Difference between autograd.grad and autograd.backward? - pytorch

Suppose I have my custom loss function and I want to fit the solution of some differential equation with help of my neural network. So in each forward pass, I am calculating the output of my neural net and then calculating the loss by taking the MSE with the expected equation to which I want to fit my perceptron.
Now my doubt is: should I use grad(loss) or should I do loss.backward() for backpropagation to calculate and update my gradients?
I understand that while using loss.backward() I have to wrap my tensors with Variable and have to set the requires_grad = True for the variables w.r.t which I want to take the gradient of my loss.
So my questions are :
Does grad(loss) also requires any such explicit parameter to identify the variables for gradient computation?
How does it actually compute the gradients?
Which approach is better?
what is the main difference between the two in a practical scenario.
It would be better if you could explain the practical implications of both approaches because whenever I try to find it online I am just bombarded with a lot of stuff that isn't much relevant to my project.

TLDR; Both are two different interfaces to perform gradient computation: torch.autograd.grad is non-mutable while torch.autograd.backward is.
The torch.autograd module is the automatic differentiation package for PyTorch. As described in the documentation it only requires minimal change to code base in order to be used:
you only need to declare Tensors for which gradients should be computed with the requires_grad=True keyword.
The two main functions torch.autograd provides for gradient computation are torch.autograd.backward and torch.autograd.grad:
torch.autograd.backward (source)
torch.autograd.grad (source)
Computes the sum of gradients of given tensors with respect to graph leaves.
Computes and returns the sum of gradients of outputs with respect to the inputs.
torch.autograd.backward( tensors, grad_tensors=None, retain_graph=None, create_graph=False, grad_variables=None, inputs=None)
torch.autograd.grad( outputs, inputs, grad_outputs=None, retain_graph=None, create_graph=False, only_inputs=True, allow_unused=False)
- tensors – Tensors of which the derivative will be computed.- grad_tensors – The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product, usually gradients w.r.t. each element of corresponding tensors.- retain_graph – If False, the graph used to compute the grad will be freed. [...] - inputs – Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient be will be accumulated into .grad. All other Tensors will be ignored. If not provided, the gradient is accumulated into all the leaf Tensors that were used [...].
- outputs – outputs of the differentiated function.- inputs – Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient will be returned (and not accumulated into .grad).- grad_tensors – The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product, usually gradients w.r.t. each element of corresponding tensors.- retain_graph – If False, the graph used to compute the grad will be freed. [...].
Usage examples
In terms of high-level usage, you can look at torch.autograd.grad as a non-mutable function. As mentioned in the documentation table above, it will not accumulate the gradients on the grad attribute but instead return the computed partial derivatives. In contrast torch.autograd.backward will be able to mutate the tensors by updating the grad attribute of leaf nodes, the function won't return any value. In other words, the latter is more suitable when computing gradients for a large number of parameters.
In the following, we will take two inputs (x1 and, x2), calculate a tensor y with them, and then compute the partial derivatives of the result w.r.t both inputs, i.e. dL/dx1 and dL/dx2:
>>> x1 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
>>> x2 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True)
>>> x1, x2
(tensor(0.3939, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward>),
tensor(0.7965, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward>))
>>> y = x1**2 + 5*x2
>>> y
tensor(4.1377, grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
Since y was computed using tensor(s) requiring gradients (i.e. with requires_grad=True) - *outside of a torch.no_grad context. It will have a grad_fn function attached. This callback is used to backpropagate onto the computation graph to compute the gradients of preceding tensor nodes.
Here we provide torch.ones_like(y) as the grad_outputs.
>>> torch.autograd.grad(y, (x1, x2), torch.ones_like(y))
(tensor(0.7879), tensor(5.))
The above output is a tuple containing the two partial derivatives w.r.t. to the provided inputs respectively in order of appearance, i.e. dL/dx1 and dL/dx2.
This corresponds to the following computation:
# dL/dx1 = dL/dy * dy/dx1 = grad_outputs # 2*x1
# dL/dx2 = dL/dy * dy/dx2 = grad_outputs # 5
torch.autograd.backward: in contrast it will mutate the provided tensors by updating the grad of the tensors which have been used to compute the output tensor and that require gradients. It is equivalent to the torch.Tensor.backward API. Here, we go through the same example by defining x1, x2, and y again. We call backward:
>>> # y.backward(torch.ones_like(y))
>>> torch.autograd.backward(y, torch.ones_like(y))
Then you can retrieve the gradients on x1.grad and x2.grad:
>>> x1.grad, x2.grad
(tensor(0.7879), tensor(5.))
In conclusion: both perform the same operation. They are two different interfaces to interact with the autograd library and perform gradient computations. The latter, torch.autograd.backward (equivalent to torch.Tensor.backward), is generally used in neural networks training loops to compute the partial derivative of the loss w.r.t each one of the model's parameters.
You can read more about how torch.autograd.grad works by reading through this other answer I made on: Meaning of grad_outputs in PyTorch's torch.autograd.grad.

