Campaign tracking on Cross-Domain without redirect (no linker) - cross-domain

Lets say we have the following url:
A user clicks on the link and surf through it and then close the session.
An hour later he/she navigates to and a conversion occurs, is there a way to track and relate the conversion to the utm_id=cdt3id?
In Summary the conversion happens in the second domain and we want to relate that to the first domain marketing campaign!
Please note i know hot to enable linker while redirecting from origin domain to target domain!

You have to realize that this kind of behavior is not standard. Therefore, it will require non-standard solutions.
Having said that, your real problem is not the attribution. In the described scenario, you are likely to lose the user completely. will have no idea that this client is supposed to have the same id as on the previous site. The linker adds an explicit _ga query param to the url for the ga library on the to know to use that as a user id and not to generate a new one.
If you're not able to reliably pass the client id to the checkout TLD through front-end, you have to use your backend to match the user by the BE auth/session token. Same exact logic applies if you want to pass the attribution data. You just keep it on the backend, bound to the user session token and throw it to the user's cookie on checkout, then grab it with GTM and populate it however you like. Or you can as well just conduct a BE redirect, appending both the _ga and the UTM query params to the url.
There are a bit more options if you're not using GA for your actual analysis. If you're able to match users and calculate attributions on your own either through ETL or persistent derived tables/SQL. So, basically, if you download your GA data to a third party storage like snowflake, asure or BQ and then use a BI tool on top of that. But at this point those options should be pretty apparent from the issue and possible solution described above.


Is it safe to use a UUID in a URL for semi-private data?

I run a landscaping company and have multiple crews. I want to provide each one with a custom URL (like that shows their daily schedule. Going to the page will list the name, address and phone number of 5-10 customers for the day.
Is it safe/wise to use a UUID in a URL for semi-private data?
Depends on how safe you want it to be.
Are the UUIDs used for anything else? If not, they are fine for creating random URLs.
But, browser history would allow anyone using the same machine to find the URLs. Also, unless using https, a network sniffer could easily see the requested URLs and go to the same page.
Another concern is spider bots. Make sure nothing links to those pages, use a robots.txt to prevent indexing the site, but you still might find that some of the pages show up on search engines. It might be better to have the UUID set in a cookie and check that for determining which employee it is, lest your semi-private pages start showing up on google.
Whether or not that schema would work for you, depends on your threat model (as well as some implementation details). Without a concrete threat model, it is not possible to give a definitive answer to your question.
I can, however, give you some ideas about potential issues with the solution, so you can determine if they are relevant for your application. This is not a complete list.
On the implementation side of things:
Not all UUID generators are created equal. Ideally, you want to use a generator based on a cryptographically secure RNG, providing an UUID where every byte is chosen at random.
Using the UUID for a database lookup or similar operation is not necessarily a constant-time operation (and thus there might be side-channel attacks unless you implement the lookup by yourself)
Make sure your URI does not leak via referrer
Some tools attempt to detect 'secret' URLs to protect them from history synchronization or other automatic features. Your schema will most likely not be detected as 'secret'. It might be better to artificially lengthen your URI and to move your UUID into a query parameter.
You can further reduce attack surface with the usual methods (rate limiting, server hardening, etc.)
On the conceptual side of things:
A single identifier for both identification and authentication is not necessarily a bad thing. However, in most cases there is a need for an identification-only identifier – you must not use the 'secret' UUID in those scenarios
If a 'crew' consists of multiple people: you cannot revoke access for a single crew member
Some software (antivirus, browser, etc.) treats information in URLs as public information, and might upload them without user interaction

Adobe Analytics - Moving from 1st Party cookies back to 3rd Party Cookies for Security Reasons

I work for a bank and security is a major concern. We are currently using a cname on Adobe's collection servers (e.g. in order to have Adobe serve first party cookies on the domain. Our security council now says we shouldn't provide Adobe with a new SSL cert for because it is too risky and if is compromised and someone attacks our customers then we our liable due to it being our brand and all the cookie data is exposed as well as leaving customers open to malware attacks. So we have the following options:
Bring reporting in-house
Set up a filtering proxy operating as “” that front-ends the relevant Adobe service
Go back to Adobe's 3rd Party solution namespace
Use a different 3rd party namespace on adobe's servers (e.g.
Here are our thoughts:
1) Too expensive
2) We thought it was a good solution but then the cost came up. It seems like it would be very costly to build that type of infrastructure due to the volume of calls.
3) Adobe's 3rd party namespace blocked too much.
4) Seems to maybe be a solution but still concerned about 3rd party being blocked.
I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with these type of security concerns and what the solution was. Also what are the drawbacks of solution #4 in particular?
There is no personally identifiable or personal information at all in Adobe's tracking cookie.
Before I say anything else, based on what you have said, let me just say that I think your security council is either misinformed about Adobe's tracking cookie or else blowing things unrealistically out of proportion.
The visitor id (s_vi) cookie is just that: a cookie that contains a visitor id value. Here is an example of what the cookie value looks like:
The value has nothing to do with a visitor's personal information or data or anything like that. It is a randomly generated value that sticks to the visitor for as long as the cookie persists.
Cookies that are created for any custom coding you do are NOT the same thing
See, this is where I think some people may be confused. Here is a common scenario to explain: member id tracking. A visitor when they first come to your site is anonymous. They login to your site and now your site knows who they are.
From a tracking perspective, it is common to have a prop and/or eVar that reflects this. So on pages/hits where you don't know the visitor, you wouldn't pop anything, or maybe you'd pop some default "anonymous" or "unknown" or "logged out" value. Then when the visitor logs in, you pop the prop/eVar with a value that your site recognizes as a member or account id.
Maybe this id is their email address. Maybe it's a randomly generated value. Maybe it's a username. Point is, it's something to uniquely identify the visitor within your own site's system.
So let's say you write code where upon login, you pop prop1 with the value and then you decide to make use of Adobe's getAndPersist plugin. This plugin basically takes a value and puts it into a cookie and then retrieves the value each time the plugin is called. The idea here is that you only have to do the work to come up with the value from your end one time and then Omniture will persist it from there. This is particularly useful for when you want a value to pop for each page/hit but may not have easy access to replicate or scope the logic to all areas of your site, particularly across subdomains.
So now you have a cookie set by Adobe Analytics code from this. This has nothing to do with the s_vi cookie at all.
Firstly, it is something you explicitly set, even if it is just to get the ball rolling. Secondly, the value is not stored in the s_vi cookie; it is stored in a separate, 1st party cookie.
Even if you have FPC tracking, it is still set in a separate cookie. The actual cookie name depends on what plugin you are using (or using Adobe's s.c_w cookie write function yourself), and also whether or not you are using the combined cookie plugin (in which case it will be put in s_sess or s_pers, depending on what you set the expiration to be)
Now.. if you do have FPC implemented, you can obviously overwrite that cookie with your own value. And you can obviously make that value whatever you want it to be, including something personal to the visitor. But that's not Adobe's doing; that's your doing.
The overall point here is that whether you make the visitor tracking 1st party or 3rd party, that's a completely separate cookie that has nothing to do with personal data.
You may have custom coding that contains personal data and you may put that data into cookies, even using Adobe Analytics functions, but that is not the same thing. It will always be first party cookies (impossible for js to write 3rd party cookies), and the cookies will always be separate.
Nonetheless, the s_vi visitor id may be used to indirectly get personal data
I'm sure the next thing heard will be something along the lines of "But it doesn't matter, it's a unique id for the visitor, and it's in Adobe, and so is this other data, and you can use the visitor id to find the data within Adobe!"
And this is true. However...
Firstly, in order for there be personally identifiable data to be found within Adobe Analytics, you have to explicitly put it there. For example, you have to set stuff like:
s.prop1='jon doe'; // name
s.prop2='4321 1111 1111 1111'; // credit card #
s.prop3='04/2020'; // exp date
s.prop4='123'; // security number
I don't think I should have to tell you that this is a supremely bad idea, but point is, this isn't Adobe collecting that info, it is you doing it. And it's not in the s_vi visitor id cookie, nor can it ever be (again, unless you have fpc imp and decide to explicitly overwrite the cookie with those values..).
So that data, along with the visitor id, goes off to Adobe servers. So there's the next road block: getting access to the data within Adobe. The bad guy would have to have a Adobe Analytics user account under your company, and it would have to have proper permissions to gain access to that data.
And even then, Adobe doesn't actually expose the visitor id value in the reports. So in order to get the data associated with a certain visitor id, you need access to data warehouse, or to be listed as a supported user and request raw hit logs from ClientCare.
I guess the overall point here is that all by itself, that visitor id isn't really the dangerous thing. It's not the personal data, and being able to make use of it to find specific data associated with it would involve acts of extreme foolishness about storing personal data on Adobe servers in the first place, as well as gaining access to said servers/interfaces.
All that aside..
Okay, so maybe you don't care about all of that stuff above. Or maybe none of that convinced your security council to budge. You're moving away from Adobe FPC imp and that's all there is to it. So let's talk about the options you listed and your concerns about them.
Bring reporting in-house
You said this is "too expensive." You know, I gotta be honest here.. this is a bit laughable, coming from a bank! But seriously..
Perhaps you thought it too expensive from a building-from-the-ground-up-from scratch perspective? If this is the case, have you considered options for ones that have already been built, that you can put on your own server and customize or build off of from there?
Webtrends offers this. Frankly, I loathe Webtrends as a tracking solution, but it does offer ability to put it on your own server (last I heard, anyways). Also, Piwik is a really good open source solution.
Filtering proxy
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. This sounds a lot like FPC tracking.. except having a means to scrub all requests of personal data before it goes to Adobe? Well if that is the case, I'd go back to the point about sending personal data to Adobe in the first place. But okay, maybe you aren't doing that, but want to have an extra measure of precaution just in case; fair enough.
So maybe you setup a service on your end that sends all requests to and it scrubs stuff and maybe even has a mapping of values (like visitor id). In principle, this isn't really a complex script, so again I have to wonder why cost is an issue, especially coming from a bank.. but whatever..
Sticking with Adobe's 3rd party cookie implementation
If you want to go back to 3rd party cookie tracking using a domain owned by Adobe, instead of using the default domain, I suggest you consider their new(er) 3rd party cookie implementation for Regional Data Collection.
Rolling your own 3rd party cookie implementation
As far as I am aware, Adobe does not offer any kind of service involving you specifying a domain name for them to purchase/own and collect data from as a 3rd party implementation.
The closest service to this is the first party cookie tracking. So, you if you have, normally you'd specify something like (something on the root domain) and that's FPC tracking.
However, you can tell Adobe to use for example (assuming you own and control it) and they can implement FPC tracking for that domain. Then, when you implement tracking on, that effectively becomes 3rd party cookie tracking.
The caveat though is that you still own that domain, so I can only assume that on some level, you will still be liable for it (I'm not a lawyer). However, maybe this will be enough to appease your security council, worth bringing it up to them.
I add that, under the Adobe General Terms of Service, "customer agrees not to collect, process, or store any Sensitive Personal Data using the on-demand or managed services." Hence, if you are collecting any data that can be traced back to an individual -- e.g., email address or phone number -- you are violating the TOS. Therefore, the response to security concerns can be, "Exposing customer PII is a violation of our terms of service and so we don't do it."

