Azure VPN Client "Status = VPN Platform did not trigger connection" - azure

Several users have been randomly experiencing this issue when trying to connect using Azure VPN Client for about a week now. Some have had the issue for a week straight, others have had it for a period of time before it resolved itself.
When trying to connect, the authentication succeeds but the VPN fails to connect with the error "Status = VPN Platform did not trigger connection". The only similar issue I found when searching relates to the VPN client not having permission to run-in the background, but this seems to be a different issue.
Things we've tried so far:
Resetting and doubly reseting the gateway
Rebooting the machine
Reinstalling the VPN profile on the client
Regenerating the VPN profile
Reinstalling the VPN client on the machine
Toggling various network & app settings
The logs in the Azure portal show the user successfully authenticating, but nothing to show the VPN failing to connect. All the affected machines are running versions of Windows 10 and are up to date. The problem seems to be specific to the machine itself - using a different set of credentials or a different network makes no difference. The problem is occurring in multiple locations and other machines at the same location are unaffected. The only pattern seems to be that older machines are more likely to be affected but I'm not even totally sure that's anything other than coincidence. Five or so machines have experienced the issue and three are currently affect out of fifteen or so total.
Best guess at this point is that an update caused the issue. Any further troubleshooting suggestions are welcome at this point as I'm unsure of the cause and unable to reproduce the problem. Azure support say the gateway configuration looks fine but are unsure what's causing the problem - they've just had me run packet capture on both ends and I'm waiting to see what they say about the results but it's causing quite an issue for users without VPN access.

I had the same issue "Status = VPN Platform did not trigger connection" and tried all the same steps as above. After getting no where with the basics, I opened a ticket MS and they suggested that I restart the rasman (Remote Access Connection Manager) service. After the service restart the Azure VPN client connected without issue. I also set the startup type to Automatic (delayed). BTW an admin has to make this change.

Please check in if Background Apps in settings is turned on. It should be turned on. Let Azure VPN remain active and turn off the rest of the apps which you dont use it frequently.


Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime Going Into Limited State

My team have created an IR in an on-premises VM and we are trying to create a Linked Service to an on-prem DB using that IR
Whenever we click on Test Connection in the Linked Service, the connection fails and IR goes into a limited state
We also whitelisted the IPs provided by Microsoft for IR ADF and also checked the network traces and all seems fine there
Also, we stopped and restarted the IR, uninstalled and installed it again but still the problem resists
Have anyone faced a similar kind of issue?
As this has been a long time we are facing this issue which has now become a blocker for us
This is observed when nodes can't communicate with each other.
You can Log in to the node-hosted virtual machine (VM). Go to Applications and Services Logs > Integration Runtime, open Event Viewer, and filter the error logs. If you find the error System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException or Cannot connect to worker manager
Follow the official documentation with detailed steps for Troubleshooting Error message: Self-hosted integration runtime node/logical self-hosted IR is in Inactive/ "Running (Limited)" state
As it states:
try one or both of the following methods to fix:
- Put all the nodes in the same domain.
- Add the IP to host mapping in all the hosted VM's host files.
I ran into same issue. Our organization has firewall rules preventing specific ports or url's from outside network. We added Data factory services tags with internet facing in Route table, and IR then connected successfully.

Why does my Azure Hybrid Connection show a "Status Unknown"?

