Sublime Text: overlay cannot match file name with # - sublimetext3

I have a file named image#3x.png, which have a # in file name.
and I use cmd + p to open the overlay, then I input image,
the result shows all files which has image in it,
then I input # to make my whole input become image#,
and then, the whole result is gone.
the #3x or #2x comes from zeplin, means the size of image,
so I prefer not to change the name of file to fit ST.
Can any one help?
I know if I input # in the beginning of overlay will make it search function definition in current file.
I have no idea does it associate with it or not?

It seems like there is no way to "escape" the # character in Goto Anything, so my suggestion is just not to type it. You could search for image x and it would show image#3x.png as a possible result, because it uses fuzzy matching.


pycharm jetbrains to search for text NOT in test*.py filename pattern

In Pycharm, when search for files that contain a given text e.g. hitting Ctrl-Shift-F, we have the File mask box as in below snapshot to filter file name pattern.
I want a NOT filter here e.g. search for files not starting with test*.py. How can we archive this?
Although this question is old, I'll leave the answer here just in case someone else reaches the question.
The way to exclude results in File mask is by adding a ! before the mask, for example: !*test*.py
However, this might generate an unwanted situation, because it can bring results from configuration files, or temporary files, or any file we don't want. For this, the solution is to have multiple masks at once, and this can be achieved by separating masks with , (comma).
If we want all files containing the word def in .py files, excluding files containing the word tests for any type of file, and models ending in .py, we would use the File mask: !*test*, !*models*.py, *.py
Hope this helps!

How do you import a text point cloud in MeshLab?

I have an XYZ text file, generated from a Renishaw touch probe on a CNC mill, that I'm trying to open in MeshLab. I can't see anything after importing. It's a simple file of just XYZ positions. A short example:
This example is so short it would just be a line if you connected the points. I tried putting spaces between each value as the import dialog box asks and nothing shows up on screen. There is little or no documentation on how to accomplish this.
Can anyone open this simple text file and provide the steps to accomplish this?
The following very simple trick worked for me.
Replace all the occurrences of X, Y and Z with a space (I did it in Emacs and your text editor can surely achieve the same).
Save your file with the extension xyz (e.g., as
Open it in Meshlab.
The picture below is a printscreen showing the points you provided. (note that I have made them bigger by selecting "Render > Show Vertex Dots" and by increasing the point size in the menu available after pressing the "Show Layer Dialog").
Replace the letters X, Y, Z with spaces. For meshlab you have to leave it like this:
24.99221 9.49049 13.06404
25.99253 9.49049 12.77443
25.99253 9.85957 12.66110

using A Layout File(.lyt) and fixed width file to create a .CSV file output

I have been given a layout file, .lyt ,which gives me information on how to interpret a fixed width file. I need to convert this file into a comma delimited file. Normally this process is one or two files so i just do it using excels data tools by hand creating the delimitation based on reading the layout and applying it. Now however I have a multiple files with different layout files I need to apply to each and this could become tedious. I remember once seeing someone apply this type of file directly using either notepad ++ or excel but after an exhaustive google search I cannot find a tutorial on how to apply a layout file to a fixed width file to create a csv file without direct human intervention. Does anyone know how to do this?
below is a sample of what is in the layout file
Seq Position Name Length
1 1-3 Title Code Full 3
2 4-17 Given Name 14
3 18-18 Middle Initial 1
4 19-48 Surname 30
To all future users I could not find a solution but I did find a workaround using excels own data tools. Going to the data tab, go to get external data, From Text. From there follow the wizard. Im sorry I could not find the proper solution I know exists.

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

Hidden/Open words in an Image file such as PNG or JGP

As far as I can tell my question is not related to topics involved in Stenography or in the win.rar soluations I've seen to this where you are essentially hidding messages.
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to insert code into a file such as a jpg or png with a simple message, that could later be extracted by a program reading the file without having it encoded into the file either by slight differences in pixels or what have you in stenography.
I basically just want a tag along message that is a part of the file itself that is not brought up by the image reader but could perhaps be seen by a text reader of some kind.
I'm not sure how possible this is because I, for the most part don't understand the order/layout of the png/jgp/ect file aside from the RGB pixel code. How does it start, how does the image display tool know to stop displaying ect.
The way I'm envisioning it would be something like:
pngStartCode -> RGBinfo --> png end code so image reader knows to stop -> start sequence that some kind of reader will recognize (possibly a new text reader) -> written text wanted to be communicated -> endcodeforreader
I may just be rambling about something ridiculous here but please let me know if this is at least possible.
You can use following command(Windows command prompt)
Create a text file with your message, say "message.txt"
Now choose target file(it can be any file like a.jpg,a.png,a.exe,..etc), say "image.jpg"
Now execute follwing command
copy /b "image.jpg"+"message.txt" "NewImage.jpg"
Above command will combine files(in binary mode) and creats a new file(in this case NewImage.jpg). Now if anyone opens image they will just see noraml image. If you want to look at text, you have open it with any text editor(Notepad) and scroll down to last, there you can find text.
Here it wont chage any pixels or any thing to image, it just appends text to image.
It sounds like OP is asking about comment tags in the PNG specifications (i.e. adding data but without intent to hide it).
PNG files are broken into "Chunks". The image part is usually divided into several IDAT chunks; the color, size, etc are stored in an IHDR chunk, etc.
The iTXt, tEXt, and zTXt chunks are used for conveying text information associated with the image, so typically you'd look into using a tool to add those types of chunks. tEXt is for just plain text, zTXt is compressed.
More info on the PNG specification including what kinds of chunks are available can be found here, and you find chunk viewers on google.
For convenience at preset time (January 2021) here are a couple tools that will let you view, edit, and add chunks:
Windows 10:
NOTE: I do not vouch for the safety of any of the above links. Please use standard caution when downloading any file from the internet. If you don't have your own anti-virus, Virustotal has one online you can upload individual files to for free.