How do I protect sensitive information from cross site access?

My web application displays some sensitive information to a logged in user. The user visits another site without explicitly logging out of my site first. How do I ensure that the other site can not access the sensitive information without accept from me or the user?
If for example my sensitive data is in JavaScript format, the other site can include it in a script tag and read the side effects. I could continue on building a blacklist, but I do not want to enumerate what is unsafe. I want to know what is safe, but I can not find any documentation of this.
UPDATE: In my example JavaScript from the victim site was executed on the attacker's site, not the other way around, which would have been Cross Site Scripting.
Another example is images, where any other site can read the width and height, but I don't think they can read the content, but they can display it.
A third example is that everything without an X-Frame-Options header can be loaded into an iframe, and from there it is possible to steal the data by tricking the user into doing drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.
The key point of Cross Site Attack is to ensure that your input from user which is going to be displayed, is legal, not containing some scripts. You may stop it at the beginning.
If for example my sensitive data is in JavaScript format, the other site can include it in a script tag
Yep! So don't put it in JavaScript/JSONP format.
The usual fix for passing back JSON or JS code is to put something unexecutable at the front to cause a syntax error or a hang (for(;;); is popular). So including the resource as a <script> doesn't get the attacker anywhere. When you access it from your own site you can fetch it with an XMLHttpRequest and chop off the prefix before evaluating it.
(A workaround that doesn't work is checking window.location in the returned script: when you're being included in an attacker's page they have control of the JavaScript environment and could sabotage the built-in objects to do unexpected things.)
Since I did not get the answer I was looking for here, I asked in another forum an got the answer. It is here:!topic/
I also found this page which answers my question:
First of all like superpdm states, design your app from the ground up to ensure that either the sensitive information is not stored on the client side in the first place or that it is unintelligible to a malicious users.
Additionally, for items of data you don't have much control over, you can take advantage of inbuilt HTTP controls like HttpOnly that tries to ensure that client-side scripts will not have access to cookies like your session token and so forth. Setting httpOnly on your cookies will go a long way to ensure malicious vbscripts, javascripts etc will not read or modify your client-side tokens.
I think some confusion is still in our web-security knowledge world. You are afraid of Cross Site Request Forgery, and yet describing and looking for solution to Cross Site Scripting.
Cross Site Scripting is a vulnerability that allows malicious person to inject some unwanted content into your site. It may be some text, but it also may be some JS code or VB or Java Applet (I mentioned applets because they can be used to circumvent protection provided by the httpOnly flag). And thus if your aware user clicks on the malicious link he may get his data stolen. It depends on amount of sensitive data presented to the user. Clicking on a link is not only attack vector for XSS attack, If you present to users unfiltered contents provided by other users, someone may also inject some evil code and do some damage. He does not need to steal someone's cookie to get what he wants. And it has notnig to do with visiting other site while still being logged to your app. I recommend:XSS
Cross Site Request Forgery is a vulnerability that allows someone to construct specially crafted form and present it to Logged in user, user after submitting this form may execute operation in your app that he didin't intended. Operation may be transfer, password change, or user add. And this is the threat you are worried about, if user holds session with your app and visits site with such form which gets auto-submited with JS such request gets authenticated, and operation executed. And httpOnly will not protect from it because attacker does not need to access sessionId stored in cookies. I recommend: CSRF

