How does BERT word embedding preprocess work - nlp

I'm trying to figure out what BERT preprocess does. I mean, how it is done. But I can't find a good explanation. I would appreciate, if somebody know, a link to a better and deeply explained solution.
If someone, by the other hand, wants to solve it here, I would be also extremly thankful!
My question is, how does BERT mathematically convert a string input into a vector of numbers with fixed size? Which are the logical steps that follows?

BERT provides its own tokenizer. Because BERT is a pretrained model that expects input data in a specific format, following are required:
A special token, [SEP], to mark the end of a sentence, or the
separation between two sentences
A special token, [CLS], at the
beginning of our text. This token is used for classification tasks,
but BERT expects it no matter what your application is.
Tokens that conform with the fixed vocabulary used in BERT
The Token IDs for the tokens, from BERT’s tokenizer
Mask IDs to indicate which elements in the sequence are tokens and which are padding elements
Segment IDs used to distinguish different sentences
Positional Embeddings used to show token position within the sequence
from transformers import BertTokenizer
# Load pre-trained model tokenizer (vocabulary)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
# An example sentence
text = "Sentence to embed"
# Add the special tokens.
marked_text = "[CLS] " + text + " [SEP]"
# Split the sentence into tokens.
tokenized_text = tokenizer.tokenize(marked_text)
# Map the token strings to their vocabulary indices.
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
Have a look at this excellent tutorial for more details.


Do BERT word embeddings change depending on context?

Before answering "yes, of course", let me clarify what I mean:
After BERT has been trained, and I want to use the pretrained embeddings for some other NLP task, can I once-off extract all the word-level embeddings from BERT for all the words in my dictionary, and then have a set of static key-value word-embedding pairs, from where I retrieve the embedding for let's say "bank", or will the embeddings for "bank" change depending on whether the sentence is "Trees grow on the river bank", or "I deposited money at the bank" ?
And if the latter is the case, how do I practically use the BERT embeddings for another NLP task, do I need to run every input sentence through BERT before passing it into my own model?
Essentially - do embeddings stay the same for each word / token after the model has been trained, or are they dynamically adjusted by the model weights, based on the context?
This is a great question (I had the same question but you asking it made me experiment a bit).
The answer is yes, it changes based on the context. You should not extract the embeddings and re-use them (at least for most of the problems).
I'm checking the embedding for word bank in two cases: (1) when it comes separately and when it comes with a context (river bank). The embeddings that I'm getting are different from each other (they have a cosine distance of ~0.4).
from transformers import TFBertModel, AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = TFBertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
print('bank is the second word in tokenization (index=1):', tokenizer.decode([i for i in tokenizer.encode('bank')]))
print('bank is the third word in tokenization (index=2):', tokenizer.decode([i for i in tokenizer.encode('river bank')]))
###output: bank is the second word in tokenization (index=1): [CLS] bank [SEP]
###output: bank is the third word in tokenization (index=2): [CLS] river bank [SEP]
bank_bank = model(tf.constant(tokenizer.encode('bank'))[None,:])[0][0,1,:] #use the index based on the tokenizer output above
river_bank_bank = model(tf.constant(tokenizer.encode('river bank'))[None,:])[0][0,2,:] #use the index based on the tokenizer output above
are_equal = np.allclose(bank_bank, river_bank_bank)
### output: False

How to i get word embeddings for out of vocabulary words using a transformer model?

When i tried to get word embeddings of a sentence using bio_clinical bert, for a sentence of 8 words i am getting 11 token ids(+start and end) because "embeddings" is an out of vocabulary word/token, that is being split into em, bed ,ding, s.
I would like to know if there is any aggregation strategies available that make sense apart from doing a mean of these vectors.
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
# download and load model
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT")
sentences = ['This framework generates embeddings for each input sentence']
#Tokenize sentences
encoded_input = tokenizer(sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=128, return_tensors='pt')
#Compute token embeddings
with torch.no_grad():
model_output = model(**encoded_input)
torch.Size([1, 13])
for token in encoded_input['input_ids'][0]:
To my knowledge, mean aggregation is the most commonly used tool here, and in fact there is even scientific literature, empirically showing that it works well:
Generalizing Word Embeddings using Bag of Subwords by Zhao, Mudgal and Liang. Formula 1 is describing exactly what you are proposing as well.
The one alternative that you could theoretically employ is something like a mean aggregate over the entire input, essentially making a "context prediction" over all words (potentially except "embeddings"), therefore emulating something similar to the [MASK]ing during training of the transformer models. But this is just a suggestion from me without any backup of scientific evidence that it works (for better or worse).

