could not initialize BCCSP Factories: Could not find default `PKCS11` BCCSP - hyperledger-fabric
I am running Hyperledger Fabric v2.2.3 from github release, in Oracle Linux 8.4
I am running the orderer and peer without dockers.
and I am running PKCS11 using SoftHSM 2.5.0 without FabricCA.
I have also followed the guide at official document to setup the PKCS11.
I have also read this stackoverflow post stating that need to remove the SW section.
peer node start throwing Could not find default pkcs11 BCCSP error
I successfully generated the token, the certs for both Orderer and Peer.
My Orderer started everythings successfully, but not my Peer.
Question: is the pre-built peer binary in github release for v2.2.3 is not built with PKCS11 enabled ?
Am I need to build the peer myself to enable the PKCS11 support ?
2021-09-15 10:05:50.583 +08 [bccsp] GetDefault -> DEBU 001 Before using BCCSP, please call InitFactories(). Falling back to bootBCCSP.
2021-09-15 10:05:50.585 +08 [bccsp] GetDefault -> DEBU 002 Before using BCCSP, please call InitFactories(). Falling back to bootBCCSP.
2021-09-15 10:05:50.594 +08 [bccsp] GetDefault -> DEBU 003 Before using BCCSP, please call InitFactories(). Falling back to bootBCCSP.
2021-09-15 10:05:50.595 +08 [main] InitCmd -> ERRO 004 Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory /appl/blockchain/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp: could not initialize BCCSP Factories: Could not find default `PKCS11` BCCSP
My Peer core.yaml
Default: PKCS11
Library: /appl/softhsm/lib/softhsm/
Label: fabric
Pin: 123456
Hash: SHA2
Security: 256
Immutable: false
My directory structures and files at the peer.
You may ignore the tls, as I am not using any tls at this moment.
[user#hyperledgerfabric org1]# tree users
└── Admin#org1
├── msp
│ ├── admincerts
│ ├── cacerts
│ │ └── ca.org1-cert.pem -> ../../../../ca/ca.org1-cert.pem
│ ├── config.yaml
│ ├── keystore
│ ├── signcerts
│ │ └── Admin#org1-cert.pem
│ └── tlscacerts
│ └── tlsca.org1-cert.pem -> ../../../../tlsca/tlsca.org1-cert.pem
└── tls
├── ca.crt -> ../../../tlsca/tlsca.org1-cert.pem
├── client.crt
└── client.csr
Update after compiled peer with PKCS11 enabled:
Now it gives the error not able to find KeyMaterial:
2021-09-17 10:50:44.513 +08 [bccsp_p11] getECKey -> DEBU 019 Private key not found [Key not found [00000000 9e c0 9a a7 5c df 5b 13 25 61 15 a4 d2 8c f3 ba |....\.[.%a......|
00000010 90 c4 15 10 b5 e0 a6 48 de fd 23 96 14 29 b1 83 |.......H..#..)..|
]] for SKI [9ec09aa75cdf5b13256115a4d28cf3ba90c41510b5e0a648defd23961429b183], looking for Public key
2021-09-17 10:50:44.515 +08 [bccsp_p11] GetKey -> DEBU 01a Key not found using PKCS11: Public key not found [Key not found [00000000 9e c0 9a a7 5c df 5b 13 25 61 15 a4 d2 8c f3 ba |....\.[.%a......|
00000010 90 c4 15 10 b5 e0 a6 48 de fd 23 96 14 29 b1 83 |.......H..#..)..|
]] for SKI [9ec09aa75cdf5b13256115a4d28cf3ba90c41510b5e0a648defd23961429b183]
2021-09-17 10:50:44.515 +08 [msp] getSigningIdentityFromConf -> DEBU 01b Could not find SKI [9ec09aa75cdf5b13256115a4d28cf3ba90c41510b5e0a648defd23961429b183], trying KeyMaterial field: Key not found. This is a dummy KeyStore
Failed getting key for SKI [[158 192 154 167 92 223 91 19 37 97 21 164 210 140 243 186 144 196 21 16 181 224 166 72 222 253 35 150 20 41 177 131]]*CSP).GetKey
2021-09-17 10:50:44.515 +08 [main] InitCmd -> ERRO 01c Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory /appl/blockchain/peerOrganizations/org1/users/Admin#org1/msp: KeyMaterial not found in SigningIdentityInfo
Here is the token and object in SoftHSM:
[user#hyperledgerfabric ~]# pkcs11-tool --module /appl/softhsm/lib/softhsm/ --token-label "fabric" --list-objects
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlspeer.org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=Default Company Ltd, CN=peer.org1
ID: 746c73706565722e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: orderer.ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=ordererOrg, OU=orderer, CN=orderer.ordererOrg
ID: 6f7264657265722e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 044104f8cab0e26330c5cde55afb3ffbffe0fee8a96cca7fcb08d7360e736b21552a337f0f29b1f68d708b296dcdc75922a9e709ffad6a3f3863f6ae039a71fac49d06
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlspeer.org1
ID: 746c73706565722e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 044104ae4ae570e763654d9fa9f3bec3ffddde7402044153c32f3490e8f8d5a4c90be884385237fa9659914730ff38751bb3b9c8b046f7e9e6dc52b134ae247ff40ed0
