Catch multiple nested asynchronous function errors within a single catch block - node.js

The code below is an example of what may take place during development.
With the current code, the outer function may throw an error but in this case wont. However, the nested function WILL throw an error (for examples sake). Once it throws the error it cannot be caught as it is asynchronous function.
//Async function that WILL throw an error
//Catch all errors from either the main function or the nested function
What I want is for the outer most function to catch all asynchronous function error's but with this code I cannot. I have tried awaiting the nested function but there may be certain circumstances where it will be quicker to not wait for the function. I also tried to include a .catch() with each nested function but this would require a .catch() for each function that would allhandle the error in the same way e.g. doSomethingWithError().

you only needs return the inner function in the outside function.
see example below:
const foo = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => resolve('foo'), 1000);
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
setTimeout(() => reject("bar fail"), 1000);
// your own logic
this is called promise chaining. see this post for more info
if you have multiple promises can do something like:
const foo1 = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => resolve('foo1'), 1000);
const foo2 = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => resolve('foo2'), 2000);
const foo3 = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => reject('foo3'), 3000);
const bar = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
setTimeout(() => resolve('bar'), 4000);
return foo2
return foo3 // throws the error
return bar
// every error will be cached here

I would aim to use async / await unless you have very particular reasons, since it avoids callback hell and makes your code simpler and more bug free.
try {
const response1 = await Bungie.Get('/Platform/Destiny2/Manifest/');
const response2 = await Bungie.Get('/Platform/Destiny2/Mnifest/');
} catch (error) {
Imagine each Bungie call takes 250 milliseconds. While this is occurring, NodeJS will continue to execute other code via its event loop - eg requests from other clients. Awaiting is not the same as hanging the app.
Similarly, this type of code is used in many browser or mobile apps, and they remain responsive to the end user during I/O. I use the async await programming model in all languages these days (Javascript, Java, C#, Swift etc).

Try this:
let getMultiple = function(callback, ... keys){
let result = [];
let ctr = keys.length;
for(let i=0;i<ctr;i++)
let ctr2 = 0;
let ctr3=ctr2++;
Bungie.Get(key, function(data){
result[ctr3] = data;
} catch(err) {
This should get all your data requests and replace relevant data with error message if it happens.
}, string1, string2, string3);
If the error causes by requesting same thing twice asynchronously, then you can add an asynchronous caching layer before this request.


NodeJS: promiseAll getting stuck

One of the promises is not being resolved, what can be the issue possibly?
const items = await Promise.all( i => {
const tokenUri = await contract.tokenURI(i).catch(function (error) {return;});
if (tokenUri.length < 8) {
let url = "" + tokenUri.slice(7)
const meta = await (error) {return;});
}), function (err) {
This part of the code is misplaced:
, function (err) {
Currently, it is being passed as a second argument to Promise.all(). Promise.all() only takes one argument (an iterable like an array) so that's being ignored and that callback will NEVER get called.
If you meant for that to be like the second argument to .then(), then you'd have to have a .then() to use it with, but you're trying to use it as second argument to Promise.all() and that is not correct.
If you want to know when Promise.all() is done, you would do this:
try {
const items = await Promise.all( i => {
const tokenUri = await contract.tokenURI(i).catch(function(error) { return; });
if (tokenUri.length < 8) {
let url = "" + tokenUri.slice(7)
const meta = await { return; });
console.log("Promise.all() is done", items);
} catch (e) {
Note, you are silently "eating" errors with no logging of the error inside this loop which is pretty much never a good idea.
If, as you propose, one of your promises is actually never being resolved/rejected, then none of this code will do anything to fix that and you will have to go down to the core operation and find out why it's not resolving/rejecting on its own. Or, configure a timeout for it (either in the API or by manually creating your own timeout).

Need to confirm how callbacks and errors work in async.each with try-catch blocks