So...about 5pm 2 nights ago, all 14 of my listeners on my Azure Service Bus dropped. So I logged in to my on-prem SQL Server to check on my Hybrid Connections and both of them showed a status of "Status Unknown". I can't find anything on the internet about this specific status.
Nothing changed on my SQL Server other than the fact that I've pegged the's at 100% usage.
If I go to the Azure Portal, navigate to either of my Hybrid Connection Overview pages and click on the "Hybrid Connection Url", I get the following message in the browser:
"error": {
"message":"MissingToken: Relay security token is required. TrackingId:*SOME GUID*, SystemTracker:*SERVICE BUS NAME*:*HYBRID CONNECTION NAME*, Timestamp:2021-08-04T04:19:16"}
Now....I didn't change anything on my Hybrid Connection configurations. I haven't changed anything about tokens. I have no idea what's going on other than my Azure App Services have been down for 2 days, now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....
This looks like an authentication error where a token might not be generating when you are trying to make a call to the underlying On prem server
You can refer the SO thread for ServiceBusAuthorization and still if you are facing the issue kindly raise a ticket with MS-Q&A
Microsoft support led me to this article where I found the following information:
Make Sure that the Date and Time are Correct
The Hybrid Connection Manager connects to Azure Relay using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on port 443. If there's a problem with your SSL handshake or connection, it will break your Hybrid Connection. If you find that your Hybrid Connection works initially, and then it stops working after about 10 minutes, that's a sign that you need to check the date and time on the machine running the Hybrid Connection Manager. Make sure they are correct because if they're not, your SSL connection may not work.
Well...the time on my server was off by about 16 minutes b/c of a group policy that I had never bothered to fix b/c I don't know anything about group policies. So I looked up how to fix the server's clock and, once that done, resolved this issue.

FTP access to Azure websites - connecting to the wrong site

I have about 6 different Azure websites all on the same subscription.
When I look at the FTP deployment address they all have the same address ( but different usernames/passwords.
The problem is that at least using Windows explorer there appears to be NO way to access a second deployment once it's already remembered that I've connected to a previous one. I've tried editing the address to include the username (ftp://username:password#wasa....) but no luck, I've tried shutting down all explorer windows, clearing the credential cache etc. etc, but no dice - it still keeps connecting to whichever one I first authenticated with at least since I last logged into Windows.
Does this basically mean I'll have to use a different FTP client that doesn't cache credentials like this? Bit surprised I can't find any forum posts suggesting other people haven't had this issue.
You can always right click in Windows Explorer and choose Login As option which will allow you to use a different set of credentials.
To understand how FTP credentials work for Azure App Service, check out Azure same FTP url for all azure websites sharing same appservice plan

Can't create an Azure web site

Help! When I try to creat a web site on Azure, I receive the following error message:
There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message.
I was able to create 2 sites about 3 months ago without any problem. My subscription is an active pay as you go account. I'm not trying to do anything advanced, just a web site connected to a SQL DB. The SQL DB creates without a problem. I was also able to create a virtual Win2008 machine. Azure reps have said my account is fine. I don't know where else to look. Thanks
If your development machine is behind a proxy server, the problem could be caused by the machine's proxy server settings. Have a look at them via Control Panel / Network and Internet / Internet Options / Connections tab / Lan Settings and try checking the box for 'Automatically detect settings' if it isn't.
Solved: Azure Problem - There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message
Windows Azure Package Deployment Failed with Error - "There was no endpoint listening"
Same for me. Seems they simply do not have enough recourses atm.

Repeated Reporting Services Login issue when deploying through BIDS to a remote server

We are having a problem deploying a reporting services report to a sql reporting services computer that is configured in SharePoint Integrated mode. I can successfully deploy to the SharePoint document libraries set up for reports and data connections if I do it locally from the box that SharePoint and Reporting Services are deployed on. If I try and do the same thing with the exact same deployment properties from a remote box, I constantly get a Reporting Services Login dialog popping up and no combination of domain\username and password will work. I've even tried the machines local admin account and still nothing.
Any ideas where to start looking?
This occurs when BIDS cannot connect to the Report Server instance. Check the URLs, and see if any firewall is blocking the connectivity to the remote RS instance.
I finally found the solution to this issue. Basically the build of sql server 2008 reporting services I installed added an RSWindowsNegotiate setting into rsreportserver.config file and I was running the reporting service under an account other than Network Service. I removed the RSWindowsNegotiate setting and just left the RSWindowsNTLM setting and everything started working properly for us.
More info can be found here, Solving the Reporting Services Login Issue
