Can the line spacing or line height be changed? - kate

Is it possible to keep the font the same size and increase the space between lines of text?
I cannot find anything in the configuration settings or in the online handbook.
I'm getting old and have a hard time looking at the code without putting a blank line in between lines, but could get by if I could just increase the line spacing a bit.
If it matters, I'm using Manjaro and KDE.
Thank you.

As of Kate 22.12,1 this feature now exists! See Settings > Configure Kate > Appearance for the Line Height Multiplier setting.
This is an upper bound on the version in which the feature was introduced. It may have been added earlier, but I could not find mention of it in a cursory search of the Gitlab issue tracker.

AFAIK you can affect visible line spacing indirectly by choosing a font with different vertical arrangment. It's not a feature OP is looking for, but should be enough to "just increase the line spacing a bit".

I saved the text file in kate, opened it in LibreOffice, and then used the various "Format" options until the layout looked decent.


Upgrading from Inkscape 0.91 to 0.92 or higher breaks object dpi scaling

Following an upgrade from Inkscape 0.91 to any newer version I found that it broke the scaling on a number of my objects which are used for interactive display.
It appears a change in the DPI setting from 90 to 69 is the issue.
When opening some of my old drawings I get a dialogue box prompt asking which action I should take; Having tried all of those with none giving me the expected (working) output.
But not all of my drawing files would trigger this dialogue but they would still have there objects rescaled on load/save.
I also tried updating the version number in the .svg file manually but this didn't work either.
How can I work with my original files but gain the rewards of the newer(est) version(s) of Inkscape?
It turns out I was not alone in this problem. After much searching I found this thread over on the Inkscape forum.
To summarise and make it easy for people to find without wading though all the posts there are two things you need to do/check in order to upgrade without issue.
Install the new version to a different path if you are able.
Backup your original files.
With your favourite sane editor open the original .svg file directly and observe the header section;
inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
That should be replaced with the version of Inkscape you are upgrading too. In my case it is;
inkscape:version="1.0 (4035a4fb49, 2020-05-01)"
Next look for the height and width settings and note they may not have a unit defined as in my case;
Check in your original drawing what scale you had been using for your page size. It could be px, mm etc. The update the height/width section to include those units as shows below;
Save the edited .svg file.
You should then be able to open/work on your old drawings in the current version of Inkscape without breaking scaling and display compatibility.

QB64 Console/Display Font Size

I am tutoring someone in my high school in QBasic and the QB64 font is really small making it difficult to edit it. How can I change the font?
In the IDE the font can be changed in options (Alt-O) in the Display settings.
Go to option section in top row:
Select display in down arrow
increase the size in pixels: 30
Note: size in pixes may differ from size of monitor so choose as per your display screen

Import glyphs from another font with fontforge

Hi I'm using Inconsolata for powerline font in linux (link 1). Now I want to had some extra symbols. I've successfully added the awesome font symbols from the Inconsolata patched fonts in link 2 to my own copy of Inconsolata for powerline font (i.e. I can successfully copy glyphs to my font and they appear on the terminal).
However when I try to add icons from other fonts, namely the battery icons from Typicons (see link 3) they simply do not appear in the terminal. I've scaled and changed multiple properties but it's always the same.
I'm doing fc-cache -fv and I've checked that if I manually create a glyph it appears after an fc-cache. I'm completely lost here, I'm sure it must be something simple but I've already lost a lot of hours with this and the glyphs never appear in the terminal no matter what I do :-(
Try adding few glyphs from each to a new font file project. If it is a symbol-only font and you don't care/need to follow Unicode assignments, use codepoints for alphabetical characters and numbers.
Generate your file and check for errors. Fix any issues reported by FontForge.
I've discovered the problem. In two words lbearing and rbearing. They must be the same as the other glyphs. The size is also important. Even with a similar lbearing and rbearing if the size of the glyph is too big it will not appear.

LaTeX: How to make a fullpage vertical rule on every page?

I'm using LaTeX and I would like to have vertical rule along left side of page, topmargin to bottommargin, 0.5in from the left edge of the page. I want this on every page, so I assume that means it must somehow be tied to the header or the footer?
I've made no progress at all, so I need help with (1) making the full-length rule itself and (2) making it happen automatically on every page of the document.
Can someone tell me how to do that?
I got a working answer to my question on the Latex Community forum:
The answer I got uses the 'Background' package and this code:
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text for the example
Works great and was easy to adjust to put one vrule in left margin area and one in the right margin area.
There could be a LaTeX package to do this for you, but I'm more of a TeX person, so I tried to come up with a TeX solution (not always the best idea to mix plain TeX with LaTeX but I think I have it working).
Try this. Box 255 is the box register that TeX places the page contents into before the page is output. What I've done is taken the existing output routine, and changed it to insert into box 255: a 0-height, 0-width infinitely shrinkable-but-overflowing set of boxes containing a rule that is the height of the page, 0.4pt thick and with any luck, half an inch away into the left. The existing contents of box 255 is then added after this rule. Then I call the previous output routine which outputs the page (which now includes a rule), and also the headers and footers.
\setbox255\vbox to 0pt{%
\hbox to 0pt{%
\vbox to \ht255{%
\hbox to -0.5in{%
\vrule height \ht255 width 0.4pt%
Put it before your \begin{document} command. This might not solve your problem completely, but hopefully it should get you started. Here's a great page for learning about TeX primitives and built-in things.
Have a look at the eso-pic package. From memory, what you want would look like this:
\put(0.5,\topmargin){\vrule width .5pt height \textheight}%
It's not clear in your question if you want the line to span the text area or the whole paper height. Depending on the case, you have to replace \topmargin and \textheight by the correct values, either 0pt or whatever your top margin is, or by \paperheight. See the geometry package if you don't already use it for how to control those dimensions.

Weird rendering bug in Vim (or feature?)

There are small lines appearing sometimes in front of words. In the pictures they are to the right of +syntax/ and swo and delmenu.vim.
Is this a bug or those lines mean something?
Do this happened to you before?
Would they get worse in the future?
PS: I'm using Microsoft Windows XP SP2 AMD
alt text
EDIT: I change the font to Consolas and they disappeared. Is there a way to solve the problem while still using my favorite font, Monaco (and not turning off Cleartype)?
This is caused by cleartype font smoothing.
If you use a fixed font for gvim the problem goes away (.fon files). ttf files contain font smoothing information which gets messed up in gvim.
fixedsys renders well. There are a bunch of other ones that also work well.
An alternative is to turn off font smoothing altogher using the display properties, but that will have undesirable effects on all other applications.
This does indeed look like a rendering bug. You should report it to the gvim team. But you should also never use jpegs for screen shots - the compression doesn't work nearly as well as pngs, and could potentially introduce distortion in shots exactly like this one.
Just a guess, but it may be related to the font you are using. Maybe you could try to change it to see if these lines still appear, or disappear, or move to other lines ...
