Node JS Image Binary String - node.js

I'm working with Etsy api uploading images like this example, and it requires the images be in binary format. Here is how I'm getting the image binary data:
async function getImageBinary(url) {
const imageUrlData = await fetch(url);
const buffer = await imageUrlData.buffer();
return buffer.toString("binary");
However Etsy says it is not a valid image file. How can I get the image in the correct format, or make it in a valid binary format?

Read this for a working example of Etsy API
Etsy API is buggy and has an inconsistent guide. You might think of using 'binary' encoding for the buffer because the docs saying that the data type is string but you actually don't need to. Just put the default encoding.
Also currently there is a bug for image upload, try to remove the Content-type header. Better read the link above


Flutter Web - get asset image as File()

I am using a third party library that requires I pass U8IntList to display an image in a PDF. Their examples has me obtain the image in a File and read the bytes out.
This system is great when I am obtaining an image from a server, but I want to display an image stored in local assets.
What I tried to implement was this code..
Future<File> getImageFileFromAssets(String path) async {
final byteData = await rootBundle.load('assets/$path');
final file = File('${(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path}/$path');
await file.writeAsBytes(byteData.buffer.asUint8List(byteData.offsetInBytes, byteData.lengthInBytes));
return file;
Which returns the error 'No implementation found for method getTemporaryDirectory on channel'.
If anyone knows how to get an Asset Image as File on web it would be greatly appreciated.
Why would you want to write byte data to a file just to read it again? Just directly pass your byte data to the constructor that requires it. This should be changed on both your web and mobile implementations as it will end up being far faster.
final byteData = await rootBundle.load('assets/$path');

PDFTron : - how to get pdf file from gridfs (mongodb), add watermark in it and send it to client?

I am using Gridfs to store large files in mognodb.
Now I am using PDFTron for pdf editing and want to watermark pdf.
The problem is i am not able to read file from Gridfs stream in pdftron nodejs sdk.
also i want to send it back to the client without storing it locally or anywhere else.
I am doing something like this...
const bucket = new mongodb.GridFSBucket(db);
const stream = bucket.openDownloadStream(ObjectId(file_id))
const pdfdoc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromFilter(stream);
the error i am getting is ...
TypeError: 1st input argument in function 'createFromFilter' is of type 'object'. Expected type 'Filter'. Function Signature: createFromFilter(PDFNet.Filter)
The PDFDoc.createFromFilter API is expecting a PDFNet Filter, not whatever GridFS is returning.
You can see this sample on creating a PDFDoc object from a Filter
Though the easiest is to write your GridFD stream to a buffer, and then pass that buffer to PDFDoc.createFromBuffer.

Downloading Binary File from OneDrive API Using Node/Axios

I am using the One Drive API to grab a file with a node application using the axios library.
I am simply trying to save the file to the local machine (node is running locally).
I use the One Drive API to get the download document link, which does not require authentication (with[location]/items/[id]).
Then I make this call with the download document link:
response = await axios.get(url);
I receive a JSON response, which includes, among other things, the content-type, content-length, content-disposition and a data element which is the contents of the file.
When I display the JSON response to the console, the data portion looks like this:
data: 'PK\u0003\u0004\u0014\u0000\u0006\u0000\b\u0000\u0000\u0000!\u...'
If the document is simply text, I can save it easily using:
But if the file is binary, like a docx file, I cannot figure out how to write it properly. Every time I try it seems to have the wrong encoding. I tried different encodings.
How do I save the file properly based on the type of file retrieved.
Have you tried using an encoding option of fs.writeFileSync of explicitly null, signifying the data is binary?
fs.writeFileSync([path],, {
encoding: null

Decoding base64 encoded webm video in NodeJs

I'm setting up an Express.js endpoint that would support decoding a base64 string that came from the client (camera record), which is basically an encoded webm video.
The problem is that to validate this, I am trying to create a .webm video file from the encoded base64 string on the server. Unfortunately this results in a video file that cannot be played due to an error of "No video with supported format and MIME type found" (Ubuntu 18.04).
I did not have any issue with any other .webm files but also the base64 URL is sure to be correct as I am using it on the cliet as the source of a element to replay what was recorded and works fine.
The issue I suspect is something wrong with the code that generates the file on the server route.
import express from "express";
import multer from "multer";
import fs from "fs";
const router = express.Router();
// ..."/upload", multer().fields([]), (req, res) => {
const formData = req.body;
// formData.vid_string is the base64 encoded string
Buffer.from(formData.vid_string.split(",")[1], "base64")
I have also tried to change fs.writeFileSync code and add "base64" as a third argument but it has the same result.
Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
I am pretty sure the correct way to do this is to remove the portion of the base64 string that is the URL specifications (If this is applicable to your situation being the part string that states base64 data and the "video/webm" portion and the trailing comma,) and call atob() on the resulting string this atob will represent the binary string version of the video. Then simply write that string to your new file!
However, I would recommend parsing the base64URL to binary string from the client side, since I am fairly sure that base64 uses more space to account for a smaller group of available bytes, if you have any control over how the video will be sent to the node server.

Save an image file into a database with node/request/sequelize/mysql

I'm trying to save a remote image file into a database, but I'm having some issues with it since I've never done it before.
I need to download the image and pass it along (with node-request) with a few other properties to another node api that saves it into a mysql database (using sequelize). I've managed to get some data to save, but when I download it manually and try to open it, it's not really usable and no image shows up.
I've tried a few things: getting the image with node-request, converting it to a base64 string (read about that somewhere) and passing it along in a json payload, but that didn't work. Tried sending it as a multipart, but that didn't work either. Haven't worked with streams/buffers/multipart all that much before and never in node. I've tried looking into node-request pipes, but I couldn't really figure out how possibly apply them to this context.
Here's what I currently have (it's a part es6 class so there's no 'function' keywords; also, request is promisified):
function getImageData(imageUrl) {
return request({
url: imageUrl,
encoding: null,
json: false
function createEntry(entry) {
return getImageData(entry.image)
.then((imageData) => {
entry.image_src = imageData.toString('base64');
var requestObject = {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/entry',
method: 'post',
json: false,
formData: entry
return request(requestObject);
I'm almost 100% certain the problem is in this part because the api just takes what it gets and gives it to sequelize to put into the table, but I could be wrong. Image field is set as longblob.
I'm sure it's something simple once I figure it out, but so far I'm stumped.
This is not a direct answer to your question but it is rarely needed to actually store an image in the database. What is usually done is storing an image on storage like S3, a CDN like CloudFront or even just in a file system of a static file server, and then storing only the file name or some ID of the image in the actual database.
If there is any chance that you are going to serve those images to some clients then serving them from the database instead of a CDN or file system will be very inefficient. If you're not going to serve those images then there is still very little reason to actually put them in the database. It's not like you're going to query the database for specific contents of the image or sort the results on the particular serialization of an image format that you use.
The simplest thing you can do is save the images with a unique filename (either a random string, UUID or a key from your database) and keep the ID or filename in the database with other data that you need. If you need to serve it efficiently then consider using S3 or some CDN for that.
