Ctrl-p Vim bug - unclear what error message is telling me - vim

prt path <mru>={ files }=<buf> <-> /home/....
Error detected while processing function <SNR>48_NormalPasta:
line 13:
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
Press ENTER or type command to continue
kind of a strange vim error I get when I try to type the 'p' character using vim & ctrlp, using linux ubuntu here

Let's take that message one line at a time:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>48_NormalPasta:
There is an error in function NormalPasta() in the 48th script that was sourced by Vim.
line 13:
The error is on line 13 of that function.
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
The function is trying to edit a non-modifiable buffer.
From there, you can do:
:filter 48 scriptnames
$ grep -R NormalPasta ~/.vim/**/*.vim
to find in what script the problematic function is located.
This leads to this plugin, which appears to be OK. The whole situation seems rather strange, though, because the problematic function is supposed to be called from normal mode and I don't think a) that you should be in normal mode at CtrlP's prompt and b) that the CtrlP prompt is supposed to be non-modifiable.
My opinion is that the vim-pasta plugin is OK and thus that there is something fishy going on with CtrlP itself or the way you use it.


call from command line, show file also if the search does not match

I use a msdos-script to search with vim for patterns and show me the result
Script: tel.bat
rem script is called: tel.bat <pattern>
gvim -R %WORKSPACE%\telliste.csv "+set ignorecase" "+set ft=javascript" -c /%1
This works fine if the pattern exist in the file. If the pattern is not matched, I get an error message and I am stuck. No keystroke or mouse action changes the state. Like:
Enter key - has no effect
Esc key - has no effect
Ctrl + C - the error-messages disappears, but the editor is frozen. No action possible
Mouse click in editor - has no effect
I can only close vim and try again. That's what I get as error, when I call the script tel.bat konez on the command line:
Error message translated:
Error during execution of "command line":
E486: Pattern not found: konez
Confirm with the ENTER Key or place a command
How can I work further on the file, even if the pattern is not found? In other words how can I avoid that I am stuck in vim.
I tried already with -c ":execute 'silent !'" in the batch file, but this was not recognized. Perhaps I did it in the wrong way...
This should work, and I cannot reproduce this on Linux with Vim version 8.0.1358; I can accept the error message with <Enter> and continue.
This could be a plugin / configuration issue; try launching with gvim --clean.
The multi-line error message is ugly. You could avoid it by moving to the lower-level search() function:
gvim ... -c "call search('%1')"
By evaluating its return value; you could also craft your own error message: if search(...) == 0 | echomsg 'No matches' | endif

Why does vim "cancel out" the last two characters when running `%:8` in an external command?

A simple work flow I often use when running an rspec test I have just been working on, in vim, is as follows:
15: it "my example test" do
16: expect(1 == 1).to be true
17: end
And to run this test, you can do:
!rspec %:15
This runs rspec as an external command. % expands to the current filename, and :15 tells rspec to only run the test line 15, rather than all tests in the file.
This technique works fine under normal circumstances. However, if you try to run a test on lines 80-89 then something strange happens:
84: it "my other test" do
85: expect(4 > 3).to be false
86: end
!rspec %:84
This runs the command rspec [filename]4 - i.e. the :8 characters disappear! (And you get a "file not found" error.)
A workaround to avoid this problem is to press TAB after entering %, which immediately expands % to the full path name.
However, what's the reason behind this strange vim behaviour? Is it a bug, or a feature?
A different, related question led me to finding the answer to this.
You can find the answer, along with more detail, by running :help filename-modifiers in vim. Here is a summary of the key point:
The file name modifiers can be used after "%", "#", "#n", "<cfile>", "<sfile>", "<afile>" or "<abuf>".
:8 Converts the path to 8.3 short format (currently only on MS-Windows). Will act on as much of a path that is an existing path.
8 is the only numerical filename-modifier. If you wish to disable this feature entirely, you can compile vim without the +modify_fname feature.

Vim won't accept newline as enter

I have a default installation of vim on linux, on a system with a vt52 terminal emulator and unicode capability.
Everything has been working fine until today when I moved my vt52 terminfo file from the temporary local user directory to the permanent system directory ... at first it seemed fine, but all the sudden, when I try to execute a colon command by pressing enter (either CTRL-J, or the key itself == decimal 10), vim just flashes the screen but doesn't execute the command or leave command entry mode.
However, If I press CTRL-M to get a carriage return character (decimal 13), vim does accept the command.
I tried copying the file back to ~/.terminfo again, but it didn't fix the problem...
I thought this might be either a tty issue or a corrupted vimrc file, so...
first I tried deleting the .viminfo and .vimrc files, and doing a stty sane before starting vim but neither helps. I just noticed that enter doesn't work in insert mode either, but CTRL-M does.
Then I checked from the bash shell, using CTRL-V, that when I press CTRL-M, it shows ^M and when I press CTRL-J, it just enters and shows nothing. So -- to double check -- I did a stty raw and cat - | hexdumpx, and sure enough pressing enter returns only 0x0a, and pressing CTRL-M returns only 0x0d ; so the keyboard driver is returning the proper character in raw mode, and I retested in sane mode which apparently maps both of them to 0x0A.
The termcap file I re-compiled with tic, and copied to both ~/.terminfo/v/vt52u where it worked fine before -- and over to /usr/share/terminfo/v/vt52u.
But I don't see anything in the termcap file which could possibly cause the problem.
vt52u|vt52 with UTF-8:\
:cm=\EY%+ %+ :it#8:co#75:li#24:\
I've isolated the problem by experiment 5 listed below, as being caused by something either in or missing from the above termcap file, or in the tic compiler's conversion of it to terminfo.
So -- what termcap entry is missing or which existing one is causing the problem?
---------------------- Additional experiments as I try to figure it out -------------------
1: doing a :set term in vim reveals term=vt52u .... which is correct. So VIM should be using the above termcap file, but I don't know from where (eg: cached version, or not -- or corrupted.) and :version only reveals +termcap which says vim should be using a tic compiled termcap file which is what I've been trying to give it.
2: I recompiled ncurses-5.9, and re-installed it to make absolutely sure no corrupt files exist. Nothing changed even with: ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-cxx --without-cxx-binding --without-ada --without-manpages --without-progs --without-tests --with-build-cc=gcc --with-shared --without-debug --without-profile --without-gpm --without-dlsym --without-sysmouse --enable-sigwinch --enable-hashmap --enable-scroll-hints --build=i686-linux --host=arm-linux-gnueabi --without-pthread --enable-widec --with-fallbacks=vt52u --disable-big-core --enable-termcap --enable-getcap-cache
3: doing a :set termcap shows more keys defined than the termcap file has, which is bad... termcap only defined one key ... and that one should be ^H not ^?, so VIM's value doesn't match, but the other termcap values all match, since ^[ is the same as escape \E in the termcap file. So, I have proof that vim is definitely loading the proper termcap file because t_so 's value is unique to the vt52u. So -- it's not a corrupt termcap.... :( weird.
t_kb <BS> ^? <DecMouse> ^[[
t_kd <Down> ^# <NetMouse> ^[}
t_sr=^[I t_bc=^[D t_le=^[D t_cd=^[J t_ce=^[K t_cl=^[H^[J
t_me=^[b0^[co t_mr=^[b0^[co t_ve=^[e t_vi=^[f t_nd=^[C t_se=^[b0^[c0
t_ZH=^[bo^[c0 t_ZR=^[b0^[co t_so=^b0^[c3 t_cm=^[Y%p1%' '%+%c%p2%' '%+%c
4: Recompiled vim 7.4, to remove all built in terminals, and to insure no corrupt files. Had no effect; did not fix default value of backspace key being wrong.
echo "Please Edit feature.h so that NO_BUILTIN_TERMCAPS is always #defined."
sleep 5
vim /src/feature.h
./configure --prefix=/usr/ --build=i686-linux --host=arm-linux-gnueabi --with-features=big --disable-darwin --disable-selinux --disable-xsmp --disable-xsmp-interact --disable-mzschemeinterp --disable-tclinterp --disable-netbeans --disable-sniff --disable-gui --disable-cscope --disable-workshop --enable-multibyte --disable-gtktest --disable-gpm --disable-sysmouse --disable-xim --enable-pythoninterp=dynamic --without-x --with-tlib=ncursesw vim_cv_toupper_broken="yes" vim_cv_terminfo="yes" vim_cv_tty_group="world" vim_cv_tty_mode="0620" vim_cv_getcwd_broken="yes" vim_cv_stat_ignores_slash="yes" vim_cv_memmove_handles_overlap="yes"
echo "Please Edit src/Makefile such that STRIP=arm-linux-gnueabi-strip"
sleep 5
vim src/Makefile
make install
5: In bash, I changed the terminal type to generic "export TERM=VT52" rather than the unicode version, with color support which I compiled with tic. ** THE NEWLINE PROBLEM WENT AWAY WITH THE SACRIFICE OF COLOR COMMANDS, AND OTHER FEATURES OF VT52U ** I need the features, but apparently something about the termcap file I listed above is defective.
This was an ugly bug to track down by trial and error...
Vim appears to require keydown to be defined, and if not defined it assumes a default value of ^# ; for an unknown reason, it then treats the enter key as if it were a key down, rather than newline. ^# is logically the value for character code 0, null; which is the only character that would be found in an empty string in "C" which vim is written in and appears to trigger the issue/feature/bug.
But in any event in the termcap shown in the opening post, the kd symbol is not defined; and that's what is causing the problem.
Within vim, the problem can be solved by setting the termcap keydown variable as the same escape sequence which would normally exit insert mode, and then do letter j (down):
:set t_kd=\Ej
The same default can always be added to the termcap entries, too;
Since this is an input escape sequence and not a terminal output escape sequence, it doesn't conflict with the VT52's "save cursor" escape sequence defined in the termcap; eg: The VT52 will never see it since Linux tty's when in line entry mode do not echo escape sequences that come from the keyboard back to the terminal's output.
If a terminal doesn't have true arrow keys -- defining the arrow keys as escaped versions of vim's h,j,k,and l keys might be a reasonably compatible solution as long as it doesn't conflict with other programs which might want to use those input escape sequences for other things. I don't use emacs and other popular programs which might want those escape sequences for something, so if anyone else knows which (if any) programs would have problems with that solution, a comment would be appropriate.
In ncurses 5.9,there appears to be a bug in the terminfo compiler, so that on many installations (eg: slackware 14), 'tic' will not be able to compile terminfo source files -- but only termcap source files. If you want the termcap source code for an arbitrary terminal, you can run "infocmp -C fooTerminalName > fooTerminalName.tcap" to have the system generate a termcap source file for you that can be edited and recompiled with tic successfully.

Vim prints meaningless error

When I load vim I get the following message that I cannot figure out how to debug.
λ vim
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I've run vim -V9myVimLog and got this in the output but there's still nothing useful to me.
fchdir() to previous dir
line 5: sourcing "/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vundle/autoload/vundle/config.vim"
finished sourcing /c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vundle/autoload/vundle/config.vim
continuing in function vundle#rc
Searching for "filetype.vim" in "/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-jade,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/nerdtree,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-rails,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-rake,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/snipMate,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/bsh.vim,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-csharp,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-distinguished,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/surround.vim,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/jshint2.vim,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-ps1,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/MatchTag,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/VCard-syntax,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-liquid,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-jst,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-stylus,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-swigjs,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/xmledit,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-less,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown,/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-nerdtree-tabs,/c/Use
Searching for "/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/filetype.vim"
Searching for "/c/Users/bjones/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script/filetype.vim"
As you can see the word "default" is printed awkwardly in the debug log but there's nothing helpful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: My vimrc is here: https://gist.github.com/brettof86/9906968
EDIT2 [FIX?]: IDK how it made a difference but I commented out every "Bundle" command in my vimrc then saved and quit. Then I went back and uncommented them 5 at a time and it started working? I have no idea why it was broken but I hope this helps anyone who may also run into this issue.
You mistakenly added an extra line colors in your vimrc, that as an VIM Ex command outputs the current selected colorscheme and since you haven't defined one yet, it outputs default since that is, as the name suggests, the default VIM colorscheme. You should comment it out since it clearly appears to be a documenting comment rather than executing an Ex command.

No mapping found

Starting up vim and then No mapping found shows up at bottom.
running the command: vim -V20logfile
line 3: redir => res
line 4: silent! execute a:cmd
line 5: redir END
line 6: let &verbosefile = oldverbosefile
I had the same issue.
I commented out all maps, thinking they were all fine. Sure enough, vim loaded without err.
Then, I reintroduced the mappings until one broke it. Sure enough I had left out the space between the lhs and the rhs. As soon as I corrected this, it worked perfectly again.
I found the best way to debug your .vimrc is to enable the debug and pip it to a log file. Examine the file and search for the error.
If the error you are receiving is " no mapping found", open the log file and search for the these words.
:/no mapping found.
It will show you where the error is coming from. In my case I found that the error is from a plugin I installed. I disabled it and it works fine again.
Run the following command at the prompt:
vim -V20 2>&1 | tee logfile
