UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: permission denied for table - node.js

I'm building a node express web application that interfaces with a postgres database using node-pg. In my local environment everything runs fine but when I pull the project from github on a different machine and try to run it I get the following error:
(node:445) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: permission denied for table <some table>
I'm not sure why I'm getting this error as I am connecting to the same database with the same credentials as from the local environment, and I've tried to make sure the proper privileges are granted by using the command GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE <some table> TO postgres; and then restarting the database service.
Is there something I'm missing or how would I go about solving this issue?

While I can't suggest an overall fix for your connection issues we can fix the UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning by literally handling the Promise rejection.
try {
// connect to pg
catch(e) {
// Probably if you can't connect to the DB at all that's an unrecoverable problem.
// I'd log whatever useful stats about the running application as you can and then maybe just end the process.
Note the docs for process.exit() though, that "This means that any callback that's pending, any network request still being sent, any filesystem access, or processes writing to stdout or stderr - all is going to be ungracefully terminated right away." which may or may not be a problem for you.


Timeout when communicating with Web3 Provider

I am trying to investigate and solve problems with a containerized NodeJS web service app that communicates with Avalanche Test Network (https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc) in order to Mint NFTs.
provider = new HDWalletProvider({
privateKeys: [walletPrivateKey],
providerOrUrl: "https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc",
pollingInterval: 4000,
const myContract = Contract(Contract_NFT);
const _instance = await myContract.at(process.env.CONTRACT_NFT_ADDRESS);
_instance.mint(provider.getAddress(), mintURL, { from: provider.getAddress() })
Note: I am not the developer of app.
After starting the container, first request completes successfully. However subsequent requests fail with code: -32603 message: 'ETIMEDOUT' error
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:387:5)
at Web3ProviderEngine.emit (node:events:502:17)
at /app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/index.js:54:14
at afterRequest (/app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/index.js:148:21)
at /app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/index.js:174:21
at /app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/index.js:232:9
at /app/node_modules/async/internal/once.js:12:16
at replenish (/app/node_modules/async/internal/eachOfLimit.js:61:25)
at /app/node_modules/async/internal/eachOfLimit.js:71:9
at eachLimit (/app/node_modules/async/eachLimit.js:43:36)
at /app/node_modules/async/internal/doLimit.js:9:16
at end (/app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/index.js:211:5)
at Request._callback (/app/node_modules/web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc.js:36:21)
at self.callback (/app/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
at Request.emit (node:events:513:28)
at Timeout.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/request/request.js:851:16)
Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:
at PollingBlockTracker._performSync (/app/node_modules/eth-block-tracker/src/polling.js:51:24)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
When the app is used outside a container and directly on server OS, all requests successfully complete.
What I have tried
I tried searching the internet forums and boards. Similar issue is mentioned in some posts but suggested solution is to tweak Timeout/Interval values which did not help with my issue and still got the error.
I tried using the same NodeJS and NPM versions installed on server OS. Also tried using different versions of NodeJS( 14.XX, 16.XX). Still got the same error.
Also I have tried changing and configuring Docker network( different type of network driver, different IPAM config, passing extra hosts etc.). Still got the same error.
I have confirmed that mentioned URL is accessible from inside container using ping, nc and dig tools. Also have confirmed that successful HTTPS connection is being established.
What is causing this behavior?
What I can do to reliably use this app inside container?
Have I missed something?

