Docker Build CLI Doesn’t update the code (TS, node) - node.js

When I run docker build on my codebase, it doesn’t apply the file modifications. I’m using TypeScript with Node as the language/framework. Here is my Dockerfile:
#Imports the node runtime/os base image
FROM node:14
#like cd into the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
#copies the package.json from the local dev machine and pastes it in the ./ directory on google cloud run
COPY package*.json ./
#runs on the cloud run instance terminal
RUN npm install --only=production
#copy the actual code from the . directory (root) and places it in the cloud run root.
COPY . .
RUN rm -rf src
#Start the service on instance startup
CMD ["npm", "start"]

The issue was that the TS code was not getting compiled into JS code. After explicitly running the compiler and checking the TS config, the problem is resolved.


Getting error saying "missing script: start" while using "docker compose up" but i have set up "start" on package.json

I was trying to containerize the node and mongo app while I encountered the error the docker file is written as in the second image.
Image of docker compose file.
Please suggest any solution
The GITHUB link of repo -
i suggest to annotate this line:
COPY package*.json .
and the dockerfile should be like:
FROM node:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
#initializee the workdir in host system linux
COPY . .
#npm ci will install all the dependencies of the required version
RUN npm ci
#copy files from our project folder..
CMD ["npm", "start"]
#above line is ame as npm startnp
Also, i ran docker-compose up -d and it worked fine on my server.

Docker: node_modules symlink not working for typescript

I am working on containerization of Express app in TS. But not able to link node_modules installed outside the container. Volume is also mounted for development.But still getting error in editor(vscode) Cannot find module 'typeorm' or its corresponding type declarations., similar for all dependencies.
- .:/usr/src/app
FROM node:16.8.0-alpine3.13 as builder
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json .
COPY transformPackage.js .
RUN ["node", "transformPackage"]
FROM node:16.8.0-alpine3.13
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/package-docker.json package.json
RUN apk update && apk upgrade
RUN npm install --quiet && mv node_modules ../ && ln -sf ../node_modules node_modules
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
CMD ["npm", "start"]
I've one workaround where I can install dependencies locally, and then use those, but need another solution where we should install dependencies only in the container and not the outside.
Thanks in advance.
Your first code section implies you use docker-compose. Probably the build (of the Dockerfile) is also done there.
The point is that the volume mappings in the docker-compose are not available during build-phase in that same Docker-service.

How to write Dockerfile to serve Angular app and Node server

My Angular app runs fine locally but I haven't figured out how to do the same with a Docker image. Outside of Docker, the UI runs on port 4200 with ng serve and the API serves data from 8080 with node server.js.
My Dockerfile is set up so it can get the Node server running and available on 8080, but the Angular UI won't run. I've tried several options but right now I have:
FROM node:14.17.3
COPY package*.json ./
EXPOSE 4200 8080
RUN npm install -g #angular/cli
RUN npm install --only=production
COPY . ./
RUN ng serve
CMD ["node", "server.js"]
It fails on ng serve with the error: The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found. I do have an angular.json file in the root. I'm not sure what I am missing. I read that ng serve shouldn't be used in this situation but the alternatives I've seen haven't made a difference.
EDIT 8/10/21: Based on the answers here and a bunch of research, this will display the UI with nginx:
FROM node:12.16.1-alpine as build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci --only=production
COPY . .
# RUN npm install -g #angular/cli
# RUN npm run build --prod
FROM nginx:1.15.8-alpine
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
# CMD ["node", "server.js"]
However, the npm run build step fails because ng is not found despite installing #angular/cli. I have to run this manually to build the dist folder. And I can't run node server.js alongside this. It seems I can only get the front end or back end, not both.
Use below command at the end to run ng serve with host which means it listens to all interfaces.
CMD ["ng","serve","--host", ""]
But I would suggest using ngInx.
Steps to follow:
Create a docker file under the root of your project, and add the below code. It takes care of: downloading dependencies, building angular project, and deploy it to ngInx server.
#Download Node Alpine image
FROM node:12.16.1-alpine As build
#Setup the working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/ng-app
#Copy package.json
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
#Install dependencies
RUN npm install
#Copy other files and folder to working directory
COPY . .
#Build Angular application in PROD mode
RUN npm run build
#Download NGINX Image
FROM nginx:1.15.8-alpine
#Copy built angular files to NGINX HTML folder
COPY --from=build /usr/src/ng-app/dist/pokemon-app/ /usr/share/nginx/html
Build docker image:
docker build -t my-ng-app .
Spinning the docker container with below command expose your app at port 80
docker run -dp 3000:80 my-ng-app
Check out my article on this -, and please let me know if you still have any questions.
I figured out a solution that will run the full application. Most answers here focus on running the front end (the nginx suggestion was helpful). It seemed a Docker container could enable the UI or server but not both. I came across Docker Compose, which will run the front and back ends in separate images. My solution:
# Define node version
FROM node:12.16.1-alpine as build
# Define container directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy package*.json for npm install
COPY package*.json ./
# Run npm clean install, including dev dependencies for #angular-devkit
RUN npm ci
# Run npm install #angular/cli
RUN npm install -g #angular/cli
# Copy all files
COPY . .
# Run ng build through npm to create dist folder
RUN npm run build --prod
# Define nginx for front-end server
FROM nginx:1.15.8-alpine
# Copy dist from ng build to nginx html folder
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
# Define node version
FROM node:12.16.1-alpine
# Define container directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy package*.json for npm install
COPY package*.json ./
# Run npm clean install, prod dependencies only
RUN npm ci --only=production
# Copy all files
COPY . .
# Expose port 8080 for server
# Run "node server/run.js"
CMD ["node", "server/run.js"]
version: '3'
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile.server
container_name: server
- 8080:8080
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile.ui
container_name: ui
- 4200:80
- server
docker-compose up will build out an image for server and UI and deploy concurrently. I also resolved the ng not found errors by installing dev dependencies, particularly #angular-devkit/build-angular.
This tutorial helped me figure out Docker Compose:
I think updating this line
COPY . ./
COPY . ./app
should solve that error. It appears that the node "volume" is in that folder.
Otherwise setting the workdir also seems like a solution:
FROM node:14
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./

