I'm new to backend and stuff.
I have two models: Product and City. City can have many products and product can have many cities, so I created another table ProductsOnCities:
model City {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String
pickupPoints PickupPoint[]
products ProductsOnCities[]
model Product {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
title String
price Int
cities ProductsOnCities[]
model ProductsOnCities {
city City #relation(fields: [cityId], references: [id])
cityId Int
product Product #relation(fields: [productId], references: [id])
productId Int
##id([cityId, productId])
How can I insert data now? For example, I want to create city with 4 products (which is already existing in my database), do I really need to create 4 objects there as it shown in prisma docs? Below is an example from the documentation.
const assignCategories = await prisma.post.create({
data: {
title: 'How to be Bob',
categories: {
create: [
assignedBy: 'Bob',
assignedAt: new Date(),
category: {
connect: {
id: 9,
assignedBy: 'Bob',
assignedAt: new Date(),
category: {
connect: {
id: 22,
That's what I did:
const assignCategories = await prisma.city.create({
data: {
name: 'Toronto',
products: {
create: [
product: {
connect: {
id: 1
product: {
connect: {
id: 15
product: {
connect: {
id: 11
product: {
connect: {
id: 18
It's working good but is there any way to do it more succinctly? Do I really need to pass a new "big" object for each product i'm adding? I tried to pass the array of product id's to connect but it doesn't work.
Yes you would need to pass it this way as you're using explicit many-to-many relations.
You can convert your schema to implicit many-to-many relations and that would make the create/connect syntax easier.
Reading the prisma docs i find that is possible to create a connection where i make the plan have one item connected (as i did below). but i want to dinamic pass an array of strings (that items prop) that have ids of items to connect when creating my plan.
The code below works well, but i dont know how to pass that array n connect every item that match one of the ids on the array
const plan = await this.connection.create({
data: {
items: {
connect: [
id: items,
include: {
items: true,
return plan;
I think, you have to provide an array like this:
const plan = await this.connection.create({
data: {
items: {
connect: [
id: 1,
id: 2,
id: 3,
include: {
items: true,
If items contains a list of IDs, you can use:
items: {
connect: items.map(id => ({ id }),
Its my first time trying prisma and am stuck. So I have "products" and "filters" model.
I want the following query to work. The idea is, I want to fetch the products with dynamic matching query params (name and value). The product query parameters come dynamically from the frontend.
const products = await prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
filters: {
some: {
AND: [
name: "RAM",
value: "32GB",
name: "Storage",
value: "1TB",
include: {
images: true,
If there's only one parameter, like
the query returns appropriate products, but if there are more that one query params (like in the original code above), it returns empty array.
my product schema looks like this, simplified,
name String
filters Filter[]
my filter schema looks like this, simplified
name String
value String?
product Product? #relation(fields: [productId], references:[id])
productId Int?
Thank you very much
I've found the solution here
It should be like this instead apparently.
await prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
AND: [
{ price: 21.99 },
{ filters: { some: { name: 'ram', value: '8GB' } } },
{ filters: { some: { name: 'storage', value: '256GB' } } },
Let's say I have two objects: Product and Seller
Products can have multiple Sellers.
A single Seller can sell multiple Products.
The goal is to write a seeding script that successfully seeds my MongoDB database such that Keystone.js's CMS recognizes the many-to-many relationship.
import { text, relationship } from "#keystone-next/fields";
import { list } from "#keystone-next/keystone/schema";
export const Product = list({
fields: {
name: text({ isRequired: true }),
sellers: relationship({
ref: "Seller.products",
many: true,
import { text, relationship } from "#keystone-next/fields";
import { list } from "#keystone-next/keystone/schema";
export const Product = list({
fields: {
name: text({ isRequired: true }),
products: relationship({
ref: "Product.sellers",
many: true,
KeystoneJS config
My keystone.ts config, shortened for brevity, looks like this:
import { insertSeedData } from "./seed-data"
db: {
adapter: "mongoose",
url: databaseURL,
async onConnect(keystone) {
console.log("Connected to the database!");
if (process.argv.includes("--seed-data")) {
await insertSeedData(keystone);
lists: createSchema({
Seeding Scripts (these are the files I expect to change)
I have a script that populates the database (seed-data/index.ts):
import { products } from "./data";
import { sellers } from "./data";
export async function insertSeedData(ks: any) {
// setup code
const keystone = ks.keystone || ks;
const adapter = keystone.adapters?.MongooseAdapter || keystone.adapter;
const { mongoose } = adapter;
mongoose.set("debug", true);
// adding products to DB
for (const product of products) {
await mongoose.model("Product").create(product);
// adding sellers to DB
for (const seller of sellers) {
await mongoose.model("Seller").create(seller);
And finally, data.ts looks something like this:
export const products = [
name: "apple",
sellers: ["Joe", "Anne", "Duke", "Alicia"],
name: "orange",
sellers: ["Duke", "Alicia"],
export const sellers = [
name: "Joe",
products: ["apple", "banana"],
name: "Duke",
products: ["apple", "orange", "banana"],
The above setup does not work for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is that the sellers and products attributes of the Product and Seller objects (respectively) should reference objects (ObjectId) and not names (e.g. "apple", "Joe").
I'll post a few attempts below that I thought would work, but did not:
Attempt 1
I figured I'd just give them temporary ids (the id attribute in data.ts below) and then, once MongoDB assigns an ObjectId, I'll use those.
const productIdsMapping = [];
// adding products to DB
for (const product of products) {
const productToPutInMongoDB = { name: product.name };
const { _id } = await mongoose.model("Product").create(productToPutInMongoDB);
// adding sellers to DB (using product IDs created by MongoDB)
for (const seller of sellers) {
const productMongoDBIds = [];
for (const productSeedId of seller.products) {
const sellerToPutInMongoDB = { name: seller.name, products: productMongoDBIds };
await mongoose.model("Seller").create(sellerToPutInMongoDB);
export const products = [
id: 0,
name: "apple",
sellers: [0, 1, 2, 3],
id: 1,
name: "orange",
sellers: [2, 3],
export const sellers = [
id: 0
name: "Joe",
products: [0, 2],
id: 2
name: "Duke",
products: [0, 1, 2],
Output (attempt 1):
It just doesn't seem to care about or acknowledge the products attribute.
Mongoose: sellers.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("$ID"), name: 'Joe', __v: 0}, { session: null })
results: {
_id: $ID,
name: 'Joe',
__v: 0
Attempt 2
I figured maybe I just didn't format it correctly, for some reason, so maybe if I queried the products and shoved them directly into the seller object, that would work.
const productIdsMapping = [];
// adding products to DB
for (const product of products) {
const productToPutInMongoDB = { name: product.name };
const { _id } = await mongoose.model("Product").create(productToPutInMongoDB);
// adding sellers to DB (using product IDs created by MongoDB)
for (const seller of sellers) {
const productMongoDBIds = [];
for (const productSeedId of seller.products) {
const sellerToPutInMongoDB = { name: seller.name };
const { _id } = await mongoose.model("Seller").create(sellerToPutInMongoDB);
const resultsToBeConsoleLogged = await mongoose.model("Seller").findByIdAndUpdate(
$push: {
products: productMongoDBIds,
{ new: true, useFindAndModify: false, upsert: true }
Same data.ts file as attempt 1.
Output (attempt 2):
Same thing. No luck on the products attribute appearing.
Mongoose: sellers.insertOne({ _id: ObjectId("$ID"), name: 'Joe', __v: 0}, { session: null })
results: {
_id: $ID,
name: 'Joe',
__v: 0
So, now I'm stuck. I figured attempt 1 would Just Work⢠like this answer:
Any thoughts?
I figured out a solution. Here's the background:
When I define the schema, Keystone creates corresponding MongoDB collections. If there is a many-to-many relationship between object A and object B, Keystone will create 3 collections: A, B, and A_relationshipToB_B_relationshipToA.
That 3rd collection is the interface between the two. It's just a collection with pairs of ids from A and B.
Hence, in order to seed my database with a many-to-many relationship that shows up in the Keystone CMS, I have to seed not only A and B, but also the 3rd collection: A_relationshipToB_B_relationshipToA.
Hence, seed-data/index.ts will have some code that inserts into that table:
for (const seller of sellers) {
const sellerToAdd = { name: seller.name };
const { _id } = await mongoose.model("Seller").create(sellerToAdd);
// Product_sellers_Seller_products Insertion
for (const productId of seller.products) {
await mongoose
Product_left_id: productIds[productId], // (data.ts id) --> (Mongo ID)
Seller_right_id: _id,
I would like to create a "free" schema. A schema where the customer can push his own key/value.
This is my Schema :
const balanceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userId: { type: String },
incomes: { type: String },
fees: { type: String }
I would like the customer to push in "incomes" ans "fees" categories any key: value he wants, and as much as he wants.
For example, this JSON file :
"userId": "9450654064560845",
"incomes": {
"label": 2000,
"label2": 1000,
"label3": 500
"fees": {
"fee1": 45,
"mySuperFee": 300
With the Schemas, I can't push something that is not in the Schema.
Any idea how ?
I am trying to send a list of total paid and unpaid client with count along with data from my node API.
In mongoose method, I am stuck at thinking how to go further.
can anyone suggest the best way to achieve this?
router.get("/", ensureAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
$match: {
ePaidunpaid: "Unpaid"
]).then(function(data) {
res.render("dashboard", { admin: req.user.eUserType, user: req.user,data:data });
Loan Model:
const Loan = new Schema({
sName: { type: String },
sPurpose: [String],
sBankName: String,
sBranchName: [String],
nTotalFees: { type: Number },
ePaidunpaid: { type: String ,default:'Unpaid'},
sCashOrCheque: { type: String },
Details of a user with a count of paid and unpaid clients
// Paid users
// Unpaid Users
Well in that case, try this -
$group: {
_id: "$ePaidunpaid",
data: { $push: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
Output would be something like this -
"_id": "Paid",
"data": [
// All the documents having ePaidunpaid = Paid
{ _id: "asdasd123 1eqdsada", sName: "Some name", // Rest of the fields },
{ _id: "asdasd123 1eqdsada", sName: "Some name", // Rest of the fields }
count: 2
"_id": "Unpaid",
"data": [
// All the documents of having ePaidunpaid = Unpaid
{ _id: "asdasd123 1eqdsada", sName: "Some name", // Rest of the fields },
{ _id: "asdasd123 1eqdsada", sName: "Some name", // Rest of the fields }
count: 2
First stage of the pipeline $group groups all the documents according to ePaidunpaidfield which only have two values Paid or Unpaid thus rendering only two documents respectively.
Next step is to accumulate original data (documents) being grouped together. This is achieved using $push accumulator on data field, pushing $$ROOT which effectively references the document currently being processed by pipeline stage.
Since you needed count of all paid and unpaid users hence a $sum accumulator to count all the items in each group.