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlsorderer.ordererOrg
ID: 746c736f7264657265722e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 04410458679db1f667a4bcf3c0b13f62e80fe9a9d4982881b7772f192e9cabc20158e33299856d995a0fbbd7523fa69e9fe3e5543c8ea5e0dc327348ece7625cb96860
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlsca.org1
ID: 746c7363612e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 0441047bfd15d2a4e46e74a77d4000c48235f2a9781842b3716b3c5cf26a0519766e75e49c0aac9c5939e0d54f8070acb2a82f232a5627abc4e9d2e00fc9adc1f6c66d
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: peer.org1
ID: 706565722e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlsAdmin#org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=Default Company Ltd, CN=Admin#org1
ID: 746c7341646d696e4066696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: ca.org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=org1, CN=ca.org1
ID: 63612e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 044104de510ebd9f4de1dede7fb602ce17404222565b1214af54807d13b5fca21027e8f004efe5f924cfa5ada25db85757bbd887a5071ade0a0e13247ce5075ef36562
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: ca.org1
ID: 63612e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: Admin#ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=ordererOrg, OU=admin, CN=Admin#ordererOrg
ID: 41646d696e4068616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlsca.ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=ordererOrg, CN=tlsca.ordererOrg
ID: 746c7363612e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlsca.org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=org1, CN=tlsca.org1
ID: 746c7363612e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 0441040c778079386f8febd1b72bd4c04b387117ae83109cfbccb85c3a6d9f36fe195567c657bf14ea49fb6991bacd505469c07818e2ab34befee3a0d2f44f0ed4bfee
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: Admin#ordererOrg
ID: 41646d696e4068616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlsorderer.ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=Default Company Ltd, CN=orderer.ordererOrg
ID: 746c736f7264657265722e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: peer.org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=org1, OU=peer, CN=peer.org1
ID: 706565722e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 044104372fd1ef78bd6ed5ee952c177fc1990cf20c6aebc72106f54bd9a6423192aa1ed5698447618b5ea2b0569508c8dce3587e94268e570734396bcda60650a6d17a
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: orderer.ordererOrg
ID: 6f7264657265722e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 04410445fe15a00a608ccae5db578277fb2d31d14193161a317e2a9145be9a0dcfdadff534b2ee86fe0872ba1ef9a5868b7c23439544a7c0880485442053217e5a9239
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlsca.ordererOrg
ID: 746c7363612e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 0441045ff498d46abb2dc1bb915a97d29b0713b3e448e2bc3253e83e972f7812c5d4a556a04dafb175630e45d97481e71476eef74a8439c5afe8b0a2d0c85bdc2ef282
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: Admin#org1
ID: 41646d696e4066696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 04410487a8c34237457651cb0b87c6559d7d4fc6e055cf17fec1b2a42f6f22bbc0b4ea3d02b1336bc5d4cc8267dd01ce081a8ebd6d18ba8e41c2e241bda2bfdbdcb980
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: ca.ordererOrg
ID: 63612e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: tlsAdmin#ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=Default Company Ltd, CN=Admin#ordererOrg
ID: 746c7341646d696e4068616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 0441040c7c76519783ed1015354fa8e6130c340bcb89f10238da9f80d002bdc53851a30af2a2114697ba9832ec813506764399b370b1ccf664551b8730b083d198e933
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlsAdmin#org1
ID: 746c7341646d696e4066696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
EC_POINT: 044104f0e26cf7dcee25b140769ed1ffd5e2b26608524656ea844d183e655c3be614da1b24b6503b36b3de72ceda78bb7535560eb40090016c810b92cf42a39ef9c587
EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
label: tlsAdmin#ordererOrg
ID: 746c7341646d696e4068616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap, derive
Access: local
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: Admin#org1
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=org1, OU=admin, CN=Admin#org1