In addition to Ivan's answer, having torch.autograd.grad not accumulating gradients into .grad can avoid racing conditions in multi-thread scenarios.
Quoting PyTorch doc https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/autograd.html#non-determinism
If you are calling backward() on multiple thread concurrently but with shared inputs (i.e. Hogwild CPU training). Since parameters are automatically shared across threads, gradient accumulation might become non-deterministic on backward calls across threads, because two backward calls might access and try to accumulate the same .grad attribute. This is technically not safe, and it might result in racing condition and the result might be invalid to use.
But this is expected pattern if you are using the multithreading approach to drive the whole training process but using shared parameters, user who use multithreading should have the threading model in mind and should expect this to happen. User could use the functional API torch.autograd.grad() to calculate the gradients instead of backward() to avoid non-determinism.
implementation details https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/7e3a694b23b383e38f5e39ef960ba8f374d22404/torch/csrc/autograd/functions/accumulate_grad.h


Get exact formula used by Pytorch autograd to compute gradients

I am implementing a custom CNN with some custom modules in it. I have implemented only the forward pass for the custom modules and left their backward pass to autograd.
I have manually computed the correct formulae for backpropagation through the parameters of the custom modules, and I wished to see whether they match with the formulae used internally by autograd to compute the gradients.
Is there any way to see this?
Edit (To add a test case) :-
I have a complex affine layer where the weights and inputs are complex-valued matrices, and the operation is a matrix multiplication of the weight and input matrices.
The multiplication of two complex numbers is given by -
(a+ib)(c+id) = (ac-bd)+i(ad+bc)
I computed the backpropagation formula for this layer given we have the incoming gradient from the higher layer.
It comes out to be dL/dI(n) = (hermitian(W(n))).matmul(dL/dI(n+1))
where I(n) and W(n) are the input and weight of nth layer and I(n+1) is input of (n+1)th layer.
So I wished to check whether autograd is also computing dL/dI(n) using the same formula that I derived.
(Since Pytorch doesn't support complex-valued tensors backpropagation as for now, I have created my own representation of complex numbers by dealing with separate real and imaginary tensors)
I don't believe there is such a feature in pytorch, even because it would be quite unreadable. What you can do is to implement a custom backward method for your layer with the formula you derived, then know by design that the backpropagation is what you want.

GradientTape losing track of variable

I have a script that performs a Gatys-like neural style transfer. It uses style loss, and a total variation loss. I'm using the GradientTape() to compute my gradients. The losses that I have implemented seem to work fine, but a new loss that I added isn't being properly accounted for by the GradientTape(). I'm using TensorFlow with eager execution enabled.
I suspect it has something to do with how I compute the loss based on the input variable. The input is a 4D tensor (batch, h, w, channels). At the most basic level, the input is a floating point image, and in order to compute this new loss I need to convert it to a binary image to compute the ratio of one pixel color to another. I don't want to actually go and change the image like that during every iteration, so I just make a copy of the tensor(in numpy form) and operate on that to compute the loss. I do not understand the limitations of the GradientTape, but I believe it is "losing the thread" of how the input variable is used to get to the loss when it's converted to a numpy array.
Could I make a copy of the image tensor and perform binarizing operations & loss computation using that? Or am I asking tensorflow to do something that it just can not do?
My new loss function:
def compute_loss(self, **kwargs):
loss = 0
image = self.model.deprocess_image(kwargs['image'].numpy())
binarized_image = self.image_decoder.binarize_image(image)
volume_fraction = self.compute_volume_fraction(binarized_image)
loss = np.abs(self.volume_fraction_target - volume_fraction)
return loss
My implementation using the GradientTape:
def compute_grads_and_losses(self, style_transfer_state):
Computes gradients with respect to input image
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = self.loss_evaluator.compute_total_loss(style_transfer_state)
total_loss = loss['total_loss']
return tape.gradient(total_loss, style_transfer_state['image']), loss
An example that I believe might illustrate my confusion. The strangest thing is that my code doesn't have any problem running; it just doesn't seem to minimize the new loss term whatsoever. But this example won't even run due to an attribute error: AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute '_id'.
import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
import tensorflow as tf
def compute_square_of_value(x):
a = turn_to_numpy(x['x'])
return a**2
def turn_to_numpy(arg):
return arg.numpy() #just return arg to eliminate the error
x = tfe.Variable(3.0, dtype=tf.float32)
data_dict = {'x': x}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y = compute_square_of_value(data_dict)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x) # Will compute to 6.0
From my current understanding the issue arises that my use of the .numpy() operation is what makes the Gradient Tape lose track of the variable to compute the gradient from. My original reason for doing this is because my loss operation requires me to physically change values of the tensor, and I don't want to actually change the values used for the tensor that is being optimized. Hence the use of the numpy() copy to work on in order to compute the loss properly. Is there any way around this? Or is shall I consider my loss calculation to be impossible to implement because of this constraint of having to perform essentially non-reversible operations on the input tensor?
The first issue here is that GradientTape only traces operations on tf.Tensor objects. When you call tensor.numpy() the operations executed there fall outside the tape.
The second issue is that your first example never calls tape.watche on the image you want to differentiate with respect to.