firebase 9 permission denide from localhost

i'm using Firebase version 9 (MODULAR) as database for a web application in nodejs v18.
When i try to access data from localhost i get the error below, but from an heroku deployment works like a charm.
[2022-06-26T07:32:22.447Z] #firebase/firestore: Firestore (9.8.4): Connection GRPC stream error. Code: 7 Message: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied on resource project "my_project",.
[2022-06-26T07:32:22.447Z] #firebase/firestore: Firestore (9.8.4): Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Connection failed 1 times. Most recent error: FirebaseError: [code=permission-denied]: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied on resource project "my_project",.
This typically indicates that your device does not have a healthy Internet connection at the moment. The client will operate in offline mode until it is able to successfully connect to the backend.
[2022-06-26T07:32:22.466Z] #firebase/firestore: Firestore (9.8.4): Connection GRPC stream error. Code: 7 Message: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied on resource project "my_project",.
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
[FirebaseError: Failed to get document because the client is offline.] {
code: 'unavailable',
customData: undefined,
toString: [Function (anonymous)]
Node.js v18.0.0
For context:
the web app its an internal tool so i do my own authentication server-side and then the app makes some checks on some data on the firestore db. So basically who makes the queries its the app,not the user. This makes me thing that i should use a service account with firestore-admin api.
The problem is that the provided code snippet from the docs,does not work for me..
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
And i already changed the access rule to be the horribly unsecure one:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
Any idea on what i should do? Or maybe why it doesnt work on local development?
Since the documentation it an incomplete maze of stuff i am probably missing something..
Thanks to anyone that can help! (at least to understand why)
As the GitHub link suggests, the issue might be due to useFetchStreams being enabled by default, in the new modular build (v9).
Hence, modify your code accordingly:
import {initializeFirestore} from 'firebase/firestore'
const db = initializeFirestore(firebaseApp, {useFetchStreams: false})
Also, the error might arouse not because the android device or emulator you are debugging is offline but because the "databaseURL" setting was missing in the part that defines the Firebase configuration object. I think that the same error might occur if the setting is incorrect.
Also, I suggest you have a look at this Stackoverflow case, which talks in detail about all the probable reasons behind the ‘Client is offline’ issue.
However, if the above solution does not, suggest you enable debug logging by calling setLogLevel.

Unhandled exception UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning for NodeJS application

I develop a POC for a database application in NodeJS. The command below shall perform the query on database setup on db.js and credentials on .env, both on the repository https://github.com/brunolnetto/first_app . You may alter the key after creating a dbtest database on your local host and a user. The log below after command run node server.js on terminal is unexpected since the database dbtest on .env file exists locally..
(node:22285) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: database "dbtest" does not exist
I am glad to share my mistake with you.
Best regards, BP

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined in AWS CHIME

I am trying to run the AWS CHIME demo project locally. it is working fine if I doesn't change the const host ="" in the server.js file. But when changing the host to local IP to virtualization of host it throws an error after
the error showed to me
Unable to find meeting
There was an issue finding that meeting.
The meeting may have already ended, or your authorization may have expired.
Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined

Cannot fetch from or insert data to mongodb using mongoose

I wrote a node web app and created a mongoDb database on my local system. I was using the following code to connect to local mongodb from node js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db_name'); //local
And everything was working fine on my local machine. So I went on and created an mlab account and created a database. But when I tried to run the code by changing the connection string, connections are still established I believe. But the find and save requests are not invoking the callbacks, even no errors shows up. All requests are getting timed out.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect("mongodb://user:pass#ds036789.mlab.com:36789/db_name"); //mlab
Another thing I noticed is that I cannot ping ds036789.mlab.com. But TCP connections are succeeding when I tried the nc command
nc -w 3 -v ds036789.mlab.com 36789
I even tried deploying to azure. Which doesn't work either. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Not being able to ping was due to the fact that I used azure hosting. It is expected. And I also found out that I get this error while trying to connect :
connection error: { [MongoError: auth failed] name: 'MongoError', ok: 0, errmsg: 'auth failed', code: 18 }
Credentials are correct though.
From the error mesasge it seems like you are using invalid auth details
This is most likely happen when you do not create username and password for individual database i.e, db_name in you case.
Check mLabs account and create username and password for db_name database and update your connection string.
According to the error information, as #Astro said, it seems to be caused by using invalid auth user/password which be created for database.
Did you create a new user for connecting the database, not account user for mlab? Such as the figures below shown.
Fig 1. A database user is required for connecting
Fig 2. Users list for the database
Hope it helps.
I figured out the issue, it wasn't an issue with the credentials. It was an issue with the mongoose version. The mongoose version I used didn't support the authentication. I had to remove the package and reinstall the latest version. with
node install mongoose#latest
Hope it helps someone. And thanks for the answers :)
