How can I share data between 2 resolver functions in Express GraphQL? - node.js

I have 2 queries, and corresponding functions, but while writing the resolver, I'm not sure how to store the 1st func data, then reuse it in the second one. Note: I do not want to call the function again as it will be executing again and has an inline API call. I just want to use it like a session on the global state in express js. Here's the code:
const resolvers={
const resp=await service(id)
return resp;
const courseDetails:()=>{
console.log(resp)// I want to access resp object from above func., But don't want to call getStudent again
I tried context but didn't work.

You can implement a simple in-memory store.
By storing the Promise and returning it you won't need to worry about multiple requests to the same resources.
const got = require('got');
const assert = require('assert');
function studentServiceFactory(options = {}) {
const TTL = options.ttl || 60 * 60 * 5; // default 5 min ttl
const BASE_API = "";
const store = {};
return {
get: ({ id }) => {
if(!store[id] || store[id].timestamp + TTL < {
// store the promise
store[id] = {
promise: got(`${BASE_API}/people/${id}`),
return store[id].promise;
const studentService = studentServiceFactory({ ttl: 1000});
const resolvers = {
studentService: studentService,
// test program
(async () => {
const request1 = await resolvers.studentService.get({ id: 1 });
const request2 = await resolvers.studentService.get({ id: 1 });
// Both calls will return the same promise.
assert.equal(request1, request2);
// wait for resources to get stale
setTimeout(async() => {
const request3 = await resolvers.studentService.get({ id: 1 });
assert.notEqual(request1, request3);
}, 3000);

Two requests are independent of each other. The only way to share data between two requests is to persist the data somewhere. It can be a file, database, etc. In your case, you can simply call the service function again in the other resolver.


how to save data in aws neptune db using node js?

Is there a way to save the data in amazon aws neptune db using node js?
I am running this code on a lambda.
I made the connection to neptune db using the below code.
const gremlin = require('gremlin');
const DriverRemoteConnection = gremlin.driver.DriverRemoteConnection;
const Graph = gremlin.structure.Graph;
dc = new DriverRemoteConnection('endpoint',{});
const graph = new Graph();
const g = graph.traversal().withRemote(dc);
Here's a JavaScript Lambda function that writes data to Neptune (and wraps the write in a retry block in case of concurrent modifications). The function gets the Neptune endpoint and port from environment variables. The write query is in the query() method. It's a simple upsert example that tries to create a vertex using a randomly generated ID. If a vertex with that ID already exists, the query returns that vertex rather than creating a new one.
This example creates a single connection that persists for the lifetime of the Lambda container (rather than per invocation). There's some error checking in the retry code that recreates the connection in the case of an untoward network issue.
const gremlin = require('gremlin');
const async = require('async');
const traversal = gremlin.process.AnonymousTraversalSource.traversal;
const DriverRemoteConnection = gremlin.driver.DriverRemoteConnection;
let conn = createRemoteConnection();
let g = createGraphTraversalSource(conn);
const t = gremlin.process.t;
const __ = gremlin.process.statics;
async function query(id) {
return g.V(id)
__.addV('User').property(, id)
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000).toString();
return async.retry(
times: 5,
interval: 1000,
errorFilter: function (err) {
// Add filters here to determine whether error can be retried
console.warn('Determining whether retriable error: ' + err.message);
// Check for connection issues
if (err.message.startsWith('WebSocket is not open')){
console.warn('Reopening connection');
conn = createRemoteConnection();
g = createGraphTraversalSource(conn);
return true;
// Check for ConcurrentModificationException
if (err.message.includes('ConcurrentModificationException')){
console.warn('Retrying query because of ConcurrentModificationException');
return true;
return false;
async function (cb) {
let result = await query(id);
return result['value'];
function createRemoteConnection() {
return new DriverRemoteConnection(
mimeType: 'application/vnd.gremlin-v2.0+json',
pingEnabled: false
function createGraphTraversalSource(conn) {
return traversal().withRemote(conn);
function connectionString() {
return 'wss://' +
process.env['neptuneEndpoint'] +
':' +
process.env['neptunePort'] +
Simple demo based off the TinkerPop documentation
const handler = async (event) => {
// add person vertex with a property name and value stephen.
await g.addV('person').property('name','stephen').next();
// fetch all vertex' and get the name properties.
const result = await g.V().values('name').toList();
return {
statusCode: 201,
body: JSON.stringify({message:"Testing Gremlin!", data:result}),

Single Http Request to get multiple file data

I'm using Back4app.
My Profile class schema has 4 File columns containing pictures.
So when I retrieve an object , I have to make an HTTP request for each file URL and get the byte data like this.
const data = await Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({url:profilePhoto.url()});
return data.buffer.toString('base64');
But for all four files I have to do 4 HTTP requests to the server.
Is there anyway to do a batch HTTP request so that with just 1 request I can get data for all 4 files ?
My main aim is to do the least amount of requests to the server as possible.
There is no out-of-the-box way to retrieve multiple files with one request in Parse Server.
You could implement your own Parse Cloud Code function to retrieve multiple files, but you would have to manually combine them server side and separate them client side.
As a starting point you could look at packages like multistream that allow you to combine multiple file streams into one to get some inspiration.
You might be able to do something similar to what I've done in cloud code.
I had to load up a bunch of information at the start of my application, requiring many round trips to the server.
So I wrote a function called getUserData().
This does many unrelated queries, and jams all of the results into one big object. I then return the object from the function.
Here is the entire function:
console.log("startig getUserData");
var callCount = 0;
var lastLoadTime=0;
// Given a user, load all friends. Save the objects to ret.objects,
// and save the objectIds to ret.friends
// Note: we always load the exhaustive friend list, because
// otherwise, we would have no way of recognizing
// removed friendships.
async function loadFriends(user, ret) {
const friendQuery = user.relation("friends").query();
const friends = await findFully(friendQuery);
for(var i=0;i<friends.length;i++){
// Given a user, load all owned cells. Save the objects to ret.owned,
// and save their objectIds to ret.ownedCells.
// Also, save the ids of members, which we will use to flesh out ret.objects with
// the objects who are not friends, but share a cell with the current user.
async function loadPublicCells(user, ret, memberIds) {
const ownedCellQ = new Parse.Query('PublicCell');
const joinedCellQ = new Parse.Query('PublicCell');
const publicCellQ = Parse.Query.or(ownedCellQ,joinedCellQ);
publicCellQ.greaterThan("updatedAt",new Date(lastLoadTime));
const publicCells=await findFully(publicCellQ);
for(var i=0;i<publicCells.length;i++) {
const cell = publicCells[i];
const owner = cell.get("owner");
if( === {
} else {
const memberQ = cell.relation("members").query();
const members = await findFully(memberQ);
const map = ret.memberMap[];
for(var j=0;j<members.length;j++){
const member=members[j];
// given a list of all members of all cells, load those objects and store
// them in ret.objects. We do not have to record which cells they belong
// to, because that information is in ret.memberMap
async function loadMembers(memberIds, ret) {
const memberQ = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var partIds;
partIds = memberIds.splice(0,100);
const part = await findFully(memberQ);
for(var i=0;i<part.length;i++) {
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people who have annoyed him with
// spam. We save only the ids, they don't go on ret.objects, because we only
// need to filter them out of things. The objectIds are sufficient.
// We always send all spam objects, otherwise we would not recognize deletions
async function loadUserSpams(user, ret) {
const userSpamsQ = new Parse.Query("_User");
userSpamsQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const userSpams = await findFully(userSpamsQ);
for(var i=0;i<userSpams.length;i++){
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people who have been annoyed *BY*
// him with spam. We save only the ids, they don't go on ret.objects, because we
// only need to filter them out of things. The objectIds are sufficient.
// We always send all spam objects, otherwise we would not recognize deletions
async function loadSpamUsers(user, ret) {
const spamUserR = user.relation('spamUsers');
const spamUserQ = spamUserR.query();
spamUserQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const spamUsers = await findFully(spamUserQ);
for(var i=0;i<spamUsers.length;i++){
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people to whom he has sent a
// friend request which is still pending. We save only the ids, they don't go
// on ret.objects, because we only need to filter them out of things. The
// objectIds are sufficient.
async function loadPendingFriends(user, ret) {
const request1Q = new Parse.Query('Request');
const request2Q = new Parse.Query('Request');
const requestQ = Parse.Query.or(request1Q,request2Q);
const requests = await findFully(requestQ);
for(var i=0;i<requests.length;i++){
const request = requests[i];
const sentBy = request.get("owner");
const sentTo = request.get("sentTo");
} else if ( ) {
// given a user, load all of his private cells. We do not store
// the user objects, because only friends will be in your private cells.
async function loadPrivateCells(user, ret) {
const privateCellQ = new Parse.Query('PrivateCell');
privateCellQ.equalTo("owner", user);
privateCellQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const privateCells = await findFully(privateCellQ);
for(var i=0;i<privateCells.length;i++) {
const cell = privateCells[i];
const map = ret.memberMap[];
const memberQ = cell.relation("members").query();
const members = await findFully(memberQ);
for(var j=0;j<members.length;j++){
const member=members[j];
// we use objects as maps to weed out duplicate objects and cells.
// when we are done, we use this function to replace the object
// with an array of objects. we don't need to send the keys, since
// they already exist within the objects.
function objToValueList(k,ret){
const objs = [];
for( var id in ret[k] )
// convert the objects which have been used to accumulate key lists
// to arrays of objectIds. k is the name of the list we are working
// on. ret[k] is the list itself.
function objToKeyList(k,ret) {
const objs = [];
for( var id in ret[k] ) {
async function checkUserConsent(user){
const query = new Parse.Query("PrivacyPolicy");
const res = await query.find();
if(res.length==0) {
return true;
const policy=res[0];
const userConsent=user.get("lastConsent");
return userConsent!=null && ==;
async function loadAlerts(user,ret) {
const q1 = new Parse.Query("Alert");
q1.equalTo("owner", user);
const q2 = new Parse.Query("Response");
q2.equalTo("owner", user);
const q3 = new Parse.Query("Alert");
q3.matchesKeyInQuery("objectId", "alert", q2);
const q = Parse.Query.or(q1,q3);
const list = await q.find();
var time = new Date().getTime();
time -= 1000*86400;
time=Math.max(lastLoadTime, time);
for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
const item=list[i];
async function doGetUserData(user) {
return {fatal: 'not logged in!' };
const ret = {
owner: {},
privateCells: {},
friends: {},
alerts: {},
objects: {},
ownedCells: {},
joinedCells: {},
spamUsers: {},
userSpams: {},
pendingFriends: {},
friendingPends: {},
memberMap: {},
loadTime: lastLoadTime,
counts: {callCount: callCount++},
const memberIds={};
await loadFriends(user,ret);
await loadPrivateCells(user,ret,memberIds);
await loadPublicCells(user,ret,memberIds);
await loadPendingFriends(user,ret);
await loadUserSpams(user,ret);
await loadSpamUsers(user,ret);
await loadAlerts(user,ret);
const memberList=[];
for( var id in memberIds ) {
await loadMembers(memberList,ret);
for(var cell in ret.memberMap) {
var map = ret.memberMap[cell];
var list = [];
for(var member in map) {
delete ret.objects[];
'friends', "friendingPends", 'pendingFriends',
'privateCells', 'ownedCells', 'joinedCells',
'userSpams', 'spamUsers', "alerts"
delete ret.counts;
return ret;
async function getUserData(req) {
try {
var nextLoadTime=new Date().getTime();
const user = req.user;
lastLoadTime = req.params.lastLoadTime;
lastLoadTime = new Date(lastLoadTime);
const ret = await doGetUserData(user);
return ret;
} catch ( err ) {
try {
} catch ( xxx ) {
throw (`error getting data: ${err}`);
Parse.Cloud.define("getUserData", getUserData);
Something like this could easily be done to get your data for you. Like this solution, it is unlikely to be entirely pretty, but it would probably work.

