Why my LSTM for Multi-Label Text Classification underperforms? - keras

I'm using Windows 10 machine.
Libraries: Keras with Tensorflow 2.0
Embeddings:Glove(100 dimensions)
I am trying to implement an LSTM architecture for multi-label text classification.
My problem is that no matter how much fine-tuning I do, the results are really bad.
I am not experienced in DL practical implementations that's why I ask for your advice.
Below I will state basic information about my dataset and my model so far.
I can't embed images since I am a new member so they appear as links.
Dataset form+Embedings form+train-test-split form
Dataset's labels distribution
My Implementation of LSTM
Model's Summary
Model's Accuracy plot
Model's Loss plot
As you can see my dataset is really small (~6.000 examples) and maybe that's one reason why I cannot achieve better results. Still, I chose it because it's unbiased.
I'd like to know if there is any fundamental mistake in my code regarding the dimensions, shape, activation functions, and loss functions for multi-label text classification?
What would you recommend to achieve better results on my model? Also any general advice regarding optimizing, methods,# of nodes, layers, dropouts, etc is very welcome.
Model's best val accuracy that I achieved so far is ~0.54 and even if I tried to raise it, it seems stuck there.

There are many ways to get this wrong but the most common mistake is to get your model overfit the training data.
I suspect that 0.54 accuracy means that your model selects the most common label (offensive) for almost all cases.
So, consider one of these simple solutions:
Create balanced training data: like 400 samples from each class.
or sample balanced batches for training (exactly the same number of labels on each training batch)
In addition to tracking accuracy and loss, look at precision-recall-f1 or even better try plotting area under curve, maybe different classes need different thresholds of activation. (If you are using Sigmoid on last layer maybe one class could perform better with 0.2 activations and another class with 0.7)

first try simple model. embedding 1 layer LSTM than classify
how to tokenize text , is vocab size enough ?
try dice loss


What type of optimization to perform on my multi-label text classification LSTM model with Keras?

I'm using Windows 10 machine. Libraries: Keras with Tensorflow 2.0 Embeddings: Glove(100 dimensions).
I am trying to implement an LSTM architecture for multi-label text classification.
I am using different types of fine-tuning to achieve better results but with no luck so far.
The main problem I believe is the difference in class distributions of my dataset but after a lot of tries and errors, I couldn't implement stratified-k-split in Keras.
I am also experimenting with dropout layers, batch sizes, # of layers, learning rates, clip values, validation splits but I get a minimum boost or worst performance sometimes.
For metrics, I use mainly ROC and F1.
I also followed the suggestion from a StackOverflow member who said to delete some of my examples so I can balance my dataset but if I do that I will have a very low number of examples.
What would you suggest to me?
If someone can provide code based on my implementation for
stratified-k-split I would be grateful cause I have checked all the
online resources but can't implement it.
Any tips, suggestions will be really helpful.
Metrics Plots
Dataset form+Embedings form+train-test-split form
Dataset's labels distribution
My LSTM implementation

Large dataset - ANN

I am trying to classify around 400K data with 13 attributes. I have used python sklearn's SVM package, but it didn't work, and then I learned that SVM's are not suitable for large dataset classification. Then I used the (sklearn) ANN using the following MLPClassifier:
MLPClassifier(solver='adam', alpha=1e-5, random_state=1,activation='relu', max_iter=500)
and trained the system using 200K samples, and tested the model on the remaining ones. The classification worked well. However, my concern is that the system is over trained or overfit. Can you please guide me on the number of hidden layers and node sizes to make sure that there is no overfit? (I have learned that the default implementation has 100 hidden neurons. Is it ok to use the default implementation as is?)
To know if your are overfitting you have to compute:
Training set accuracy
Test set accuracy
Once you have calculated this scores, compare it. If training set score is much better than your test set score, then you are overfitting. This means that your model is "memorizing" your data, instead of learning from it to make future predictions.
If you are overfitting with Neuronal Networks you probably have to reduce the number of layers and reduce the number of neurons per layer. There isn't any strict rule that says the number of layer or neurons you need depending on you dataset size. Every dataset can behaves completely different with the same dataset size.
So, to conclude, if you are overfitting, you would have to evaluate your model accuracy using different parameters of layers and number of neurons, and, then, observe with which values you obtain the best results. There are some methods you can use to find the best parameters, is like gridsearchCV.

