What's special about localhost for browsers? - browser

As far as I know, browsers treat localhost and other domains differently. Like, not everything works on localhost. Do you know what specifically is different? What does "localhost" means in this context? Anything that resolves to What about port/scheme?

As far as I know, browsers treat localhost and other domains differently. Like, not everything works on localhost.
Quite the opposite. http://localhost is considered a secure origin by many browsers, so you can do development with many features that would normally be disabled without HTTPS.
See When is a context considered secure?:
A context is considered secure when it meets certain minimum standards
of authentication and confidentiality defined in the Secure Contexts
specification. A particular document is considered to be in a secure
context when it is the active document of a top-level browsing context
(basically, a containing window or tab) that is a secure context.
For example, even for a document delivered over TLS within an
, its context is not considered secure if it has an ancestor
that was not also delivered over TLS.
However, it’s important to note that if a non-secure context causes a
new window to be created (with or without specifying noopener), then
the fact that the opener was insecure has no effect on whether the new
window is considered secure. That’s because the determination of
whether or not a particular document is in a secure context is based
only on considering it within the top-level browsing context with
which it is associated — and not whether a non-secure context happened
to be used to create it.
Locally-delivered resources such as those with URLs,
http://localhost and http://*.localhost URLs (e.g.
http://dev.whatever.localhost/), and file:// URLs are also considered
to have been delivered securely.
Note: Firefox 84 and later support http://localhost and
http://*.localhost URLs as trustworthy origins (earlier versions did
not, because localhost was not guaranteed to map to a local/loopback
Resources that are not local, to be considered secure, must meet the
following criteria:
must be served over https:// or wss:// URLs
the security properties of the network channel used to deliver the resource must not be considered deprecated

According to the following article the special things about localhost are:
Although it's HTTP, it's generally treated as HTTPS.
You can't set a cookie on localhost that is Secure, or SameSite:none, or has the __Host prefix.
You can't reproduce mixed-content issues.
Browsers don't (Not all browsers) rely on DNS resolvers for localhost and subdomains.
And "localhost" in this context means localhost and subdomains, with or without a custom port.


IRIs: Shall http or https be used?

While reading the JSON-LD specification I noticed that a lot of vocabularies have http as a protocol instead of https (see section 2. Conformance). This seems odd to me. When opening in a browser there is often a http -> https redirect (like for http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# ).
My question: Is there a best practice which protocol shall be used for IRIs? Am I right, that the fact that http occurs so often in 2. Conformance is that those vocabularies are relatively old?!
In the context of vocabularies and namespaces these URIs are just opaque strings, they will never be visited so whether the scheme is http or https doesn't matter for security. Maybe software will compare those strings if they match to know what type of document it is, but nothing will visit those URIs.
Just use whatever URI is defined in the standards that you follow, use the same exactly. So if the standard says http:// use that, and if it says https:// then use that, don't change them. Know that it has no impact on security.
Older standards use the http protocol, and newer standards may use the https protocol, but it really doesn't matter, they're just opaque strings to match against, not to connect to.

Could automatically redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS inadvertently encourage a man-in-the-middle attack vector?

If your web server implements HTTPs, it's common practice to 301 redirect all http://* URLs to their https:// equivalents.
However, it occurs to me that this means that the client's original HTTP request (and any data contained in it) remains fully unencrypted, and only the response is encrypted. Does automatically "upgrading" all insecure requests on the server end effectively encourage clients to continue sending data to insecure HTTP endpoints, more or less downgrade attacking myself?
I realize I can't stop a client from insecurely sending any data to any endpoint, but does the practice of automatically redirecting HTTP to HTTPS "condone" the client doing so? Would it be better practice to instead outright reject all HTTP traffic that could contain sensitive data and make it the browser's responsibility to attempt or recommend the upgrade to HTTPS?
This is indeed a known issue, and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)—released in 2012—aims to solve it. It is an HTTP header field which takes the form:
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=<seconds> [; includeSubDomains]
HSTS informs the browser via that all connections to a given domain must be "upgraded" to https, even if they were specified as non-secure http`:
The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https"
This applies to all future connections to the domain (including following links), for the duration of the max-age specified in the header.
However this does leave open a potential vulnerability on the user's first visit to a domain with HSTS (if the header were stripped by an attacker). Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge attempt to limit this problem by including a "pre-loaded" list of HSTS sites.
So this preloaded list has all popular websites, All you may see in this chromium link, this list is humongous(10M), thereby solving aforementioned problem to a certain extent.

How does Google force HTTPS on their .app TLD?