Sequence Labelling with BERT

I am using a model consisting of an embedding layer and an LSTM to perform sequence labelling, in pytorch + torchtext. I have already tokenised the sentences.
If I use self-trained or other pre-trained word embedding vectors, this is straightforward.
But if I use the Huggingface transformers BertTokenizer.from_pretrained and BertModel.from_pretrained there is a '[CLS]' and '[SEP]' token added to the beginning and end of the sentence, respectively. So the output of the model becomes a sequence that is two elements longer than the label/target sequence.
What I am unsure of is:
Are these two tags needed for the BertModel to embed each token of a sentence "correctly"?
If they are needed, can I take them out after the BERT embedding layer, before the input to the LSTM, so that the lengths are correct in the output?
Yes, BertModel needed them since without those special symbols added, the output representations would be different. However, my experience says, if you fine-tune BertModel on the labeling task without [CLS] and [SEP] token added, then you may not see a significant difference. If you use BertModel to extract fixed word features, then you better add those special symbols.
Yes, you can take out the embedding of those special symbols. In fact, this is a general idea for sequence labeling or tagging tasks.
I suggest taking a look at some sequence labeling or tagging examples using BERT to become confident about your modeling decisions. You can find NER tagging example using Huggingface transformers here.

Order/context-aware document / sentence to vectors in Spacy

I would like to do some supervised binary classification tasks with sentences, and have been using spaCy because of its ease of use. I used spaCy to convert the text into vectors, and then fed the vectors to a machine learning model (e.g. XGBoost) to perform the classfication. However, the results have not been very satisfactory.
In spaCy, it is easy to load a model (e.g. BERT / Roberta / XLNet) to convert words / sentences to nlp objects. Directly calling the vector of the object will however will default to an average of the token vectors.
Here are two questions:
1) Can we do better than simply getting the average of token vectors, like having context/order-aware sentence vectors using spaCy? For example, can we extract the sentence embedding from the previous layer of the BERT transformer instead of the final token vectors in spaCy?
2) Would it be better to directly use spaCy to train the downstream binary classification task? For example, here discusses how to add a text classifier to a spaCy model. Or is it generally better to apply more powerful machine learning models like XGBoost?
Thanks in advance!
I found this being discussed in the page below. Maybe it helps.
"Most people usually only take the hidden states of the [CLS] token of the last layer - using the hidden states for all tokens or from multiple layers doesn't usually help you that much."

Transformers PreTrainedTokenizer add_tokens Functionality

Referring to the documentation of the awesome Transformers library from Huggingface, I came across the add_tokens functions.
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
num_added_toks = tokenizer.add_tokens(['new_tok1', 'my_new-tok2'])
I tried the above by adding previously absent words in the default vocabulary. However, keeping all else constant, I noticed a decrease in accuracy of the fine tuned classifier making use of this updated tokenizer. I was able to replicate similar behavior even when just 10% of the previously absent words were added.
My questions
Am I missing something?
Instead of whole words, is the add_tokens function expecting masked tokens, for example : '##ah', '##red', '##ik', '##si', etc.? If yes, is there a procedure to generate such masked tokens?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
If you add tokens to the tokenizer, you indeed make the tokenizer tokenize the text differently, but this is not the tokenization BERT was trained with, so you are basically adding noise to the input. The word embeddings are not trained and the rest of the network never saw them in context. You would need a lot of data to teach BERT to deal with the newly added words.
There are also some ways how to compute a single word embedding, such that it would not hurt BERT like in this paper but it seems pretty complicated and should not make any difference.
BERT uses a word-piece-based vocabulary, so it should not really matter if the words are present in the vocabulary as a single token or get split into multiple wordpieces. The model probably saw the split word during pre-training and will know what to do with it.
Regarding the ##-prefixed tokens, those are tokens can only be prepended as a suffix of another wordpiece. E.g., walrus gets split into ['wal', '##rus'] and you need both of the wordpieces to be in the vocabulary, but not ##wal or rus.