I've been tinkering with this for a few days now and have seen a number of different patterns. In some ways I feel more confused than I did when I began!
itemsArr is a list of item objects (itemObj) with summary information about each item. Each itemObj contains an itemId which doubles as the API slug directory. So, I need to iterate through the itemsArr, make an API call for each item, and return the updated array with all of the details that were retrieved from each API call. When this is finished, I want to log the enriched array, enrichedItemsArr to persistant storage.
It does not matter in what order the API calls return, hence using async.each. I also don't want to interrupt the execution if an error occurs. My questions:
'Done enriching array' is printing before execution of enrichArr() -> why is await async.each... in enrichArr() not blocking?
I am getting TypeError: callback is not a function in the inner try-catch. Not sure why.
If I pass err to callback() in the inner try-catch, will that halt execution?
Should I pass itemsArr to processDone as the 2nd argument? Is there a way to return itemsArr to main() from the processDone() method?
Does err passed to the final callback contain an array of errors?
const main = async () => {
const itemsArr = items.getArr(); // --> retrieves locally cached itemsArr
const enrichedItemsArr = await enrichArr(itemsArr); // --> handling the async iterator stuff below
await logToDB(enrichedItemsArr); // --> helper function to log enriched info to database
console.log('Done enriching array');
const enrichArr = async (itemsArr) => {
// Outer try-catch
try {
const processItem = async (item, callback) => {
// Inner try-catch
try {
const res = await doSomethingAsync(itemID);
item.res = res;
callback(); // --> currently getting `TypeError: callback is not a function`
} catch (err) {
item.err = err;
callback(err); // --> not 100% sure what passing err here does...
const processDone = (err, itemsArr) => {
if (err) console.error(err); // --> Is err an array of errors or something?
return itemsArr; // --> how do I return this to main()?
await async.each(itemsArr, processItem, processDone);
} catch (err) {
throw err; // --> if async.each errors, throw
Hope this is a good answer for you.
why is await async.each... in enrichArr() not blocking?
Based on the docs, the async.each will return a promise only if the callback is omitted
You're including the callback, the async.each won't return a promise and won't block your code using async/await
I am getting TypeError: callback is not a function in the inner try-catch. Not sure why.
Your processItem should be a plain function, doing that I was able to use callback, seems that the library is not happy when you use async functions
const processItem = (item, callback) => {
const itemId = item;
// Inner try-catch
try {
doSomethingAsync((res) => {
item.res = res;
} catch (err) {
item.err = err;
callback(err); // --> not 100% sure what passing err here does...
If I pass err to callback() in the inner try-catch, will that halt execution?
Yes, it will throw an error
Should I pass itemsArr to processDone as the 2nd argument? Is there a way to return itemsArr to main() from the processDone() method?
If you want to let know the main method that needs to wait, you won't be able to use processDone.
ItemsArr is an object, you can mutate the object and the main method should be able to see those changes, there is no other way if you want to use array.each.
Maybe there is another method in the async library that allows you to return a new array.
Maybe Map is a good option map
Does err passed to the final callback contain an array of errors?
No, it's a way to let the library know that needs to throw an error.
I created a snippet to allow you to play with the code
const async = require('async');
const logToDB = async (items) => {
items.forEach((item) => console.log(JSON.stringify(item)))
const doSomethingAsync = (callback) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('processing data')
}, 1000);
const main = async () => {
const itemsArr = [
itemId: '71b13422-2582-4975-93c9-447b66764daf'
// {
// errorFlag: true
// },
itemId: '8ad24197-7d30-4514-bf00-8068e216e90c'
]; // --> retrieves locally cached itemsArr
const enrichedItemsArr = await enrichArr(itemsArr); // --> handling the async iterator stuff below
await logToDB(enrichedItemsArr); // --> helper function to log enriched info to database
console.log('Done enriching array');
const enrichArr = async (itemsArr) => {
// Outer try-catch
try {
const processItem = (item, callback) => {
console.log('item: ', item);
const itemId = item;
// Inner try-catch
try {
if (item.errorFlag) {
return callback('Test error');
doSomethingAsync((res) => {
item.res = res;
} catch (err) {
item.err = err;
callback(err); // --> not 100% sure what passing err here does...
await async.each(itemsArr, processItem);
return itemsArr;
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error occurred');
throw err; // --> if async.each errors, throw

Mongoose promise never gets to .then()

I am using q and I have multiple mongoose .exec() promises that never gets to the .then() part of the code, so never allow the q to resolve. Can't figure out why it never comes back.
var defer = q.defer();
var promises = [];
console.log('Exams:', exams.length);
for (var e=0; e<exams.length; e++) {
console.log('Exams:', exams[e]._id);
var newPromise = Pupilexam.find({ _exam: exams[e]._id }).populate('_user').exec()
.then((pupils) => {
console.log("Adding pupils", exams[e]._id);
exams[e].pupils = pupils;
.catch((err) => {
console.log(typeof newPromise);
console.log("Promised pushed");
console.log("q'd all");
return defer;
The Pupilexam.find().exec() never reaches the .then() so the promises never resolve and the defer never resolves. Why would the mongoose find not get to the .then()? What have I missed?
*** UPDATE ***
Even using the built in promises, we get the same issue. The Pupilexams.find() call never comes back.
var promises = [];
for (var e=0; e<exams.length; e++) {
console.log('e:', e);
console.log('Exam', exams[e]._id);
var newPromise = Pupilexam.find({ _exam: exams[e]._id }).populate('_user').exec()
.then((pupils) => {
console.log("Adding pupils", exams[e]._id);
exams[e].pupils = pupils;
Promise.all(promises).then((exams) => {
With this method I also get a headers error on the call UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
function handleError(res, statusCode) {
statusCode = statusCode || 500;
return function(err) {
To answer the updated question regarding the Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client error. Looks like you send a response to the client inside your handleError function. Now, if more than one Pupilexam.find call fails, handleError would be invoked twice, resulting in the mentioned error.
You should move the catch-handler down to the Promise.all call:
const promises = [];
for (const exam of exams) {
const newPromise = Pupilexam
.find({ _exam: exam._id }).populate('_user').exec()
.then((pupils) => {
exam.pupils = pupils;
.then((exams) => {
I guess that you are indeed returning your promise but you are returning an empty json.
There are 2 problems with your approach:
You are not returning from your then: should return pupils and it is returning undefined
You are logging values that I don't know what it is
.then((pupils) => {
console.log("Adding pupils", exams[e]._id);
exams[e].pupils = pupils;
// you should return something // return pupils
Promise.all(promises).then((exams) => {
// ['undefined', 'undefined', ...]
Looks like the answer was that on these two lines the exams[e] is not in scope, because by the time the promise comes back the loop has moved on, so e is wrong and gets too high so it was erroring.
console.log("Adding pupils", exams[e]._id);
exams[e].pupils = pupils;
Only discovered that when I read #eol's message about the catch and decided to catch it properly and output.
it is Look from your code.
//(async) function
for (var e of exams) {
try {
const pupils = await Pupilexam.find({ _exam: exams[e]._id
e.pupils = pupils
res.status(200).json({data: exams})
maybe that will show you how match are you wrong