ID: 41646d696e4066696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert
label: ca.ordererOrg
subject: DN: C=MY, ST=Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, L=Kuala Lumpur, O=ordererOrg, CN=ca.ordererOrg
ID: 63612e68616c616c666f6f6470672e66696e6578757367726f75702e636f6d0a
You are correct, the pre-built binaries of fabric do not have pkcs11 enabled. You need to build the peer and orderer binaries from source, specifying the tag pkcs11 to create versions that support PKCS11
can't enroll peer to hyperledger fabric on aks using hlf operator
I keep getting this error when trying to enroll a peer to the fabric ca via the hlf operator: Error: enroll failed: enroll failed: Failed to read response of request: POST > {"hosts":null,"certificate_request":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----->\nMIHxMIGYAgEAMBExDzANBgNVBAMTBmVucm9sbDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49\nAwEHA0IABBQob4jvqjE/>E6OZPuKQdPUNw+SMXCI6FtPI3j0rPqxGu9DrnCgasGG\nzop5KWFZrMFL/JrbKfm2+GPrRPrLyjWgJTAjBgkqhki>G9w0BCQ4xFjAUMBIGA1Ud\nEQQLMAmCB0JVSDAwOTcwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSAAwRQIhALWFAahmDd+lmQdkqSgI>n7M5m+BeFz8fZBzrDVbcbrVzCAiAsThJfkxEdNwm1AQ45KUqT0hDfnHQCAUK0Fjp5\n6IaPPQ==\n-----END >CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n","profile":"","crl_override":"","label":"","NotBefore":"0001->01-01T00:00:00Z","NotAfter":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","ReturnPrecert":false,"CAName":""}: >unexpected EOF I'm using the hlf operator by hyperledger fabric on an aks cluster with application gateway + nginx ingress for the routing / externalDNS for name resolution within an Azure dns zone. Here is my fabric-ca.yaml: apiVersion: kind: FabricCA metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: org1-ca namespace: fabric spec: affinity: null ca: affiliations: null bccsp: default: SW sw: hash: SHA2 security: "256" ca: null cfg: affiliations: allowRemove: true identities: allowRemove: true crl: expiry: 24h csr: ca: expiry: 131400h pathLength: 0 cn: ca hosts: - localhost - names: - C: US L: "" O: Hyperledger OU: North Carolina ST: "" intermediate: parentServer: caName: "" url: "" name: ca registry: identities: - affiliation: "" attrs: hf.AffiliationMgr: true hf.GenCRL: true hf.IntermediateCA: true hf.Registrar.Attributes: '*' hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: '*' hf.Registrar.Roles: '*' hf.Revoker: true name: enroll pass: enrollpw type: client max_enrollments: -1 signing: null subject: C: ES L: Alicante O: Kung Fu Software OU: Tech ST: Alicante cn: ca tlsCa: null clrSizeLimit: 512000 cors: enabled: false origins: [] db: datasource: fabric-ca-server.db type: sqlite3 debug: false env: null hosts: - localhost - org1-ca - org1-ca.fabric - image: hyperledger/fabric-ca imagePullSecrets: null istio: metrics: provider: prometheus statsd: address: network: udp prefix: server writeInterval: 10s resources: limits: cpu: 300m memory: 256Mi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 128Mi rootCA: subject: C: California L: "" O: Hyperledger OU: Fabric ST: "" cn: ca service: type: ClusterIP serviceMonitor: null storage: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi storageClass: default tlsCA: affiliations: null bccsp: default: SW sw: hash: SHA2 security: "256" ca: null cfg: affiliations: allowRemove: true identities: allowRemove: true crl: expiry: 24h csr: ca: expiry: 131400h pathLength: 0 cn: tlsca hosts: - localhost - names: - C: US L: "" O: Hyperledger OU: North Carolina ST: "" intermediate: parentServer: caName: "" url: "" name: tlsca registry: identities: - affiliation: "" attrs: hf.AffiliationMgr: true hf.GenCRL: true hf.IntermediateCA: true hf.Registrar.Attributes: '*' hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: '*' hf.Registrar.Roles: '*' hf.Revoker: true name: enroll pass: enrollpw type: client max_enrollments: -1 signing: null subject: C: ES L: Alicante O: Kung Fu Software OU: Tech ST: Alicante cn: tlsca tlsCa: null tolerations: null version: 1.4.9 here is the command I'm passing to the operator to enroll the peer identity and create the MSP kubectl hlf ca register --name=org1-ca --user=peer --secret=peerpw --type=peer --enroll-id=enroll --enroll-secret=enrollpw --mspid=Org1MSP --namespace=fabric Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Please check if you are able to do telnet over ca host. Looks like you are using some different host. I don't see your host in the CA Custom Resource. Please verify the configuration once.
