Error setDate must implement interface DateTimeInterface symfony fixtures - fixtures

I search in stackoverflow but i didn't find the answer.
I have this error :
Argument 1 passed to App\Entity\Matchs::setDate() must implement interface DateTimeInterface, bool given,
I have this in my fixtures :
$match1 = new Matchs();
$m1->setDescription('Description ')
->setDate(\DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y hh:mm', '25-12-2001 20:30'))
So I don't understand why it does not work because I have implemented the DateTimeInterface interface...
Thansk for help

The DateTime::createFromFormat failed do create a DateTime, and in this case return false.
I belive that problem is the format, instead 'd-m-Y hh:mm' try 'd-m-Y H:i'
You can see a complete list of you can use in the format here


How do you convert an string into an integer in SwiftUI?

I am trying to make a simple calculator using SwiftUI, but one thing frustrates me. For reference, here is the minimum reproducible example:
#State var enteredNumber: String = "" // This is the user input in a string form
#State var usable number: Int = Int(enteredNumber) // I thought this would work but it doesn't.
I found this on, and I thought it would work. I also looked my problem up in stack overflow, but I can't seem to understand any of the questions (I'm sorta new to SwiftUI). The approach I used just gave me an error saying:
Cannot use instance member 'enteredNumber' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available
Value of optional type 'Int?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'Int'
Thanks in advance for your help!

How to reference a class from a string which is part of a variable 3.7

I have just read a text file and extracted a string and stored it as a variable. This string also happens to be the name of a class I want to reference in order to use in a function for example. The "which_class" variable is the whichever class was stored in the file
I tried passing the which_class variable in as a parameter to the function. Removing the quotations seems to make it work but I am unsure how to do this.
class needed_for_func_one():
multiplier = 1.23
class needed_for_func_two():
multiplier = 1.15
def random_function(which_class):
print(123 * which_class.multiplier)
which_class = "needed_for_func_two"
But this didn't work it just gave me an attribute error
the eval function could help you here.
However, you should probably rethink whether you really want to it that way or if there is a much cleaner solution.
I think your question is related to this one
How you call the function depends if it is a global function or if it is inside an object.
globals()['call_this_function']() # this is probably what you need
getattr(from_this_object, 'call_this_function')()
first, to use a class you need an object of a class.
so if what you read is a name of the class or any other thing it does not matter, just use an if statement to decide what is inside that variable so-called "which_class".
then create an object like :
if which_class=="needed_for_func_one":
newObject = needed_for_func_one()
elseif which_class=="needed_for_func_two":
newObject = needed_for_func_two()
then use the print like :
print(123 * newObject.multiplier )

SOAP + Zeep + XSD extension

Am interacting with a SOAP service through Zeep and so far it's been going fine, except I hit a snag with regards to dealing with passing values in anything related to an XSD extension.
I've tried multiple ways and am at my wits end.
campaignClient = Client("")
listPaging = {"PageIndex":0,"PageSize":5}
parentType = fact.CampaignIDFilter
subtype=dict(parentType.elements)["CampaignID"] = (123456,)
combined= parentType(CampaignID=subtype)
rawData = campaignClient.service.GetCampaigns(Paging=listPaging,CampaignsFilter=combined, ShowCampaignExtendedInfo=False,_soapheaders=token)
The context is the following :
this service is to get a list of items and it's possible to apply a filter to it, which is a generic type. You can then implement any type of filter matching that type, here a CampaignIDFilter.
My other attempts failed and the service used to pinpoint incorrect type or such but this way - which I think is on paper sound, gets me a 'something went wrong'.
I'm literraly implementing the solution found here : Creating XML sequences with zeep / python
Here's the service Doc
Turns out the right way to get there was to hack around a bit to get the right structure and use of types. The code itself :
objectType = campaignClient.get_type('ns1:CampaignIDFilter')
objectWrap = xsd.Element('CampaignServiceFilter',objectType)
objectValue = objectWrap(CampaignID=123456)
wrapperT = campaignClient.get_type('ns1:ArrayOfCampaignServiceFilter')
wrapper = xsd.Element("CampaignsFilter",wrapperT)
outercontent = wrapper(objectValue)
This ends up generating the following XML :
<ns0:GetCampaignsRequest xmlns:ns0="">
<ns1:CampaignServiceFilter xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="
instance" xsi:type="ns1:CampaignIDFilter">
Much credit to the user here which gave me the boiler plate needed to get this lovecraftian horror to work how to specify xsi:type zeep python

Groovy - Set your own property of an Integer

I just started to learn Groovy and wondering if you can set your own property for an integer. For example,
def a =
def b = 5.64.minus(3.43)
def c = 12.64.multiply(33.43)
In the above there are certain methods like plus minus and multiply
What should I do if I want to define some of my own methods for integers like that.
I searched Google but couldn't find much about it.
Sure, you can just add methods to the metaClass of Integer.
Here's an example:
Integer.metaClass.zeds = { -> 'z' * delegate }
assert 3.zeds() == 'zzz'
You can also add methods to a single instance of integer should you wish to, ie:
Integer num = 4
num.metaClass.halved = { -> delegate / 2.0 }
assert num.halved() == 2.0
You can also add methods to classes via Extension Methods a good explanation of which can be found over here
It should be noted (as you originally tagged this question as Java) that obviously, Java code will have no knowledge of these things, as it doesn't know about the metaClass
Use groovy meta programming, this allows you to create dynamic method creation atruntime in the class that you want to place in .
bydefault if a method is not found methodmissing exception throws , this is where groovy allows you add method at runtime for more reference use the below comprehensive link
If this answer helps , dont forget to click answered.

Groovy type conversion

In Groovy you can do surprising type conversions using either the as operator or the asType method. Examples include
Short s = new Integer(6) as Short
List collection = new HashSet().asType(List)
I'm surprised that I can convert from an Integer to a Short and from a Set to a List, because there is no "is a" relationship between these types, although they do share a common ancestor.
For example, the following code is equivalent to the Integer/Short example in terms of the
relationship between the types involved in the conversion
class Parent {}
class Child1 extends Parent {}
class Child2 extends Parent {}
def c = new Child1() as Child2
But of course this example fails. What exactly are the type conversion rules behind the as operator and the asType method?
I believe the default asType behaviour can be found in:
Starting from DefaultGroovyMethods it is quite easy to follow the behavior of asType for a specific object type and requested type combination.
According to what Ruben has already pointed out the end result of:
Set collection = new HashSet().asType(List)
Set collection = new ArrayList( new HashSet() )
The asType method recognizes you are wanting a List and being the fact HashSet is a Collection, it just uses ArrayList's constructor which takes a Collection.
As for the numbers one, it converts the Integer into a Number, then calls the shortValue method.
I didn't realize there was so much logic in converting references/values like this, my sincere gratitude to Ruben for pointing out the source, I'll be making quite a few blog posts over this topic.
