undefined length and the other fixed.

What programming languages will let me manipulate the sequence of instructions in a method?

I have an upcoming project in which a core requirement will be to mutate the way a method works at runtime. Note that I'm not talking about a higher level OO concept like "shadow one method with another", although the practical effect would be similar.
The key properties I'm after are:
I must be able to modify the method in such a way that I can add new expressions, remove existing expressions, or modify any of the expressions that take place in it.
After modifying the method, subsequent calls to that method would invoke the new sequence of operations. (Or, if the language binds methods rather than evaluating every single time, provide me a way to unbind/rebind the new method.)
Ideally, I would like to manipulate the atomic units of the language (e.g., "invoke method foo on object bar") and not the assembly directly (e.g. "pop these three parameters onto the stack"). In other words, I'd like to be able to have high confidence that the operations I construct are semantically meaningful in the language. But I'll take what I can get.
If you're not sure if a candidate language meets these criteria, here's a simple litmus test:
Can you write another method called clean which:
accepts a method m as input
returns another method m2 that performs the same operations as m
such that m2 is identical to m, but doesn't contain any calls to the print-to-standard-out method in your language (puts, System.Console.WriteLn, println, etc.)?
I'd like to do some preliminary research now and figure out what the strongest candidates are. Having a large, active community is as important to me as the practicality of implementing what I want to do. I am aware that there may be some unforged territory here, since manipulating bytecode directly is not typically an operation that needs to be exposed.
What are the choices available to me? If possible, can you provide a toy example in one or more of the languages that you recommend, or point me to a recent example?
Update: The reason I'm after this is that I'd like to write a program which is capable of modifying itself at runtime in response to new information. This modification goes beyond mere parameters or configurable data, but full-fledged, evolved changes in behavior. (No, I'm not writing a virus. ;) )
Well, you could always use .NET and the Expression libraries to build up expressions. That I think is really your best bet as you can build up representations of commands in memory and there is good library support for manipulating, traversing, etc.
Well, those languages with really strong macro support (in particular Lisps) could qualify.
But are you sure you actually need to go this deeply? I don't know what you're trying to do, but I suppose you could emulate it without actually getting too deeply into metaprogramming. Say, instead of using a method and manipulating it, use a collection of functions (with some way of sharing state, e.g. an object holding state passed to each).
I would say Groovy can do this.
For example
class Foo {
void bar() {
println "foobar"
Foo.metaClass.bar = {->
prinltn "barfoo"
Or a specific instance of foo without effecting other instances
fooInstance.metaClass.bar = {->
println "instance barfoo"
Using this approach I can modify, remove or add expression from the method and Subsequent calls will use the new method. You can do quite a lot with the Groovy metaClass.
In java, many professional framework do so using the open source ASM framework.
Here is a list of all famous java apps and libs including ASM.
A few years ago BCEL was also very much used.
There are languages/environments that allows a real runtime modification - for example, Common Lisp, Smalltalk, Forth. Use one of them if you really know what you're doing. Otherwise you can simply employ an interpreter pattern for an evolving part of your code, it is possible (and trivial) with any OO or functional language.

statically/dynamically typed vs static/dynamic binding

everyone what is the difference between those 4 terms, can You give please examples?
Static and dynamic are jargon words that refer to the point in time at which some programming element is resolved. Static indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is constructed. Dynamic indicates that resolution takes place at the time a program is run.
Static and Dynamic Typing
Typing refers to changes in program structure that are due to the differences between data values: integers, characters, floating point numbers, strings, objects and so on. These differences can have many effects, for example:
memory layout (e.g. 4 bytes for an int, 8 bytes for a double, more for an object)
instructions executed (e.g. primitive operations to add small integers, library calls to add large ones)
program flow (simple subroutine calling conventions versus hash-dispatch for multi-methods)
Static typing means that the executable form of a program generated at build time will vary depending upon the types of data values found in the program. Dynamic typing means that the generated code will always be the same, irrespective of type -- any differences in execution will be determined at run-time.
Note that few real systems are either purely one or the other, it is just a question of which is the preferred strategy.
Static and Dynamic Binding
Binding refers to the association of names in program text to the storage locations to which they refer. In static binding, this association is predetermined at build time. With dynamic binding, this association is not determined until run-time.
Truly static binding is almost extinct. Earlier assemblers and FORTRAN, for example, would completely precompute the exact memory location of all variables and subroutine locations. This situation did not last long, with the introduction of stack and heap allocation for variables and dynamically-loaded libraries for subroutines.
So one must take some liberty with the definitions. It is the spirit of the concept that counts here: statically bound programs precompute as much as possible about storage layout as is practical in a modern virtual memory, garbage collected, separately compiled application. Dynamically bound programs wait as late as possible.
An example might help. If I attempt to invoke a method MyClass.foo(), a static-binding system will verify at build time that there is a class called MyClass and that class has a method called foo. A dynamic-binding system will wait until run-time to see whether either exists.
The main strength of static strategies is that the program translator is much more aware of the programmer's intent. This makes it easier to:
catch many common errors early, during the build phase
build refactoring tools
incur a significant amount of the computational cost required to determine the executable form of the program only once, at build time
The main strength of dynamic strategies is that they are much easier to implement, meaning that:
a working dynamic environment can be created at a fraction of the cost of a static one
it is easier to add language features that might be very challenging to check statically
it is easier to handle situations that require self-modifying code
Typing - refers to variable tyes and if variables are allowed to change type during program execution
Binding - this, as you can read below can refer to variable binding, or library binding