Promises seem to not be called in correct order?

I am trying to rewrite a module I wrote that seeds a MongoDB database. It was originally working fine with callbacks, but I want to move to Promises. However, the execution and results don't seem to make any sense.
There are three general functions in a Seeder object:
// functions will be renamed
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
try {
mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
} catch (error) {
Seeder.prototype.seedDataPromise = function (data) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
if (!this.connected) reject(new Error('Not connected to MongoDB'))
// Stores all promises to be resolved
var promises = []
// Fetch the model via its name string from mongoose
const Model = mongoose.model(data.model)
// For each object in the 'documents' field of the main object
data.documents.forEach((item) => {
// generates a Promise for a single item insertion.
promises.push(promise(Model, item))
// Fulfil each Promise in parallel
Seeder.prototype.disconnect = function () {
this.connected = false
this.listeners.forEach((l) => {
if (l.cause == 'onDisconnect') l.effect()
There is no issue with the main logic of the code. I can get it to seed the data correctly. However, when using Promises, the database is disconnected before anything else is every done, despite the disconnect function being called .finally().
I am running these functions like this:
Seeder.addListener('onConnect', function onConnect () { console.log('Connected') })
Seeder.addListener('onDisconnect', function onDisconnect () {console.log('Disconnected')})
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
).catch((error) => { <-- I am catching the error, why is it saying its unhandled?
The output is this:
(node:14688) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Not connected to MongoDB
at Promise (C:\Users\johnn\Documents\Code\node projects\mongoose-seeder\seed.js:83:37)
which frankly doesn't make sense to me, as on the line pointed out in the stack trace I call reject(). And this rejection is handled, because I have a catch statement as shown above. Further, I can't understand why the database never even has a chance to connect, given the finally() block should be called last.
The solution was to return the Promise.all call, in addition to other suggestions.
You are passing the wrong argument to then and finally. First here:
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
Instead of passing a callback function to then, you actually execute the function on the spot (so without waiting for the promise to resolve and trigger the then callback -- which is not a callback).
You should do:
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
() => Seeder.seedDataPromise(data)
A similar error is made here:
It should be:
finally(() => Seeder.disconnect())
Promise Constructor Anti-Pattern
Not related to your question, but you are implementing an antipattern, by creating new promises with new Promise, when in fact you already get promises from using the mongodb API.
For instance, you do this here:
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
try {
mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
} catch (error) {
But the wrapping promise, created with new is just a wrapper that adds nothing useful. Just write:
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
return connected;
The same happens in your next prototype function. I'll leave it to you to apply a similar simplification there, so avoiding the promise constructor antipattern.
In the later edit to your question, you included this change, but you did not return a promise in that function. Add return here:
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
return true
}).catch(() => {

Make two function calls run synchronously when 1 makes http GET

I'm trying to make several function calls which will aggregate information and then act upon that info. Some calls make HTTP requests, which are slow. Others are much faster.
All my function calls work and build the necessary data, but I need to wait on the HTTP request before moving forward.
I've tried promises, async/await etc.
const http = require('http');
async function operation() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const url = '';
http.get(url, (resp) => {
let data = '';
resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
resp.on('end', () => {
}).on("error", (err) => {
async function app() {
var a = await operation()
console.log('a: ', a) // this returns 200
function test() {
console.log('test: ','THIS SHOULD COME AFTER')
I need the result of the test function to come after app. I'm seeing "THIS SHOULD COME AFTER" print before the 200
As I mentioned in the comments, app is an asynchronous function whereas test is synchronous. This means if you call app(); test(); test will always complete before app resolves. However, keep in mind that Promises will eventually resolve or reject.
This means, to call the synchronous function after the asynchronous, you either need to call test within app, like so:
async function app() {
//add try-catch to handle rejection of promise
try {
var a = await operation()
console.log('a: ', a) // this returns 200
// now you can call test after app
} catch (err) {
//handle error case to trigger rejection of promise
throw new Error(err)
or, remember that Promises are thenable:
.then(someReturnedValue => test())
.catch(err => /*handle errors*/)
You mention in the comments you have several app -like functions that will be aggregated before test. You could consider using Promise.all, which takes in an array of Promises and will return an array of data corresponding to each resolved Promise or catch an error if any of the Promises reject.
Promise.all([app, app1, app2])
.then(arrayOfReturnedValues => test())
.catch(err => /*handle errors*/)
