Extract the mapping dictionary between two columns in pandas - python-3.x

I have a dataframe as shown below.
id player country_code country
1 messi arg argentina
2 neymar bra brazil
3 tevez arg argentina
4 aguero arg argentina
5 rivaldo bra brazil
6 owen eng england
7 lampard eng england
8 gerrard eng england
9 ronaldo bra brazil
10 marria arg argentina
from the above df, I would like to extract the mapping dictionary that relates the country_code with country columns.
Expected Output:
d = {'arg':'argentina', 'bra':'brazil', 'eng':'england'}

Dictionary has unique keys, so is possible convert Series with duplicated index by column country_code:
d = df.set_index('country_code')['country'].to_dict()
If there is possible some country should be different per country_code, then is used last value per country.


Question about excel columns csv file how to combine columns

I got a quick question I got a column like this
the players name and the percentage of matches won
Matches Won %
1 ESP ESP Rafael Nadal 89.06%
2 SRB SRB Novak Djokovic 83.82%
3 SUI SUI Roger Federer 83.61%
4 RUS RUS Daniil Medvedev 73.75%
5 AUT AUT Dominic Thiem 72.73%
6 GRE GRE Stefanos Tsitsipas 67.95%
7 JPN JPN Kei Nishikori 67.44%
and I got another data like this ACES PERCENTAGE
Ace %
1 USA USA John Isner 26.97%
2 CRO CRO Ivo Karlovic 25.47%
3 USA USA Reilly Opelka 24.81%
4 CAN CAN Milos Raonic 24.63%
5 USA USA Sam Querrey 20.75%
6 AUS AUS Nick Kyrgios 20.73%
7 RSA RSA Kevin Anderson 17.82%
8 KAZ KAZ Alexander Bublik 17.06%
9 FRA FRA Jo Wilfried Tsonga 14.29%
My question is can I make my two tables align so for example I want to have
my data based on matches won
So I have for example
Rank Country Name Matches% Aces %
1 ESP RAFAEL NADAL 89.06% 6.85%
Like this for all the player
I agree with the comment above that it would be easiest to import both and to then use XLOOKUP() to add the Aces % column to the first set of data. If you import the first data set to Sheet1 and the second data set to Sheet2 and both have the rank in Column A , your XLOOKUP() in Sheet 1 Column E would look something like:
XLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!A:A, Sheet2!D:D)