Will tensor.backward computes all the gradient in graph?

I read these codes on github:
# loss1, loss2 belong to the same net
loss1 = ...
loss2 = ...
which is not a mentioned BP method on pytorch official website, and official documentation mention Computes the gradient of current tensor w.r.t. graph leaves. for tensor.backward.
So, other gradients expect the two loss tensors are not computed? And no tensors are updated?
loss.backwards() computes the gradients for all variables in the graph w.r.t the loss function. The parameters are being updated according to the accumulated gradients in optim.step(). In your code, you back propagate twice (one for each loss), the gradients are being accumulated, and only after accumulating both gradients, parameters are being updated by the optimizer.

Minimization and maximization at the same time in PyTorch

I would like to know how to take gradient steps for the following mathematical operation in PyTorch (A, B and C are PyTorch modules whose parameters do not overlap)
This is somewhat different than the cost function of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), so I cannot use examples for GANs off the shelf, and I got stuck while trying to adapt them for the above cost.
One approach I thought of is to construct two optimizers. Optimizer opt1 has the parameters for the modules A and B, and optimizer opt2 has the parameters of module C. One can then:
take a step for minimizing the cost function for C
run the network again with the same input to get the costs (and intermediate outputs) again
take a step with respect to A and B.
I am sure they must be a better way to do this with PyTorch (maybe using some detach operations), possibly without running the network again. Any help is appreciated.
Yes it is possible without going through the network two times, which is both wasting resources and wrong mathematically, since the weights have changed and so the lost, so you are introducing a delay doing this, which may be interesting but not what you are trying to achieve.
First, create two optimizers just as you said. Compute the loss, and then call backward. At this point, the gradient for the parameters A,B,C have been filled, so now you can just have to call the step method for the optimizer minimizing the loss, but not for the one maximizing it. For the later, you need to reverse the sign of the gradient of the leaf parameter tensor C.
def d(y, x):
return torch.pow(y.abs(), x + 1)
A = torch.nn.Linear(1,2)
B = torch.nn.Linear(2,3)
C = torch.nn.Linear(2,3)
optimizer1 = torch.optim.Adam((*A.parameters(), *B.parameters()))
optimizer2 = torch.optim.Adam(C.parameters())
x = torch.rand((10, 1))
loss = (d(B(A(x)), x) - d(C(A(x)), x)).sum()
for p in C.parameters():
if p.grad is not None: # In general, C is a NN, with requires_grad=False for some layers
p.grad.data.mul_(-1) # Update of grad.data not tracked in computation graph
NB: I have not checked mathematically if the result is correct but I assume it is.

How can I pool gradients in Theano?

I'm using Theano for the first time to build a large statistical model. I'm performing a kind of stochastic gradient descent, but for each sample in the minibatch I need to perform a sampling procedure to compute the gradient. Is there a way in Theano to pool the gradients while I perform the sampling procedure for each datapoint in a minibatch, and only afterward perform the gradient update?
I don't understand what you mean by "pool".
When you compute the gradient of your cost wrt some variables, the cost has to be a scalar. So, when using minibatches, you have to combine the individual costs for the examples in the minibatch. That can be done by a sum, a mean, a weighted sum... And then that cost is backpropagated.
The gradient of that cost wrt parameters will correspond (mathematically) to the sum/mean/weigted sum of the individual gradients (on each of the examples), but that is not the way it is computed.
The gradient of that cost wrt intermediate variables that are function of the inputs (hidden representations, etc.) will have the same format as the original minibatch, with the gradient wrt each of the minibatches in a different row.
So, maybe what you want is expressing your final cost as a result of your sampling procedure, and then backpropagate the gradient of that cost.
Or maybe you do not want to backpropagate the gradient of the true cost all the way, and backpropagate something that depends on the gradient instead.
In that case, you can do something like:
# minibatch of inputs
inputs = tt.matrix()
interm_result = f(input)
cost = g(interm_result).sum()
grad_wrt_interm_result = th.grad(cost, interm_result)
sampled_grad = sampling_procedure(grad_wrt_interm_result)
grad_wrt_params = th.grad(cost, params,
known_grads={inter_result: sampled_grad})
That way, you can perform some of the backpropagation to interm_result, then change the gradient wrt inter_result to sampled_grad, and then finish the backpropagation towards the parameters.