In I/O 2018 Google announced their new .app TLD and they said that it will be HTTPS only.
I thought that DNS just maps domain names to IP's.
How are they forcing HTTPS?
(a little offtopic here)
It is called HSTS Preloading, see https://hstspreload.org/
HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) is a way for servers to reply to clients: please contact me over HTTPS only (see https://www.troyhunt.com/the-6-step-happy-path-to-https/ for examples). It enhances security but still does not solve one case: the first connection to a given server can happen over HTTP before the browser learns it should have done an HTTPS instead.
Hence come the "preloading" of HSTS.
Basically this is an hardcoded list embarked in all major browsers code
(see https://caniuse.com/#feat=stricttransportsecurity for compatibility depending on browser and version, or see at bottom for links to code[1]) that says which domains/TLD are HSTS enabled, which means no HTTP connection allowed to them at all.
Note that:
Anyone can submit names to this list by following some requirements, see https://hstspreload.org/#submission-requirements
Google (as it started with Chrome but it is now spread among browsers) welcome inclusion of TLDs and not only hostnames, see end of document at https://hstspreload.org/ ("TLD Preloading")
They already did add .DEV in the past (the TLD by itself is not live yet, but Google will launch it "soon") which broke many developers setup where they used (wrongly) a .DEV domain name to name their local resources and as soon as their browsers were updated with the newer HSTS preloading list, they refused to connect to their local .DEV host without HTTPS. You can find here and elsewhere (ex: https://ma.ttias.be/chrome-force-dev-domains-https-via-preloaded-hsts/) many horror stories of developers up in arms against that and also may people offering bad solutions for that (like disabling HSTS preloading which is a very bad idea).
Also when you buy a .APP domain name (and it will be same for .DEV), Google (as registry of .APP) made sure contractually with all registrars that they will, during checkout of a .APP domain name buy, display a prominent message saying something along the line of: ".APP is a secure TLD and websites will only work with an SSL certificate(sic); make sure to buy an SSL certificate" (SSL certificate is straight out of Google documentation and this is very sad to read out of them since it is a doubly wrong term, it should have been an "X.509 certificate" or, in order not to frighten anyone, at least a "certificate used for TLS communications", noone should use SSL anymore nowadays...).
By the way, .APP opened for the public at standard prices yesterday, May 8th.
Of course all of that is only related to web browsing. You could set any other kind of service, like email, on top of a .APP domain name, without any mandatory TLS (which of course is not a good idea nowadays but nothing will refrain you from doing that). For email, there is ongoing discussion to have basically HSTS but for MTAs, see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-uta-mta-sts/
[1] see some source codes with the HSTS preloading list:
or you can use the API at https://hstspreload.com/ to learn if a name is on the list
It's just a policy. A domain name is a domain name, and DNS only cares about how the name is translated to other resources, like for example an IP address. Technically any IP address can be used together with any IP protocol (there are 256 to choose from, one of which is TCP) and when applicable, any port number (there are 65536 to choose from, two of which are HTTP and HTTPS respectively). There is no way to place restrictions on this via DNS, but of course the TLD registrar can attempt to do this via policy rules.
By trial and error I easily found an .app domain where HTTPS is not enforced:
curl -v -L http://foo.app/
This results in a couple of redirects, but none of them redirect to HTTPS, and the final response is a HTTP response from a GoDaddy address.

if i use http for part of my website and https for another part does this open up any security issues

I have a node.js app.
I have it configured to redirect everything to https from http.
but i was thinking if the extra work to make the normal pages visible on http and the logged in pages only visible via https, would be worth the effort.
does having both in my app expose any security holes?
Yes multiple, including:
Cookies are shared between the two sites unless you remember to include the "secure" attribute each time you set a cookie.
You are vulnerable to MITM attacks (e.g. replacing a "login" link on http to either keep you on http or redirect you to another site instead).
Resources need to be loaded over https on the secure site or you will get mixed security warnings. It's easy to miss this when running mixed sites.
Users will not know whether pages should be secure or not.
Can forget to renew cert and/or see cert errors but this should be more obvious if whole site is https.
Cannot use advanced security features like HSTS.
And that's just off the top of my head.
Go https everywhere and redirect all http traffic to https. Unless you've a good reason not to.
There are other benefits too (user confidence, looks more professional, small SEO boast, Google sees this as two sites, easier management of sites, Chrome will soon block access to some features like location tracking on http, cannot upgrade to HTTP/2 until you implement https... etc.).

Is there any reason not to serve https content on a page served over http?

I currently have image content being served on a domain that is only accessible over https. What is the downside of serving an image with an https path on a page accessed over http? Are there any caching considerations? I'm using an HttpRuntime.Cache object to store the absolute image path, which is retrieved from a database.
I assume there is no benefit to using protocol-relative URLs if the image is only accessible over https?
Is there a compelling reason why I should set up a separate virtual directory to also serve the image content over http?
If the content served over HTTPS within the HTTP page isn't particularly sensitive and could equally be served over HTTP, there is no downside (perhaps some performance issues, not necessarily much, and lack of caching, depending on how your server is configured: you can cache some HTTPS content).
If the content server over HTTPS is sufficiently sensitive to motivate the usage of HTTPS, this is really bad practice.
Checking that HTTPS is used and used correctly is solely the responsibility of the client and its user (this is why automatic redirections from HTTP to HTTPS are only partly useful, for example). Although some of it has to do with the technicalities of certificate verification, a lot of the security offered by HTTPS comes from the fact that the user:
expects to be using HTTPS (otherwise they could easily be downgraded),
is able to verify the validity of the certificate: green/blue bar, corresponding to the host name on which they expect to be.
The first point can be addressed by HTTP Strict Transport Security, from a technical point of view.
The second needs used interaction. If you go to your bank's website, it must not only be a site with a valid certificate, but you should also check that it's indeed the domain name of your bank, for example.
Embedding HTTPS content in an HTTP page defeats this, since the user can't check which site is being used, and that HTTPS is used at all in fact. To some extent, embedding HTTPS content from a third party in an HTTPS page also presents this problem (this is one of the problems with 3-D Secure, which may well be served using HTTPS, but using an iframe doesn't make which site is actually used visible.)