Groupby and calculate count and means based on multiple conditions in Pandas

For the given dataframe as follows:
1|7552 Atlantic Lane|1170787.3|1463484.12|finished|2019/8/2|2019/10/1
1|7552 Atlantic Lane|1137782.02|1422227.52|finished|2019/8/2|2019/10/1
2|888 Foster Street|1066708.28|1333385.35|finished|2019/8/2|2019/10/1
2|888 Foster Street|1871757.05|1416757.05|finished|2019/10/14|2019/10/15
2|888 Foster Street|NaN|763744.52|current|2019/10/12|2019/10/13
3|5 Pawnee Avenue|NaN|928366.2|current|2019/10/10|2019/10/11
3|5 Pawnee Avenue|NaN|2025924.16|current|2019/10/10|2019/10/11
3|5 Pawnee Avenue|Nan|4000000|forward|2019/10/9|2019/10/10
3|5 Pawnee Avenue|2236138.9|1788938.9|finished|2019/10/8|2019/10/9
4|916 W. Mill Pond St.|2811026.73|1992026.73|finished|2019/9/30|2019/10/1
4|916 W. Mill Pond St.|13664803.02|10914803.02|finished|2019/9/30|2019/10/1
4|916 W. Mill Pond St.|3234636.64|1956636.64|finished|2019/9/30|2019/10/1
5|68 Henry Drive|2699959.92|NaN|failed|2019/10/8|2019/10/9
5|68 Henry Drive|5830725.66|NaN|failed|2019/10/8|2019/10/9
5|68 Henry Drive|2668401.36|1903401.36|finished|2019/12/8|2019/12/9
#copy above data and run below code to reproduce dataframe
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep='|')
I would like to groupby id and address and calculate mean_ratio and result_count based on the following conditions:
mean_ratio: which is groupby id and address and calculate mean for the rows meet the following conditions: status is finished and start_date isin the range of 2019-09 and 2019-10
result_count: which is groupby id and address and count the rows meet the following conditions: status is either finished or failed, and start_date isin the range of 2019-09 and 2019-10
The desired output will like this:
id address mean_ratio result_count
0 1 7552 Atlantic Lane NaN 0
1 2 888 Foster Street 1.32 1
2 3 5 Pawnee Avenue 1.25 1
3 4 916 W. Mill Pond St. 1.44 3
4 5 68 Henry Drive NaN 2
I have tried so far:
# convert date
df[['start_date', 'end_date']] = df[['start_date', 'end_date']].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, format = '%Y/%m/%d'))
# calculate ratio
df['ratio'] = round(df['sell_price']/df['market_price'], 2)
In order to filter start_date isin the range of 2019-09 and 2019-10:
L = [pd.Period('2019-09'), pd.Period('2019-10')]
c = ['start_date']
df = df[np.logical_or.reduce([df[x].dt.to_period('m').isin(L) for x in c])]
To filter row status is finished or failed, I use:
mask = df['status'].str.contains('finished|failed')
But I don't know how to use those to get final result. Thanks your help at advance.
I think you need GroupBy.agg, but because some rows are excluded like id=1, then add them by DataFrame.join with all unique pairs id and address in df2, last replace missing values in result_count columns:
df2 = df[['id','address']].drop_duplicates()
print (df2)
id address
0 1 7552 Atlantic Lane
2 2 888 Foster Street
5 3 5 Pawnee Avenue
9 4 916 W. Mill Pond St.
12 5 68 Henry Drive
df[['start_date', 'end_date']] = df[['start_date', 'end_date']].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, format = '%Y/%m/%d'))
df['ratio'] = round(df['sell_price']/df['market_price'], 2)
L = [pd.Period('2019-09'), pd.Period('2019-10')]
c = ['start_date']
mask = df['status'].str.contains('finished|failed')
mask1 = np.logical_or.reduce([df[x].dt.to_period('m').isin(L) for x in c])
df = df[mask1 & mask]
df1 = df.groupby(['id', 'address']).agg(mean_ratio=('ratio','mean'),
df1 = df2.join(df1, on=['id','address']).fillna({'result_count': 0})
print (df1)
id address mean_ratio result_count
0 1 7552 Atlantic Lane NaN 0.0
2 2 888 Foster Street 1.320000 1.0
5 3 5 Pawnee Avenue 1.250000 1.0
9 4 916 W. Mill Pond St. 1.436667 3.0
12 5 68 Henry Drive NaN 2.0
Some helpers
def mean_ratio(idf):
# filtering data
idf = idf[
(idf['start_date'].between('2019-09-01', '2019-10-31')) &
(idf['mean_ratio'].notnull()) ]
return np.round(idf['mean_ratio'].mean(), 2)
def result_count(idf):
idf = idf[
(idf['status'].isin(['finished', 'failed'])) &
(idf['start_date'].between('2019-09-01', '2019-10-31')) ]
return idf.shape[0]
# We can caluclate `mean_ratio` before hand
df['mean_ratio'] = df['sell_price'] / df['market_price']
df = df.astype({'start_date': np.datetime64, 'end_date': np.datetime64})
# Group the df
g = df.groupby(['id', 'address'])
mean_ratio = g.apply(lambda idf: mean_ratio(idf)).to_frame('mean_ratio')
result_count = g.apply(lambda idf: result_count(idf)).to_frame('result_count')
# Final result
pd.concat((mean_ratio, result_count), axis=1)

Select two or more consecutive rows based on a criteria using python

I have a data set like this:
user time city cookie index
A 2019-01-01 11.00 NYC 123456 1
A 2019-01-01 11.12 CA 234567 2
A 2019-01-01 11.18 TX 234567 3
B 2019-01-02 12.19 WA 456789 4
B 2019-01-02 12.21 FL 456789 5
B 2019-01-02 12.31 VT 987654 6
B 2019-01-02 12.50 DC 157890 7
A 2019-01-03 09:12 CA 123456 8
A 2019-01-03 09:27 NYC 345678 9
A 2019-01-03 09:34 TX 123456 10
A 2019-01-04 09:40 CA 234567 11
In this data set I want to compare and select two or more consecutive which fit the following criteria:
User should be same
Time difference should be less than 15 mins
Cookie should be different
So if I apply the filter I should get the following data:
user time city cookie index
A 2019-01-01 11.00 NYC 123456 1
A 2019-01-01 11.12 CA 234567 2
B 2019-01-02 12.21 FL 456789 5
B 2019-01-02 12.31 VT 987654 6
A 2019-01-03 09:12 CA 123456 8
A 2019-01-03 09:27 NYC 345678 9
A 2019-01-03 09:34 TX 123456 10
So, in the above, comparing first two rows(index 1 and 2) satisfy all the conditions above. The next two (index 2 and 3) has same cookie, index 3 and 4 has different user, 5 and 6 is selected and displayed, 6 and 7 has time difference more than 15 mins. 8,9 and 10 fit the criteria but 11 doesnt as the date is 24 hours apart.
How can I solve this using python dataframe? All help is appreciated.
What I have tried:
I tried creating flags using
timediff=pd.DataFrame(pd.to_datetime(df.time) - pd.to_datetime(df.time.shift()))
mask = df.user != df.user.shift(1)
timediff.timediff[mask] = np.nan
cookiediff['Cookiediffs'][mask] = np.nan
This will do the trick:
import numpy as np
#you have inconsistent time delim-just to correct it per your sample data
df["time"]=df["time"].str.replace(":", ".")
df["time"]=pd.to_datetime(df["time"], format="%Y-%m-%d %H.%M")
df["time"].sub(df["time"].shift()).astype('timedelta64[m]').lt(15) &\
df["user"].eq(df["user"].shift()) &\
df["time"].sub(df["time"].shift(-1)).astype('timedelta64[m]').lt(15) &\
df["user"].eq(df["user"].shift(-1)) &\
Few points- you need to ensure your time column is datetime in order to make the 15 minutes condition verifiable.
Then - the final filter (cond_) you obtain by comparing each row to the previous one, checking all 3 conditions OR by doing the same, but checking against the next one (otherwise you would just get all the consecutive matching rows, except the first one).
user time city cookie index
0 A 2019-01-01 11:00:00 NYC 123456 1
1 A 2019-01-01 11:12:00 CA 234567 2
4 B 2019-01-02 12:21:00 FL 456789 5
5 B 2019-01-02 12:31:00 VT 987654 6
7 A 2019-01-03 09:12:00 CA 123456 8
8 A 2019-01-03 09:27:00 NYC 345678 9
9 A 2019-01-03 09:34:00 TX 123456 10
You could use regular expressions to isolate the fields and use named groups and the groupdict() function to store the value of each field into a dictionary and compare the values from the last dictionary to the current one. So iterate through each line of the dataset with two dictionaries, the current dictionary and the last dictionary, and perform a re.search() on each line with the regex pattern string to separate each line into named fields, then compare the value of the two dictionaries.
So, something like:
import re
c_dict=re.search('(?P<user>\w) +(?P<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}\.\d{2}) +(?P<city>\w+) +(?P<cookie>\d{6}) +(?P<index>\d+)',s).groupdict()
for each line of your dataset. For the first line of your dataset, this would create the dictionary {'user': 'A', 'time': '2019-01-01 11.00', 'city': 'NYC', 'cookie': '123456', 'index': '1'}. With the fields isolated, you could easily compare the values of the fields to previous lines if you stored those in another dictionary.

python -count elements pandas dataframe

I have a table with some info about districts. I have converted it into a pandas dataframe and my question is how can I count how many times SOUTHERN, BAYVIEW etc. appear in the table below? I want to add an extra column next to District with the total number of each district.
Here you need to use a groupby and a size method (you can also use some other aggregations such as count)
With this dataframe:
import pandas as pd
Represented as below
You can use
You have this output

How to combine multiple rows of pandas dataframe into one between two other row values python3?

I have a pandas dataframe with a single column that contains name, address, and phone info separated by blank or na rows like this:
0 Business name one
1 1234 address ln
2 Town, ST 55655
3 (555) 555-5555
4 nan
5 Business name two
6 5678 address dr
7 New Town, ST 55677
8 nan
9 Business name three
10 nan
and so on...
What I want is this:
Name Addr1 Addr2 Phone
0 Business name one 1234 address ln Town, ST 55655 (555) 555-5555
1 Business name two 5678 address dr New Town, ST 55677
2 Business name three
I am using python 3 and have been stuck, any help is much appreciated!
You can use:
create groups for each row with isnull and cumsum
for align with non NaN rows add reindex
remove NaNs by dropna, set_index to MultiIndex with cumcount
reshape by unstack
a = df['data'].isnull().cumsum().reindex(df.dropna().index)
print (a)
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
5 1
6 1
7 1
9 2
Name: data, dtype: int32
df = df.dropna().set_index([a, a.groupby(a).cumcount()])['data'].unstack()
df.columns = ['Name','Addr1','Addr2','Phone']
print (df)
Name Addr1 Addr2 Phone
0 Business name one 1234 address ln Town, ST 55655 (555) 555-5555
1 Business name two 5678 address dr New Town, ST 55677 None
2 Business name three None None None
If there is multiple address is possible create columns dynamically:
df.columns = ['Name'] +
['Addr{}'.format(x+1) for x in range(len(df.columns) - 2)] +
df1=df.groupby('group')['data'].apply(list).apply(pd.Series).dropna(axis=1,thresh =1)
Name Addr1 Addr2 \
1.0 Business name one 1234 address ln Town, ST 55655
2.0 Business name two 5678 address dr New Town, ST 55677
3.0 Business name three NaN NaN
1.0 (555) 555-5555
2.0 NaN
3.0 NaN