Hyperledger fabric facing difficult setting up intermediate CA
I am trying to create intermediate CA for my project, I have one root CA and one intermediate CA with Intermediate CA config file as shown below. I am facing issue to create keypairs/MSP and tls cert for intermediate CA & unable to pass the config file to intermediate CA. Steps I followed Running the Root CA container with bootstrapping admin. Enrol the admin which generate the MSP for CA admin for org1 fabric-ca-client enroll -u https://admin:adminpw#localhost:7054 --caname ca-org1 --tls.certfiles ${PWD}/organizations/fabric-ca/org1/tls-cert.pem Register the Intermediate CA to root CA using below command fabric-ca-client register --caname ca-org1 ica --id.attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=user,peer",hf.Revoker=true,hf.IntermediateCA=true' --id.secret icapw --tls.certfiles ${PWD}/organizations/fabric-ca/org1/tls-cert.pem Run the Intermediate CA container as shown below with using the below config file. Enrol the Intermediate CA fabric-ca-client enroll -u https://icaadmin:icaadminpw#localhost:6054 --caname ica-org1 --tls.certfiles ${PWD}/organizations/fabric-ca/icaOrg1/tls-cert.pem Root CA version: "2" networks: test: services: ca_org1: image: hyperledger/fabric-ca:$IMAGE_TAG environment: - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_NAME=ca-org1 - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_ENABLED=true - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_PORT=7054 ports: - "7054:7054" command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -d' volumes: - ../organizations/fabric-ca/org1:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server container_name: ca_org1 networks: - test Intermidate CA version: "2" networks: test: services: ica-org1: image: hyperledger/fabric-ca environment: - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_NAME=ica-org1 - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_ENABLED=true - FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC=debug - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_PORT=6054 ports: - "6054:6054" command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b icaadmin:icaadminpw -u -d http://ica:icapw#ca-org1:7054' volumes: - ../organizations/fabric-ca/icaOrg1:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server container_name: ica-org1 networks: - test ICA Fabric Config file # Version of config file version: 1.2.0 # Server's listening port (default: 7054) port: 7054 # Enables debug logging (default: false) debug: false # Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default: 512000) crlsizelimit: 512000 tls: # Enable TLS (default: false) enabled: true # TLS for the server's listening port certfile: keyfile: clientauth: type: noclientcert certfiles: ca: # Name of this CA name: # Key file (is only used to import a private key into BCCSP) keyfile: # Certificate file (default: ca-cert.pem) certfile: # Chain file chainfile: crl: # Specifies expiration for the generated CRL. The number of hours # specified by this property is added to the UTC time, the resulting time # is used to set the 'Next Update' date of the CRL. expiry: 24h registry: # Maximum number of times a password/secret can be reused for enrollment # (default: -1, which means there is no limit) maxenrollments: -1 # Contains identity information which is used when LDAP is disabled identities: - name: icaadmin pass: icaadminpw type: client affiliation: "" attrs: hf.Registrar.Roles: "client,peer,user,member" hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "client,peer,user,member" hf.Revoker: true hf.IntermediateCA: true hf.GenCRL: true hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*" hf.AffiliationMgr: true db: type: sqlite3 datasource: fabric-ca-server.db tls: enabled: false certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile: ldap: # Enables or disables the LDAP client (default: false) # If this is set to true, the "registry" section is ignored. enabled: false # The URL of the LDAP server url: ldap://<adminDN>:<adminPassword>#<host>:<port>/<base> # TLS configuration for the client connection to the LDAP server tls: certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile: # Attribute related configuration for mapping from LDAP entries to Fabric CA attributes attribute: names: ["uid", "member"] converters: - name: value: maps: groups: - name: value: affiliations: org1: - department1 - department2 signing: default: usage: - digital signature expiry: 8760h profiles: ca: usage: - cert sign - crl sign expiry: 43800h caconstraint: isca: true maxpathlen: 0 tls: usage: - signing - key encipherment - server auth - client auth - key agreement expiry: 8760h csr: cn: names: - C: US ST: "North Carolina" L: "Durham" O: OU: hosts: - localhost - ca: expiry: 131400h pathlength: 1 ############################################################################# # BCCSP (BlockChain Crypto Service Provider) section is used to select which # crypto library implementation to use ############################################################################# bccsp: default: SW sw: hash: SHA2 security: 256 filekeystore: # The directory used for the software file-based keystore keystore: msp/keystore cacount: cafiles: intermediate: parentserver: url: https://ca-org1:7054 caname: enrollment: hosts: localhost profile: label: tls: certfiles: client: certfile: keyfile:
Since you configured your CAs as TLS enabled, root TLS certificate must be used by intermediate CA. Check your intermediate CA file's corresponding section. The certfiles attribute's value /tmp/root-ca-cert.pem is the same file of root CA's file: /tmp/hyperledger/fabric-ca/crypto/ca-cert.pem intermediate: parentserver: url: caname: enrollment: hosts: - profile: ca label: tls: certfiles: - /tmp/root-ca-cert.pem client: certfile: keyfile:
How to use getAttributeValue() in ClientIdentity for fabric shim?
I am using nodejs sdk for hyperledger fabric, inside my chaincode i need to get name of the identity (sam) who is execting the transaction. {"name":"sam","mspid":"Org1MSP","roles":null,"affiliation":"","enrollmentSecret":"","enrollment":{"signingIdentity":"5aad871581d63447218743ee79289c0c6f531a032d3cf1f0be32083e8c0cbaea","identity":{"certificate":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nRRc9JjnWFvaFaqIJTyNaE7/HFXTXKr+HIkig/UEZpQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"}}} I have used the below code async approve(ctx) { try { const owId = new clientIdentity(ctx.stub).getAttributeValue('name') return owId.toString(); } catch(error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`Low on amount`); } } but the above code is not returning the name or any other attributes. Help will be appreciated!!!
The attributes you retrieve with getAttributeValue() in the Smart Contract are created as follows with the command line: fabric-ca-client register clare --id.secret hursley1 --id.maxenrollments -1 --id.attrs 'department=Finance:ecert,location=Berkshire:ecert' So I'm creating 2 attributes for department and location. Note the :ecert on the end which means that I want the attributres written to the certificate, not just stored in the CA database. Note also that the attributes aren't added to existing certificates, but only "appear" when you have enrolled or renrolled. Using the node SDK this is a snippet of code that would add the department attribute when registering an Identity: //create user attr array let registerAttrs = []; let registerAttribute = { name: "department", value: "Finance", ecert: true }; registerAttrs.push(registerAttribute); // at this point we should have the admin user // first need to register the user with the CA server return fabric_ca_client.register( { enrollmentID: username, affiliation: "org1", role: "client", attrs: registerAttrs }, admin_user ); In your smart contract you can then access the attribute: ctx.clientIdentity.getAttributeValue('department'); Note that with the fabric-contract-api the clientIdentity object is already populated so you don't need a new clientIdentity object.