sfGuard token login for wkhtmltopdf

wkhtmltopdf allows to make a screenshot of a browser view with a webkit browser.
I have a Symfony 1.4 application that requires login, which I would like to use wkhtmltopdf to create a "print this page" function.
How can I securely facilitate this. I'm thinking of creating a one-off token on each screen for the print button that allows wkhtmltopdf to login without using the password of the user.
Any suggestions for how to structure this?
We'vbe come to the conclusion to use the built in "keep me logged in" functionality for this problem.
Would you consider a different printing framework ?
What about jquery plugin (e.g. ?
That way you won't have to allow access to the restricted area from outside the session.
If you still want to use wkhtmltopdf, you can easily create an action that receives a url and a user_id and creates a unique token, I might save this token in your DB or in a Key-Value cache (depends what is your system architecture). I wouldn't create the unique token in advance, I think its better creating it on demand (When your user is asking a print).
You have couple of options in order to enable printing in secured actions,
1) Create a custom security filter. In the filter, in addition to authenticated request, you have to allow requests that contain "token" parameter with right combination of url and user
2) Change the action to unsecured. If you don't want the change the security filter, you would have to change each action to "unsecured" and create a function that verifies if either the request is authenticated or it has a proper token parameter.
It would be smart to remove each token after you used it once to make it even harder to guess a token.
In addition you might want to create a periodic worker that clears old tokens that were never in use.
Even though you already decided on an approach, I would still like to add one more alternate option that might help others viewing this issue.
Another alternate route might be to grab the current source of the page being viewed and post that into your printer backend using something like
$.post("/printer", document.documentElement.outerHTML);
This way you can also preprocess the HTML in an easy way. Your backed could first store the HTML and then parse it to for example convert images or perhaps remove some parts of the page that will not be used when printing.

How can I make a secure converson tracker with an img or js tag?

I have a client who is deploying a simple affiliate program. Currently, if a visitor comes through the affiliate link, a cookie is set on a third party domain that does the affiliate tracking.
If the person purchases something, a tracking pixel is fired that sends the record to the 3rd party domain.
Obviously this is completely insecure. If someone gets the img or js code, they can just launch a bunch of sessions on different ips and make those requests and the affiliate software will record them as conversions.
The client has no ability to add any server side code, so I can't do a simple server to server call.
Is there any way to create a secure solution using just an IMG or Javascript? I think it's not possible, but maybe I'm not thinking of something.
If there is any user-specific or sale-specific information on the sales page, you could use JavaScript to grab it and send it along inside the query string of the IMG request.
For example, if you have a invoice number, sale ID, or username on the page, and JavaScript can navigate the DOM to retrieve it, you could append that information. Even if a malicious person forges it (creates fake usernames or forges invoice numbers), you're much more likely to catch a bunch of invalid usernames or invoices that don't match sales records.
It's not 100% secure, but it gives you a little extra information that's harder to spoof.
