Concurrency in Azure Function with .Net 5 (isolated) - azure

With .Net 5, Azure Functions require the host to be instantiated via Program.cs
class Program
static Task Main(string[] args)
var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureAppConfiguration(configurationBuilder =>
.ConfigureServices(services =>
return host.RunAsync();
If I was to add some global variables in Program.cs (say static) so that they can be accessed by any of the endpoints in the Azure Function project, if the global variable value was changed during the execution of one of these endpoints, is there a chance (even small) that this update propagate into the execution of another endpoint executing just after? I struggle to understand to what extent the Host is concurrent.
These were useful readings, but I did not find what I was looking for:
Azure Functions - Limiting parallel execution

See Azure Functions as stateless workers. If you want them to have state either use Durable Entities or external storage. Implementations can change, even of the underlying Azure Functions runtime. Design accordingly is my advice.
Static global variables are often a bad idea. Especially in this case you can't reliably predict what will happen. The process can be killed, new instances can be brought up / taken down possibly spanning multiple machines due to dynamic scaling. So different executions can see different values of the static variable.
Again, you should design your functions in such a way that you do not have to worry about the underlying mechanisms, otherwise you will have a very tight coupling between the code and the hosting environment.


azure servicebus maxConcurrentCalls totally ignored

I have thsese in my host.json but every time i run the function it runs in parallel runing much more threads then 1 ( so much as there are messages in queue)
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 1,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1
my function
public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", IsSessionsEnabled = true)]Message message, IMessageSession messageSession, ILogger log)
Leveraging sessions
Since you are using sessions, you can use the same sessionId for all messages, and they will be processed in order by a single instance, regardless of the settings in your host.json.
Using Singleton attribute
If you can't use the sessionId for your purpose, you should try the [Singleton] attribute on your function. This will ensure that only one instance across all of your function instances will process the request.
We have this working successfully for WebJobs in production, and it should work just the same for Azure Functions. If you have dedicated app service plans, using this attribute should be enough. This is not recommended for a consumption plan.
[Singleton] does work on functions. The Azure Function host will create or wait for a lock in the Azure Storage account. The lock is the host ID which should be the same for all hosts of an app across all instances - so all instances share this lock and will only allow one execution to occur at a time.
To test this I put 1000 queue messages at once on a function with [Singleton]. The function would wake up, emit the invocation ID, sleep, and then emit the invocation ID. After processing all 1000 I looked at logs and never saw invocation IDs overlap. Only one invocation would happen globally at a time.
public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", IsSessionsEnabled = true)]Message message, IMessageSession messageSession, ILogger log)
In a consumption plan
Continuing the quote above:
With that said I think the recommendation is: [Singleton] isn't recommended for consumption hosted function plans. If you have a dedicated app service plan it's fine (as you are paying for the instance anyway). If you want to enforce [Singleton] like behavior in a consumption plan you are likely best to:
Set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1 so you never scale to more than one instance
Set the host.json file to only allow 1 concurrent execution at a time for that trigger (for instance a batch size of 1 for Azure Queues).
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 1,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1
Maybe you can set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1 to make the function run only one instance at a time.
If you develop locally, you can set it in local.settings.json, if you develop in Azure portal, you can set it in Configuration -> Application settings.
1. If you set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1, your function will not scale out and can only run in one instance.
2. In addition to setting WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT, you still need to set maxConcurrentCalls to 1
3. This setting is in preview. An app property for function max scale out has been added and is the recommended way to limit scale out.
For more details, you can refer to this official document.
so the problem was that every message had a differnet sessionId.
Disabling sessionId on subscription in azure solved this problem.
In details below for bounty :D
azure docs doesnt exactly specify how to limit thread number, but I looked a bit dipper.
there is MessageRecievePump
one uses MaxConcurrentCalls the other one MaxConcurrentSessions and MaxConcurrentAcceptSessionCalls
be aware of this if you include session in your subscription (MaxConcurrentCalls doesnt work) it works only when session id is the same.
when session is differnt try to use MaxConcurrentSessions or MaxConcurrentAcceptSessionCalls but be aware there are no docs about this....