Model underfitting

I have trained a model and it took me quite a while to find the correct hyperparameters.
The model has now been trained for 15h and it seems to to its job quite well.
When I observed the training and validation loss though, the training loss is somewhat higher than the validation loss. (red curve: training, green: validation)
I use dropout to regularize my model and as far as I have understood, droput is is only applied during training which might be the reason.
Now Iam wondering if I have trained a valid model?
It doesn't seem like the model is heavily underfitted?
Thanks in advance for any advice,
First, check whether you have good data set, i.e., if it is a classification, then get equal number of images for all classes and get it from same source not from different sources. And regularization, dropout are used for overfitting/High variance so don't worry about these.
Then, I think your model is doing good when you trained your model the initial error between them are different but as you increased the epochs then they both got into some steady path. So it is good. And may be reason for this is as I mentioned above or you should try shuffle them then using train_test_split for getting better distribution of training and validation sets.
A plot of learning curves shows a good fit if:
The plot of training loss decreases to a point of stability.
The plot of validation loss decreases to a point of stability and has a small gap with the training loss.
In your case these conditions are satisfied.
Still if you want to deal with High Bias/underfitting then here are few methods:
Train bigger models
Train longer. Use better optimization techniques
Try different Neural Network Architecture and also hyper parameters
And also you can use cross-validation or GridSearchCV for finding better optimizer or hyper parameters but it may take really long because you have to train it on different parameters each time considering your time which is 15 hours then it might be very long but you will find better parameters and then train on it.
Above all I think your model is doing okay.
If your model underfits, its performance will be lower, similar as in the case of overfitting, because actually it can not learn effectively to get the optimal result, i.e the proper function to fit the given distribution. So you have to use less regularization technique e.g. less dropout to get the optimal result.
Furthermore the sampling can also be crucial, because there can be training-validation subsets where your model performs well on validation set and less effective on training set and vice-versa. This is one of the reason why we use crossvalidation and different sampling methods e.g. stratified k-fold.

How to improve validation accuracy in training convolutional neural network?

I am training a CNN model(made using Keras). Input image data has around 10200 images. There are 120 classes to be classified. Plotting the data frequency, I can see that sample data for every class is more or less uniform in terms of distribution.
Problem I am facing is loss plot for training data goes down with epochs but for validation data it first falls and then goes on increasing. Accuracy plot reflects this. Accuracy for training data finally settles down at .94 but for validation data its around 0.08.
Basically its case of over fitting.
I am using learning rate of 0.005 and dropout of .25.
What measures can I take to get better accuracy for validation? Is it possible that sample size for each class is too small and I may need data augmentation to have more data points?
Hard to say what could be the reason. First you can try classical regularization techniques like reducing the size of your model, adding dropout or l2/l1-regularizers to the layers. But this is more like randomly guessing the models hyperparameters and hoping for the best.
The scientific approach would be to look at the outputs for your model and try to understand why it produces these outputs and obviously checking your pipeline. Did you had a look at the outputs (are they all the same)? Did you preprocess the validation data the same way as the training data? Did you made a stratified train/test-split, i.e. keeping the class distribution the same in both sets? Is the data shuffles when you feed it to your model?
In the end you have about ~85 images per class which is really not a lot, compare CIFAR-10 resp. CIFAR-100 with 6000/600 images per class or ImageNet with 20k classes and 14M images (~500 images per class). So data augmentation could be beneficial as well.

Best Way to Overcome Early Convergence for Machine Learning Model

I have a machine learning model built that tries to predict weather data, and in this case I am doing a prediction on whether or not it will rain tomorrow (a binary prediction of Yes/No).
In the dataset there is about 50 input variables, and I have 65,000 entries in the dataset.
I am currently running a RNN with a single hidden layer, with 35 nodes in the hidden layer. I am using PyTorch's NLLLoss as my loss function, and Adaboost for the optimization function. I've tried many different learning rates, and 0.01 seems to be working fairly well.
After running for 150 epochs, I notice that I start to converge around .80 accuracy for my test data. However, I would wish for this to be even higher. However, it seems like the model is stuck oscillating around some sort of saddle or local minimum. (A graph of this is below)
What are the most effective ways to get out of this "valley" that the model seems to be stuck in?
Not sure why exactly you are using only one hidden layer and what is the shape of your history data but here are the things you can try:
Try more than one hidden layer
Experiment with LSTM and GRU layer and combination of these layers together with RNN.
Shape of your data i.e. the history you look at to predict the weather.
Make sure your features are scaled properly since you have about 50 input variables.
Your question is little ambiguous as you mentioned RNN with a single hidden layer. Also without knowing the entire neural network architecture, it is tough to say how can you bring in improvements. So, I would like to add a few points.
You mentioned that you are using "Adaboost" as the optimization function but PyTorch doesn't have any such optimizer. Did you try using SGD or Adam optimizers which are very useful?
Do you have any regularization term in the loss function? Are you familiar with dropout? Did you check the training performance? Does your model overfit?
Do you have a baseline model/algorithm so that you can compare whether 80% accuracy is good or not?
150 epochs just for a binary classification task looks too much. Why don't you start from an off-the-shelf classifier model? You can find several examples of regression, classification in this tutorial.
