I have a resource task which gives the next output:
resource "aws_eks_node_group" "managed_workers" {
ami_type = "AL2_x86_64"
arn = "arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:xxxxx:nodegroup/EKS/EKS_-nodegroup-CI-es/b2be06b7-e5fe-b346-0e29-ec3f459f7b2c"
capacity_type = "ON_DEMAND"
cluster_name = "EKS_CLuster"
disk_size = 20
id = "EKS:EKS_-API-nodegroup-CI-es"
instance_types = [
labels = {
"autoscalergroup" = "pool"
"lifecycle" = "OnDemand"
node_group_name = "worker-node-nodegroup-1"
node_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:role/EKS_workernode"
release_version = "1.18.9-20210722"
resources = [
autoscaling_groups = [
name = "eks-xxx-xxx-xx"
remote_access_security_group_id = "sg-xxxx"
I'm trying to use the autoscaling_groups.name on this way:
resource "aws_autoscaling_group_tag" "nodetags" {
for_each = aws_eks_node_group.managed_workers
autoscaling_group_name = each.value.resources.autoscaling_groups.name
But I'm not able to access to resources.autoscaling_groups.name with success.. Someone know how to access to this data?
resources and autoscaling_groups are both lists.
Use each.value.resources[0].autoscaling_groups[0].name
See structure of the terraform for context
################### terraform.hcl
InstanceCFG = [
"Name" = "instance_0001"
"Alias" = "cookie"
"Name" = "instance_0002"
"Alias" = "cake"
"Name" = "instance_0003"
"Alias" = "cupcake"
"Name" = "instance_0004"
"Alias" = "chocolate"
"Name" = "instance_0005"
"Alias" = "icecream"
"Name" = "8000-tg"
"Port" = "8000"
"Protocol" = "TCP"
"Name" = "9000-tg"
"Port" = "9000"
"Protocol" = "TCP"
################### loadbalancer.tf
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "tg" {
count = length(var.NLBConfig)
name = "${var.NLBConfig[count.index]["Name"]}"
port = "${var.NLBConfig[count.index]["Port"]}"
protocol = "${var.NLBConfig[count.index]["Protocol"]}"
vpc_id = var.VPCID
resource "aws_lb_listener" "lb_listener" {
count = length(var.NLBConfig)
load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.lb.arn
port = "${var.NLBConfig[count.index]["Port"]}"
protocol = "${var.NLBConfig[count.index]["Protocol"]}"
default_action {
type = "forward"
target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.tg[count.index].arn
################### autoscalinggroup.tf
# AWS AutoScaling Group
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "asg" {
count = length(var.ClientConfig)
name = "${var.ClientConfig[count.index]["Name"]}_${local.name_postfix}"
min_size = 1
max_size = 1
desired_capacity = 1
force_delete = true
termination_policies = [ OldestLaunchConfiguration ]
health_check_type = "EC2" # TODO: Change to ELB for Healthchecks
health_check_grace_period = 300
target_group_arns = [ aws_lb_target_group.tg.arn, aws_lb_target_group.tg_wss.arn ] # < Issue HERE!
I am able to create two groups of resources separately, 5 ASGs and 3 Target Groups, these numbers will change constantly but I need to make sure X number of ASG instances can join X number of target groups independently of one another, is this even possible?
I find the answer as follow:
Note I am using two count statements in two different resources.
################### loadbalancer.tf
# Consolidate Target Groups ARNs for ASG
data "aws_lb_target_group" "data_tg" {
depends_on = [ aws_lb_target_group.tg ]
count = length(var.NLBCFG)
arn = aws_lb_target_group.tg[count.index].arn
################### autoscalinggroup.tf
# AWS AutoScaling Group
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "asg" {
count = length(var.ClientConfig)
name = "${var.ClientConfig[count.index]["Name"]}_${local.name_postfix}"
min_size = 1
max_size = 1
desired_capacity = 1
force_delete = true
termination_policies = [ OldestLaunchConfiguration ]
health_check_type = "EC2" # TODO: Change to ELB for Healthchecks
health_check_grace_period = 300
target_group_arns = [ data.aws_lb_target_group.data_tg[*].arn ] # < Issue HERE!
I receive 2 errors when i deploy AWS EKS module via Terraform. How to solve it?
Error: unexpected EKS Add-On (my-cluster:coredns) state returned during creation: timeout while waiting for state to become 'ACTIVE' (last state: 'DEGRADED', timeout: 20m0s)
Post "http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused
What role should i write in aws_auth_roles parameter? AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS or a custom role with policies: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy?