How to set Infinite Timeout for Azure Function app v2.0

I have a very long running process which is hosted using Azure Function App (though it's not recommended for long running processes) targeting v2.0. Earlier it was targeting v1.0 runtime so I didn't face any function timeout issue.
But now after updating the runtime to target v2.0, I am not able to find any way to set the function timeout to Infinite as it was in case of v1.0.
Can someone please help me out on this ?
From your comments it looks like breaking up into smaller functions or using something other than functions isn't an option for you currently. In such case, AFAIK you can still do it with v2.0 as long as you're ready to use "App Service Plan".
The max limit of 10 minutes only applies to "Consumption Plan".
In fact, documentation explicitly suggests that if you have functions that run continuously or near continuously then App Service Plan can be more cost-effective as well.
You can use the "Always On" setting. Read about it on Microsoft Docs here.
Azure Functions scale and hosting
Also, documentation clearly states that default value for timeout with App Service plan is 30 minutes, but it can be set to unlimited manually.
Changes in features and functionality
From our discussion in comments, as null value isn't working for you like it did in version 1.x, please try taking out the "functionTimeout" setting completely.
I came across 2 different SO posts mentioning something similar and the Microsoft documentation text also says there is no real limit. Here are the links to SO posts I came across:
SO Post 1
SO Post 2
One way of doing it is to implement Eternal orchestrations from Durable Functions. It allows you to implement an infinite loop with dynamic intervals. Of course, you need to slightly modify your code by adding support for the stop/start function at any time (you must pass the state between calls).
public static async Task Run(
[OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext context)
var initialState = context.GetInput<object>();
var state = await context.CallActivityAsync("Run_Long_Running_Process", initialState);
if (state == ???) // stop execution when long running process is completed
You cannot set an Azure Function App timeout to infinite. I believe the longest any azure function app will consistently run is 10 minuets. As you stated Azure functions are not meant for long running processes. You may need find a new solution for your app, especially if you will need to scale up the app at all in the future.

Azure Socket Leaks?

I have an ASP.NET Core a website with a lot of simultaneous users which crashes many times during the day and I scaled up and out but no luck.
I have been told my numerous Azure support staff that the issue is that I'm sending out a lot of database calls although database utilization improved after creating indexes. Can you kindly advise what you think the problem is as I have done my best...
I was told that I have "socket leaks".
Please note:
I don't have any external service calls except to sendgrid
I have not used ConfigureAwait(false)
I'm not using "using" statements or explicitly disposing contexts
This is my connection string If it may help...,1433;Initial Catalog=SarahahDb;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=********;Password=******;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;Max Pool Size=400;
These are some code examples:
In Startup.CS:
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
Main class:
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
public MessagesController(ApplicationDbContext context, IEmailSender emailSender, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_context = context;
_emailSender = emailSender;
_userManager = userManager;
This an important method code for example:
string UserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);
var user = await _context.Users.Where(u => u.Id.Equals(UserId)).Include(u => u.Messages).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
// some other code
return View(user.Messages);
Please advise as I have tried my best but this is very embarrassing to me in font of my customers.
Without the error messages that you're seeing, here's a few ideas that you can check.
I'd start with going to your Web App's Overview blade in the Azure Portal. Update the monitoring graph to a time period when you're experiencing problems. Are you CPU bound? Have you exhausted memory? Also, check the HTTP Queue length. If your HTTP queue is really long, it's because your server is choking trying to service the requests and users are experiencing timeout issues.
Next, jump over to your SQL Server's Overview blade in the Azure Portal, and look at the resource utilization chart. Set the time period on the chart to when you're experiencing problems. Have you pegged out your DTUs for your database? If so, it's a sign of poor indexing, poor schema design, or you're just undersized and need to scale up.
Turn on ApplicationInsights if you haven't already. You can use the ApplicationInsights API to insert your own trace statements into your code. Or, you might be able to see exceptions causing the issue without having to do your own tracing.
Check the Kudu logs for your Web Apps.
I agree with Tseng - your usage of EF and .NET Core's DI framework looks correct.
Let us know how the troubleshooting goes and provide additional information on exactly what kind of errors you're seeing. Best of luck!
It looks like a DI issue to me. You are injecting ApplicationDbContext context. Which means the ApplicationDbContext will be resolved from the DI container meaning it will stay open the entire request (transient) as Tseng pointed out. It should be a scoped.
You can inject IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory in your controller and do something like:
using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope())
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
Note that if you are using ASP.NET Core 1.1 and want to be sure that all your services are being resolved correctly change your ConfigureService method in the Startup to:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Register services
return services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true);

Multithreaded Singleton in a WCF - What is the appropriate Service Behavior?