You have no attribute named "name". If you analyze your X.509 certificate... openssl x509 -text -noout -in yourcert.pem get... Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 42:ad:2d:3c:b3:c5:b0:bb:a3:0a:c4:5c:95:97:3d:3c:e9:80:87:a1 Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O =, CN = Validity Not Before: Nov 19 05:48:00 2019 GMT Not After : Nov 18 05:53:00 2020 GMT Subject: OU = client + OU = org1 + OU = department1, CN = sam Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey Public-Key: (256 bit) pub: 04:66:ed:c8:6b:02:f5:03:41:94:ed:19:e6:cb:a6: 0f:31:1a:61:1e:26:f0:62:69:5d:6d:9f:f1:09:6f: 8e:de:fd:23:30:96:0e:31:b0:15:e3:c0:20:e7:e7: 52:88:f3:68:36:eb:d1:51:e0:a6:75:8e:b5:42:0a: 52:a4:d5:3c:eb ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: critical Digital Signature X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA:FALSE X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 24:7B:F2:24:C1:6C:14:82:62:3C:5A:8E:13:8C:C9:8A:D6:0C:EF:22 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:75:83:FB:11:E6:27:B9:7C:D2:72:D8:5B:AE:F0:E3:E0:5F:B7:26:B9:A1:E0:DF:0F:D7:78:29:77:E7:AA:7D:CD {"attrs":{"hf.Affiliation":"org1.department1","hf.EnrollmentID":"sam","hf.Type":"client"}} Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:97:08:04:37:32:80:8e:99:eb:bb:9e:a3:8e: 9b:dd:69:c9:09:9a:fe:0f:51:f3:85:a5:8d:a7:a2:e3:ff:ee: e8:02:20:3a:45:17:3d:26:39:d6:16:f6:85:6a:a2:09:4f:23: 5a:13:bf:c7:15:74:d7:2a:bf:87:22:48:a0:fd:41:19:a5 Your attribute keys are: hf.Affiliation hf.EnrollmentID hf.Type There is no "name" attribute. You are probably looking for "hf.EnrollmentID". EDIT: You yourself indicated your certificate in your question, in enrollment.identity.certificate field. I have only saved... -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICizCCAjGgAwIBAgIUQq0tPLPFsLujCsRclZc9POmAh6EwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw czELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDVNh biBGcmFuY2lzY28xGTAXBgNVBAoTEG9yZzEuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20xHDAaBgNVBAMT E2NhLm9yZzEuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20wHhcNMTkxMTE5MDU0ODAwWhcNMjAxMTE4MDU1 MzAwWjBAMTAwDQYDVQQLEwZjbGllbnQwCwYDVQQLEwRvcmcxMBIGA1UECxMLZGVw YXJ0bWVudDExDDAKBgNVBAMTA3NhbTBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IA BGbtyGsC9QNBlO0Z5sumDzEaYR4m8GJpXW2f8Qlvjt79IzCWDjGwFePAIOfnUojz aDbr0VHgpnWOtUIKUqTVPOujgdUwgdIwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwGA1UdEwEB /wQCMAAwHQYDVR0OBBYEFCR78iTBbBSCYjxajhOMyYrWDO8iMCsGA1UdIwQkMCKA IHWD+xHmJ7l80nLYW67w4+Bftya5oeDfD9d4KXfnqn3NMGYGCCoDBAUGBwgBBFp7 ImF0dHJzIjp7ImhmLkFmZmlsaWF0aW9uIjoib3JnMS5kZXBhcnRtZW50MSIsImhm LkVucm9sbG1lbnRJRCI6InNhbSIsImhmLlR5cGUiOiJjbGllbnQifX0wCgYIKoZI zj0EAwIDSAAwRQIhAJcIBDcygI6Z67ueo46b3WnJCZr+D1HzhaWNp6Lj/+7oAiA6 RRc9JjnWFvaFaqIJTyNaE7/HFXTXKr+HIkig/UEZpQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- yourcert.pem to check it via openssl.
