I am trying to fetch data from one excel to another, but vlookup is not working properly
As you can see the data is present in the excel sheet. However, excel giving #NA error
But When manually copy records from Copy of DSOM Customer summary docs.xlsx then vlookup is working fine. I tried changing the text, style, format. vlookup is not working unless I manually copy data Copy of DSOM Customer summary docs file.
enter image description here
Why the comparison of these two same strings is giving a false message? Trimmed the data, everything is identitical.
I am having a weird problem with my excel sheet. It is because I have been trying to use the Index(range;Match();column()) to extract information from a big data set.
The problem is that the above formula, when I apply into one sheet, then it shows #REF. But if I copy/paste or connect the data to another sheet and run the index(match()) command there, then it works like it should. Does anyone have any clue what could be the error?
It is because right now I have a data set of almost 800 rows, and I can not connect it to a second sheet, since I dont want to overburden the file. So has anyone ever faced this issue before with their excel files?
I have used the exact method formula in the second sheet and it works. But it is this one sheet where the problem arises. I have been using vlookup() in the same sheet and it worked fine.
I have also uploaded the result now as well.
I am using DataGrip 2020.1.5 and trying to Copy and Paste certain table values from my table (DB is Oracle) to an Excel file.
The portion of values I want to copy is highlighted below.
Values are pasted in a strange format on the Excel; different rows, but all on one column
Paste Format is selected as Tab-seperated (TSV) and I tried to change the settings by Paste Format > Configure CSV Formats... by changing value seperator, but it made no difference.
Column names are also pasted even if I have not ticked the First row is header.
I also tried this copying on both MS Excel 2010 and 2016 still the same output.
I checked about this on the web, also Jetbrains documentation but didn't find anything useful. Perhaps I am missing something here.
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
First, what you are trying to do is to copy values to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel. DataGrip has nothing to do with how Excel pastes values, but DataGrip can copy them in the needed way.
I assume you need TSV format for your data in the clipboard. So you need to copy your values in TSV. To do so, please choose the corresponding extractor in the drop-down:
The option you tick, Paste format, has nothing to do with Excel or any other third party application. It defines in what format you have values when you are pasting into the DataGrip's spreadsheet.
Is there a way to fix #REF! error on COUNTIFS formulas when the reference spreadsheet gets replaced? For instance, I receive a new master spreadsheet in a different file every month. Using COUNTIFS, I created a table to count with specific criteria based on a master spreadsheet. When I receive a new file, I make a copy of the master spreadsheet and move it to the original file with the table. The old spreadsheet is deleted. The new spreadsheet is under the same name. However, the reference in COUNTIFS breaks and #REF! error occurs.
If there isn't a change to the masterfile, can you just do a data dump and copy/paste the new data over the old? This will prevent the original sheet from being deleted and causing the reference error. Another option would be to copy/paste the formulas over to the new mastersheet so the formulas are preserved.
I've been saving Google Sheets to Excel without any problems for a while. These sheets have always successfully saved and opened in Excel with the importrange function. However, recently it hasn't been successfully saving correctly.
It used to just have the static value (e.g, 40). There used to be an IFERROR in the first cell in the header row but now it exists in every single cell.
E.g, each cell would have something like this:
DUMMYFUNCTION throws an error and "40" is returned as a result. but "40" is a string, not an integer which messes up all my formulas.
I also know this isn't an Excel issue because OpenOffice is doing the same thing with the file.
I'm pretty sure this would be a bug because why would it be working for months and then suddenly stop working?
What should I do?
I'm thinking it's a bug too.
On Excel
Copy and paste as values only the ranges with IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(..., then use Excel's UI tools to convert numbers shown as text to numbers.
Selectively remove quotes on the IFERROR second argument of the cells causing problems
Remove =IFERROR(__xludf.DUMMYFUNCTION(),"value") except value (we could use Excel's built-in FIND & REPLACE for this)
On Google Sheets
Use Copy > Paste as values only on the range areas having formulas with non-compatible functions like IMPORTRANGE, QUERY, FILTER, etc.
If you only need the values, download it as CSV instead of XLSX
In order to help to prioritize this issue, send feedback to Google. To do this open a Google Sheets spreadsheet, click on Help > Report a problem, then fill the feedback form and submit it.
Related stuff
I posted 5 small articles about this in Spanish. You could find them listed on https://www.rubenrivera.mx/p/descargar-hcg-excel.html.
We accidentally created a workaround for this bug with a different sheet that was just set up like this.
This works when you IMPORTRANGE into another Google Sheet. We are doing it into a Google Sheet with a single worksheet - haven't tried it with multiple.
It's going to sound a little nuts but it works for us.
In the first cell of your import range put a hyperlink in the original document you are importing from. This is in the first cell of the import range. We linked it to a worksheet in the original document. It has worked and failed with an external link. With an external link it worked when I linked it to an internal link, then changed it. But when I deleted the cell and just straight linked it to an external URL it didn't work.
Then #timbo was right - put data validation in. This can be in part of the document that isn't being imported into the second sheet. I put it in the first line of the import range but outside what I was importing. It might have to be the first line. I just put a date in one cell, then in the next cell data > data validation > then choose that one date as the data range.
For aesthetics I have hidden the first row in one Google Sheet I am importing into. In another I made the first cell link the title of the sheet and put the data validation outside the import range. Both of these work.
Let me know if this works for you.
Until this bug is fixed, a workaround is to put a data validation (Data > Data Validation) on the imported data (Any kind of data validation will do).
I have an Excel Addin that generate data from database.
after loading data on sheet (sheet1) , I write excel functions(in sheet2)depending on that data , at the beginning it works great, but when I re-exrcute my function(sheet1)and then refresh the sheet2 I get the #REF error !!
Invalid cell reference errors occur when a spreadsheet formula contains incorrect cell references. This happens most often when:
Columns or rows containing data used in the formula are accidentally deleted.
A formula has been moved or copied to another cell and the cell references are incorrect.
Data used in a formula has been moved, leaving the function or formula with incorrect cell references
You need to go through it and find the error I'm afraid manually.
Is generating data operation generate same line count every time? If second generating operation generates less then first generation, your function couldn't find lines at the end and generate #REF error.
Is the table name changing when you run the add-in to generate data from the database? Your formula references Table1, but it is possible that the table name changes when you re-generate it using the add-in.