i3: rotate container layout back and forth - i3

i3wm offers 4 styles for orgnizing child contaniner:
Vertical split
Horizontal split
Instead of having one key shortcut for each of them, I would like to rotate through them using only one key.
Reading the documentation I found it is now possible to cycle through all available layouts:
layout toggle all
But this cycles only in one direction.
I would like to be able to cycle in both directions. It is often the case I do it very fast and I pass by the layout I want. In this case I would be able to go back with just only one keystroke instead of having to rotate all over again.

It is possible to list all the layouts explicitely and have an other command with the same layouts but in reverse order:
bindsym $mod+e layout toggle splith tabbed stacked splitv
bindsym $mod+Shift+e layout toggle splitv stacked tabbed splith
This simulates the desired behaviour, as every time the command is executed, the layout specified after the currently active one will be applied.
Reference: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#manipulating_layout


Is there any way to set background color of lines in GoLand (JetBrains IDE)?

Is there any way to set the background color for certain lines in GoLand (JetBrains IDE) so I can sign what code I have read?
Is it possible to do this? Does not matter if it's an IDE function or via some plugin.
There are a few ways to mark some lines and add them to the "Reading" list:
Bookmarks. It is built-in functionality in IntelliJ-based IDEs. You can go to the line with Authenticator interface declaration and select Edit | Bookmarks | Toggle Bookmark in the main menu. All bookmarks are available in View | Tool Windows | Bookmarks.
3rd-party plugins. I'm aware of MultiHighlight plugin that supports selection of the piece of code.
Sticky selection can do that trick.
there is the brief intro about it:
you can mark a selection to be permanently highlighted, even when your caret moves away. Inspired by "Style token" of Notepad++.
You can define an arbitrary number of Paint Groups. Selecting the appropriate editor action (keystroke or context menu), the all occurrences of currently selected text will be added to the Paint Group and will be permanently highlighted (until you clear the selection with an other editor action). So you can have different text fragments to be selected with the same Paint Group. The Paint Groups are kept when IntelliJ is closed.
You can set different colours for each Paint Group
You can set a marker to be visible on the right side of the editor
You can add multiple selections to the same group
You can convert a Paint Group to multi caret selection (and thus edit, copy, delete, etc. it)
For convenience you can undo the last addition (until the document is edited)
You can cycle through each element in a given Paint Group or in all Paint Groups
Keymap actions are added dynamically for paint, clear and convert as you add more Paint Group

How to animate resize/reposition of a Flutter Column when a child is added with a ScaleTransition

I'm implementing a login screen. It has a centred Column containing a TextField for entering an email address and a number of buttons for social sign-in. When a button is pressed, the Column is rebuilt with a CircularProgressIndicator (spinner) added at the bottom. I've wrapped the spinner in a custom widget that manages a ScaleTransition animation. That works OK, but the Column grows and shifts up to accommodate the final full size of the spinner immediately instead of moving smoothly with the animation.
I also wrapped the Column in an AnimatedSize widget using the same curve and duration as the ScaleTransition, but it hasn't helped. The root of the tree is a Consumer of the state that triggers the addition of the spinner so the animations should both be starting together. Maybe the the spinner needs to be permanent for this to work, but it doesn't seem desirable because its API doesn't provide a way to pause the animation. It would presumably constantly use some power to animate itself even when it isn't visible. I'm fussy about that sort of thing.
It looks like I might have to use an AnimatedList, but it doesn't seem semantically correct because the contents aren't really a list. So is there a more generic way to animate the size (and position) of parent widgets like Column and Center to track an animated size change of their children?

Sublime Text 3 Sticky Split

Sometimes, when I use Sublime Text 3 for a while with split windows (using the Origami package), the border between splits gets "sticky", i.e. I cannot move it anymore. Which means, one of the panes all of a sudden has a fixed minimum size.
I can resolve that, back to normal, by using command+z, thus maximizing the current pane. But that's not exactly what I want, because it's annoying in cases when I wanted to have f.ex. equal size of two panes, but a minimized third pane. I have to manually resize all panes to what I wanted or had before, which breaks my workflow.
Has anyone experienced this before? Any known solutions around?
I have found out what the deal is.
It has to do with how the window was split, and under certain circumstances, f.ex. a split on the left side cannot be smaller than a split on the right side.
That's the case when the window has been split vertically first, and then the individual panes are being split horizontally. You split one of the panes, and the split can be pulled up and down to resizes the two panes, without any restriction.
Then you split the other pane, and, at first, the sizes look "free to resize", but then you start pulling on the frame to resize a pane, the frame will pop up beyond the height of the other pane's split pane.
The solution is, to resize both panes, if you want to have one of them smaller or bigger. I'd consider this a bug with a workaround.

How can I set the default orientation of labview windows?

Whenever I open a new labview project, it opens two small windows, one for the block diagram and the front panel. Since using labview effectively requires simultaneous use of both, is it possible to set things up such that, upon starting a new VI, it opens these two windows in pre-determined positions and sizes?
I do not know setting to do so (and think there is no such setting), but your problem is easily solvable if you press ctrl+t when new vi is opened.
ctrl+t will set front panel on the left half part of the screen and block diagram on the right part. Pressing ctrl+t a second time will set the panel to top half and diagram to the bottom half.
Shortcuts In LabVIEW
Another workaround:
Create a new empty VI
Resize and reposition the front panel window as you wish
Do the same for the block diagram window
Save the VI as a template (.vit)
Double click the template to use it (position and size of windows will be as they were when saving)
Alternatively if you want to be doing manually everytime. You can press WIN+LEFT on one of the windows and WIN+RIGHT on the other. This will evenly distribute the two windows over the screen.
You can set window position for individual VIs by pressing Ctrl+I to open the VI properties, and setting the desired appearance under "Window Size"

jQuery dynamic layout plugin

I've tried both jQuery Masonry and Isotope plugins and can't seem to achieve the layout I desire.
Both plugins appear to calculate the "next available space" based on the height of elements on the previous row. For example:
In this example item #6 goes to the far right because the height of #4 is less than the height of #2 (where I want it to go).
The layout I would like to achieve is more similar to left-floating elements:
Are there options on the above two plugins to achieve this layout or perhaps a different plugin available?
Two possible solutions
Try out the experimental Masonry-ordered script by tasuk. It has an option to control if you want items to progress left-to-right, rather than Masonry's default next-best space.
Build your own custom layout mode for Isotope. Your layout mode would be variant of Masonry. Instead of calculating the next best space, it just progresses left-to-right through the available columns.