Docker + Nodejs Getting Error: Cannot find module "for a module that I wrote"

I am Docker beginner.
I was able to implement docker for my nodejs project, but when I try to pull it I am getting the error
Error: Cannot find module 'my_db'
(my_db is a module that I wrote that handles my mysql functionality).
So I am guessing my modules are not bundled into the docker image, right?
I moved my modules to a folder name my_node_modules/ so they won't be ignored.
I also modified the Dockerfile as follow:
FROM node:11.10.1
ENV NODE_ENV production
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY ["package.json", "package-lock.json*", "npm-shrinkwrap.json*", "./my_node_modules/*", "./"]
RUN npm install --production --silent && mv node_modules ../
COPY . .
CMD node index.js
What am I missing?
I would do something like this. First create a .dockerignore:
The above ensures that the node_modules folder is excluded from the actual build context.
You should add any temporary things to your .dockerignore. This will also speed up the actual build, since the build context will be smaller.
In my docker file I would then first only copy package.json and any existing lock file in order to be able to cache this layer:
FROM node:11.10.1
ENV NODE_ENV production
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Only copy package* before installing to make better use of cache
COPY package*.json .
RUN npm install --production --silent
# Copy everything
COPY . .
CMD node index.js
Like I also wrote in my comment, I have no idea why you are doing this mv node_modules ../? This will move the node_modules directory out from the /usr/src/app folder, which is not what you want.
It would also be nice to see how you are actually including your module.
If you own module resides in the following folder my_node_modules/my_db it will be copied when doing COPY . . in the above docker file. Then in your index.js file you should be able to use the module like this:
const db = require('./my_node_modules/my_db');
COPY . . this step will override everything in the current directory and copying node modules from Host is not recommended and maybe it breaks the container in case of host biners compiled for Window and you are using Linux container.
So better to refactor your Dockerfile and install modules inside docker instead of copying from the host.
FROM node:11.10.1
ENV NODE_ENV production
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install --production --silent
CMD node index.js
Also will suggest using .dockerignore
# add git-ignore syntax here of things you don't want copied into docker image

Dockerizing any Angular SPA app that runs in node

There are a lot of Angular 2+ templates (for example that run fine in Node, simply by:
npm install
npm start
However, making them run in Docker container is a challenge. I tried the standard approach to creating dockerfile but this doesn't work
Should there be a simple way of dockerizing any app that runs on Node with?
What am I missing?
This is what my dockerfile looks like (generated by yo docker):
FROM node:latest
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
COPY . /src
RUN npm install
first thing i would suggest, don't use node:latest. what version of node do you normally run? specify that version.
you probably need to create the /src folder
and you should also change ENTRYPOINT to CMD
FROM node:7.9
RUN mkdir /src
# cache the node modules for faster re-builds
COPY ./package.json /src
RUN npm install
COPY . /src
CMD ["npm", "start"]
this should cover the most basic of node apps.
things do get complex quickly, though. if you need more info on building out a proper dockerfile, i have a full course on docker with nodejs:
