Node Package not accessible in Sails.js - node.js

I installed node package via npm install and the Data is located in the node_modules directory as own directory.
But if re-lift and afterwards access a function of this new module, the browser told me, function not defined.
Do I need to add the path of the .js file in the layout or anywhere else?


Is it possible to make the node command see a node_modules folder on a different location than the specified one?

I know I can install Node.js libraries with the command npm from the command line... So, if I type:
npm install mylibrary
It'll create a node_modules folder on my current location and it'll install mylibrary (if it exists on npm)... Let's say that I create a Node.js code using it as the following:
const mylibrary = require('mylibrary')
Since I've installed this library on my current folder with the last command, this node.js script will work only if I save it on a file on my terminal current location as well. If I name this file as file.js, I can execute it with:
node file.js
Well, my problem is that I have a very specific case where the node_modules folder cannot exist in the same location that my file.js. Also, I'd like to avoid having to install mylibrary globally. Is there any way of defining as a parameter the path that the command node will search for the node_modules folder? I've checked node --help and it seems there's a lot of options, but I didn't manage to make it work. Is it possible to do? Can I use a node_modules folder that's neither the one of my file.js path or a global installed library?
You can have a link for the node_modules folder. For example, to create the symbolink link in Linux do this:
cd /path/to/script/folder
ln -s /path/to/where/you/can/have/node_modules node_modules
If you can't have the link, use the full path to the node_modules folder in the require, for example:
const mylibrary = require('/path/to/node_modules/mylibrary')
Also, you can solve the problem by using the NODE_PATH environment variable, set it like this
export NODE_PATH=/path/to/node_modules

Install local node package from file system.

I have created Angular library with reference from
Now my dist/ars-coponent library is stored in my file system at "D:\arsprojects" location. But I have changed destination of package and stored it in root directory i.e. "D:\". Now I changed package.json and set package path as
"ars-components": "file:../dist/ars-components",
But it isnt working and throws error as package.json not found.
I want to have this package as global and it should be possible to use this anywhere on my file system.
Any solutions?

How to specify node_modules folder for locally referenced node module

We need to specify node_modules folder for locally referenced node
module that resides in an external folder relative to the current
application folder.
We have a scenario where we are referencing an external common module’s js files within another client-side app, however the same node modules being references in both are being duplicated in the final build. we have tried using webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin() without any success.
The directory structure is as follows:
We have a private npm module on the local disk called ‘common’, and then we have our project folder called ‘app’.
Both folders are on the same level in directory structure & are under the same root.
The ‘app’ itself is a npm module & has a package.json file with its own node_modules folder.
|— common/node_modules
|— app/node_modules
We want to specify via configuration either via npm or web pack a way for the app to resolve references from its specified path of node_modules and not to refer to any other node_modules location including the one in common module.
You can use npm link or just a simple symlink. Do something like that:
cd root/app (your app directory)
npm link ../common
cd root/app (your app directory)
ln -s ../common node_modules/common

node.js require function not finding module

I have a server.js file that I downloaded from someone's website. The first line is: var express=require('express');
When I try to run this server with "node server.js" I get the following error: "Cannot find module 'express'." The express module is installed in the default node install location:
I'm able to successfully run express by executing "node express.js" from the express install location in node_modules. I also tried copying over the express folder and file into my c:\node-testing\ directory where my server.js file is located but I still get the error. Any idea what the problem might be and how to fix?
You can set the NODE_PATH environment variable to tell nodejs to search other paths for globally installed modules that are not in the project directory.
See for details.
On Unix installations there are some built-in default locations, but on Windows, it appears you have to set this environment variable manually to support a global location.
FYI, if you want require to load a module from the project directory, then you have to use
with the ./ in front of it. That's why it didn't work when you copied it to the project directory. node makes a distinction between loading from the project directory vs. loading from the node_modules directory below and thus requires a different syntax to specify which one you want. Express.js is also not a stand-alone module because it depends on a bunch of other modules so you could not copy only it. I'd recommend using the NODE_PATH option or install express into your project directory (it will end up in a node_modules sub-directory).
Node.js will only search for modules in from the current (and parent) directories. Unlike npm, Node has no concept of "global" modules.
You need to run npm install to install your modules into the directory containing your code.

How can I test my module locally using a symlink?

I am trying to run a module that I am developing on my local machine. So I have create a test nodejs application and within this test application I created the 'node_modules' director. The folder structure looks like it would if I had used npm install and specified my module as a dependency. Within the node_modules folder I have create a symlink to the directory where my module under test is.
When I attempt to run my test application node complains: Cannot find module 'my_module'.
I can figure out why this wouldn't work. Can this be done in this way?
The recommended way for doing this is:
In your my_module directory, do npm link .. npm will tell you it has made my_module available for linking.
Then, in your test_app directory, do npm link my_module. npm will now make my_module available to your app.
Note that you can still get a a "cannot find module" error this way, but this is then most likely because your my_module module is structured wrongly. By default, Node.js will look for an index.js file in the module's root directory. Otherwise, you need to specify a main entry in the module's package.json, containing the path to your main js file, relative to the module's root directory.
