Azure Manage Backups menu missing - azure

Im checking several tutorials about how to setup and configure a sql backup to blob, but what Ive found so far are to backup from Sql Server Management Studio.
I did found this nice article at azurelessons:
But the problem I have is that they mention a "Manage Backups" option at the settings group (Sql server level) which I cannot seem to find:
And when I go to the Backups option on Data Management, it only shows me one that is 7 days old with the following legend: "Azure SQL databases are backed up automatically. Backup availability is listed below for each database on this server. Manage your available long-term retention (LTR) backups or restore a database here."
I have a failover group for the SQL server, but I would also like to have backups performed every 6 hours, and I just cant find the option where to do this, even on the SQL Database.
Thanks for the help.

It looks like you have a managed instance of SQL
Both SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance use SQL Server technology to create full backups every week, differential backups every 12-24 hours, and transaction log backups every 5 to 10 minutes. The frequency of transaction log backups is based on the compute size and the amount of database activity.
When you restore a database, the service determines which full, differential, and transaction log backups need to be restored.
Please check this link:


How to create a backup of a SQL Azure DB with PITR and LTR history for Disaster Recovery?

I hope I am asking this in the correct community. I did check for SQL Azure in others, but could not find anything so here goes.
I am trying to work out the best strategy to create a backup of my SQL Azure DB if my main datacentre has a significant availability or integrity problem. My initial thought was to "Create a Database", in a different region, on a new DB Server, using the "Geo-Replicated Backup" which works excellently. However because it is on a new DB Server I lose all of my Short Term (PITR) and Long Term Retention(LTR) Backups which I might need to restore from for data correction or compliance.
So how can I backup this "history". I may have missed something simple, but my only ideas at present are:
Take automated "Exports" to BACPACs" to Azure Storage, say weekly.
Use specialised Backup software such as VEEAM SQL Azure Backup which retains multiple versions, and can operate at hourly intervals. Works off Transaction Logs.
Use Azure Failover groups which effectively use 2 DB Servers and 2 PITR and LTR setups.
Thanks in advance,

Restore Azure SQL Database LTR back-up via the Portal after deleting the original Azure SQL Server

I can't find a straight answer to this question so hoping someone here came across this.
As the LTR backups are tied to the subscription there should be a way to restore a backup even if the original SQL Server that hosted the database is deleted.
How can these be viewed and restored via the Portal after the SQL Server is deleted?
Or via other means.
Currently there isn't a built-in method to restore the entire server. When a server is deleted (soft deleted) then you should call Azure support as soon as possible before a purge process that runs periodically fully removes the logical server. There are no SLAs for server deletions. So the quicker you can get to Azure CSS, the better it is.
If the server is deleted, there is no way to restore from automated built-in backups offered by Azure. Quoting from the page:
If you delete an Azure SQL Database server instance, all its databases
are also deleted and cannot be recovered. There is currently no
support for restoring a deleted server.
So everything is AS-IS. When a user deletes a logical server, you were asking the server to be deleted which is why you typed in the server name, etc. etc. CSS can work with engineering to figure out what is possible at best but there are no service-level guarantees unless Disaster Recovery (Geo-replication, Synchronization, long-term backups, etc.) was part of the deployment strategy.
I witnessed a case where a developer that works for a company in Costa Rica deleted their production Azure SQL logical server on a Thursday and Azure Support was able to recover on the next Monday. Usually Azure CSS gives a time frame of 7 days to recover an Azure SQL logical server that was accidentally deleted.
To avoid this in the future you can use “resource locks” which can protect against accidental deletion using Azure portal.
This question specifically asks about Long Term Retention backups which the other answers (so far) do not address. Yes, when a logical server is deleted, all the automatic backups are also deleted, but NOT the long term retention backups. If a database was configured to use LTR and the LTR backup's retention period has not expired, then yes you can restore from them.
After a logical server is deleted, you can't see the LTR backups from the portal so you must use Powershell commands to list them and issue the restore.
This link gives a good basic tutorial.
If you delete your Azure sql server, then you could not backup it from the LTR backup.
Alberto Morillo has show you the document:
If you delete an Azure SQL Database server instance, all its databases are also deleted and cannot be recovered. There is currently no support for restoring a deleted server.
I also asked Azure support to get more message about your question. The replied me:
" Azure support can help you recover you Azure SQL server in 7 days after the deletion. You need to provide your server name and region for Azure Support."
You can call Azure Support from portal:
Hope this helps.