What role should i add to instance-profile? AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS or a custom role with policies: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy?
Terraform deploys EC2 machines for worker node, but i dont see a nodegroup with worker nodes in eks, probably coredns issue is here.
My config:
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "~> 18.20.2"
cluster_name = var.cluster_name
cluster_version = var.cluster_version
cluster_endpoint_private_access = true
cluster_endpoint_public_access = false
cluster_addons = {
coredns = {
resolve_conflicts = "OVERWRITE"
kube-proxy = {}
vpc-cni = {
resolve_conflicts = "OVERWRITE"
subnet_ids = ["...","..."]
self_managed_node_group_defaults = {
instance_type = "t2.micro"
update_launch_template_default_version = true
self_managed_node_groups = {
one = {
name = "test-1"
max_size = 2
desired_size = 1
use_mixed_instances_policy = true
mixed_instances_policy = {
instances_distribution = {
on_demand_base_capacity = 0
on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 10
spot_allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized"
create_aws_auth_configmap = true
manage_aws_auth_configmap = true
aws_auth_users = [
userarn = "arn:aws:iam::...:user/..."
username = "..."
groups = ["system:masters"]
aws_auth_roles = [
rolearn = "arn:aws:iam::...:role/aws-service-role/eks.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS"
username = "AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS"
groups = ["system:masters"]
aws_auth_accounts = [
I am trying to access all groups and create groups in the below terraform code. But I am facing error This object does not have an attribute named "groups". Is there any logic I am missing here in the resource "og" "example"
for_each=toset(flatten(local.instances[*].groups)). Thanks
locals {
instances = {
test1 = {
baseUrl = "url1"
subDomain = "sd1"
groups = [
test2 = {
baseUrl = "url2"
subDomain = "sd2"
groups = [
resource "og" "example" {
for_each = toset(flatten(local.instances[*].groups))
name = each.value
description = "${each.value}-access"
Your local variable is a map, not a list. So it should be:
for_each = toset(flatten(values(local.instances)[*].groups))
I’m getting the error below, from command AWS_PROFILE=myprofile AWS_REGION=sa-east-1 terraform apply -target=module.saopaulo_service_dev_kubernetes.
Error authorizing security group rule type ingress: InvalidGroup.NotFound: The security group ‘sg-something’ does not exist
The target I'm applying is as below.
module "saopaulo_service_dev_kubernetes" {
source = "./modules/regional-kubernetes"
region_code = "saopaulo"
vpc_name = "main"
env = "dev"
cluster_prefix = "service"
instance_type = "m5.2xlarge"
providers = {
aws = aws.saopaulo
The source file is as below. I didn't add all the files, as there are too many, but just attached the eks module (terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws) I use to create my module.
data "aws_eks_cluster" "cluster" {
name = module.eks.cluster_id
data "aws_eks_cluster_auth" "cluster" {
name = module.eks.cluster_id
provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.certificate_authority.0.data)
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
load_config_file = false
version = "~> 1.9"
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "12.2.0" # Version Pinning
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
cluster_version = local.cluster_version
vpc_id = local.vpc_id
subnets = local.private_subnets
cluster_enabled_log_types = ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"]
worker_additional_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.nodeport.id, data.aws_security_group.common_eks_sg.id]
wait_for_cluster_cmd = "for i in `seq 1 60`; do curl -k -s $ENDPOINT/healthz >/dev/null && exit 0 || true; sleep 5; done; echo TIMEOUT && exit 1"
worker_groups = concat([{
instance_type = "t3.micro"
asg_min_size = "1"
asg_max_size = var.asg_max_size
key_name = "shared-backdoor"
kubelet_extra_args = join(" ", [
pre_userdata = file("${path.module}/pre_userdata.sh")
tags = concat([for k, v in local.common_tags : {
key = k
value = v
propagate_at_launch = "true"
}], [{
key = "Role"
value = "nodeport"
propagate_at_launch = "true"
}], local.worker_group)
map_users = local.allow_user
# map_roles = local.allow_roles[var.env]
I have security group named sg-something in sa-east-1 region, and have also checked that I’m running terraform apply on correct region by checking
data "aws_region" "current" {}
output my_region {
value = data.aws_region.current.name
Any suggestions?
I ran terraform import for one SQL server & one SQL database. While running the terraform plan I see message 2 to change. But I am not able to find the change in the below plan. It's not showing any null value.
I am not sure what is the change to be in effect.
Here is the information about the terraform plan:
# azurerm_sql_database.sqldb[0m will be updated in-place[0m[0m
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1426150Z [0m [33m~[0m[0m resource "azurerm_sql_database" "sqldb" {
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1426881Z [1m[0mcollation[0m[0m = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1427865Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mcreate_mode[0m[0m = "Default"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1428801Z [1m[0mcreation_date[0m[0m = "2020-07-06T15:20:16.947Z"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1429581Z [1m[0mdefault_secondary_location[0m[0m = "East US"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1430271Z [1m[0medition[0m[0m = "GeneralPurpose"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1474446Z [1m[0mextended_auditing_policy[0m[0m = [
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1481428Z {
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1482165Z retention_in_days = 0
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1483057Z storage_account_access_key = ""
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1483679Z storage_account_access_key_is_secondary = false
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1484293Z storage_endpoint = ""
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1486841Z },
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1487323Z ]
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1488663Z [1m[0mid[0m[0m = "/subscriptions/78bc4018-84c1-4906-94c9-c1d5b84cc907/resourceGroups/rg-us-wus-dev-1/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/sql-us-wus-dev/databases/sqldb-us-wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1491489Z [1m[0mlocation[0m[0m = "westus"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1492160Z [1m[0mmax_size_bytes[0m[0m = "34359738368"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1492790Z [1m[0mname[0m[0m = "sqldb-us-wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1493436Z [1m[0mread_scale[0m[0m = false
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1494194Z [1m[0mrequested_service_objective_id[0m[0m = "f21733ad-9b9b-4d4e-a4fa-94a133c41718"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1495057Z [1m[0mrequested_service_objective_name[0m[0m = "GP_Gen5_2"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1495733Z [1m[0mresource_group_name[0m[0m = "rg-us-wus-dev-1"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1496437Z [1m[0mserver_name[0m[0m = "sql-us-wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1497190Z [1m[0mtags[0m[0m = {}
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1497905Z [1m[0mzone_redundant[0m[0m = false
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1498890Z threat_detection_policy {
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1499416Z [1m[0mdisabled_alerts[0m[0m = []
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1500074Z [1m[0memail_account_admins[0m[0m = "Disabled"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1500670Z [1m[0memail_addresses[0m[0m = []
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1501143Z [1m[0mretention_days[0m[0m = 0
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1501574Z [1m[0mstate[0m[0m = "Disabled"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1502069Z [1m[0muse_server_default[0m[0m = "Disabled"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1502411Z }
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1502851Z timeouts {}
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1503112Z }
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1503637Z [1m # azurerm_sql_server.sqlserver[0m will be updated in-place[0m[0m
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1504503Z [0m [33m~[0m[0m resource "azurerm_sql_server" "sqlserver" {
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1504979Z [1m[0madministrator_login[0m[0m = "sqladmin"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1505483Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0madministrator_login_password[0m[0m = (sensitive value)
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1506007Z [1m[0mconnection_policy[0m[0m = "Default"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1506451Z [1m[0mextended_auditing_policy[0m[0m = [
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1506802Z {
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1507156Z retention_in_days = 0
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1507611Z storage_account_access_key = ""
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1508130Z storage_account_access_key_is_secondary = false
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1508695Z storage_endpoint = "https://stuxxwusdev.blob.core.windows.net/"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1509179Z },
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1509442Z ]
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1510082Z [1m[0mfully_qualified_domain_name[0m[0m = "sql-us-wus-dev.database.windows.net"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1511114Z [1m[0mid[0m[0m = "/subscriptions/78bc4018-84c1-4906-94c9-c1d5b84cc907/resourceGroups/rg-us-wus-dev-1/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/sql-us-wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1511895Z [1m[0mlocation[0m[0m = "westus"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1512415Z [1m[0mname[0m[0m = "sql-us-wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1512991Z [1m[0mresource_group_name[0m[0m = "wus-dev"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1513500Z [1m[0mtags[0m[0m = {}
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1514036Z [1m[0mversion[0m[0m = "12.0"
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1514602Z timeouts {}
2020-12-24T16:01:39.1514890Z }
There are terraform plan symbol meanings, refer to this.
+ create
- destroy
-/+ replace (destroy and then create, or vice-versa if create-before-destroy is used)
~ update in-place i.e. change without destroying
<= read
You can check the ~ mark line to check that the specific attributes will be updated in place.
For example, it will update the retention_in_days from 6 to 0 in the terraform template code.
Please let me know if you still have any questions.