Error - "Too many intermediates for path length constraint" when register new identity
In hyperledger fabric-ca, I create chain of CAs like: Root CA - Intermediate CA 1 - Intermediate CA 2 - Intermediate CA 3 With these CAs, in "signing" part of fabric-ca-config.yaml file I set "maxpathlen:5", and in "csr" part I set "pathlength:5" It's mean my chain is valid for at least 4 Intermediate CA and I can register new identity in Intermediate CA 3. In fact, I can enroll admin of Intermediate CA 3, however, when I register new identity, I have this error: /register 401 26 "Untrusted certificate: Failed to verify certificate: x509: too many intermediates for path length constraint" What wrong I have done, and how to config this value My config file # Version of config file version: 1.1.0 # Server's listening port (default: 7054) port: 7054 # Enables debug logging (default: false) debug: false # Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default: 512000) crlsizelimit: 512000 tls: # Enable TLS (default: false) enabled: false # TLS for the server's listening port certfile: keyfile: clientauth: type: noclientcert certfiles: ca: # Name of this CA name: # Key file (is only used to import a private key into BCCSP) keyfile: # Certificate file (default: ca-cert.pem) certfile: # Chain file chainfile: crl: # Specifies expiration for the generated CRL. The number of hours # specified by this property is added to the UTC time, the resulting time # is used to set the 'Next Update' date of the CRL. expiry: 24h registry: # Maximum number of times a password/secret can be reused for enrollment # (default: -1, which means there is no limit) maxenrollments: -1 # Contains identity information which is used when LDAP is disabled identities: - name: Admin pass: adminpw type: client affiliation: attrs: hf.Registrar.Roles: "*" hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "*" hf.Revoker: true hf.IntermediateCA: true hf.GenCRL: true hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*" hf.AffiliationMgr: true affiliations: org1: - department1 - department2 org2: - department1 signing: default: usage: - digital signature expiry: 8760h profiles: ca: usage: - cert sign - crl sign expiry: 43800h caconstraint: isca: true maxpathlen: 5 tls: usage: - signing - key encipherment - server auth - client auth - key agreement expiry: 8760h csr: cn: fabric-ca-server names: - C: US ST: "California" L: O: Hyperledger OU: Fabric hosts: - ca - localhost ca: expiry: 131400h pathlength: 5
I found the root cause is simple because when initialize network, I don't create cert/key by myself and config it so that Fabric-CA use itself key/cert which config default set maxpathlen=1. If I create cert/key by myself and in cert config pathlength > 3 then my network will be ok.
Different certificate chain order when using Node's HTTPS/TLS vs. OpenSSL s_client
I'm trying to parse the certificate chain using Node's HTTPS request. I'm testing it on (not When I test it on OpenSSL, it shows me that the chain is in the incorrect order. openssl s_client -connect -showcerts OpenSSL Response First Certificate subject: /OU=GT40876434/OU=See (c)14/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/CN=* issuer: /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 Next Certificate -> subject: /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA issuer: /C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority Next Certificate -> subject: /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 issuer: /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA However, when I go to step through the certificate chain using my Node's HTTPS request, when the socket is emitted and I do socket.getPeerCertificate(true) the chain is in the correct order and I'm getting one different certificate on the Node request than I am on the openssl request. Node's Response First Certificate: subject { OU: [ 'GT40876434', 'See (c)14', 'Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)' ], CN: '*' } issuer { C: 'US', O: 'GeoTrust Inc.', CN: 'RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3' } Next Certificate -> subject { C: 'US', O: 'GeoTrust Inc.', CN: 'RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3' } issuer { C: 'US', O: 'GeoTrust Inc.', CN: 'GeoTrust Global CA' } Next Certificate -> subject { C: 'US', O: 'GeoTrust Inc.', CN: 'GeoTrust Global CA' } issuer { C: 'US', O: 'GeoTrust Inc.', CN: 'GeoTrust Global CA' } Why is this happening?
It looks like node is reordering the certificates for returning in getPeerCertificates so that they reflect the correct order in the trust chain (*). But in reality the certificates are in the wrong order, as can be seen by openssl s_client and also in the analysis of SSLLabs: Chain issues Incorrect order (*) the relevant code in node-4.5.0 (LTS) is in src/ function void SSLWrap<Base>::GetPeerCertificate. There it retrieves the leaf certificate and the original peer certificates from the openssl library using SSL_get_peer_certificate (leaf certificate) and SSL_get_peer_cert_chain (chain). It then does not return the certificates in the original chain order but scans through the chain and adds the certificates in the order how they are depend on each other by checking with X509_check_issued. This way it returns the certificates in proper dependency order instead of the original order as send by the peer. It also automatically skips any certificates which don't belong in the chain. It will also add the issuer of the certificate even if it is not contained it the chain (which it usually isn't). This way you not only get a different order of certificates as seen in your example but actually different certificates. The server sends the following certificates in this order: [A] /OU=GT40876434/OU=See (c)14/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/CN=* [B] /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA, issued by Equifax [C] /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 But getPeerCertificate returns the following: [A] /OU=GT40876434/OU=See (c)14/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/CN=* [C] /C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3 [R] CA/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=GeoTrust Global CA, self-signed Thus certificate [B] will not be included but instead certificate [R] which is the root certificate contained in the trust store. Both have the same subject and key, but are signed by different entities. [B] is signed by Equifax while [R] is self-signed.