How to mock variable responses based on the url when fetch(url) is called using the Jest testing framework?

I have a module that looks like follows:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const stats = require('stats-lite')
const BASE_URL = ''
const calculateAverage = async(numApiCalls) => {
const importantData = []
for (let i = 0; i < numApiCalls; i++) {
const url = `${BASE_URL}/${i}` // will make requests to, and so on....
const res = await fetch(url)
const jsonRes = await res.json()
return stats.mean(importantData)
module.exports = calculateAverage
I tried testing it along the following lines but I am clearly way off from the solution:
const calculateAverage = require('../calculate-average')
() => {
return jest.fn(() => {})
test('Should calculate stats for liquidation open interest delatas', async() => {
const stats = await calculateAverage(100) // Should make 100 API calls.
What I need to do is the following:
Be able to specify custom varied responses for each API call. For example, I should be able to specify that a call to returns { importantData: 0 }, a call to returns { importantData: 1 } and so on...
If a request is made to a url that I have not specified a response for, a default response is provided. For example if a response is made to, then a default response of { importantData: 1000 } is sent.
I would preferably like to do this only using Jest without depending on modules like mock-fetch and jest-mock-fetch. However, if the solution without using is way too complex, then I would be happy to use them. Just don't want to create unnecessary dependencies if not required.
Sure you can! You can use mock function mockResolvedValueOnce method to return a result for a specific call and mockResolvedValue to return the default result.
jest.mock('node-fetch', () => {
const generateResponse = (value) => {
return { json: () => ({ importantData: value }) };
return jest
.mockResolvedValue(generateResponse(1000)) // default response
.mockResolvedValueOnce(generateResponse(0)) // response for first call
.mockResolvedValueOnce(generateResponse(1)) // response for second call
.mockResolvedValueOnce(generateResponse(2)); // response for third call
Note that we are returning an object with the json property so that it returns the json data when you call res.json() in calculate-average.js.
If you want to return a specific response based on the url parameter, you will have to mock the desired behaviour in the returned mock function for node-fetch. The following example will mock the returned value so that for URLs where the counter is greater than 100 it will return 1000. Otherwise, it will return the same value present in the url:
jest.mock('node-fetch', () => {
return jest.fn((url) => {
// Get and parse the URL parameter.
const value = parseInt(url.split('/').slice(-1)[0], 10);
return Promise.resolve({
json: () => ({ importantData: value > 100 ? 1000 : value })

