Delete Repository and history - gitlab

I had to upload my php code to my GitLab project for my university class. Unfortunately I uploaded the wrong data and now I just want to delete all of the data again und upload my new correct data. When I deleted the data manually I still be able to see them in the history. So is there a way to just delete everything I just uploaded? And I am not allowed to delete the whole project because other members have some subprojects.
I am using Windows 10 by the way.
Thanks a lot!


How to upload many Android projects in the same github repository?

I have some related Android projects that I want to upload to github to be all in 1 repository the same as in this picture , I tried to upload the projects manually by drag and drop on github website but it failed to upload showing me this message "Yowza, that’s a lot of files. Try again with fewer than 100 files." as shown in the picture below
Please list all possible solutions and note that I'm not familiar with git command line. If it's not possible please list other alternatives to group related projects in one place on github. Thanks
IMHO, best way to do so is by uploading fewer files (e.g. 50).
After that, you can then upload the remaining (e.g. 50) files. 🙂
Now I know how to do it.
1- open github website and go to the desired repo.
2- click add file and then upload files.
3- open your Android project in explorer.
4- delete the build folder which is inside the app folder in your project.
5- drag your project and drop it in github upload window.
for detailed steps you can follow this tutorial

ExpressionEngine File Not Deleting

I work in ExpressionEngine v2.11.9 and I am trying to replace a file with an updated version and want to keep the same name so I don't have to update all the instances the file is linked on our website. However, when I delete the file and upload the new version, it replaces it with the deleted older version. We have also been experiencing files that were deleted from the Asset Manager still coming up in a search for that document in an online browser. For clarification, we have not had this problem until recently. Previously, I have been able to upload the new version of this document and "replace" the current version and it updates. Yet, it has stopped doing that. Also, when I delete a file in the Asset Manager, typically the filepath is broken when trying to access it from the website. However, in this instance, after deleting the file, it still pulls up the deleted file from the website.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require more information.
Thank you,

Upload of large company snapshot results in error "the file exceeds the maximal allowed size (1048576 KB)"

Trying to upload a large Acumatica company snapshot file (1.3 GB) and I am getting an error as soon as I hit the upload button.
What setting (if any) can I change in my local Acumatica site or web.config to allow the large file import?
As a work around I am requesting a snapshot file without file attachments as the file attachments data is about 95% of the snapshot file size.
My file upload preferences are currently set to 25000 KB if that helps any. (I assume this setting is not used for snapshot imports.)
The error occurs after I select the file and click ok (before being able to click the upload button). I am using 2017R2 Update 4.
Image of error:
Modifying your web.config might work, but I think Sergey Marenich alternative is better. He did an excellent post on his blog on how to do this.
The idea is :
Get a snapshot of your site in xml
Extract and put the folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Acumatica ERP\Database\Data
Use the Configuration Wizard to deploy a site and select your snapshot data, just like you would when choosing demo data.
If your on SaaS then you may request a copy of database and be able to restore the database for offsite instance.
If your on PCS/PCP then you have couple of options you could modify the Web.config to allow bigger files to process as detailed in this blog
If you have larger files then you can't do it coz of IIS constraint and you can certainly use Sergey's method but that would be creating for new instance only or simple approach is to take a SQL .bak file and restore to new database.
I think Acumatica shld provide a mechanism to split these large files and have them processed into multiple uploads to accomplish but again very few customers might face this issue too.
I had this same problem. I tried to modify the web.config but, that gave me an error that said that the file didn't exist or I didn't have permissions when I tried to import the snapshot file into Acumatica again.
Turns out, I had a table that has image blobs stored inside of it so, it wouldn't compress. Watch out for that one.

How can I delete binaries attached to a tag/release in GitLab?

While adding files to a tag in order to create a release I incorrectly attached the wrong file. I modified the tag again to remove the bad file link, and uploaded a new one. However, where does the wrong file go? I can't see anywhere in Gitlab's administration interface a way to delete the previously uploaded file.
For clarification, the files I refer to are those I drag in the web UI to attach to a release tag and appear in a path like

"This file is currently not available for use on this computer"

I am hoping someone has had this issue before and can help me resolve. I was working on a company project. I had just finished up and needed to publish my project to the server. When trying to publish, I got the error "This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
So then I tried to open one of the .cs files of the solution, and the error occurred again from trying to open the file. So I tried to grab the latest version from TFS thinking it would give me whichever file is missing, but when I click "Get Latest Version" on the project, the error message pops up there too.
I thought surely I will be able to delete the project locally and then remap it, but I can't even delete the project off my computer, as the error message pops up halfway through deletion. When it occurs there, however, I do get "Error 0x800710FE: This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
Also have tried deleting offline cached files through Control Panel > Sync Center > Manage Offline Files > Disk Usage > Delete temp files
I got this error for a small, test solution that was not using TFS. The default file location is the documents folder, which in my environment is synced using the Sync Center. I moved all of the solution files to a new local folder that was not included in Sync operations and the error went away.
Conclusion: storing VS files in a folder managed by Sync Center is likely a bad idea.
I got this error when trying to save an excel file served from a webpage.
The solution for me was to save it under a different filename. Possibly because I previously had a file with the same name open in excel.