Differential backup of azure sql database in to storage account blob storage using Powershell Script

I am having an issue creating differential backups of Azure SQL database in storage account blob storage using powershell. I don't know if it is possible or not to get a differential back up of an Azure SQL database. Please suggest me what can I do.
If have seen the differential backup document, you will find this:
Azure SQL database has the feature Automated backups. It referred that:
SQL Database supports self-service for point-in-time restore (PITR) by automatically creating full backup, differential backups, and transaction log backups. Full database backups are created weekly, differential database backups are generally created every 12 hours, and transaction log backups are generally created every 5 - 10 minutes, with the frequency based on the compute size and amount of database activity. The first full backup is scheduled immediately after a database is created. It usually completes within 30 minutes, but it can take longer when the database is of a significant size. For example, the initial backup can take longer on a restored database or a database copy. After the first full backup, all further backups are scheduled automatically and managed silently in the background. The exact timing of all database backups is determined by the SQL Database service as it balances the overall system workload. You cannot change or disable the backup jobs.
I also asked Azure Support, they told me that we(customer) can not create the differential backup by ourselves, Azure SQL database will do that automatic.
Hope this helps.

What is a retention period of deleted Azure SQL Databases?

I have a question related to Azure SQL Databases.
I know that we can restore databases to any point in time (7 or 35 days) for different tiers in Azure. That is fine.
However, I am wondering how long the deleted Azure SQL databases will be available to restore for.
Does anybody know?
Any answer will be appreciated.
Deleted databases can be restored to the point in time of deletion during the retention period of the service tier they were in. (currently that is Basic: 7 days; Standard and Premium: 35 days 7 days).
For more information:
Also, if you delete the SQL server that was hosting the databases, all the backups are GONE instantly.
Backups will be stored till retention period: Microsoft docs quote below(emphasis mine): and this is covered on Overview of business continuity with Azure SQL Database in Perform a point-in-time restore section
You can use the automated backups to recover a copy of your database to a known good point in time, provided that time is within the database retention period.

Best practice to upgrade a SQL Azure DB?

I am trying to upgrade an Azure DB in a continuous release scenario. The DB lives in SQL Azure and its size keeps growing. Now it's about > 50G. In my previous on-premise experience, I usually backup the old DB in a compressed format and save it to an on-premise file sever. In case the upgrade fail, I can restore it safely.
But with SQL Azure, I am not sure if it's OK to download such a big DB from SQL Azure. And is there any best practice for the SQL Azure DB upgrade scenario?
I found this link regarding different SQL Azure backup strategies. But it'll be great if someone can share some field experiences.
Azure now has automatic exports (aka full backups) to blob storage that you can schedule. The .bacpac files are complete compressed copies of your database and blob storage is pretty cheap. To give you an idea of size we have a 20GB database that is backed up to only 500 MB. We typically keep 14 days of backups but how long to retain them is up to your needs.
It's kind of like the Ron Popeil Rotisserie. You just set it, and forget it.
Obviously after you take a backup you want to restore it somewhere else to verify it worked. It's also a good idea to periodically restore your backups to make sure they working over time. You can do all of this in the Azure Portal. Just create a new database based on a .bacpac file that you created from the automated export.
You actually don't have to download the DB on premise unless you want another copy locally. Because if you are using geo-redundant blob storage its already copied to another region and you have 6 copies in total. But again its up to you.
When you log into the management portal navigate to the Sql Database tab. Click on your DB and then click configure. There you can set up automated backups for your db to blob storage.
The path on the management portal looks like this:
Here is a screenshot of the automated export section:
