what is top-level document ? ( sharedArrayBuffer is not defined ) - sharedarraybuffer

I was going to use sharedArrayBuffer. and I found that if cross-isolation was not established, it could not be used.
in document, both
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin and
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
should be set up in the top documents, but I don't know what the top-level documents are and how to set it up.
What should I do?


JSON Schema validator 'id' field

I am using a JSON Schema to validate a file. This is somehat similar to an XML XSD.
I have a few questions concerning the id field.
Does the schema still works without network connection ?
The URL in the id should be accessible from a web browser ? i.e. if 'id' = "https://example.com/question", does this mean that we should be able to access the schema from a browser by going to https://example.com/question ?
I am a bit lost on this subject. I know that it is best practice to have an id property as a unique identifier for every schema, and that this gets most useful when creating a complex schema with different schemas that reference each other.
But I am not sure if we need to assign a URL to the id field or not. And I'm also lost concerning the implication of having this URL for the schema.
Thank you very much for your help
Main purpose of id ($id since draft-06) is to organize scope for $ref resolving.
$id does not have to be an existing HTTP resource. Identified schema can be even defined in another one (example in spec test suite).
JSON Schema spec expects that validator should be able to resolve references based on $ids defined in current schema. Remote references should be also resolved, but there are no limitations on how exactly it should happen.
In many cases network interactions during validations are very unwanted due to high latency. Most implementations provide you a way to preload/define schema resources by $id explicitly before validation.
According to spec root schema SHOULD have $id which is an absolute URI, but whether or not it should be accessible with HTTP client is up to you and your validator.
$id is only defined to be an URI.
See RFC-3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
"A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource."
A nice write-up by Daniel Messier provides a clear explanation of the nature of an URI - which can just be an URN - but may also be a valid URL

Maximo readonly/persistent attribute issues

I have an non-persistent attribute (SITEID) on my WOCHANGE object that originates from the parent object, WORKORDER. For some particular reason, this attribute has a few problems that I've never really seen with other attributes before.
Based on various configurations I have tried in an attempt to remedy the issue, here are the main issues:
It doesn't trigger the WOCHANGE to save when changed.
In addition to the value not being saved, I can change the value on one record, go to another and the value persists on the different record.
The field is readonly unless I define it to have an inputmode of DEFAULT. This is odd to me, because not defining inputmode usually implies default behavior (NOT readonly).
Here are the definitions for the SITEID attribute on both the WORKORDER
and WOCHANGE objects.
SITEID also uses a TABLE domain belonging to the SITE table.
Are there any attribute rules being applied from other sources that I should be checking?
That workorder field class on there may not be desired and may be messing with things, like setting the field to read-only. Site Id is commonly a read-only field, especially when the record is no longer a new record. Because of that, the logic to make that field read-only could be buried deeper in the Maximo business logic than just that field class. You are working with a field that has a lot of special meaning in Maximo, you are likely going to stumble into many built-in business rules.
Since non-persistent fields are not saved in the database (they are in memory fields only), I don't believe they trigger the flag for a record to be saved. What would be saved? Nothing in the database (a save) is to be changed yet.
Your screenshot however shows the field as persistent. Is WOCHANGE a view? I can't recall and no longer have the resources to check.

Active pivot DrillThrough header aliasing and specify on runtime which column to be extracted

Anyone did this, aliasing the header name in the drillthrough and also specifying which column to be extracted during runtime.
The reason is every user has specified set of column to be displayed in the drillthrough.
Some example is really great.
Thanks in advance
for header aliasing this could be done by overriding the QueriesService if you do not use AP Live, then when you execute the DT you add your own aliasing there.
If you want this to be per user then do this in a user context, see the sandbox for instance we implemented there a ReferenceCurrency which is a bespoke context. In your case you'll imlement the same logic but that context will deal with the aliasing.
When a DT query is fired you intercep it in QueriesService get the context for the user and apply the aliasing that has been defined for that user, think about keeping a default aliasing if nothing is defined for instance.

How does `mongoose` handle adding documents that have FIELDS that are __NOT__ part of the schema?

I'm playing around with quick start guide for mongoose.
I assumed that it would throw an error when I saved a document with a field NOT defined in the schema. Instead, it created a new document in the collection but without the field. (Note: I realize mongodb itself is "schema-less" so each document in a collection can be completely different from each other.)
two questions
How does mongoose handle adding documents that have fields that are NOT part of the schema? It seems like it just ignore them, and if none of the fields map, will create an empty document just with an ObjectId.
And how do you get mongoose to warn you if a specific field of a document hasn't been added even though the document successfully saved?
(The question is - I believe - simple enough, so I didn't add code, but I definitely will if someone requests.)
Q: How does mongoose handle adding documents that have fields that are NOT part of the schema?
The strict option, (enabled by default), ensures that values passed to our model constructor that were not specified in our schema do not get saved to the db.
- mongoose docs
Q: How do you get mongoose to warn you if a specific field of a document hasn't been added even though the document successfully saved?
The strict option may also be set to "throw" which will cause errors
to be produced instead of dropping the bad data. - mongoose docs
...but if you absolutely require saving keys that aren't in the schema, then you have to handle this yourself. Two approaches I can think of are:
1. To save keys that aren't in the schema, you could set strict to false on a specific model instance or on a specific update. Then, you'd need to write some validation that (a) the values in the document conformed to your standards and (b) the document saved in the database matched the document you sent over.
2. You could see if the Mixed schema type could serve your needs instead of disabling the validations that come with strict. (Scroll down to 'usage notes' on that link, as the link to the 'Mixed' documentation seems broken for the moment.)
Mongoose lets you add "validator" and "pre" middleware that perform useful functions. For instance, you could specify the required attribute in your schema to indicate that a specific property must be set. You could also specify a validator that you can craft to throw an error if the associated property doesn't meet your specifications. You can also set up a Mongoose "pre" validator that examines the document and throws an Error if it finds fields that are outside of your schema. By having your middleware call next() (or not), you can control whether you proceed to the document save (or not).
This question/response on stackoverflow can help with figuring out whether or not an object has a property.

SharePoint Managed Properties (Mappings) - Multiple Site Collections

Have mapped properties for custom fields used in multiple site collections.
The property is also used to display additional information on the search results page if it contains information.
The search results work fine as content from each site collection is returned, but the managed property only contains data for content found on one particular site collection.
When configuring the managed property, there is only one option available to select the custom field I wish to map.
A full crawl has completed since configuring the managed property. The content from each site collection is being indexed, but the managed properties are only populated with data for content on one site collection.
Are the fields available to select when configuring a managed property from all site collections, or do I need to change a setting somewhere to tell it to look for custom fields in an alternate site collection?
Thanks in advance.
I've done this before and it is possible and indeed straightforward, you do not need to set any special settings. Just make sure that the internal names of the fields are the same (or all names are mapped to the managed property) and all lists/sites are set to be included in search results