I have a class (ZogCheckPublisher) that implements the multithreaded singleton pattern. This class is used within the exposed method (PrintZogChecks) of a WCF service that is hosted by a Windows Service.
public class ProcessKicker : IProcessKicker
public void PrintZogChecks(ZogCheckType checkType)
ZogCheckPublisher keeps track of which 'checkType' is currently in the process of being printed, and rejects requests that duplicate a currently active print request. I am trying to understand ServiceBehaviors and the appropriate behavior to use. I think that this is appropriate:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
One instance of the service that is multithreaded. If I am understanding things rightly?
Your understanding is correct.
The service behavior will implement a single multithreaded instance of the service.
[ServiceBehaviorAttribute(Name = "Test", InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple]
In a singleton service the configured concurrency mode alone governs the concurrent execution of pending calls. Therefore, if the service instance is configured with ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, concurrent processing of calls from the same client is allowed. Calls will be executed by the service instance as fast as they come off the channel (up to the throttle limit). Of course, as is always the case with a stateful unsynchronized service instance, you must synchronize access to the service instance or risk state corruption.
The following links provide additional Concurrency Management guidance:
Multithreaded Singleton WCF Service

.NET 4.5 Increase WCF Client Calls Async?

I have a .NET 4.5 WCF client app that uses the async/await pattern to make volumes of calls. My development machine is dual-proc with 8gb RAM (production will be 5 CPU with 8gb RAM at Amazon AWS) . The remote WCF service called by my code uses out and ref parameters on a web method that I need. My code instances a proxy client each time, writes any results to a public ConcurrentDictionary, and then returns null.
I ran Perfmon, watching the thread count on the system, and it goes between 28-30. It takes hours for my client to complete the volumes of calls that are made. Yes, hours. The remote service is backed by a big company, they have many servers to receive my WCF calls, so the more calls I can throw at them, the better.
I think that things are actually still happening synchronously, even though the method that makes the WCF call is decorated with "async" because the proxy method cannot have "await". Is that true?
My code looks like this:
async private void CallMe()
Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now );
var workTasks = this.AnotherConcurrentDict.Select( oneB => GetData( etcetcetc ).Cast<Task>().ToList();
await Task.WhenAll( workTasks );
private async Task<WorkingBits> GetData(etcetcetc)
var commClient = new RemoteClient();
var cpResponse = new GetPackage();
var responseInfo = commClient.GetData( name, password , ref (cpResponse.aproperty), filterid , out cpResponse.Identifiers);
foreach (var onething in cpResponse.Identifiers)
// add to the ConcurrentDictionary
return null; // I already wrote to the ConcurrentDictionary so no need to return anything
responseInfo is not awaitable beacuse the WCF call has ref and out parameters.
I was thinking that way to speed this up is not to put async/await in this method, but instead create a wrapper method where I can make things await/async, but I am not that is the smartest/safest way to work it.
What is a smart way to get more outbound calls to the service (expand IO completion thread pool, trick calls into running in the background so Task.WhenAll can complete quicker)?
Thanks for all ideas/samples/pointers. I am hitting a bottleneck somewhere.
1) Make sure you're really calling it asynchronously, rather than just blocking on the calls. Code samples would help here.
2) You may need to do this:
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100;
By default it only allows 2 simultaneous connections to the same server.
3) Make sure you dispose the proxy object after the call is complete so you're not tying up resources.
If you're doing things asynchronously the threadpool size shouldn't be a bottleneck. To get a better idea of what kind of problem you're having, you can use Interlocked.Increment and Interlocked.Decrement to track the number of pending calls and see if it's being limited somewhere.
You could also substitute your real call with a call to a very simple method that you know will not have any bottlenecks, to see if the problem is in the client or server.