Parse Server edit Relations on Object very slow

I've got the following function which works as expected on Parse Server cloud code, however it's painfully slow.
The nested for loops which are internally calling queries and save functions are undoubtedly the root cause.
How can I refactor this code so that there is some async processing or even better what methods are there to remove / edit the relations on an object, the documentation around this is very poor.
ClientLabels.applyClientLabels = async (req, res) => {
const { clients, labels } = req.params;
const user = req.user;
const objectIds = => client.objectId);
const clientSaveList = [];
const clientClass = Parse.Object.extend('Clients');
const query = new Parse.Query(clientClass);
query.containedIn("objectId", objectIds);
const queryResult = await query.find({ sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() })
try {
for (const client of queryResult) {
const labelRelation = client.relation('labels');
const relatedLabels = await labelRelation.query().find({ sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() });
for (const label of labels) {
label.className = "ClientLabels";
const labelRelationObj = Parse.Object.fromJSON(label)
const saved = await Parse.Object.saveAll(clientSaveList, { sessionToken: user.getSessionToken() })
} catch (e) {
Explanation of some weirdness:
I am having to call Parse.Object.fromJSON in order to make the client side label object a ParseObjectSubClass and allow operations on it such as adding relations.
You cannot use include on a relation query as you would with a Pointer, so there needs to be a query for relations all on it's own. An array of pointers was ruled out as there is going to be an unknown amount of labels applied.
There are a few things that can be done: (1) The creation of labels in the inner loop is invariant relative to the outer loop, so that can be done one time, at the start. (2) There's no need to query the relation if you're just going to remove the related objects. Use unset() and add to replace the relations. (3) This won't save much computation, but clientSaveList is superfluous, we can just save the query result...
ClientLabels.applyClientLabels = async (req, res) => {
const { clients, labels } = req.params;
const objectIds = => client.objectId);
let labelObjects = => {
label.className = "ClientLabels";
return Parse.Object.fromJSON(label)
const query = new Parse.Query('Clients');
query.containedIn("objectId", objectIds);
const sessionToken = req.user.getSessionToken;
const queryResult = await query.find({ sessionToken: sessionToken })
try {
for (const client of queryResult) {
const saved = await Parse.Object.saveAll(queryResult, { sessionToken: sessionToken })
} catch (e) {

node.js Get.Request & Pagination & Async

I'm having a tremendously tough time organizing the flow here as I'm self-taught so wondering if someone might be able to assist.
var channelIds = ['XYZ','ABC','QRS']
var playlistIds = [];
var videoIds = [];
1. Get All Playlist IDs: If returning Get Request JSON contains nextPageToken run Get Request again with that page before going to (2)
2. Get All Video IDs: If returning Get Request JSON contains nextPageToken run Get Request again with that page before going to (3)
3. Aggregate into Final Array: I need put all in an array such as:
var ArrFinal = [{channelId,playlistID,videoId},{channelId,playlistID,videoId},{channelId,playlistID,videoId}];
I don't necessarily need someone to write the whole thing. I'm trying to better understand the most efficient way to know when the previous step is done, but also handle the nextPageToken iteration.
i'm not familiar with the youtube api.
But what you basically need is a get function for each endpoint. This function should also care about the "nextPageToken".
Something like that: (not tested)
'use strict';
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const request = Promise.promisifyAll(require('request'));
const playlistEndpoint = '/youtube/v3/playlists';
const baseUrl = ''
const channelIds = ['xy', 'ab', 'cd'];
const getPlaylist = async (channelId, pageToken, playlists) => {
const url = `${baseUrl}${playlistEndpoint}`;
const qs = { 
maxResults: 25,
try {
const playlistRequest = await request.getAsync({ url, qs });
const nextPageToken = playlistRequest.body.nextPageToken;
// if we already had items, combine with the new ones
const items = playlists ? playlists.concat(playlistRequest.body.items) : playlistRequest.body.items;
if (nextPageToken) {
// if token, do the same again and pass results to function
return getPlaylist(channelId, nextPageToken, items);
// if no token we are finished
return items;
catch (e) {
const getVideos = async (playlistId, pageToken, videos) => {
// pretty much the same as above
function awesome(channelIds) {
const fancyArray = [];
await, async (channelId) => {
const playlists = await getPlaylist(channelId);
const videos = await, async (playlistId) => {
const videos = await getVideos(playlistId);
videos.forEach(videoId => {
fancyArray.push({ channelId, playlistId, videoId })
return fancyArray;
This may be a lot concurrent requests, you can limit them by using, item => { somefunction() }, { concurrency: 5 });
