Puppeteer select element from innertext [duplicate] - node.js

Is there any method (didn't find in API) or solution to click on element with text?
For example I have html:
<div class="elements">
<button>Button text</button>
<a href=#>Href text</a>
<div>Div text</div>
And I want to click on element in which text is wrapped (click on button inside .elements), like:
Page.click('Button text', '.elements')

Short answer
This XPath expression will query a button which contains the text "Button text":
const [button] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Button text')]");
if (button) {
await button.click();
To also respect the <div class="elements"> surrounding the buttons, use the following code:
const [button] = await page.$x("//div[#class='elements']/button[contains(., 'Button text')]");
To explain why using the text node (text()) is wrong in some cases, let's look at an example:
<button>Start End</button>
<button>Start <em>Middle</em> End</button>
First, let's check the results when using contains(text(), 'Text'):
//button[contains(text(), 'Start')] will return both two nodes (as expected)
//button[contains(text(), 'End')] will only return one nodes (the first) as text() returns a list with two texts (Start and End), but contains will only check the first one
//button[contains(text(), 'Middle')] will return no results as text() does not include the text of child nodes
Here are the XPath expressions for contains(., 'Text'), which works on the element itself including its child nodes:
//button[contains(., 'Start')] will return both two buttons
//button[contains(., 'End')] will again return both two buttons
//button[contains(., 'Middle')] will return one (the last button)
So in most cases, it makes more sense to use the . instead of text() in an XPath expression.

You may use a XPath selector with page.$x(expression):
const linkHandlers = await page.$x("//a[contains(text(), 'Some text')]");
if (linkHandlers.length > 0) {
await linkHandlers[0].click();
} else {
throw new Error("Link not found");
Check out clickByText in this gist for a complete example. It takes care of escaping quotes, which is a bit tricky with XPath expressions.

You can also use page.evaluate() to click elements obtained from document.querySelectorAll() that have been filtered by text content:
await page.evaluate(() => {
[...document.querySelectorAll('.elements button')].find(element => element.textContent === 'Button text').click();
Alternatively, you can use page.evaluate() to click an element based on its text content using document.evaluate() and a corresponding XPath expression:
await page.evaluate(() => {
const xpath = '//*[#class="elements"]//button[contains(text(), "Button text")]';
const result = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);

made quick solution to be able to use advanced css selectors like ":contains(text)"
so using this library you can just
const select = require ('puppeteer-select');
const element = await select(page).getElement('button:contains(Button text)');
await element.click()

The solution is
(await page.$$eval(selector, a => a
.filter(a => a.textContent === 'target text')

Here is my solution:
let selector = 'a';
await page.$$eval(selector, anchors => {
anchors.map(anchor => {
if(anchor.textContent == 'target text') {

There is no supported css selector syntax for text selector or a combinator option, my work around for this would be:
await page.$$eval('selector', selectorMatched => {
for(i in selectorMatched)
if(selectorMatched[i].textContent === 'text string'){
break;//Remove this line (break statement) if you want to click on all matched elements otherwise the first element only is clicked

Since OP's use case appears to be an exact match on the target string "Button text", <button>Button text</button>, text() seems like the correct method rather than the less-precise contains().
Although Thomas makes a good argument for contains when there are sub-elements, avoiding false negatives, using text() avoids a false positive when the button is, say, <button>Button text and more stuff</button>, which seems just as likely a scenario. It's useful to have both tools on hand so you can pick the more appropriate one on a case-by-case basis.
const xp = '//*[#class="elements"]//button[text()="Button text"]';
const [el] = await page.$x(xp);
await el?.click();
Note that many other answers missed the .elements parent class requirement.
Another XPath function is [normalize-space()="Button text"] which "strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space" and may be useful for certain cases.
Also, it's often handy to use waitForXPath which waits for, then returns, the element matching the XPath or throws if it's not found within the specified timeout:
const xp = '//*[#class="elements"]//button[text()="Button text"]';
const el = await page.waitForXPath(xp);
await el.click();

With puppeteer 12.0.1, the following works for me:
await page.click("input[value='Opt1']"); //where value is an attribute of the element input
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
await page.click("li[value='Nested choice 1']"); //where value is an attribute of the element li after clicking the previous option
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);

I had to:
await this.page.$eval(this.menuSelector, elem => elem.click());

You can just use the query selector.
await page.evaluate(() => {
Edits ----
You can give your button a className and use that to select the button element since you know exactly what you're trying to click:
await page.evaluate(() => {


Parse returned element with nodeJS and Selenium

For the first time I'm trying Selenium and nodeJS. I need to parse HTML page and I'm having problem to parse returned element with XPATH again, to perform deeper search. Here is my code:
async function parse () {
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser("firefox").build();
await driver.get("https://web-url.com");
await sleep(2000); //custom function
let elements = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//ul[contains(#class, 'some-class')]//li"));
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let timeContainer = await elements[i].findElement(By.xpath("//time[contains(#class, 'time-class')]")).getAttribute("datetime");
let innerHTML = await elements[i].getAttribute("innerHTML");
await sleep(2000); //custom function
innerHTML variable returns correct HTML string for each element, but if I try to print timeContainer var, it prints same value for all elements. How to perform additional XPATH search for each element?
Thank you.
You need to make the XPath in this line elements[i].findElement(By.xpath("//time[contains(#class, 'time-class')]")) relative.
This is done by putting a dot . before the rest of XPath expression, as following:
elements[i].findElement(By.xpath(".//time[contains(#class, 'time-class')]"))
By default, when the page is scanned to find the match to the passed XPath expression it starts from the top of the page. This is why this line returns you the first (the same) match each time.
But when we put a dot . there, it starts searching inside the current node i.e. inside the elements[i] element.

Playwright: how to know which selector fired when waiting for multiple?

Imagine waiting for multiple selectors like this:
const element = await page.waitForSelector("div#test div#test2 div#test3 button, div#zest div#zest2 div#zest3 button")
How do I tell whether the first selector matched, or the second one? Do I need to $ twice and then compare the element?
You are using , separator which is the "multiple" operator.
To see which element you have, check the id of the parent.
const element = await page.waitForSelector("div#test div#test2 div#test3 button, div#zest div#zest2 div#zest3 button")
const parent = await element.$('xpath=..')
if (parent) {
const id = await parent.getAttribute('id')
console.log('id', id)
expect(id).to.eq('test3') // passes in test3 is present
// or if test3 is not present
expect(id).to.eq('zest3') // zest3 passes if test3 is not present
You can separate the selectors using a comma, which acts as an OR condition, and then extract the innerText of those elements. And then on the basis of the inner text, determine which selector was available.
const elementText = await page
'div#test div#test2 div#test3 button,div#zest div#zest2 div#zest3 button'
if (elementText == 'some text') {
//Do something
In case you have an attribute-value pair that is unique to both, you can do like this:
const elementText = await page
'div#test div#test2 div#test3 button,div#zest div#zest2 div#zest3 button'
if (elementText == 'zest') {
//Do something

CSS Selectors - Puppeteer - Node.js - how to get classes of element

I'm using puppeteer to download a report from a website.
There is a sidebar that has categories that open up a sub navbar.
I need to check if that category is open or not, I can do this by checking if the category has the class expanded.
Meaning the button to open the menu has the selector:
body > div.main-sidebar > ul.navbar > li:nth-child(5) > h3
I need to check if that element has the class .expanded
When I try
let selector = page.$(selector2)
let c = await selector.getProperty("expanded")
I get the error that selector.getProperty is not a function
How can I check the classes of this element (or a better way to check if the sub navbar is open)?
If you want to use element handle API, the way is a bit more complicated (and do not forget await before the page.$()):
const element = await page.$(selector2)
const className = await (await selector.getProperty("className")).jsonValue()
const isOpen = className.split(' ').includes('expanded')
So maybe it is simpler to just use a common web API inside page.evaluate():
const isOpen = await page.evaluate(
selector => document.querySelector(selector).matches('.expanded'),
const isOpen = await page.evaluate(
selector => document.querySelector(selector).classList.contains('expanded')

How to check if an element is in the document with playwright?

I want to test if an element had been rendered. So I want expect that if is present. Is there a command for this?
await page.goto(‘<http://localhost:3000/>');
const logo = await page.$(‘.logo’)
// expect(logo.toBeInDocument())
If you query one element with page.$(), you can simply use:
const logo = await page.$('.logo');
if (logo) {
Similarly if you query multiple elements with page.$$():
const logo = await page.$$('.logo');
if (logo) {
Since this example returns (after awaiting) an array of element handles, you can also use property length in the condition:
const logo = await page.$$('.logo');
if (logo.length) {
The key in all these examples is to await the promise that page.$() and page.$$() return.
Since the use of ElementHandle (page.$(), page.$$()) is discouraged by the Playwright Team, you could use the Locator object and the count() method:
expect(await page.locator('data-testid=exists').count()).toBeTruthy();
expect(await page.locator('data-testid=doesnt-exist').count()).toBeFalsy();
If you want to check if the element is rendered (I assume you mean visible) you could use the toBeVisible assertion:
await expect(page.locator('data-testid=is-visible')).toBeVisible();

How can I avoid a hover in protractor?

I want to click on an element, but I don't know why, before clicking on that element the hover appears. What I need is that if this hover appears, avoid it, such as pressing the ESC key, or if you know any other way.
Here is my code:
await browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(element.all(by.className('center-align short-label white mf-show-type-episode')).first()), waitLongTime);
var elements_master = await element.all(by.className('center-align short-label white mf-show-type-episode'));
await elements_master[0].click();
var row_selected = browser.element(by.className('ui-grid-row ng-scope ui-grid-row-selected')).element(by.className('field-link ng-binding'));
await browser.sleep(500);
if(await tooltip.isDisplayed() == true) {
await tooltip.sendKeys(protractor.Key.ESCAPE);
await row_selected.click();
} else {
await row_selected.click();
It gives me an error that the tooltip is not interactable.
you can use javscript click described here
var loginButton = element(by.css('.login-form .login-button'));
browser.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", loginButton);
you can also call it "forced" click, because what it does is - it clicks on the element regardless its visibility. And even if there is another element on top of it, it will click the element you pass
